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Well, if it was a really young child, she would pretty much have to feed it breastmilk. Most mothers prefer that at a young age, and its far healthier. Then again, why she had a very young child in a quality restaurant is beyond me. But it's better than the child screaming.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I'm simply saying, is it really necessary to breastfeed in the middle of a restaurant? Let me stress the key word here. Restaurant. While i and possibly a few other people were eating. I'm lucky i didnt get the garlic butter on my steak, and went with good ol' mustard.




If the baby is hungry, in short YES, it's absolutely necessary. Just be thankful you don't live in Africa or somewhere where it's socially encouraged to breast feed in front of everybody else's children. They gather around, watch and learn so they know how to feed their child when the time comes.




"restaurant" - Just because you go to a nice fancy place doesn't mean you act like a complete snobby twit. If it's such a big deal for your taste and not up to your standards of behaviour, go home and go ask Mr. Jeeves to cook you a roast, you bloody whiner :D




Just my opinion but if my kid groaned about it in the restaurant, I'd flick his ear and tell him to grow up. That's after I tease him for seeing his first boob :twisted:



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I really don't understand what's so disgusting there, it was just a mother feeding a child, nothing else. Why is seeing a breast so "de-appetizing"?




I think it's because it's a slap-in-the-face reminder that they once did the same thing. To most people, that feels a little creepy to them and they'd rather not be reminded.

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I'm only posting this because i'm feeling sick from what i saw about 1hr ago.


I was eating in a restaurant, a nice meal, (a great meal actually) while some women in front of me, lifts up her shirt and publicly while trying to hide it (but failing) starts breastfeeding her baby. Now i appreciate the fact she had 3 children all quite young, and she wants to keep them calm etc, incase they have a temper tantrum or something (her baby was crying) But still in a good restaurant, to breastfeed?!!?


It would be okay if it was in some crappy Macdonalds or something, but in a fairly good, quality restaurant i was in, i just thought it was inapproriate. And de-appetizing. So has anyone else seen stuff like this ? :shock:




Welcome to reality. Some things you see you may not like. Kids need to be fed, and naturally for infants that comes in the form of breast milk.




Classy restaurant or not, the kid would not be able to stomach solids, and the mother didn't want her child to starve. Too bad for you, I'm afraid.

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On a more serious note.




1. Can't the kid wait 30 minutes?


2. You CAN do it in the bathroom.




1. No, have you ever dealt with a crying baby? They're not gonna wait for anything, especially not for the convenience of some stranger lol.




2. Doesn't sound very sanitary.

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On a more serious note.




1. Can't the kid wait 30 minutes?


2. You CAN do it in the bathroom.




1. No, have you ever dealt with a crying baby? They're not gonna wait for anything, especially not for the convenience of some stranger lol.




2. Doesn't sound very sanitary.


And why should it really matter if they are not doing it in the bathroom. The kids hungry let it have something to eat.


I bet you wouldn't eat in most resturants bathrooms now would you?

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On a more serious note.




1. Can't the kid wait 30 minutes?


2. You CAN do it in the bathroom.




1. No, have you ever dealt with a crying baby? They're not gonna wait for anything, especially not for the convenience of some stranger lol.




2. Doesn't sound very sanitary.


And why should it really matter if they are not doing it in the bathroom. The kids hungry let it have something to eat.


I bet you wouldn't eat in most resturants bathrooms now would you?


It's a bit different... I'm sure that 5 month old needs the finest quality of sucking on mommy boobs. (I don't when it comes to other moms :D)

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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I don't have a problem with it at all, although perhaps if the location was slightly closer in proximity terms it might be polite if the mother asked whether or not the person nearby is okay with it. It would take a hard-hearted person to say no.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I have nothing against breastfeeders. They're just giving their babies what nature has provided them. In all seriousness, i would rather my kids (if i have any) were breatfed rather than have some artificial powdered mix that came in a can. :|

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I have nothing against breastfeeders. They're just giving their babies what nature has provided them. In all seriousness, i would rather my kids (if i have any) were breatfed rather than have some artificial powdered mix that came in a can. :|


Unless it gave them superpowers.


Then I'd tooootally choose option two.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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For all those saying that the bathroom is unsanitary, you're very wrong. The bathroom actually tends to be more clean than your actual eating area. I can't quote it, but I remember reading somewhere that making a sandwich on the toilet seat was more sanitary than your home breadboard.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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I have nothing against breastfeeders. They're just giving their babies what nature has provided them. In all seriousness, i would rather my kids (if i have any) were breatfed rather than have some artificial powdered mix that came in a can. :|


Unless it gave them superpowers.


Then I'd tooootally choose option two.

that goes into my bloggeh under "funny quotes from Tiffers! :thumbsup:

99 Firemaking 30-5-2010 | 99 Fletching 13-7-2014
TET-AU member:6-10-2010 - 21-10-2011

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For all those saying that the bathroom is unsanitary, you're very wrong. The bathroom actually tends to be more clean than your actual eating area. I can't quote it, but I remember reading somewhere that making a sandwich on the toilet seat was more sanitary than your home breadboard.




We must go to totally different restaurants.

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For all those saying that the bathroom is unsanitary, you're very wrong. The bathroom actually tends to be more clean than your actual eating area. I can't quote it, but I remember reading somewhere that making a sandwich on the toilet seat was more sanitary than your home breadboard.




We must go to totally different restaurants.




Range This is talking about in your house. Your talking about restaurants.


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You politcally correct bastard.




It's the human body, damnit, it is nothing to be afraid of. The Romans and Greeks had wonderful art of the human body, and you act like it is dirt.




Public nudity (which according to the public counts breasts) is generally frowned upon in public places, ESPECIALLY restaraunts.

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Breastfeeding in public is fine, but doing it in a place where people are trying to enjoy a dinner? Come on, at least take it to the bathroom or something please.




Guess you like to eat in the bathroom.


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You have been brought up to think of public nudity as a bad thing.




We were brought into the world naked, why should we change as we grow up? Because thats what some people thought would be best.




Our attitudes towards things are mostly related to where we live, and therefore our social upbringings.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Why are boobs illegal to show in public anyway, I mean it's not a sexual organ or anything.




Veiwed in a sexual way I suppose.




However, they basically have the same purpose as udders on a cow.




Hell, the same purpose as them on female animals. Shall we start clothing animals now?


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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