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Was just at a restaurant and this is what the guy behind me ordered:


"I'll have 2 links of sausage and 3 strips of bacon, please. Oh, and can I get the extra bacon for 75 cents?"


Jesus, his heart must be struggling.


Lies. They lied, they cheated, they violated basic scientific principle, and pretended that they were men of logic. It's a religion - have you ever noticed how vehemently people defend it with surprisingly little in the way of actual evidence?




What in the flying [bleep]? Just... what?

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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What in the flying [bleep]? Just... what?


My apologies, I thought that the link would be sufficient:


Taubes (Bad Science), a writer for Science magazine, begins by showing how public health data has been misinterpreted to mark dietary fat and cholesterol as the primary causes of coronary heart disease. Deeper examination, he says, shows that heart disease and other diseases of civilization appear to result from increased consumption of refined carbohydrates: sugar, white flour and white rice. When researcher John Yudkin announced these results in the 1950s, however, he was drowned out by the conventional wisdom. Taubes cites clinical evidence showing that elevated triglyceride levels, rather than high total cholesterol, are associated with increased risk of heart disease-but measuring triglycerides is more difficult than measuring cholesterol. Taubes says that the current U.S. obesity epidemic actually consists of a very small increase in the average body mass index. Taube's arguments are lucid and well supported by lengthy notes and bibliography. His call for dietary advice that is based on rigorous science, not century-old preconceptions about the penalties of gluttony and sloth is bound to be echoed loudly by many readers.


Noted science journalist Taubes probes the state of what is currently known and what is simply conjectured about the relationship among nutrition, weight loss, health, and disease. What Taubes discovers is that much of what passes for irrefutable scientific knowledge is in fact supposition and that many reputable scientists doubt the validity of nutritional advice currently promoted by the government and public health industry. Beginning with the history of Ancel Keys' research into the relationship between elevated blood-cholesterol levels and coronary heart disease, Taubes demonstrates that a close reading of studies has shown that a low-cholesterol diet scarcely changes blood-cholesterol levels. Low-fat diets, moreover, apparently do little to lengthen life span. He does find encouragement in research tracking the positive effects of eliminating excessive refined carbohydrates and thus addressing pernicious diseases such as diabetes. Taubes' transparent prose brings drama, excitement, and tension to even the most abstruse and clinically reserved accounts of scientific research. He is careful to distinguish the oft-confused goals of weight loss and good health. Given America's current obsession with these issues, Taubes' challenge to current nutritional conventional wisdom will generate heated controversy and create popular demand for this deeply researched and equally deeply engaging treatise. Knoblauch, Mark



Further reading online:




http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ (Very accessible, less grounded in actual research, academia).

"Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security."

Support transparency... and by extension, freedom and democracy.

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Awesome, are they sound canceling?

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Last night we transitioned a party from one house to another and I was stuck carrying two 24's for a solid 5 blocks. We passed a house where people were getting into their cars and they were laughing at how we had so much beer, "especially that guy with 2 24's, hahahah" (but in French). I was super drunk at this point (I think it was around 2AM, i'd been drinking since 5) and tired so I yelled obscenities in English to them as I walked passed. They asked me to repeat in French so I yelled even more vulgar obscenities in French until my friends told me to shut up.


The guys were like "wow dude relax, whats your problem?" So I apologized and offered them a beer. When they politely declined I called them little [bleep]es and walked on my merry way. Then, as we almost arrived, they drove by in their cars and hit me with snowballs. My friends almost died laughing when they saw my confused face, i'd already forgotten about the encounter and couldn't understand why I was being targeted.


A lot of your posts are crazy drunken tales. :thumbup: I gotta say, you really know how to live it up. It's a shame you won't be around much longer due to liver disease though. :(

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Yesterday, 4 police cars and a party van turned up at my doorstep. A neighbour got arrested for possessing a gas powered paint-ball gun (imitation of a firearm). I lol'd.


Today, I just woke up, because it's 8:40

That's awful. Paintball guns don't even look like real guns.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Just got back from a school trip to the NBC studio in NYC.


To be honest, I didn't really like it. Not because the trip itself was bad or anything, but because of the people I went with. The majority of my school is made up of loud, obnoxious idiots, and so the ratio of idiots to non-idiots was about the same. I counted five good people, when around 60 went on the trip.


This meant that I didn't hear 90% of what the tour guide had to say.


They should have a system where, before a major trip, you take about 2 hours of school time to just sit in a room with everyone. If you talk, you're not going. I talked about this recently in the "Things that annoy the hell out of you" thread, but I REALLY hate people that literally CAN'T seem to shut their mouth for five minutes, no matter the situation.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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They should have a system where, before a major trip, you take about 2 hours of school time to just sit in a room with everyone. If you talk, you're not going. I talked about this recently in the "Things that annoy the hell out of you" thread, but I REALLY hate people that literally CAN'T seem to shut their mouth for five minutes, no matter the situation.


Tell me about it >_>


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2 hours is a bit long to sit and a room and not expect anybody to say even a word. Unless you give them something to do. But I think just putting everyone in a room with nothing to do for 15 minutes and tell them just to be patient would work better.

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My new WESC headphones. Lovin' em.

lovin' the silly band wolf :)


And Zierro, don't worry about my liver. I already made my brother promise to give me a liver transplant when he got accepted to medschool. 2 should be enough for one lifetime I hope.

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2 hours is a bit long to sit and a room and not expect anybody to say even a word. Unless you give them something to do. But I think just putting everyone in a room with nothing to do for 15 minutes and tell them just to be patient would work better.

Maybe one hour. The tour was an hour long, and if they can't keep quiet for that long, they shouldn't be on the trip. Or alive.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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It's just the complete lack of discipline with some people.


Nevertheless, back on topic! Anyone else like to post what they got up to today? :smile:

I learned that Jello is made out of horse hooves and pig skin in Bio class today. :thumbup:

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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So today I helped my sister with some homework. I didn't help so much as do it cause I just wanted to play Bayonetta! :P



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We got our PSAT results back today.


In reading: better than 95% of sophomores

In math: better than 76% of sophomores

In writing: better than 96% of sophomores


Normally I guess I wouldn't be too surprised, but since the sophomores who actually bother to take the PSATs are usually kids who actually are going to do something with their lives, and not your average C's-in-regular-classes kid, I'm happy.


Oh and compared to college-bound juniors, I'm in the 86th percentile. Sweet.


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There's no reason to take the PSAT's as a sophomore lol.


Nice job though dude, what were the actual scores? Not that I remember mine, but I know my SAT's crushed what they predicted from my PSAT scores.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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There's no reason to take the PSAT's as a sophomore lol.


Nice job though dude, what were the actual scores? Not that I remember mine, but I know my SAT's crushed what they predicted from my PSAT scores.

Yeah I know there's no reason to really, I probably wouldn't have taken it if I had the overall decision.


The scores on the PSAT are all whacked and different than the SAT for whatever reason. Reading 62, Math 53, Writing 63. So I don't know if that just gets multiplied by 10 or what.


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