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Heh, they still close down universities up here (Maine) when we get some wicked snow storms.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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I bet those snow storms call for cancellation, though. It's Maine for Pete's sake. :P


We've got dudes with bags of ice-melt riding around in their little golf carts all night long, making sure that the ground is nice and sloshy instead of icy. I haaaate slush. It's worse the snow and ice. Ruins my shoes, tbh. -.-


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Slush ruins everything. I hate it too.


Back on topic: Probably going to go biking sometime soon. It's a nice 73 (23 Celsius) degrees out. :shades:

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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I was highlighting around the page randomly and I saw this.


What's your game, TIF? When I right-clicked the dot, I had the option to copy, and it would only paste into Wordpad, so it's text. But it's a blank space. What the hell are you hiding?


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I don't see any dot when I highlight the page.


You're going insane Dizzle.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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I picked up a new Moleskine (weekly notebook diary, this is my second Moleskine! The first was very useful for me while in school and it will be helpful at University!). Also got Sleep through the static and En Concert albums by Jack Johnson. Pretty good day! :D

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Sleep Through The Static is great. :thumbup:


Today, woke up at 3pm, hit the gym, showered/shaved and ate some stir fry. Going to a girl's house (her parents are out:o) then going to a party tonight... Wew.



"Only by going too far can one find out how far one can go." T.S. Eliot

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Work was actually very stressful. I had to take three written tests, and was evaluated on my Quality Assurance and customer service skills. I excel in both those fields, but it's still nerve-racking. <_< The written tests were extremely difficult and filled with trick questions that were meant to throw you off. I honestly don't know how I did on them... In other news, I'm going to the A's game tonight with Megan. Should be fun. :)


EDIT: Jack Johnson is amazing. :thumbup: But not as amazing as what is below.




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tumblr creation complete.


my life is average.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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New puppy! Golden retriever, just got it today. 9 hours worth of driving and it threw up on me, but it's worth it :D


Pics up soon.

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New puppy! Golden retriever, just got it today. 9 hours worth of driving and it threw up on me, but it's worth it :D


Pics up soon.

Good! :thumbup: Post them here. I don't think I'll remember to check the Pet Pictures Sticky otherwise.


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Just bought tickets to see Skrillex in October with my friend. :thumbup:

udhfudfhdkj That's gonna be great! I'm so envious of you right now.



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Because I don't know where to post it, i'm gonna put this here. Today as I was walking out of Target I saw the most manly looking lesbian I have ever seen.

Now this brings up the question I have have every time I meet/see a "butch" lesbian: why? I mean, call me ignorant, but I don't understand why you would look more manly if you're trying to attract women who are attracted to women. Isn't that a bit counterproductive?

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Just bought tickets to see Skrillex in October with my friend. :thumbup:

udhfudfhdkj That's gonna be great! I'm so envious of you right now.

Yeah and it's in a pretty small venue so it'll sell out and be super packed in. :thumbsup:

Because I don't know where to post it, i'm gonna put this here. Today as I was walking out of Target I saw the most manly looking lesbian I have ever seen.

Now this brings up the question I have have every time I meet/see a "butch" lesbian: why? I mean, call me ignorant, but I don't understand why you would look more manly if you're trying to attract women who are attracted to women. Isn't that a bit counterproductive?

I think it's something about rejecting traditional feminine stereotypes. I dunno, I agree with you that it doesn't really make sense.


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