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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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Are you sure she's single?

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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I'm mad. This girl has ignored all my messages. It's ridiculous. I even asked her why and she ignored that one too.




Many girls these days are ridiculous.




Did she even give you her real number? (or screen name, or however you crazy kids communicate these days). Regardless, I suggest move on. She seems like a waste of time to me.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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My friend is going out with a girl I had a crush on for over a year.


:? lucky bastard.


I tell him all the time, but I dont hint I liked her :lol:




EDIT: I kinda still do :(


And I was just stating, I dont need help o.o

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Ok so I'm 18. From the time I was 12 untill this year I had 0 girlfriends, I had a hook up every now and then but never anything serious.




So this February I met this amazing beautiful girl who lives just right down the street from me, I've known her for a while but it's a wierd situation.




Anyways, we hit it off right away and we started dating about 2 weeks later. Everything(to me) was going great, I was the happiest i had ever been, literally. So then she starts getting me to goto her youth group...not a big deal, I mean, I'm not exactly a christian but it's whatever. So at her youth group there's this guy named Quencie, and her and him would text every now and then, but I didn't think anything of it because she was always texting someone. Anyways, so about a month into this I've noticed they've ben flirting way too much, and I feel the walls crumbling around me. Sure enough she goes on this youth convention trip over a weekend, comes back, breakes up with me of course.




Well at first I just wanted to die, I couldn't understand what was wrong with me, what I did wrong. Almost immediatly she starts dating him, which makes me feel like she never cared anyway. Which honestly she probobly didn't, she was in a good mood when she broke up with me. Anyways at first it was awkward, I really didn't talk to her at all. But then after a few weeks I started hanging out with her all the time and we became best friends, which is a bad way to describe the relationship because we were even closer than when we dated. Regardless, so we stayed real tight all this Summer, hung out every day, I would even sleep with her (Not sexually). So that kept up for a long while, and just recently she break up with him because the whole time he treated her badly. Which kind of made me feel worse, she didn't even give me a second chance, yet she put up with so much from him. It made me feel like I wasn't worth anyones time..




So I thought I stood a good chance of getting her back, but as usual, I'm an idiot. We started hanging out more at my house with my friends, and lucky me! She falls for my best friend.. which makes me feel even more worthless, because all the excuses she gave me for breaking up with me are the same problems he has. I obviously just wasn't worth it.. So anyways they're together now, and I feel like I've lost 2 best friends.




Whenever I'm around them I get the sharpest pain in my chest, it's unbearable. I'm holding back tears constantly just thinking about all of this.. I don't understand why i waited 6 years only to be crushed, why would this happen to me? Why would the most perfect situation come around just for me to ruin it.. I just feel like dieing, she's a diabetic and everytime I'm at her house I have to keep myself from injecting myself with insulin.




I don't really need any help because honestly what could anyone do, or say... I just needed to say all of this to someone, I'll post sopme pics of me and her to make it alittle more personal.




This is us..



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Do all relationships that end, end badly?




I'm in high school. For the past 8 months I was in a relationship with a girl that I really, really, liked. I even loved her. It was pretty rocky, though. She (said that she) had many insecurities that I just could not dispel. For example, she did not like that she was not my first ever girlfriend and that my friends were shy of her (they're still at the awkward-around-girls stage). She admitted that she did not think that she was able to be in a relationship. She made all this deal that we should break up because she was "not mature enough". Most of the time, though, she and I had a lot of fun spending time with each other and everything seemed fine.




Then, finally, she breaks up with me. Well, I had seen it coming. I was surprised that I didn't feel too bad. A little empty or alone-in-the-world (I have problems with my family probably more severe than most teenagers, so I don't bond with them very much) but, all in all, ok. I just continue my life and consider our split for the better, as it wasn't working out for her towards the end. Then, a week later, I find out that the day after she broke up with me, she started a relationship with a close male friend of hers who goes through girlfriends pretty quickly. Now, for some reason, I feel very sad/bad. Were they waiting for my relationship with her to end so that they could start one? Isn't that pretty tactless? What she did is completely inconsistent with why she told me she wanted to break up with me. She had accused me of dating her just as a "bounce-back". Well, what is this new development? Everything I did with her feels like a lie, like she was just trying to get rid of me so that she could take this other person.




I believed her when she told me that she loved me and I believed myself when I told her the same. But are we really mature enough to make those judgments? Should high schoolers even have relationships? What if they know that they will break up when one of them graduates?




I guess what I am looking for are some words of wisdom, and some help to make myself not feel so bad right now.

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Many, many relationships end badly. I want to say most. 99.9% of mine have. (Have I had a hundred? Or a thousand? Well, out of my four or five actual relationships, they've all ended badly.)




Now, eight months, that is a long time. It's possible that you loved her, although I'd still lean towards liking her a hell of a lot. You have to remember that a lot of stuff high school girls do, they do because it's stupid. That goes for guys too, but we're talking about girls here ... Take example A: One of my best friends, we attempted dating a while ago. Now she dates a guy who literally sits in his house and smokes pot all day (and tries to make music, but it sucks). I know this kid, we went to his house once and that's all he wanted to do. She says she loves him. She's actually given him money for weed (in high school, unless you're buying dinner or a gift or something, you never actually give money to someone. At least, I haven't and don't plan to.). I've told her he's an [wagon], and most of her girlfriends agree. That's one of the major reasons why she dates him. Rebellion is exciting.




Anyways, I've been dragging on. Just don't worry that she did that. You just gotta find a new girl now.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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It made me feel like I wasn't worth anyones time..




I'm an idiot... which makes me feel even more worthless, I obviously just wasn't worth it..




Whenever I'm around them I get the sharpest pain in my chest, it's unbearable. I'm holding back tears constantly just thinking about all of this.. I don't understand why i waited 6 years only to be crushed, why would this happen to me? Why would the most perfect situation come around just for me to ruin it.. I just feel like dieing, she's a diabetic and everytime I'm at her house I have to keep myself from injecting myself with insulin.




Ehhhh, I know how you feel dude. I had depression for 3-4 years and words can't describe how much it sucks. Not saying you're depressed, but I know what it's like to feel how you do, and what train of though you need to get out of it.




I wanted to post this so you would hopefully start fixing the problems before they get worse. The worse they get the harder they are to fix them.




You have inner game and confidence issues, I really suggest reading mastering your hidden self by serge king. As for feeling worthless, read this:




Different parts of your brain light up and connect with each other in different situations. The more times they light up together, the more connected they are and the more easily they both light up together. Part of your ear is what helps you balance, when you walk across a balance beam, tip to the left then correct yourself, billions of parts of your brain are all lighting up and connecting. Do this enough times and you get good balance.




If you feel depressed and then turn on your tv, these parts of your brain light up and connect with each other. Do it a few times and you will be depressed every time you turn on your tv. This can happen with every thing in life, and is what leads to a downward spiral of feeling [cabbage]ty all the time.




I want you to look for good things and point them out to yourself, no matter how small they are. When it's a nice day, when you don't have to wait long for the bus, when a friend lends you $5 etc. It will get easier the more times you do it, and it will definitely help because you are starting to relate good thoughts to different things, and make new connections over the old.




After a while of doing this, it's only a matter of being more social and putting yourself in more fun situations. I used to speak maybe 3 sentences in a week, and always be at home. This went on for years. Now people are amazed with all the stories I have of the stuff I get into.




As for feeling worthless, this is counterproductive in attracting women and life in general. I'm an extreme case, but I have a ridiculous amount of confidence, and I honestly think all girls can't keep their grubby paws off me. Call me arrogant/vain/a jerk or whatever you want, but it works out pretty well. Nothing will fall in your lap, you need to know you deserve it, and take it.




Remember: You are amazing. People love you and respect you. You radiate charisma,charm, and grace. You stand out from everyone around you. Talking to you is a privilege. And you deserve the best the world has to offer. It's all out there , waiting for you to take it.




Know this. Tell the mirror this every day to hard wire it into yourself if you want. It sounds cheesy, but it's true.

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Do all relationships that end, end badly?




I'm in high school. For the past 8 months I was in a relationship with a girl that I really, really, liked. I even loved her. It was pretty rocky, though. She (said that she) had many insecurities that I just could not dispel. For example, she did not like that she was not my first ever girlfriend and that my friends were shy of her (they're still at the awkward-around-girls stage). She admitted that she did not think that she was able to be in a relationship. She made all this deal that we should break up because she was "not mature enough". Most of the time, though, she and I had a lot of fun spending time with each other and everything seemed fine.




Then, finally, she breaks up with me. Well, I had seen it coming. I was surprised that I didn't feel too bad. A little empty or alone-in-the-world (I have problems with my family probably more severe than most teenagers, so I don't bond with them very much) but, all in all, ok. I just continue my life and consider our split for the better, as it wasn't working out for her towards the end. Then, a week later, I find out that the day after she broke up with me, she started a relationship with a close male friend of hers who goes through girlfriends pretty quickly. Now, for some reason, I feel very sad/bad. Were they waiting for my relationship with her to end so that they could start one? Isn't that pretty tactless? What she did is completely inconsistent with why she told me she wanted to break up with me. She had accused me of dating her just as a "bounce-back". Well, what is this new development? Everything I did with her feels like a lie, like she was just trying to get rid of me so that she could take this other person.




I believed her when she told me that she loved me and I believed myself when I told her the same. But are we really mature enough to make those judgments? Should high schoolers even have relationships? What if they know that they will break up when one of them graduates?




I guess what I am looking for are some words of wisdom, and some help to make myself not feel so bad right now.


A few things that hopefully will help.




You are a one-of-a-kind, unique, wonderful person, and there is the perfect person for you out there. And you will find them eventually. Dating early is much better than waiting - you learn the ropes of what to do and what not to do; more importantly, every time you date someone, if even for one night out, you learn what you want in a spouse, and what you don't want. It hurts now, but it helps later. Now you know the kind of things you want in a girl. Look back on the eight months - you probably don't feel like this now, but there were probably some things about her that you didn't like at all. But now you know what to look for in the future.




I have never regretted dating anyone (and believe you me, I've dated a few girls.... yikes) because each of them gave me an idea of my "perfect girl".




Don't despair! There will be someone else who comes along. But this is important: you are not defined by others. You do not need a girlfriend to tell you who you are, or that you're awesome. That comes from you. I'm still having troubles, even after being broken up for months (with a girl I loved for almost a year). But you have to realize - you don't need a girl. I know you want one, and you definitely deserve one - but you don't need one to live.




High schoolers can fall in love. Some don't know what love is. Maybe you do, maybe you don't. I have two friends my age (about to start college) who've dated for over three years now. They tell me they're getting married after they graduate, and I believe them. I've been around them a few times... I can see it in their eyes that they're completely in love with each other.




Believe me, you'll know love when you find it. I definitely found it once, and I was only fifteen years old - but I knew it was love. Just don't go looking for it - the greatest relationship I ever had just fell out of the sky, pure coincidence.




So don't stress, and don't feel bad about yourself. Unless you were beating her, or disrespecting her (I seriously doubt you were doing anything wrong) then you didn't do ANYTHING wrong. You're not to blame. To quote one of my friends, "chicks, man. they crazy."



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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To quote one of my friends, "chicks, man. they crazy."


True story. As my adult mentor says it: "We're not worth torturing yourself. We're mean and evil people." And she's serious. Sort of...




Not all relationships end badly. Mine certainly didn't. At least I don't think it did, and I'm the one who got broken up with, if you can even call it that.




Personally, I don't really put much store in high school relationships. Sure, you have those relationships that are just right, and everyone knows it, but for the most part I don't see high school relationships even helping you to find what you want in a spouse, because you likely don't know yourself well enough in the first place. Also, you don't have to date to find out what you want, and that way you don't have to deal with as much heartbreak.

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Just because some people seem to be sad about relationships ending...




"Don't frown because it ended, smile because it happened"




Really, that is probably one of the best quotes I've ever heard of regarding relationships. I think it's from Dr. Seuss too. Also, I remember that pretty much the one rule of this thread is confidence is all you ever need. Something I'd like to say is that confidence definitely is something you need and should always have for everything, but optimism goes a long way and helps one hell of a lot to get through rough times.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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Remember: You are amazing. People love you and respect you. You radiate charisma,charm, and grace. You stand out from everyone around you. Talking to you is a privilege. And you deserve the best the world has to offer. It's all out there , waiting for you to take it.




Know this. Tell the mirror this every day to hard wire it into yourself if you want. It sounds cheesy, but it's true.






Thanks man..I try and keep these things in midn all the time. I actually work out kind of alott so I'll just look at myself in the mirror when I start to get sad. Honestly though sometimes it just isn't enough, I'm just really sensitive I guess.. Days like these where i wake up so early and I'm by myself all day are the worst. I appreciate the advice though, I needed someone to tell me something like that. Hopefully I can just get over it.. it just sucks because I'll go a whole day where I'm in a "Don't care" mood, then I wake up the next day feeling like [cabbage]. Tbh man I might be Bi-polar, but that's a whole different conversation completely. Anyways man thank you!

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Then, a week later, I find out that the day after she broke up with me, she started a relationship with a close male friend of hers who goes through girlfriends pretty quickly. Now, for some reason, I feel very sad/bad. Were they waiting for my relationship with her to end so that they could start one? Isn't that pretty tactless? What she did is completely inconsistent with why she told me she wanted to break up with me. She had accused me of dating her just as a "bounce-back". Well, what is this new development? Everything I did with her feels like a lie, like she was just trying to get rid of me so that she could take this other person.




I believed her when she told me that she loved me and I believed myself when I told her the same. But are we really mature enough to make those judgments? Should high schoolers even have relationships? What if they know that they will break up when one of them graduates?




I guess what I am looking for are some words of wisdom, and some help to make myself not feel so bad right now.




Man that's the same way I felt, this girl was the only girl who had ever told me she loved me, and in the end it all feels like a lie. Don't feel bad, when my girl broke up with me she was literally texting the other guy in the middle of it.. High school girls never know what they want, it's not your fault, she's just stupid. You're a much better guy then that douche she's with now I gurantee, you'll find someone better and then maybe she'll realise that she made a huge mistake and that she's with a total loser.

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I know this is probably a really dumb question, but here goes:




I've noticed that unmarried couples (i.e., boyfriends and girlfriends) often talk about their anniversaries. What does this "anniversary" refer to? The couple's first date? First kiss? The day they decided they were "officially" in love? Or does it vary from couple to couple?





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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It definitely varies. Although the only one I've ever thought of using was first date. But I'd only wait for a good period of time, I'm talking six months or something, so I've never had to "celebrate" an anniversary.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I know this is probably a really dumb question, but here goes:




I've noticed that unmarried couples (i.e., boyfriends and girlfriends) often talk about their anniversaries. What does this "anniversary" refer to? The couple's first date? First kiss? The day they decided they were "officially" in love? Or does it vary from couple to couple?


I always thought it was from the point where it was confirmed that they were a "couple". Of course, the definition of that changes from person to person. I'd think first (or second) date/kiss personally. I thought of myself actually "going out" with my last girlfriend after the first kiss we had.



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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I know this is probably a really dumb question, but here goes:




I've noticed that unmarried couples (i.e., boyfriends and girlfriends) often talk about their anniversaries. What does this "anniversary" refer to? The couple's first date? First kiss? The day they decided they were "officially" in love? Or does it vary from couple to couple?


ive more often seen it to be either their first date or the day they actually decided to be together

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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For anyone that wants it, some advice I gave Mage_Man0103





I have been reading all of your posts in the relationships and I was wondering if you could give me advice beyond those? If possible I'd like to learn what responses for the cube I should give certain traits to. (Such as cube colour means what kind of personality, it doesn't have to be specific, I'd rather it was a touch on the broad side so I can adjust it for me.) I'd also like some advice on what sort of things to say in a disqualifier, what a DVH is (sorry if it is misspelt,) and when to use attraction switches and what to choose when peacocking. I felt that PM would be the better place to go as several people seem to highly disapprove of your methods. I just want to learn as much as possible.




For the record I am 17, 18 in April next year.




With the cube, I basically just bull [cabbage] my way though and was told it was pretty accurate even the first time I used it.




Cold reading is all about saying things that are vague and could apply to anyone, but sounds specific. Then you use the person's reaction and go on from there. Also use what you already know about the person.




Neil taught me the and/but/or rule. If you say something and they are positive (nodding head, smiling etc) say 'and....' then go on.


If their reaction is negative, (they shake their head, say not really etc) say 'or/but...' then go on.




For example if their cube was floating:




"Most people have their cubes on the ground, you must be a creative person (not really) or you feel that you think differently to most (nods head) and you're an independent thinker."




If you want you can research colour meanings online, but it shouldn't really matter.




A disqualifier is pretty easy to do. If they are really attractive like a high 8, 9 or a 10, or if they think they are really attractive then you need to neg them, sometimes 4 times in a row.




A disqualifier is easiest to do using push/pull. "You're funny, too bad you're not my type." "That's witty, too bad you're still a dork."




Another great one is if you tease her about something, or if she disagrees with you on something: "Wow, we've only known each other for like 30 seconds and we're already not getting along."




The attraction switches are things like pre-selection, leader of men/women, (social proof) protector of loved ones, ability to effect her emotions, confidence, smiling, humor, being well groomed, willingness to walk away, identify and a fun lifestyle she wants to be a part of. These are the qualities of an alpha male, and they are what you need to demonstrate through routines and stories over and over until you start getting indicators of interest. (IOIs) Then you can move onto the next stage which is qualification, then comfort. If you stay in attraction it will work against you and you can lose the girl even though she liked you.




DHV is just demonstration of a higher value, which basically means to trigger to attraction switches.




The 2 goals of peacocking:




1. To wear something 'different' that will put you under social pressure. People looking, low value guys making comments etc.


2. Something a girl can use as a conversation starter.




I don't do anything outrageous when peacocking, but I still fill these goals. Do what suits you, but a couple things I use for peacocking:




A hat similar to this in winter: http://www.survivaltopics.com/images/beaver-hats-33.jpg


A big yellow smiley face belt buckle.


Macaroni necklace. (I tell them my little niece made it for me)


Bright green vans shoes.


Tie with a tshirt.


Rings, bling watch.




You don't need to dress like a clown, 1 or 2 peacocking items will do. Try and have a story or something to say for the item you peacock with, for when people ask about it.




Hope I helped.




If it's ok with you I'd like to post this in the thread. I don't mind people hating on my advice, because I know at least a few people appreciate it, and that it does help the people who are open to something more controversial.




No, not at all, and thanks so much for the advice. :)




No worries, I just read back what I sent and part of it looks a bit confusing.




Just to clarify, disqualification is different to qualification.




You open, get to the hook point (if you already know the person, or they are a friend of a friend, or you are introduced in some way you can skip these 2) disqualify yourself so they know you aren't hitting on anybody, build attraction to get her interested, then qualify her. This involved getting her to jump through smaller hoops, then bigger ones.


Smaller hoops might be "are you adventurous?" then bigger hoops are things like "Now teach me something." This is so she is investing time and emotion into you and has a reason to stick around. It also gives her the impression she is winning you over, so she appreciates you more. Then you can move onto comfort and build rapport with her.[/hide]

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I'm 13, and well, I know people are going to doubt that I'm in love, but you guys are wrong, It is.. I guess love came early for me? Try to give me advice as if I was 16-18 or someting.




But in past relationships, I have had people cheat on me so much, then deny it, even when my friend took a picture for me when he was suspicious.




First, a girlfriend I dated in December, she goes and kisses someone.




Second, a girl I dated from Late December to a harsh break up in May, kisses someone she knows I HATE, and I have beaten the crap out of him a few times. (Yeah, Anger problems..)




And now, My new girlfriend, from June to current, kisses TWO other guys?! Someone tell me whats up with that. I always knew her and someone else had a connection, but I ignored it.


Heres an AIM conversation between us. (This is the day after she kissed another guy..)




S is for Sarah (her)


J is for James (me lol)




J:I would never lie to you.


S: ...Really? :l


J: I have in the past and I'll admit, but those weren't intentional. I promise I won't anymore. Remember how I said I'd never put anything or anyone above you? Remember that long (bleep) myspace comment I left you? It's all true..




S: ): I can't live like this anymore


J: Guess my love ain't enough for you to live.


S: ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Your lov made me have a good nights sleep every night. Your love made me wake up knowing and feeling loved. Your love made me have the confidence to say, all I need is you. I (bleep) love you, i couldnt sleep cause of last night. I love you, I said that I never want to lose you in that one long comment. It's all fact. James Roman, Josh Gadia and I are no more than friends. I'm telling him that. Because for sure, I'm in love with you. That I shouldve never let go. That letting go would crush and scar my heart forever.


J: I don't want your pity.


S: You think I'm lying right now? Becaus of you i had to [bleep]ing cut myself (ankle, wrist)


J: (thinking to myself, wtf ankle?) I believe you.


S: I can't be lying right now, im in so much pain, so are you, but i need this to end.


J:Guess what. I'm in love with you as well . I just with the (bleep) would end.










I don't know what the hell im doing wrong. I've done all I can for her, I've even given her a rose for everyday we've been together. My self-esteem is crushed right now, and I'm starting to think that no girl really wants me, or will stay faithful. Because of these situations, I have cut myself multiple times, tried to end my life 2 times, and I've lost friends because of this. (Friends are the people that the girls kissed). What am I doing wrong? She's starting to call him all the names she used to call me. It's like she's put me in the back, and gave him the front seat. Whenever I ask when she wants to hang out, she says "Stop making plans ahead, it might not happen." But when the other guy asks her, she says "Sure! When?" I'm just so afraid of losing her, she's all that I'm breathing for right now. I miss the days when I would wake up thinking of her, go to sleep thinking of her, and just hold her in my arms without saying a word. I don't care if she doesn't choose me above him, I just want her to be happy, even if it means putting my feelings aside and letting the other guy take her. I know, I'm going to be miserable, while she'll be happy, but if thats the cost for her happiness. So be it.






Advice.. please?

(bleep) All haters I see, Cause I hate that you breath, I see you duck you little punk you lil freakin disease.

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Sounds lie your girlfriends emo and you try to hard.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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There's only so many people that you can have the relationship you want with. Then, you have to be what they want too. And on top of that, you're 13; your and her emotions are pretty wild and while you might know what you want, she might not. Ask her if it's really you she wants to be together with, not him, and that she should reply honestly because you're willing to go to make her happier. And don't commit suicide/cut yourself because of this. For all you know, in a few months or even less, you could lose attraction and break up. Don't hurt yourself over something you might actually not want that much.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Sounds like your girlfriends emo and you try to hard.






Your 13 for goodness sake. Let's just say for a second you are in love. Is she? It's a two way street. She obviously isn't treating you the way you like, and why should you have to take that? You've had 3 girlfriends already and you're only 13. At this age, relationships will fail. FAIL. This is not Boy Meets World. 13 year old girls these days are completely incapable of loyalty. Just look at the way they treat each other.


You either need to


a) take a break from girls for a while and enjoy being a kid


B) stoop to their level (highly unrecommended)




c) if you do find yourself in a relationship again, leave "love" out of it and just have a good time. You'll find that there is much less pain involved.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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yeah emo


That's bound to help a kid that has admittedly tried to commit suicide twice. :\

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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