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Today is a half-day. Like usual, my friends and I planned to play tennis/video games afterwards. So far, it's gone something like this:


[hide=Schedule]7:50 - Wake up. Most people are at school, but I have a free. \'


8:45 - Homeroom. Arrival at school.


9:00 - Latin. Fun.


10:00 - Math test begins.


10:30 - Finish math test, leave school. I was going to call my mom to ask if she could pick me up, but my phone ran out of batteries. So I ran/walked two miles home...


11:00 - Arrive at home. Half an hour is the fastest I've ever done it. -.-


11:30 - Eat, take a crap, sit around doing nothing.


12:00 - Leave home to go to the field by our old school, where the nearest tennis courts are


12:15 - Arrive there, no one.


12:16 - Go to my friend's house across the street, since that's usually where we leave our stuff and hang around if there's bad weather.


12:17 - His grandma opens the door.


12:20 - After a few minutes of failing to communicate in Chinese, I say "thanks, bye" and leave. Then I call my friends, one by one, only one picks up. Apparently they were too lazy and it rained. Even though we spent half an hour debating whether or not we would play if it rained, and we decided we would.


12:35 - Arrive back home.[/hide]


So I've walked four miles in somewhat cold, rainy weather. And accomplished nothing. Always nice.


Half days are a double edged sword though. It's nice having two hours of school, but teachers take it as having more time to do homework. :|


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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AS Levels English Literature sucks :(.


I've been doing essays, essays, essays.


And I've been prepping for my Art exam on Tuesday.


5 hours of still life. Do not enjoy.




Today I went to school, did some stuff there. I think. Then I played Brawl Street Fighter VI with some friends, got my [wagon] handed to me. Then I went home and got on tif.


This day is like my usual boring days. :P


I do AS English Lit too ::'




What books are you doing? I'm doing The Curious Incident of the dog in the night-time and The Great Gatsby.


I'm dreading the exam though :? Those essays look horribly hard.




Bleh another boring day. I found out that the adapter to let me use my DDR pad on my laptop hasn't arrived yet because they haven't even sent it off yet... because it's not in stock :wall: :wall: .


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Your school sounds awesome, Penguin. Too bad I now have a job, but it's writing online articles like a sweatshop worker. So I couldn't get Work Program outs for it :/




I taught my dog a trick. Whenever something surprises her, she opens her mouth and holds it as wide as she can. It's [bleep]ing hilarious.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Your school sounds awesome, Penguin. Too bad I now have a job, but it's writing online articles like a sweatshop worker. So I couldn't get Work Program outs for it :/




I taught my dog a trick. Whenever something surprises her, she opens her mouth and holds it as wide as she can. It's [bleep] hilarious.


So that's what the thing in your sig is? Sweatshop articles? Awesome!




How much do you make?

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Well, I make most for my dad at two bucks an article (about 500 words). About eight bucks an hour for me. I've thought about joining associated press, but I have more trouble writing news articles.




Triond is just a little extra. Money for whenever I feel like writing something different. Not a whole lotta money, but some. It'll probably be a long-[wagon] time before I see any, though. I need to have earned fifty dollars before they'll send me the check. :lol:

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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My mom wants me to work at a library this summer. I'm not sure if I can, I think the minimum working age is 15, and I turn 15 in the last week or two of vacation...


My sister has to do some project about foreign literature, so she got a copy of the Analects. I'm now flipping through it. :thumbup:


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Your school sounds awesome, Penguin. Too bad I now have a job, but it's writing online articles like a sweatshop worker. So I couldn't get Work Program outs for it :/




I taught my dog a trick. Whenever something surprises her, she opens her mouth and holds it as wide as she can. It's [bleep] hilarious.


My dog does that whenever I play peek-a-boo with her. The funny thing is I do it nearly every day, and every time I do it she never expects it :P

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I just burned 3 of my fingers on the right hand on the stove! God damn it! No one said a word about it had being on and i didn't see anyone cooking anything.


Fun, writing this with my left hand.


In other news, nothing... Got nothing planned for the weekend... God damn stove!

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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Got up, drove to work. Worked. Drove home. Another exciting Thursday.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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Alright, this is completely off topic, but if you select check on Triond, do they mail it to you?


Yep. But you have to earn 53.00. (3 bucks for the check processing and all)




PayPal would probably be better to be honest, you only need to make fifty cents. But I just like checks. Even though it'll be a really long time before I make enough to be mailed. You have to spam articles like nobody's business.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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My nose is being retarted. I've had 6 or 7 huge nose bleeds since last night. one in english class. and one happened in one nostril, then right when it finished, it started in the other. the one in my english class got the floor all messy.=\


and muh girlfriend isn't mad at me anymore.

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Today, I slept in, then finally dragged myself out of bed. Wasted time on the forums, and played some CoD WaW on the Wii. Went to a meeting at my work for a special improvement team that they wanted me to be a part of, then came home, and found a great deal on an Xbox 360 pro with 2 games of my choice for under $300 (before tax) and free shipping. I've just got to wait for my dad to approve me buying it. Then I wasted a bit more time on the forums, and will probably play some more CoD, or go do some AP U.S. History homework that I need to get done before spring break is over.




All-in-all, a decent day. I got Sonic for dinner, so that made everything even better. :D

Forum Updates & Suggestions <------ Let your voice be heard!
Forum Games <------- Coolest place on Tip.It
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Today, I slept in, then finally dragged myself out of bed. Wasted time on the forums ... All-in-all, a decent day








What you went on TIF after you woke up ?




Thats what I did actually, woke up at six and by 6:30 I was posting and browsing away.






Yeah, asides that, average day, it was a Friday so thats always a plus. On top of that I've got a four day weekend ... to study Ioensco :-#

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Like everyday.








Paper run.


Xfire + watching some 'R18 vids' on the internet =P~




More of these 'R18 vids' \'





Current goal: Legends, Regicide, Roving Elf's, Barrows RFD, 95+ Attack.

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I'm doing my usual weekday routine:


Get up


shower and dress


have coffee


go to work


browse the internet briefly before I start working




and hey, it's Friday so we have free bagels \'


Yes, I am easily pleased.



I know I have a fickle heart and a bitterness and a wandering eye and a heaviness in my head.

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My nose is being retarted. I've had 6 or 7 huge nose bleeds since last night. one in english class. and one happened in one nostril, then right when it finished, it started in the other. the one in my english class got the floor all messy.=\


and muh girlfriend isn't mad at me anymore.




If your nose bleeding continues for a half year or so, forgot, like that, you must check a doctor, to get some blood veins in your nostril "burnt" away, I had that done, and now I don't have a mass murder on my pillow any more.


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I just got home and it's 2:25 in the afternoon. My dad, his mate and some woman I don't know are sat in the living room listening to music and drinking alcohol. He said they're gonna have a drink in the house tonight. TONIGHT. Since when was half 2 in the afternoon NIGHT TIME?!?! -.-




Otherwise an okay day. We tried playing a DVD in English Lit today but the computer failed up then we moved to another room and the volume wouldn't work. :wall: I tried everything to help fix it but we ended up doing written work instead :( .


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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