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[TF2] It's MANN Vs. Machine!


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My config uses Q to switch between the primary and secondary weapons, so switching through my weapons is really easy because I never use the melees.




Just on a side note, anyone else play without viewmodels on?


Without what on?




You can set it in multiplayer settings, like when playing soldier you see the rocket launcher when it's out? Most competitive people turn that off to get a full view of the screen. I like it a bit but it makes melee really hard :S




Doesn't really seem worth it to me, but then again I just PUB and that would just feel weird as [cabbage] without any gun.

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My config uses Q to switch between the primary and secondary weapons, so switching through my weapons is really easy because I never use the melees.




Just on a side note, anyone else play without viewmodels on?


Without what on?




You can set it in multiplayer settings, like when playing soldier you see the rocket launcher when it's out? Most competitive people turn that off to get a full view of the screen. I like it a bit but it makes melee really hard :S




Doesn't really seem worth it to me, but then again I just PUB and that would just feel weird as [cabbage] without any gun.




You should start using meele weapons they really usefull, i found they better than a shotgun at shortrange, becouse when you take them out and circle around your enemie, your enemie just panics and you can kill it, unless is a pyro...

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My config uses Q to switch between the primary and secondary weapons, so switching through my weapons is really easy because I never use the melees.




Just on a side note, anyone else play without viewmodels on?


Without what on?




You can set it in multiplayer settings, like when playing soldier you see the rocket launcher when it's out? Most competitive people turn that off to get a full view of the screen. I like it a bit but it makes melee really hard :S




Doesn't really seem worth it to me, but then again I just PUB and that would just feel weird as [cabbage] without any gun.




You should start using meele weapons they really usefull, i found they better than a shotgun at shortrange, becouse when you take them out and circle around your enemie, your enemie just panics and you can kill it, unless is a pyro...




Shotgun does roughly 100 dmg per shot point blank, scattergun does a little more if I recall, which means you can pretty much 2 shot most classes. Melee weapons tend to be useless against competent people because of how close you have to be and their generally slow ROF(except the axetinguisher, that thing kicks [wagon]). You should really only be using melee weapons to finish off weak people.




On another note, I only play with viewmodels off when I play scout, it helps my aim for some reason.




Edit: I forgot that most of you guys play with crits on. With crits on melee weapons are a little more viable because of their ridiculous crit percentage.

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Yea, I can't tell you how many times I've been one-hit critted by an engineer. That should just not happen. And yes, axetinguisher is awesome.




So sniper is ambidextrous, apparantly. He holds his sniper rifle right-handed but uses the Hunstman left handed.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Yea, I can't tell you how many times I've been one-hit critted by an engineer. That should just not happen. And yes, axetinguisher is awesome.




So sniper is ambidextrous, apparantly. He holds his sniper rifle right-handed but uses the Hunstman left handed.




Did you just now notice that? I remember people complaining about it a while ago. :lol:






I've been playing demoman some more recently, getting a little better at it but still can't play it as well as soldier or sniper. I do still love his taunt though, "Kah-beem!!!!".






WTB Demoman or soldier update. :P (Demoman should totally get proximity bombs)

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Nah, I noticed, I just always forgot to say anything until now.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Yea, I can't tell you how many times I've been one-hit critted by an engineer. That should just not happen. And yes, axetinguisher is awesome.




So sniper is ambidextrous, apparantly. He holds his sniper rifle right-handed but uses the Hunstman left handed.




Did you just now notice that? I remember people complaining about it a while ago. :lol:






I've been playing demoman some more recently, getting a little better at it but still can't play it as well as soldier or sniper. I do still love his taunt though, "Kah-beem!!!!".






WTB Demoman or soldier update. :P (Demoman should totally get proximity bombs)


I thought the soldier sucked until I really started playing as it. It still is technically my worst class according to the loading screen, but I've lead a team as soldier a few times. I like demoman better though.



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Today I got Spies Like Us.




At the time I didn't know why I got it, I was just walking around as a spy and it came up. Laughed like hell when I read what it was for :lol:


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Today I got Spies Like Us.




At the time I didn't know why I got it, I was just walking around as a spy and it came up. Laughed like hell when I read what it was for :lol:


What is it for?




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Today I got Spies Like Us.




At the time I didn't know why I got it, I was just walking around as a spy and it came up. Laughed like hell when I read what it was for :lol:


What is it for?




While cloaked, bump into another cloaked spy.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Which is better, Scattergun or Force-a-Nature?




You'll have to do decent with the Scattergun to get the Force-A-Nature anyway, but I'd say the latter is better.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Which is better, Scattergun or Force-a-Nature?




You'll have to do decent with the Scattergun to get the Force-A-Nature anyway, but I'd say the latter is better.


Item drops now make that pointless, I prefer the Force-A-Nature personally, saved my [wagon] a few times when a wild pyro appears while I'm mid-air after a double jump.

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I prefer the scattergun. Since I play against other scouts who tend to hit most of their shots, using the FAN is a little suicidal because unless you manage to kill them in those 2 shots you're dead due to the huge reload time.




In pub play I still prefer the scatter just because of how much more damage you can do with it in a 2-3 second time period. FAN isn't overpowered by any means, it's just [bleep]ing annoying.

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Everyone says FAN is overpowered.




Yeah it is pretty annoying now, they should make it take at least 3 shots to kill people, that way it encourages scouts to finish off people with the pistol.


The scout is already mowed down by sentrys, heavys and pyros, if you had to actively engage someone then the scout class would be broken.

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I could go for that. But then my poor skills would be made readily apparant. Ah, what the hell. I'll do it. Surely I'm up to par with most of you guys.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Lol me and jj were talking and thought it would be cool if we had a tif tf2 night, Jj can get us a server to use so it'd be only tifers. Anybody interested?


Im all for it.


That would be some fun.


The only tiffers I've (knowingly) played with are Errdoth, Ultima, and Nadril.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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