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Good luck with the job hunt. I'm going to use some time on Study Leave to do so myself.




I'll agree with you on parties with under 18s, but hell, the way I've seen people act about it, most parties now involve getting hammered, so to quote a friend "For a party now, you need booze or weed". Then again, getting hammered isn't my sort of thing, well, booze in general anyway, and [cabbage], my parents would trust me enough for me to not drinking probably, or even not drink at all (they'd allow me to, I just choose not to, hate the stuff).




Might give my mate a call and see if he's busy Monday, if I remember correctly, the schools are off then.




Rach, it doesn't matter, [cabbage], I'm extremely [bleep]ing lazy, I'll stay up til 2am, 1am on school nights, or for now, when I have exams, or later, and I'll wake up anywhere from 1pm to 3pm, yet, I still make the effort to shower. Little advice though, try showering in the morning after you have woken up, it feels better than during the middle of the day/at night. Good hygiene helps with good health. [cabbage], I'd feel the same that it isn't really worth getting clean, but I hate the feeling. After two days, or even at times, one day, my hair gets extremely greasy, and I hate the feel (since I'm just about constantly moving it out of my eyes, or flattening it at the sides (I don't mean to, I just do)).




Damn, I don't know how you can stand living there, haven't you got anybody you can move in with? Grandparents or such?




And hell, you don't need the motivation, just do it. I'm probably not the best guy to say that though, I only really go see films with one guy, and thats rarely because he's either broke or doesn't want to go. The other guys I know, well, they're about 14 (I'm 17, but I've known them awhile, and they're good guys, usually) so they can't get into 15s. Sure, I'd risk it by trying to buy them their tickets, but its just too complicated, plus if they get caught when trying to enter, I'm [bleeped].




EDIT: I suppose there is someone else I could ask, but it'd be kind of hard. She has a boyfriend, and well, she could take it in the wrong context, so I honestly don't know. I suppose theres a third aswell, another female, but I dunno, she used to fancy me, and judging by some of the things she asks, going by her actions in the past to get my reaction, she may still have feelings for me, or maybe not, I suck at reading signs.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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He's good really, but a bit spoilt in the sense that he never really gets punished. If he does my dad'll do something stupid like put his laptop in the bin and completely over-react. There's no normal sort of punishment in this house, he doesn't get grounded for a few days if he does something. Either it'll get ignored or it'll get blown out of proportion until he's running crying to me because my dad punched a hole in the living room door and threatened to cancel the internet and I'll get upset wondering what the [bleep] this family is doing...
The more I read your posts, the more I realise that I've taken my relatively carefree parents for granted / thought of them as "normal". I would even say that your family is a lot more normal than mine because no matter what happens, my parents seem so unbelievably postive and upbeat. There are no over-the-top punishments here because nobody does anything worth punishing. There's the odd fall-out here and there, but my family is pretty chill on the whole. Until my brother starts getting moody, anyway.




Good luck with the job hunt. I'm going to use some time on Study Leave to do so myself.
Thanks. I really need to land myself some form of job if I can't get into any of my chosen colleges for whatever reason. Even if I hate it, it's money and some place to be other than at home all day.
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Rach, it doesn't matter, [cabbage], I'm extremely [bleep] lazy, I'll stay up til 2am, 1am on school nights, or for now, when I have exams, or later, and I'll wake up anywhere from 1pm to 3pm, yet, I still make the effort to shower. Little advice though, try showering in the morning after you have woken up, it feels better than during the middle of the day/at night. Good hygiene helps with good health. [cabbage], I'd feel the same that it isn't really worth getting clean, but I hate the feeling. After two days, or even at times, one day, my hair gets extremely greasy, and I hate the feel (since I'm just about constantly moving it out of my eyes, or flattening it at the sides (I don't mean to, I just do)).




Damn, I don't know how you can stand living there, haven't you got anybody you can move in with? Grandparents or such?




And hell, you don't need the motivation, just do it. I'm probably not the best guy to say that though, I only really go see films with one guy, and thats rarely because he's either broke or doesn't want to go. The other guys I know, well, they're about 14 (I'm 17, but I've known them awhile, and they're good guys, usually) so they can't get into 15s. Sure, I'd risk it by trying to buy them their tickets, but its just too complicated, plus if they get caught when trying to enter, I'm [bleep].


I'll just have to try, it's trying to break the habit of not caring since... forever. I do have a few friends I can do stuff with, I went Ice Skating in the last half term. It's just I'll wake up at the weekend and be too lazy, the internet is compensating for not going out (that's a whole other story -.- ).




As for family, I just accept that it sucks. We're a working class family in a council house. You can't expect lots. I'm playing with the idea of moving out for University though. It'd force me to stop being lazy, maybe learn a tiny bit of cooking, and would keep me away from some of the [cabbage]ty issues at home. The thing is those issues will still be there if I'm gone, only I'm not going to be there and try to help my brother or my mum or whatever...




He's good really, but a bit spoilt in the sense that he never really gets punished. If he does my dad'll do something stupid like put his laptop in the bin and completely over-react. There's no normal sort of punishment in this house, he doesn't get grounded for a few days if he does something. Either it'll get ignored or it'll get blown out of proportion until he's running crying to me because my dad punched a hole in the living room door and threatened to cancel the internet and I'll get upset wondering what the [bleep] this family is doing...
The more I read your posts, the more I realise that I've taken my relatively carefree parents for granted / thought of them as "normal". I would even say that your family is a lot more normal than mine because no matter what happens, my parents seem so unbelievably postive and upbeat. There are no over-the-top punishments here because nobody does anything worth punishing. There's the odd fall-out here and there, but my family is pretty chill on the whole. Until my brother starts getting moody, anyway.


I often highlight the sucky bits of my life, I think in some ways they're normal in the way that they do work, care about their kids... but my dad just doesn't have a great grip on his emotions imo. He wants to be able to go out every night and drink and stuff, but we can't afford for him to do that... thus conflicts between my more sensible mum and him arise, along with loads of other [cabbage]. I think our issues just run a little deeper, they always have. I remember being about 10 and drawing a pie-chart in my diary about the reasons my mum and dad argued. It's not a BAD family, just a dysfunctional one. It works, but has a lot of pain with it too.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Actually, I'd say your parents were the more normal ones, from what Rach has said, hers seems to overreact a little. Okay sure, from how you say it, maybe they are a little too positive, but hell, if you aren't doing anything worth being punished for, then why shouldn't they?




I understand what you mean about jobs though, even if you dislike it. Hell, I've got into college, so I've no worries, but I still need a job for the money really, and to get out a little. For one, I would have never dreamt of working in retail, but hell, now I've matured, and considering the job market today, any job you can get is a friggin' miracle.




Breaking the habit of not caring is a little tricky. I think at one point (when my parents pretty much wouldn't shut up until I did get my hair cut) I used to avoid going for baths and showers all the time. Now, at most I'll go three days without one, normally its once every two days, 3 days when I had school and went for a shower on Sunday evening/Monday morning because it fits better for school. Honestly, its just the thought of my hair being greasy that makes me shower. Since I am growing my hair, and as I've said, I'm almost constantly adjusting it, it feels horrible if its greasy and I have to move it out my eyes, plus it looks crap when it is greasy, and considering theres a mirror in my room, when I walk past it, I kind of notice it. (Its in there because I need to tidy my hair up in the mornings (or afternoon, whenever the hell I get up), it only takes a few minutes, but its better than using the bathroom.)


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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I've made 4 signatures in photoshop. I'm trying to explore a new style.


:thumbup: Good stuff, art makes the world go round.




Tomorrow I'm going to revise like crazy and then write up more of my stories :) . I've done about 1000 words each on two of my others ::' and I've started a new one based on this creepy video I saw.



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Guh, I've got a cold... and I had to do a Sociology exam this morning. I don't think I did great, I couldn't concentrate because I couldn't bloody breathe and I didn't do any revision over the weekend (those House episodes aren't going to re-watch themselves). This sucks, I've got an English exam on Wednesday and I doubt I'll be better by then. I'm supposed to have lessons later on but I'm not going in. Oh and as I was walking back home from college I saw a Royal Mail van and in that instant I knew... they had my DDR mat in there. So I got home and there was a ' Sorry, you were out' card. God [bleep]ing damnit. I missed it by 10 minutes :wall: I suppose I'm too ill to play it much atm, but I'm still pissed off I missed it by that margin. I have to wait now until Thursday for it to be re-delivered. #-o Oh and Google Mail is being stupidly slow for some reason. Blargh.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Good luck Racheya :thumbup: I have an exam on Wednesday too. Stupid poem and books, I can't remember one bloody quote.




Today was good. First I played a bit of TF2 and I was a sniper. A scout jumped in the air and I'm usually a bad aim with the sniper but somehow I got a headshot :D.


Then my mom took me driving for an hour or so. Pretty uneventful but it feels so good to drive.


Finally I was tossing my sister an orange from the other side of the room and I used quite a bit of force and it went straight into her pocket :o.


I also downloaded the FF: Dissidia soundtrack. It's bloody awesome, I think it may be my favourite FF soundtrack ever.



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Good luck Racheya :thumbup: I have an exam on Wednesday too. Stupid poem and books, I can't remember one bloody quote.




Today was good. First I played a bit of TF2 and I was a sniper. A scout jumped in the air and I'm usually a bad aim with the sniper but somehow I got a headshot :D.


Then my mom took me driving for an hour or so. Pretty uneventful but it feels so good to drive.


Finally I was tossing my sister an orange from the other side of the room and I used quite a bit of force and it went straight into her pocket :o.


I also downloaded the FF: Dissidia soundtrack. It's bloody awesome, I think it may be my favourite FF soundtrack ever.




This is how you learn to be a sniper: Follow Captain MacMillan's bum in the missions All Ghillied Up and One Shot, One Kill. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. \o/


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Today the lulziest thing so far for this year happened. The place where we do gym is not a part of our school, we go to a sort of club were many other schools have gym clases. Me and some friends arrived early so we were sitting in the main area, talking and stuff, when a little kid from another school (he looked like he was 9 or so) comes by and stares at my friend, and says "are you a hippy?" (my friend looks moreoless like a hippy, although he doesn't share the Hippy way of thinking). So my friend starts laughing and after some seconds ask the kid "And what are YOU, then?". The kid replies "I'm very cool", and leaves. My friend got owned by a 9 year-old kid. >_

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Good luck Racheya :thumbup: I have an exam on Wednesday too. Stupid poem and books, I can't remember one bloody quote.




Today was good. First I played a bit of TF2 and I was a sniper. A scout jumped in the air and I'm usually a bad aim with the sniper but somehow I got a headshot :D.


Then my mom took me driving for an hour or so. Pretty uneventful but it feels so good to drive.


Finally I was tossing my sister an orange from the other side of the room and I used quite a bit of force and it went straight into her pocket :o.


I also downloaded the FF: Dissidia soundtrack. It's bloody awesome, I think it may be my favourite FF soundtrack ever.


Blargh, there's loads of stuff I don't remember XD The poems are the worst though.




Also that orange sounds pretty epic :lol:


Today the lulziest thing so far for this year happened. The place where we do gym is not a part of our school, we go to a sort of club were many other schools have gym clases. Me and some friends arrived early so we were sitting in the main area, talking and stuff, when a little kid from another school (he looked like he was 9 or so) comes by and stares at my friend, and says "are you a hippy?" (my friend looks moreoless like a hippy, although he doesn't share the Hippy way of thinking). So my friend starts laughing and after some seconds ask the kid "And what are YOU, then?". The kid replies "I'm very cool", and leaves. My friend got owned by a 9 year-old kid. >_<


Kids these days have no respect for their elders :(


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Today the lulziest thing so far for this year happened. The place where we do gym is not a part of our school, we go to a sort of club were many other schools have gym clases. Me and some friends arrived early so we were sitting in the main area, talking and stuff, when a little kid from another school (he looked like he was 9 or so) comes by and stares at my friend, and says "are you a hippy?" (my friend looks moreoless like a hippy, although he doesn't share the Hippy way of thinking). So my friend starts laughing and after some seconds ask the kid "And what are YOU, then?". The kid replies "I'm very cool", and leaves. My friend got owned by a 9 year-old kid. >_<


Kids these days have no respect for their elders :(




He did ask, pretty ballsy reply too.




I give credit to the kid, for making me laugh.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Today the lulziest thing so far for this year happened. The place where we do gym is not a part of our school, we go to a sort of club were many other schools have gym clases. Me and some friends arrived early so we were sitting in the main area, talking and stuff, when a little kid from another school (he looked like he was 9 or so) comes by and stares at my friend, and says "are you a hippy?" (my friend looks moreoless like a hippy, although he doesn't share the Hippy way of thinking). So my friend starts laughing and after some seconds ask the kid "And what are YOU, then?". The kid replies "I'm very cool", and leaves. My friend got owned by a 9 year-old kid. >_<


Kids these days have no respect for their elders :(




He did ask, pretty ballsy reply too.




I give credit to the kid, for making me laugh.


There is that :lol:




Speaking of 9 year olds, we just got a call a few minutes ago, my little brother is being detained in our local ASDA for shoplifting #-o It's his [bleep]ing chav mates he's hanging around! My mum and dad are going to get him, he's SO going to get it though. FFS kids these days... :lol:


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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May I remind you my services are still on offer to beat some respect into him?




Anyway, yeah, it sounds like your brother needs to be set straight before it lands him a night in the cells.


He's just an idiot. He lets himself get pressured into crap by his friends. To fit in nowadays you HAVE to be like a chav #-o Back when I was his age, you just had to play Pokemon to fit in :P


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Heh, I rarely see any neds around here (pretty much the Scottish equal to a chav).




And honestly, they're all a bunch of [wagon]. To fit in here, you pretty much need to dress expensive, and drink. I do neither. Face it, I'm pretty much an outsider, I like metal, I watch/read and enjoy anime and manga, I'm a gamer, and hell, I refuse to drink and spend £50+ on an item of clothing.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Heh, I rarely see any neds around here (pretty much the Scottish equal to a chav).




And honestly, they're all a bunch of [wagon]. To fit in here, you pretty much need to dress expensive, and drink. I do neither. Face it, I'm pretty much an outsider, I like metal, I watch/read and enjoy anime and manga, I'm a gamer, and hell, I refuse to drink and spend £50+ on an item of clothing.


Are you me? Except slightly more awesome?



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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Heh, I rarely see any neds around here (pretty much the Scottish equal to a chav).




And honestly, they're all a bunch of [wagon]. To fit in here, you pretty much need to dress expensive, and drink. I do neither. Face it, I'm pretty much an outsider, I like metal, I watch/read and enjoy anime and manga, I'm a gamer, and hell, I refuse to drink and spend £50+ on an item of clothing.


That sounds a lot like me, except liking metal. I don't really like it.

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Speaking of 9 year olds, we just got a call a few minutes ago, my little brother is being detained in our local ASDA for shoplifting #-o It's his [bleep] chav mates he's hanging around! My mum and dad are going to get him, he's SO going to get it though. FFS kids these days... :lol:




Force him to watch shock stuff like 2girls1cup, 1guy1cup, Russian Beheading, etc. That will make him a nicer boy.

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Heh, I rarely see any neds around here (pretty much the Scottish equal to a chav).




And honestly, they're all a bunch of [wagon]. To fit in here, you pretty much need to dress expensive, and drink. I do neither. Face it, I'm pretty much an outsider, I like metal, I watch/read and enjoy anime and manga, I'm a gamer, and hell, I refuse to drink and spend £50+ on an item of clothing.


Gosh, you have just described the youngest members of our high school. Little ignorant [bleep]es.




Surprisingly, our year are quite cool with who you are. I'm an outcast but I had some interesting conversations with your stereotypical chavs/popular students.


I think it's the younger generation that are the [bleep]s. Such as mon sister who is 13. There are some decent young uns though, don't get me wrong but too many of them are too outspoken for their own good.


Once you get into Sixth Form/College, the chavs learn to wisen up. I mean, they mess around and stuff but they're not all 'IN YO FACE!' Apart from one or two...



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Haha yeah.




By the time we got in 4th, 5th and 6th I noticed a real change in some people. Sure, they were still idiots at times (no other words, they weren't that bad), but hell, they were a lot more serious. Aside from a few exceptions who still skipped class often.




I was even more surprised at the amount of people who stayed on for 5th and 6th Year, and seeing how they were, I expected them to leave, but a lot stayed on.




That being said, the people I mostly spoke to were only 14, but I had known them since they came into the school, and well, they're generally alright people.




There aren't many stereotypical neds at my school, and even still, I was helping out in one of the 3rd Year classes for Maths, to be honest, they worked pretty hard, they were a bit disruptive, but damn, they could work.




So honestly, my school isn't that bad. Aside from the idiots who threw water balloons as a senior "prank". (If anyone wants me to edit in the full story, I'll find what I posted before.)


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Yeah speakin of senior prank, our class needs come up with one for next year. Since we will be the first senior class to graduate. 8-)




Any suggestions? Most just said to make a skip day.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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