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The most terrorifing moment in your life?


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my and a few of my friends were watching a fight when the cops came.while the fight was going on 2 of my friends and i were smoking a bowl because we didn't care about the fight and the kid who drove us home school knew one of the kids. when the cops came about 100 kids scattered and everyone drove away and my friend who was driving couldn't turn around so he drove away in reverse, while he was going in reverse he hit a light pole going 45mph(it wasn't some tiny little 10 foot tall pole it was one of the big street lights). when he hit the pole the glass from the light get everywhere through is moon roof. then we went to one of my friends houses to clean up all the glass and we were all cut up. took us an hour to clean up all the glass with a shop vac.




unfortunately someone reported my friends plates to the cops so he had to go to driving school and pay a couple grand for the pole, but when the cops came to his house to tow his care away he said he was in the car by himself :D

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I've never been as terrified and shocked as when I fell of my bicycle in 40km/hour in a curve due to sand and gravel causing the loss of my grip. All the sand ripped off all the skin of the lower part of my right arm and caused a lot of dirty bleeding. I fainted, but a bypassing friend found me and called my mother so she could take me home for treatment of the big wound.




The wound was never deep enough to require hospital treatment, but it sure was nasty, big and took about two months to heal fully. If you look at my right arm today, you can see a large blank and scar-pale square-shaped thing and the skin is uneven.




I've also been hit by a bus while riding in 20 km/hour. However, thanks to my good reflexes and being fit, I moved in a way which left me with just a few scratches on my hands and a swollen chest from the hard hit. That left me in a shock that was only matched by earlier mentioned biking accident. When I think back on it, the way I was hit by the car was similiar to the way a stuntman would do it in an action film.

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1. Being in the area of the tornado that hit downtown Fort Worth during the late 90s. Don't know if many people will remember about the story, it was a big tornado and did loads of damage to the buildings, and many buildings were built with a lot of windows, so it literally demolished the buildings.


2. Probably when I was playing on a playground and a group of kids come up (I was on a merry-go-round) and then they all started spinning it. I thought they were going to spin it a little and then jump on it and just play, but they had mean intentions. They kept spinning it and spinning it. Very quickly it got up to a speed that I couldn't get off it. Literally. The speed of it created a force that started pulling me down and I kept sliding everywhere and I literally thought it would eventually fling me off. I felt myself lift off of the merry-go-round by about an inch or so and I started grabbing the bars. The kids were just [wagon] holes and luckily a teacher found out and stopped them.




The first one just made me scared because I didn't fully understand what was going on, except that sirens were going off and we had our door open and the suction literally slammed the door and probably cracked it. I don't remember much about it since I was little then.




The second one just kind of made me cry because I was so scared of getting hurt.




Other than that, my life isn't scary at all. Unless you count the fact that I was talking to a Scientologist on Facebook the other day and he freaked out when I said something negative about Tom Cruise and he threatened to hurt me. I just reported it though and was like "Ok, whatever... BYE!" I'm glad I changed my Facebook screen name before talking to him though. I'm also glad I have bogus personal details on my Facebook, incase he was able to access it somehow.




Another one would be when I got a death threat by someone calling my cellphone. Apparently a "friend" gave someone my phone number and they wanted to call me and threaten to hurt me just because I was too effeminate or whatever. They wanted to "teach me a lesson." Just a bunch of hicks. I moved since then anyway, so GL to whoever the hell got my number in finding me.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I was in a public pool on a day where there were few people, about 7 years back. My dad had found someone to chat with so he wasn't watching me. I had one of those kickboard things that swimmers use for kicking exercizes. I was kicking merrily with the kickboard, but at one point I accidently let go. The kickboard floated into the deep end. Me, being the tiny but brave little boy I was, decided to go after it, even though I couldn't swim well. So I half walked, half doggy paddled toward the kickboard, which kept moving farther and farther as I splashed. Eventually I was in the 8 foot zone where I was just barely floating. Then I slipped under the water because I was getting tired, trying desperatly to paddle myself to the surface. My 7 years of life flashed before my eyes. Thankfully a lifeguard was nearby.




Another time I was running toward a street to cross it. As I approached the street I felt a pebble in my sandals, and so I stopped running just as I hit the edge of the road. A car screeched by a split second after. Had I not felt the pebble, I'd be road kill. Someone watched me that day, leaving the pebble there conveniently ::'


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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I was in my local shop near my holiday home recently enough when some guy ran in completely strung out on drugs obviously looking for money for his next score, he ran to the till where I was standing with my back to him. He then decided I'd be his "hostage" and put a gun to my head while telling my friend (working the till) that if he didn't give him all the money in the till he'd "blow my brains out". He threw the money into a bag and ran back out, we rang the police and gave them a description.




When the police caught up with him he fired 3 shots at them, pretty scary to think that if my friend didn't comply I most likely could've been killed :|




Then there was another time when I feel off my bike, I rolled onto the road but was ok, my bike though moved 2 feet further out onto the road and ended up under a HGV (16 wheeler or whatever) and it was flattened completely, yet again scary to think I easily could've been


the bike that day.




I've been stabbed twice but for some reason I've never found it terrifying or anything, it just made me really angry.

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Probably the time when I was sitting under a tree eating lunch with my friends at school and a huge [wagon] spider climbed onto my shoulder, sure it wouldn't be the scariest moment in most peoples lives but I'm extremely aracnaphobic so I was running around screaming, eventually one of my friends just brushed it off. I couldn't stop shaking for the rest of the day :(

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Like a year ago I was helping my dad, filling in for a job delivering newspapers to local businesses in the middle of the night. I was kinda chillin in the passenger seat while he was gettin some papers ready in an empty gas station. A car pulls up and I kinda glance over and I see a man with a facemask on. Im scared as hell at this point, empty gas station, 5am, noone around. So I kinda tell my dad "uh, theres a guy with a facemask on.." and he just finishes dropping the papers off and he acts real casual cuz hes doin his job and he doesn't know what i'm getting at. The guy kinda stared at me then got out of his car.




Next thing I know the guy walks over to the pumps like he was just gonna fill his car with gas. My dad gets into the drivers seat, and we're off. Pretty damn scary, don't even know what that guy's deal was.

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I've been stabbed twice but for some reason I've never found it terrifying or anything, it just made me really angry.




I have been stabbed (by a sharp tree branch when i rode my bike into the tree...) i was neither angry or terrified, just in excrutiating pain. (I was about 10 at the time...)


I love this sig.

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I've been stabbed twice but for some reason I've never found it terrifying or anything, it just made me really angry.




I have been stabbed (by a sharp tree branch when i rode my bike into the tree...) i was neither angry or terrified, just in excrutiating pain. (I was about 10 at the time...)




Bit of a difference, I was stabbed by a angry Chav wielding a 5 inch serrated knife :lol: , I've impaled myself before while mountain biking on tree branches and other things, now that can really hurt sometimes.

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The most terrifying moment of my life was when I was a little girl, we lived in the country and I was picking blackberries from a hedge in a field near our house. The field belonged to a farmer who had two dogs, I noticed the dogs at the bottom of the field running towards me. Now I love dogs and have been around them all my life, and I could see they were not gonna be friendly, so I ran as fast as I could. I remember this soo vividly, I could feel them catching up, I couldn't hear anything, but my whole body seemed to be really hot, it must have been pure fear and adrenalin.The dogs caught up before I got to the gate and one of them bit me on my right side and the other under my left arm. I was soo lucky to get away as the farmer shouted for them to stop. I scrambled over the the gate, ran to the house into the kitchen and burst into tears.




When my mum and dad got out of me what had happened my dad ran down to the farm to have a word with the farmer and my mum took me to the hospital to get a tetanus jab.

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Probably when this guy pinned me to the ground and started to punch me in the back of the head multiple times. I tried to get up but he punched me again and I blacked out.


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Brothers friends in mexico, we were fooling about in the pool i plashed her hair etc then she stuck my head under water, was all a joke until i came up yelling then she plunged me right back under, coulda swore i was gonna pass out :(

Let your yellow mellow.

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Brothers friends in mexico, we were fooling about in the pool i plashed her hair etc then she stuck my head under water, was all a joke until i came up yelling then she plunged me right back under, coulda swore i was gonna pass out :(


i remember that..she thought u were laughing or somthing stupied.. so she pusheed u back under. :shame:



click for teh bloggy.


ty to swaggeh for sig!

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ive some daft memories, my earliest memory is when i was 2 and i was being chased by a swan that kept trying to peck me lol i remember it being like twice my size so that was quite bad like lol.


when i was around 6 or so i was up at a caravan site i used to stay at called silver cliffs, there was a swimming pool wif a big slide which i wanted to go down so i asked my dad to w8 at the bottom to catch me as i wasnt a good swimmer then. im sure u can guess that no1 was there to catch me and a life guard had to jump in to get me lol. i can look back and laugh at it now but then i wasnt laughing lol


ive had a few scary moments while being out driving but there are too many of them to list :P



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Havent gone through many scary things but when thunder hit 3 houses away from mine, it was also a drummer from a popular bands mums house (My brother has his autograph but I not saying who it is :D)




It also wiped out my computer and I had to get a new 1, it was a huge bang and happened about 2-3 months ago

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Well, the rednecks last words "Hey yall wach 'is!" is what happened, my bros name is Todd and I was sprinting on my treadmill and cranked it all the way up, and yelled Hey Todd! Watch This! swoosh. I went from standing up, flat, and scorpioned into my wall.. I got out with 6 fractured fingers (no clue how), a broken nose, some MAJOR rugburn and a laughing dad.




Not my scariest, but funniest. Ill get to the scariest one later.


- 60,023rd to 99 Firemaking on April 29th, 2012 -- 15,152nd to 99 agility on August 21st, 2011 -
- 30,569th to 99 Prayer on June 26th, 2011 -- 22,646th to 99 Hunter on Jan 9th, 2011 -
1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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Mine would have to be this :-




When I was in my early 20s and therefore still feeling somewhat immortal, I was cycling home like a thing possessed in the pouring rain, coming down a very steep hill a car decided to emerge from a side road.




I attempted to stop the bike but aquaplaned, turned sideways on, whilst still travelling down the hill nudging somewhere around 40mph. This resulted in me colliding with the drivers side front quarter, me doing a superman impression for a few metres and coming to a abrupt halt on the kerb.




My bike was a write off, one of those aluminum frame things, basically looked like someone had twisted the frame from one end to another by 20 or so degrees, the front wheel and forks were pushed up into the main bar.




The cars drivers side front corner panel was stoved in.




I lost a couple of teeth, had about ten stitches in my head and about a dozen in my left hand.




Of course back then there wasn't these ambulance chasing solicitors otherwise I would have had nice little settlement out of it.




Scared the bejeezus out of me though.

"Boy, sure would be nice to have some grenades, don't you think you think?"


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I find this perfect for this topic. I rather not think about it, but I will anyways.




Ok, this was 7 years ago, when I was ten. Me & my friends were playing in one of the friend's trampoliene. The otehr 2 friends (it was me and those 2) decide to jump off the trampliene boarder (it was enclosed, the padded part where all the metal is) onto a semi (at least 75% deflated) water - slide bouncy -bounce. They tell me to join them, but I refuse many times. Then I decide, "Ah, what the heck. What's the worst that could happen?" So I jump off, and what I had just thought, became reality - "What's the worst that could happen?"




I jump onto the wrong part of the bouncy, and I lay on the grass and slide, not moving for about 10 seconds. I then got up and struggled to breath, which, no matter how hard I tried, could't for about a minute, and wasn't choking. I was barely walking, supporting myself up on the trampoliene boarder. I was then able to just barely gasp for small, rough breaths at like a minute without air. I could breath again. I was able to breath, but could barely stand (was really hunched over). I had to sit on my friend's deck chair, and told her older sister (was doing home work / listining to punk music.... -.-). I then had to hold the ice pack on my back for 20 minutes before I couldwalk again. It was pretty life-threating, but not as scary as other people's stories. I had a hunch that entire week, which wasn't fun. And yes, I was an epic lozer when I was 10.

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I have 3, all on bikes. So now I hate bikes.




Almost run over by a car going around a blind corner, he nicked my rear wheel and I fell off basically.


My friend thought it would be funny to kick the sporks on my rear wheel, thus I swerved out of control into a stationary van, next thing I knew I woke up on a lawn a few feet away knowing nothing. Apparently I was out for about 3 minutes, no visible injuries at all.


Breaking on a rocky and root-filled mud path on a bike route, my friends chain came off and slowed a lot, I caught up behind and broke suddenly, don't remember much of next but I was told I went sort of sideways head over heels kind of onto the rocks. I had no apparent injuries except for a small bruise on my left arm.




I guess I'm kind of lucky I've had no injuries really. I should have at least broken my arm on the last one according to my friends who were ahead of me.




Oh and I did a vertical dive into a 3m deep pool when I was 5. Almost lost all my breath.


Click my signature for my blog!

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My first, was 9/11. I was at school that day, and they called us all into the hall and told us. What made it horrible for me was the fact that I knew that my Dad was flying to America that day. It was horrible.




Second, I almost drowned while surfing. A huge wave came over the top of me and took me off my board, then a second pushed me under, at this point I was rolling around under the water from the force of the wave. As I found the way up, another wave came over and pushed me down again, in the end I did manage to get up.

So don't let anyone tell you you're not worth the earth,

These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

So shine your light so bright that all can see,

Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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1. When I was in a car accident. ~45mph + a tree :(


2. When I got busted for smoking weed. Was a sad day :(






Those were probably the two most terrofying for me to lol. When he got in his car accident, I was in my room play Zelda, and my dad comes rushing up say he was in a car accident and we had to go to the hospital.... Terrible car ride there, with dad yelling most of the way. :? Then when he got busted for weed, I was on the couch "sleeping" lol, really, I was awake, but everyone thought I was asleep, and our dad decided to lecture him right at the end of the couch. So the whole time he was being yelled at, I was laying there, shaking, not really fun times for either of those....

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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