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It's like a Runescape you can play with...Outside!


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So, I'm sure this has been said before at one point or another, but what would you guys think about Jagex inva...err...migrating to a Console or hand-held? I know that is a very farfetched idea and that they would almost never do it, but just for laughs...


-how would you react?


-where would it fit? (console or handheld)


-would you buy it?




This was brought up from my recent discover of another MMORPG that I used to play going into hand-held territory...Maplestory. This company decided to move over to the DS. I haven't played the game in a long time and would love to buy it, if just to play the game again. (I can't play it online anymore)




That may work for that game, but would it work for RS? The main controversy in this would be the fact that it would no longer be a massive multiplayer game. (This is the same problem the other game faces)


I, for one, like the fact that you can talk with friends and get their help on things in-game. Perhaps there may be some ways around it (grand exchange could be over nintendo WFC, upgrades through Microsoft Points,....sony...i can't really think of anything for them..), but it still wouldn't be the same.




The game would possibly become linear, skills may be adjusted, Shield of Arrav will become The hardest quest.


I probably wouldn't want to buy it unless it stood out over these issues.




Enough about me though...what do you think?




(please try to think how it could work instead of just simple no/yes answers)


((I am in no way Implying for Jagex making this game))

I am nice. . .

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My opinion: No.




Simply because runescape is so reliant on player interaction: trading, boss-killing, ect. I've never played Maplestory but I'm sure if the creators decided it would go good on the ds it probably went well with the ds.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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I think if jagex moves away from browser based runescape it would most likely just be a pc game like Wow, not a console game. Runescape just doesn't seem like a good game for consoles.




Yeah that's what I thought too.




But what if it was for the DS? Clicking would stil be involved like how it is now. I thought the DS would also be close to it graphics.




Would it be better for hand-held?

I am nice. . .

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I think if jagex moves away from browser based runescape it would most likely just be a pc game like Wow, not a console game. Runescape just doesn't seem like a good game for consoles.




RuneScape's already a PC game. The programmers at Jagex could easily make RuneScape into an executable file that could be downloaded and run on your machine rather than played in your browser. I forgot how but with the Java documentation and Google, I could find out in about an hour.

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My opinion: No.




Simply because runescape is so reliant on player interaction: trading, boss-killing, ect. I've never played Maplestory but I'm sure if the creators decided it would go good on the ds it probably went well with the ds.




.....No what?


I didn't ask if they were going to make it (though that could of been implied)...I asked how could they.




Trading could be worked around the same way that Pokemon can be traded.(over the WFC). I wasn't saying to completly move the game to a new system. There is bound to be stuff adjusted to fit the system.


What would the game become then? (try thinking outside the box)

I am nice. . .

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I think if jagex moves away from browser based runescape it would most likely just be a pc game like Wow, not a console game. Runescape just doesn't seem like a good game for consoles.




RuneScape's already a PC game. The programmers at Jagex could easily make RuneScape into an executable file that could be downloaded and run on your machine rather than played in your browser. I forgot how but with the Java documentation and Google, I could find out in about an hour.




I meant a computer game like one you have to buy a disc and install it and what not.

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Why play RuneScape on the go? I mean you go outside to escape from all this gaming nonsense, taboo that you tell no one about. Its like a double life.




Also, I liked the picture. :thumbsup:

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Coming soon: RuneScape on the cell phone - now with even more pixels! #-o




Even if it did come out on consoles/handhelds (which is highly unlikely anyway) I wouldn't buy it.


When I'm outside it's because I wouldn't rather be playing RuneScape. If I did I'll go nuts and go back inside to play.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

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I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


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Why play RuneScape on the go? I mean you go outside to escape from all this gaming nonsense, taboo that you tell no one about. Its like a double life.




Also, I liked the picture. :thumbsup:


Glad someone got/liked the referance :D




now i can finally play runescape 24/7!




Well, i wouldn't go that far....

I am nice. . .

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It would be cool for the DS, since I think it would be the best platform, but I don't really see it because of its small screen and the wi-fi probably won't be all that great to work with.




I can really see it on the Wii, Runescape client downloadable just like Wiiware, but thats not portable though, plus chatting could be annoying (except quick chat).

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If Runescape came out on a console such as the Xbox, or Playstation, wouldn't it be just like playing on your computer? What's the point if it's just as easy to play online? My reaction would be to check it out, and see if it was even worth it for Jagex. I'm actually kind of having a hard time figuring out what you're trying to ask. Do you mean if they made a whole separate game without the feature of being a MMORPG (Massive Multi-Player Online Role-Playing Game), would I buy it? Maybe, if it looked interesting enough for me to spend my hard-earned cash for it. If it was just the same old beloved Runescape, minus the MMORPG part, I would definitely not spend money on it. It just wouldn't be the same without the ability to make conversation with old friends, or the ability to make new ones. Runescape, in my opinion, would make a better hand-held game, anyways.




Well, that felt like a lot more typing than it looks <.< ,



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Do you mean if they made a whole separate game without the feature of being a MMORPG


Exactly :D


That's what would have to happen to most of it, but depending on what system it went to, some features could be kept. (trading, chatting, etc.)


Well, that felt like a lot more typing than it looks <.< ,




It's much harder to post this while on my wii.(one disconnect and I have to start all over) *sigh* (happened twice)

I am nice. . .

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No coz you'd need player interaction, unless of course they make it possible, then by all means yes.




They need to get away from the browser-based thing, too many people including myself (even with the best computer) disconnect all the time and it's getting rediculous. If they made it like Guild Wars where people can still interact world-wide, but without all that browser-based stuff, hardly anyone (if anyone) would disconnect and they'd get a lot more people playing.

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Eh, it'll be like a whole new game without Java. Or at least to the coding nerds. :geek:




-how would you react? *facepalm*


-where would it fit? (console or handheld) I'll rather it be handheld.


-would you buy it? NO.

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I don't know if you noticed, but as a game, Runescape is boring as hell. It has no story, so it would make a dodgy RPG and as a console game, "training" would require you standing in one spot and pressing "A" or "X" is playstation is chosen :P over and over...




It'd be a chat game.

Some games do not mix...


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The MMO aspect of RS is one of the major appeals of the game, so I doubt a single player version would even be viable. The alternative -- On the other hand, an adepted client for mobile phones, tablets, or wifi enabled handhelds and consoles sounds very like the next logical step for rs expansion, considering its low system requirement. Since RS is based on Java, it is essentially portable whenever java was implanted, which is dependent on full featured browsers' rollout into the non-PC world. Since that's beginning to proliferate nicely, RS may even able to expand it's bases simply on the client we have today.




However, it wouldn't hurt if JaGeX do something about it. We already know JaGeX been looking for opportunities to expand (German, E3, HD, etc), and developing streamlined clients for each system seem to be the most obvious step. It's unfamiliar territory for JaGeX, so they probably have to start recruiting. Most likely, it'd mean work in adept the user interface (quick-chat was a good step forward) for controllers and phone buttons as well as reducing memory usage (which means RSHD probably won't happen on phones).




Overall, I think a mobile expansion would be a great idea - I wouldn't mind getting some alching done in my morning commutes. RS is already an established internet game and expansion to mobile gaming would simply highlight our game's strengths - deep yet portable, light yet massive.

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