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Let's talk jeans.


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Jeans? Pshh. I haven't worn jeans for years. I sort of stopped completely once I started high school, since we're not allowed to wear them. Cargo pants FTW. Between school and Boy Scouts, cargos have taken over. Jeans are absolutely terrible for camping.




God I hate the Boy Scouts. -.- Their true motto is "Kickin' out the queers, Atheists, and those darn' people who can't decide if they believe in God or not."




Someone needs to really put the Scouts in their place some day. They claim to be about helping others, yet they are the most intolerant organization for young people. Doesn't shock me though, since they're all extremely sexist. I used to be a Scout myself until I just got tired of their bull and then denounced them and disassociated with every single one of them.




They happen to be a private organization so they can do whatever they please.




And when I was in Boy Scouts, we never bashed gays, so I'd like you to tell me where you got your info. Though it may be different because I live in California.




Now, onto the jeans topic.




I wear Levi's Skinny Jeans (I won't lie, I don't have extremely thin legs but they're more muscle than anything), and I look downright decent in them. And they're comfortable, so it's all good. :)

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They happen to be a private organization so they can do whatever they please.




And when I was in Boy Scouts, we never bashed gays, so I'd like you to tell me where you got your info. Though it may be different because I live in California.





Still even if they're a private organization, they aren't right for kicking out people just because they have different religious views or have a different sexual orientation.




Since you live in Cali, I'd imagine they would be more tolerant there and perhaps a little more lax on the rules, but when I was going to Boy Scouts in Ft. Worth, they made a big fuss about people being gay and being in Scouts, or adult advisers being gay, etc. I was in cub scouts, so the children had less of an understanding about the topic then, so it wasn't really big. However, the older kids who were in Boy Scouts were stereotypically masculine and homophobic. It's really sad. Also I can understand they would only want people who believed in some sort of god in their organization, but religious organizations such as them also tend to be biased towards a certain religion and sometimes don't live by their code so they just kick out anyone who's not Christian or whatever. Agnostics are a different story. There are some who are theists, and some who are atheists, so it doesn't make sense to kick someone out just because they're agnostic.




I'm part of a so called "religious organization promoting religious tolerance." When I got initiated they said all I had to do was believe in a deity of some sort, or at least what I understood to be God. A few weeks later they made a comment about how you have to believe in the Christian God, YHWH/Jehova, or you didn't truely believe in God. Thus, you were kicked out. I saw this as hypocritical and have lost respect for them. Also one of our adult advisers made a comment about we can't recruit Muslims anymore because they were dangerous and didn't believe in God or some BS like that.... I'm still in it because my dad makes me go, but when I'm 18 I'm just going to cease going to their meetings and then just forget about them.




If Boy Scouts changed their attitude about people's sexual orientation, I would have no problem with them at all. If my Demolay chapter (what I just talked about) stopped being ignorant and hold true to their code, then I'd have no problem with them. I imagine in both cases the "friends" I met there were only my friends as long as I involved myself with their organizations. I'd imagine if I walked up to my friends from Boy Scouts, they would have nothing to do with me anymore. Likewise with Demolay if I just left it and then a few years later tried talking to a friend from it, he would not have anything to say to me anymore.




EDIT: Rush, I agree with you. Perhaps it is different the further you go away from the South. I even remember something about they wouldn't hire a man if he wasn't married because they thought that usually meant you were gay or whatever.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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It may not be morally right, but there's nothing you can do. And there are very few cases where they kick you out. There's one kid that used to go to my school who was in the Scouts, and I'm pretty much positive he was gay. And one who was athiest - and obviously. It's more along the lines of blatancy. I believe they are a devoutly Christian organization, after all.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I have a couple pairs of Ralph Lauren jeans that I wear occasionally but since they cost around 110 bucks for a pair, I don't wear them all the time. I usually wear either normal khaki pants or some cords.

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I'm the kind of guy who doesn't care very much about his jeans. I don't like the idea of fading or ripping jeans to make them look worn. I don't care what brand I own, even today I own two pairs of jeans and forgot which brands they are. I only like blue color jeans, I don't care for black or green or whatever color they stir up. For me as long as they fit and are comfortable, I'm good to go.




And for the argument on the boy scouts: isn't there a thread on it already? We go from jeans to Boy scouts' sexual orientation in a few posts -.-


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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I hate wearing those hard-clothes jeans. I like the softer ones and those dress pants from Dockers. They're called something else but I forgot. :oops: Those pants are damn comfortable though.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I'm a jean person here. I have about five different pairs which weren't all that expensive ranging from about $35-60 a pair and honestly can't see the difference between a $100+ pair. About five years ago I wouldn't touch a pair of them, but that's changed pretty quickly.




Jeans on girls though, very attractive if they can pull it off. ;)

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Jeans? Pshh. I haven't worn jeans for years. I sort of stopped completely once I started high school, since we're not allowed to wear them. Cargo pants FTW. Between school and Boy Scouts, cargos have taken over. Jeans are absolutely terrible for camping.




God I hate the Boy Scouts. -.- Their true motto is "Kickin' out the queers, Atheists, and those darn' people who can't decide if they believe in God or not."




Someone needs to really put the Scouts in their place some day. They claim to be about helping others, yet they are the most intolerant organization for young people. Doesn't shock me though, since they're all extremely sexist. I used to be a Scout myself until I just got tired of their bull and then denounced them and disassociated with every single one of them.




I may be beating a dead horse here, but as this was in reply to me I will give it what is due.




The Boy Scouts have been around for a very long time. Hm, I wonder how people's views have changed since the organization was founded. But nah, a controversial issue like homosexuality couldn't possibly have ever been seen by the general public and religious organizations as morally wrong. Of course not. Even if it were, what possible influence could that have on the Scouts.




Hello. Look at the official shorts. Times change.




It's not like they go asking about your sexuality or religious views, either. Imagine a new eleven-year-old scout being asked, "So, are you gay?" No, I don't think I've ever met a scout who would actually call attention to himself or a fellow scout for being gay, and I doubt any leaders would give a crap. Same with religious views; "to do my duty to God" is the only place in common scout doctrine that mentions religion, and if you're the type of Atheist to refuse to say the national anthem 'cause it says God you're more intolerant than you make the Boy Scouts out to be. Hell, they would probably kick me out if I said that I question God.




Oh wait. No they wouldn't.




EDIT: The Boy Scouts are quite intolerant of jeans, as well. Don't wear them to a campout, or they'll denounce you for a homo and kick you out.


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I'm a jean person here. I have about five different pairs which weren't all that expensive ranging from about $35-60 a pair and honestly can't see the difference between a $100+ pair. About five years ago I wouldn't touch a pair of them, but that's changed pretty quickly.




Jeans on girls though, very attractive if they can pull it off. ;)




Here's your difference, the $100 pair have holes and paint splattered on them. It's funny how making something worn out actually increases value. :x




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I can 100% whole heartily say I HATE WEARING JEANS.


Not sure why though it's just one of the things I hate wearing.


Same, though I haven't bothered trying for years. I may have changed by now, who knows. Shorts during the summer (Which is basically April-October for me, even in Massachusetts). Cargo pants, khakis, sweatpants, and whatever else I can find during the winter.


If I ever do wear jeans though, they'd probably be some cheap ones. Never really cared for fashion, all jeans look the same to me to be honest.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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dont get me started on jeans. living in southern california, i can tell you that any poser that thinks he is cool will be wearing Sevens, True Religions, Rocking Republics, etc. that are around $300-400 for a single pair.

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dont get me started on jeans. living in southern california, i can tell you that any poser that thinks he is cool will be wearing Sevens, True Religions, Rocking Republics, etc. that are around $300-400 for a single pair.


Jesus Christ. Mine are about 30-40 dollars max, and I guarantee they didn't start out with holes and stains.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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dont get me started on jeans. living in southern california, i can tell you that any poser that thinks he is cool will be wearing Sevens, True Religions, Rocking Republics, etc. that are around $300-400 for a single pair.


Jesus Christ. Mine are about 30-40 dollars max, and I guarantee they didn't start out with holes and stains.




You know it's a sad day when people can't cut a few holes, make a tear here and there, put it through the wash once or twice and whatever else to achieve a desired effect. But rather will deal out that much money for a single pair of jeans.




People amaze me when it comes to clothing/style. #-o

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I don't think I have a pair of any other pants than jeans (except dress pants). I buy them cheap, maybe $30-40. They're durable, don't stain much, and I can wear a pair for up to two days before changing, three if I don't go many places. I don't keep stuff in my pockets much, either, so i don't need a whole bunch of those.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Yeah, I'm a jeans person too. I even wear jean shorts pretty consistently. They can go with pretty much everything <3: . But in the odd occasion they don't, athletic shorts can do the trick.

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I personally finally got into and bought my first pair of Jeans last month, now I cannot take them off. They are the perfect combination between keeping your legs warm when it is cold and keeping them cool when it is warm.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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