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can i borrow your partyhat....?


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with the new item lending system, I've seen those words about 10 times in an hour.


I think this will have a horrible effect on the economy for rares for starters.


you can no longer tell if somebody is experienced at the game by looking at them(lets be honest, if somebody has a partyhat, you can tell they're long time players, that, or account traders)


having a party hat no longer makes you special, theres no more acheivement in finally buying your nice blue crown. as a level 60 next to you has one too, you dont get the same buzz you would if you were the only one around(which, a lot of the time, you were).




why did jagex put party hats and santa hats in the item lending list? didn't they realise the negative effect this will have?








Sorry, I disagree with all of this. I never thought anything positive about people with party hats, and I will continue to think that way because I couldn't give two [cabbage] about who is wearing one.




I will agree the constant asking to borrow stuff is highly annoying and has gotten me to the point of wishing it was never implemented. I hope for the sake of all of our sanity, like quick chat, all of the constant talk about it will go away after a few days...

i agree i hat phats

A slaYer KiD.png


Effigies: 5


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Or account traders? Can't people simply work up cash via merchanting/have cash left over from staking/pking?




Can a level 60 who worked his [wagon] off own a party hat if he bought it himself?


I agree with what you're saying but you didn't put much effort into your thread did you?

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with the new item lending system, I've seen those words about 10 times in an hour.


I think this will have a horrible effect on the economy for rares for starters.


you can no longer tell if somebody is experienced at the game by looking at them(lets be honest, if somebody has a partyhat, you can tell they're long time players, that, or account traders)


having a party hat no longer makes you special, theres no more acheivement in finally buying your nice blue crown. as a level 60 next to you has one too, you dont get the same buzz you would if you were the only one around(which, a lot of the time, you were).




why did jagex put party hats and santa hats in the item lending list? didn't they realise the negative effect this will have?








Sorry, I disagree with all of this. I never thought anything positive about people with party hats, and I will continue to think that way because I couldn't give two [cabbage] about who is wearing one.




I will agree the constant asking to borrow stuff is highly annoying and has gotten me to the point of wishing it was never implemented. I hope for the sake of all of our sanity, like quick chat, all of the constant talk about it will go away after a few days...




I guarantee you'd feel differently if it were skillcapes being lent out - which is essentially the same thing...at least I know I wouldn't want to see any random player walking around with a slayer cape.

May the presents of our lord and savior, Santa, be with you this holiday season!

First annual Clausmas - 2009 December 25

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Didn't you expect this? Jagex made item lending for the chidren, because that's the only players they really care about these days.




That's obviously not true. They made it for all the players who used to lend items before the RWT changes. However, now through a controlled and safe system for it.

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I think borrowed items should show up slightly transparent or something. But if you do get accused of not being the original owner, just show it in a trade, like someone else mentioned. Or switch to other rares if you have more.




I was curious whether or not I'd get spammed to let people borrow my phats when I logged on f2p. Surprisingly, I don't really think the majority of f2p players even know what party hats are anymore. A few months ago I was curious about that, and asked several f2pers what they think the GE values my hat at. About half had no idea it was worth millions.

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You just need to remember that you are the original owner of the item in question.


That is all that matters. See a lvl 48 with a phat? Question him about it. Most likely it's "i borrowed it"


when you borrow somebody's item... It just doesn't have that feel as when you worked your [wagon] off to get the item yourself. :)

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Yeah people asking me for my green all the time. It can be annoying, but just have to live with it.




Most common lines:




"Wow, nice level + Party hat" - Then the begging starts


"Nice party hat!!! Can i wear it for 5 seconds please?"


"I pay 20k to wear your hat for 1min"


"I will give you my santa hat, if you give me ur party hat for awhile"


"You must be rich!!! Do you have extra party hat to spare?"


"GIVE ME YOUR HAT NOW" - I actually let him wear it just because i was so turned on by the determination he had. He didn't beg for it, he acted like it was his. :twisted:




Noob: Could you BARROW your hat for me?


Friend: Yeah come on runite, BARROW your hat for him.


Me: I don't really like BARROWING, Do you jen?


Friend: Not really.




Please... It's BORROW, not BARROW. I tried to correct this one guy from Netherlands, but he kept typing over me BARROW PLZZZ.




Ahhh well in the end their just kids probably who are asking, so it's all good :) maybe someone will let them to wear the hat and it will make their day.



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People are making far too big a deal over this. It makes me sad seeing some of the elitist comments coming from people with rares who dont want ppl to think they borrowed them. Geez get over it. Phats, santas and masks were never meant to be these status symbols. Shame on you.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Didn't you expect this? Jagex made item lending for the chidren, because that's the only players they really care about these days.




That's obviously not true. They made it for all the players who used to lend items before the RWT changes. However, now through a controlled and safe system for it.




I never borrowed any item. Only thing I ever borrowed is 4m cash from a real live friend to buy a Fury, which I gave back.




And common, check the updates:


Which higher lvled player needs a lending service for not only friends but for everybody?


Which half decent p2p player wants a stupid ring that does low alchemy or teleports you to the cabbage fields south of Falador? I know it's usable for farming but it's still almost useless imo.

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Well I did find that letting them borrow Phats was stupid. I can understand weapons like godswords because If I have 120m and want to buy AGS I don't want to do something stupid and so by getting it lent to me I can try it out and if I like it, I would use it. There are now "businesses" going on of things like, If I borrow your AGS or something I pay you like 100k an hour or something.

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Even when I am NOT wearing any good items, noobs still bother me and ask me to lend them items! Then I have to log out and switch to another server just to get rid of the aggravation. I'm hiding out at the mining guild for now but even there people still ask for items.




Please, do I look like some sort of lending machine? :wall:

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I'm level 127 and ppl dont bother me too much about lending. Just say no or ignore them Meili theres no need to hop servers or hide away. It will die down in a few weeks just like the quick chat spam



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Or account traders? Can't people simply work up cash via merchanting/have cash left over from staking/pking?




Can a level 60 who worked his [wagon] off own a party hat if he bought it himself?


I agree with what you're saying but you didn't put much effort into your thread did you?




that would mean that they would be an experienced merchenter/pker. which also means they are experienced with the game.


you tell me i didn't put much effort into my thread, well you put little effort(and common sense) into your answer.


(not trying to start an argument)

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It's just the hype. Wait about a week and you should get less requests.




Unfortunately I don't think it will stop or get less.




Remember when people constantly begged for free stuff before the 3k trade limit came out? It's the same thing. People will not stop asking to borrow items as long as it's possible.




I just ignore them.

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I have exactly the same thoughts as you Ross.




I mean, what the hell? There used to be a novelty in knowing that you had a rare item, but it's not the same feeling anymore.


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