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Banning for unabuseable bugs.


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There is a bug where you can have a 2 handed weapon turned into a 1 handed weapon until you unequped it or vise verca in a player house but it cant go outside houses.It can't be exploited in anyway so i'll say how to do it you first equip a 2 handed weapon or 1 handed weapon then sit at a table in a POH with someone right beside you quickly press follow and eat a pineapple pizza and quickly equip your desired weapon to make a 2h or 1h this is not permanent nor can it be done outside a house so no 1 handed godswords with rune def :(


Sorry to disappoint, but that is a very old glitch. :x

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There is a bug where you can have a 2 handed weapon turned into a 1 handed weapon until you unequped it or vise verca in a player house but it cant go outside houses.It can't be exploited in anyway so i'll say how to do it you first equip a 2 handed weapon or 1 handed weapon then sit at a table in a POH with someone right beside you quickly press follow and eat a pineapple pizza and quickly equip your desired weapon to make a 2h or 1h this is not permanent nor can it be done outside a house so no 1 handed godswords with rune def :(


Sorry to disappoint, but that is a very old glitch. :x




Oh lol awell though there are quite alot of bugs in POH's i barely know which one's are


new or old ::'



url=http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=112&t=760822]Click to join the War of Glory! 100 archers versus 100 warriors![/url]

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Player Moderators aren't chosen because they report bugs and if they are, where's your proof?


I find it amusing you accuse me of not backing my claims up, and then fail to provide any proof for your own statements.




Reporting history is considered for every person chosen to be a Player Moderator. Bug abuse reports included. It's common knowledge.




Until Jagex start providing proof of their nomination process, there's a vacuum of information and I'll continue to fill that vacuum with my *belief* (not knowledge) that reporting people hastens your process of becoming a Player Moderator.




He is talking about reporting bugs, not bug abusers

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You could be picky and say it saves 5% run energy if you want to go through the underwall tunnel. I'd love to be able to do that, it's annoying to go on the side with a summon >_>

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Being non case specific, there are some situations where I feel a non abusable bug that is used intentional can be banned..... if it is causing damage. For example if a player found a bug that could crash a server, or something else (imagination costs too much! -.- ) that they cannot benifit from.... but do it anyway..... this should be banned for.






The thing in this case though is looking how a bug like that is abused. The rules state that is a player benefits from a bug they may have action taken against them..... but it does not state that the benefit must be direct, there is a large chance of players saying "I will tell you how to do this if you pay/lend me 'X'"......... this has been counted as abuse before, even if the bug is harmless, and has been banned for.




In this case remember summons are not allowed for due to lag of many people, so if people are telling others how to do it it can cause problems.

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Player Moderators aren't chosen because they report bugs and if they are, where's your proof?


I find it amusing you accuse me of not backing my claims up, and then fail to provide any proof for your own statements.




Reporting history is considered for every person chosen to be a Player Moderator. Bug abuse reports included. It's common knowledge.




Until Jagex start providing proof of their nomination process, there's a vacuum of information and I'll continue to fill that vacuum with my *belief* (not knowledge) that reporting people hastens your process of becoming a Player Moderator.




Not that it couldn't have changed from around 2004 when I was there, but back then, from what I remember reading on the p-mod forum, there isn't a "process" for most people. Personally I didn't even report a single bug.




The most obvious tittertales who go around reporting every minor, slightest 'violation' are labeled as "not suitable for player moderator duty". If the reporters are annoying enough, a j-mod could even issue them black marks or exclude them from reporting. They look at the quality of reports, how often you make them, did the report result in a ban, how serious was the offense...




If most reports from a player are single starred words accidently written by other players, pseudo-insults like "bug off", he's never going to make it. The quantity of reports has nothing to do with how fast someone is chosen, if at all.




Someone only making 20-30 ingame high quality abuse reports (serious bullying, scamming) and about 1 serious bug report (like a dupe bug) plus posting on the forum, would make it likely faster than a guy who made 800 unnecessary reports.

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didnt get banned from this, idk does anyone from tip.it know this bug but its fixed now










LOL, people on your video comments said you were using a private server.

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didnt get banned from this, idk does anyone from tip.it know this bug but its fixed now








That gif, and another one and a vid about your clan was posted on several forums.


Come to #tip-it on Swift IRC, if you're cool

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didnt get banned from this, idk does anyone from tip.it know this bug but its fixed now










LOL, people on your video comments said you were using a private server.




That's because DDS speccing a 53-53 is impossible. Even if you were to find a glitch that gave the DDS +100000 damage, the most you could ever hit on a player is how much health they have left, as the system will never have you hit more than the person has left in HP.




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He ate.. Sara brew rofl. Heals hp above max.. #-o




I never said it was fake, just that's the reason it looks fake.




As for it being real, Nukearcher would've deserved it if he'd been banned, considering he used it several times to kill people at Bounty Hunter.




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didnt get banned from this, idk does anyone from tip.it know this bug but its fixed now










LOL, people on your video comments said you were using a private server.




That's because DDS speccing a 53-53 is impossible. Even if you were to find a glitch that gave the DDS +100000 damage, the most you could ever hit on a player is how much health they have left, as the system will never have you hit more than the person has left in HP.

WOW!! u used Super Super str pot? lol and ya i used SwiftKit to take the pic and it adds the date of when i took the pic instead of report abuse


GWD Drops- Sara Swords-3 Sara Hilt-2 Zammy Hilt-1 Zammy Spears-3 Arma Helms- 2 Arma Skirt-2 Arma body-2

I gud Pk

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didnt get banned from this, idk does anyone from tip.it know this bug but its fixed now










LOL, people on your video comments said you were using a private server.




That's because DDS speccing a 53-53 is impossible. Even if you were to find a glitch that gave the DDS +100000 damage, the most you could ever hit on a player is how much health they have left, as the system will never have you hit more than the person has left in HP.

WOW!! u used Super Super str pot? lol and ya i used SwiftKit to take the pic and it adds the date of when i took the pic instead of report abuse




How is not hard to understand.


It was a glitch with range bonus, using the void, somehow the DDS thought it was a range weapon, and took range bonus, and delt out stupid high hits.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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okay let me clear up my earlier post




a bug is a software flaw, let's all just accept it as true that it is generally recognized that a bug is a means to doing something which is otherwise not doable, or takes longer to do, etc.




the use of a bug is inherently abuse because you're using it to do something which not supposed to be doable




so if jagex says you may not abuse bugs, this covers all bugs




the question is, where do we draw the line at what is harmless and does not warrant any action taken to correct the bug and punish the people who have used it, versus what is harmful and can be exploited for more than 'harmless fun'




for instance... this grand exchange bug. i don't know what restrictions still exist, but if this bug were to allow people to bank at the grand exchange while they still had a familiar out, then it gives unfair advantage. basically no bug is completely harmless, you can come up with some situation where a 'harmless bug' could be exploited, if only for a split second, and someone would complain

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If the bug were unabuseable then there would be no way to do anything with it. A summons in the GE is definatly the manipulation of something that was not ment to be manipulated in that way, thus no matter how incosiquential the bug may be, you are abusing it none the less. An unabuseable bug would be one that is applying to everyone, such as all people bringing summons into the GE. You abused a bug, albiet to no consiquense, therfore you should be repoted no matter how petty it may seem.

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didnt get banned from this, idk does anyone from tip.it know this bug but its fixed now










LOL, people on your video comments said you were using a private server.




That's because DDS speccing a 53-53 is impossible. Even if you were to find a glitch that gave the DDS +100000 damage, the most you could ever hit on a player is how much health they have left, as the system will never have you hit more than the person has left in HP.

WOW!! u used Super Super str pot? lol and ya i used SwiftKit to take the pic and it adds the date of when i took the pic instead of report abuse




The person could have used a Sara Brew or something else to boost his HP.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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The ban hammer discussed in popular culture has a more literal meaning- the monkey hitting the ban button at JaGeX HQ is using a hammer to hit said button.






Personally, I think bugs like that should not be perma-bannable.. that's just silly. A warning, perhaps, but I don't see how banning someone for bringing a summoning creature into the GE threatens the game or it's players... of course, if you were bringing it to somewhere where it could be used for an advantage, I could understand.





Can be looted to obtain a variable item and reobtain the imp jar. If you are insane, it can instead be exchanged for impling jars from Elnock Inquisitor.
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First, if the bug was unabusable to begin with, then neither of us would have ever heard of it. Second, it doesn't matter if it's harmless or not, any bug is seen as detrimental to the game as a whole. Those that don't understand that don't get that a bug in code this complex can mean any number of things - it could be something totally inane, we don't know, to something that could cause another Falador incident.




Rule of thumb: Don't abuse any bug, for any reason, at any time. It's not worth it.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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didnt get banned from this, idk does anyone from tip.it know this bug but its fixed now










LOL, people on your video comments said you were using a private server.




That's because DDS speccing a 53-53 is impossible. Even if you were to find a glitch that gave the DDS +100000 damage, the most you could ever hit on a player is how much health they have left, as the system will never have you hit more than the person has left in HP.

WOW!! u used Super Super str pot? lol and ya i used SwiftKit to take the pic and it adds the date of when i took the pic instead of report abuse




The person could have used a Sara Brew or something else to boost his HP.


it dosent matter what bug you post on youtube all say its [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation] or some toher private junk. you can ask any of Unlimited members or Brutality members this is real bug. the bug was made possible by choosing rapid ranged mode on melee weapon.


using range attack with melee weapon didnt use bolts so you only had to have 1 good bolt with you (we used onyx ones since effects didnt work on melee weapons) range void gives 15% or something better max hit and dds increases max hit. with mace we hit 66 few times but dds was better since you could 1 spec people.




also you dont have to have 106 hp to hit 53 53 spec. since rs sometimes over hit. i think someone must have encountered where enemy has 20 hp and you hit 20 20 spec on him.




and finally heres the vid how to do the bug and jagex didnt manage fix the bug complitety its still working half. not telling how.




Ranged 101/99, Str 105/99, Att 105/99, Hp 106/99, Def 100/70, Magic 102/99

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