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Olympics 2008


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taking children away at age 3 to train




you honestly see no problem with completely ruining a person's life and any prospects for the future for a chance at winning a competition to make the dictator's of that country happy?

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There was an interview, I think in time with one of the kids at the Olympic training schools and the propaganda director of the school.


The interviewer asked the girl what she wanted to do with her life, what she usually did, and so on, and all the answers were weightlifting. At one point they asked her what she liked to do, and she started to say "I used to like running in the fields near my village" but then the propaganda director cut her off, and said "but now she prefers weightlifting"




All of that is paraphrased by me, but i found it interesting.




They are taken away at young ages and they learn no other real skills. After they are past their prime, what can they do? Spending their life playing ping pong or weightlifting?



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From what I heard on the news, China was cheating in some shooting event.


There were Chinese judges and were giving the Chinese competitors points even when they missed their targets. The other countries complained but couldn't do anything.




This apparently cost Australia a metal, but anyway go Australia!




Just found it: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080813/ts ... 0813061344


Reading that it does sound a bit different but they were cheating.


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gutted at coxless 4 missing out


I was watching that race astoundingly. We beat everyone by over a second, and you, the Dutch, the Italians and the US failed to qualify. :shock:




If we don't get a gold from here... we should be shot dead.

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From what I heard on the news, China was cheating in some shooting event.


There were Chinese judges and were giving the Chinese competitors points even when they missed their targets. The other countries complained but couldn't do anything.




This apparently cost Australia a metal, but anyway go Australia!




Just found it: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080813/ts ... 0813061344


Reading that it does sound a bit different but they were cheating.




That's the home field advantage :P

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not to bag my own country but im kind of sick of watching the first week of the olympics, swimming, diving, rowing, mostly the water sports, im fine with that, but i hate seeing during the second week, mostly highlights of the first week


because Australia gets most of its medals in the first week, and like hardly any in the second


i always look forward to seeing the track and field events, like 100m sprints, but the only time they show it is like 11 at night, but we see swimming all through the day and then again and again over the next few days




hopefully it will be a bit different this time around


thanks to mitsubishi64 who made this sig

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Those chinese girls were 16. It's extremely hard to fake your age in an event as big as the olympics. Also, people need to lay off of the chinese culture (taking children away at age 3 to train) because of their dedication. It might not be what we are accustomed to, but it proves to be effective.




hard to fake? not if you're hosting it! :lol:

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Those chinese girls were 16. It's extremely hard to fake your age in an event as big as the olympics. Also, people need to lay off of the chinese culture (taking children away at age 3 to train) because of their dedication. It might not be what we are accustomed to, but it proves to be effective.




hard to fake? not if you're hosting it! :lol:




Especially when the proof of age is just a government issued passport. There is absolutely no way the government of china could fake that.

My carbon footprint is bigger than yours...and you know what they say about big feet.


These are the times that try mens souls...
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^^ It's even easier when the IOC say they won't investigate it. They say it's the responsibility of the individual olympic committees. I was skeptical about them being underage until I watched them win gold today and until I read my last statement. There is no way a lot of them are 16.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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i'm boycotting the olympics because of the role china plays in aiding the sudanese gov. in their genocide in darfur.


google darfur olympics and watch.




Honestly with 30 something million tuned in, in just the US i doubt your boycott is doing anything.

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What's funny is the Chinese actually 'digitally modified' a part of the opening ceremony, the fireworks as footprints. Also, the little girl who sang the chinese anthem or something was lip synching, the chinese didn't think the girl who actually sang the song to be pretty enough to go on stage :roll: . China is lame.

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i'm boycotting the olympics because of the role china plays in aiding the sudanese gov. in their genocide in darfur.


google darfur olympics and watch.




Honestly with 30 something million tuned in, in just the US i doubt your boycott is doing anything.




and if it were just me and in just the usa, i'd say ur right. however it's millions of people around the world.

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i'm boycotting the olympics because of the role china plays in aiding the sudanese gov. in their genocide in darfur.


google darfur olympics and watch.




Honestly with 30 something million tuned in, in just the US i doubt your boycott is doing anything.




and if it were just me and in just the usa, i'd say ur right. however it's millions of people around the world.


I'm going to make an ignorant assumption here and say that there are at least a billion people that DO watch the Olympics.




I didn't like China going into the Olympics, I like them no better now. At least they let Taiwan compete...Can't wait for the baseball games against Japan, China and the US.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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i'm boycotting the olympics because of the role china plays in aiding the sudanese gov. in their genocide in darfur.


google darfur olympics and watch.


I hate to break it to you, but they don't really need you to watch the Olympics.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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i'm boycotting the olympics because of the role china plays in aiding the sudanese gov. in their genocide in darfur.


google darfur olympics and watch.


I hate to break it to you, but they don't really need you to watch the Olympics.




ur right, they don't need me to watch the olympics.


however, i've written all the olympic sponsors who's products i can feasibly boycott as well, and i'm doing so.


google the website "dream for darfur"

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i'm boycotting the olympics because of the role china plays in aiding the sudanese gov. in their genocide in darfur.


google darfur olympics and watch.


I hate to break it to you, but they don't really need you to watch the Olympics.




ur right, they don't need me to watch the olympics.


however, i've written all the olympic sponsors who's products i can feasibly boycott as well, and i'm doing so.


google the website "dream for darfur"


Strangely enough, they don't need you to tell them to boycott. If they felt anything towards the situation in Sudan, they'd have boycotted it long ago.




I wish you good luck though. I mean, it's not like there were several left-wing organisations that had been campaigning for years before you started your own boycott. :roll:

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What's funny is the Chinese actually 'digitally modified' a part of the opening ceremony, the fireworks as footprints. Also, the little girl who sang the chinese anthem or something was lip synching, the chinese didn't think the girl who actually sang the song to be pretty enough to go on stage :roll: . China is lame.




China is lame because they don't think the same as you?! The country reduced it's pollution and made Beijing a better place in order to host the Olympics successfully. Besides, just because the girl on stage didn't actually sing, it didn't make it wrong. Your favorite bands have been buying their songs for years from other bands that had better ideas.




So look in the mirror again, who's actually lame?




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