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RuneScape Cash shop


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If Jagex were to bring in a cash shop...




many people posted that having it selling tradeable items/high value items/gold would be a bad idea, but that was not my intention of this post, the purpose was so that they would sell UNTRADABLE items, with no bonuses and soly for the purpose of decoration, for example the ring master outfit.




soo, less flame, more discuss.


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I think it's a horrible idea. The whole point of runescape is that your real world life has no affect of how you do in runescape. Not to mention that would lower the worth of gold. More gold coming in from jagex not to mention all the gold in the game and the gold that is being made every day. This would only make it harder for the person who has to work for their money and cant buy it.

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It doesn't matter as long as whatever the cash shop sells doesn't give the player an advantage over someone else. So items only for looks is fine, as long as they're untradable once you buy them.

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It doesn't matter as long as whatever the cash shop sells doesn't give the player an advantage over someone else. So items only for looks is fine, as long as they're untradable once you buy them.




It being called a cash shop one would assume they would sell gp, anyway that would give someone an advantage because anyone who wastes money there would have an advantage over anyone who doesn't because everyone else works for their money. And the majority things in rs can be bought if you throw enough money at it some skills included. As for the items you speak of, it would still be unfair for someone to get them with cash, whereas someone else would have to work for them, or not get them at all.




Edit: Also imagine all the social divides this would create, we would see rs being split into people who buy rs cash, and people who don't. I can almost guarantee that we would see people criticizing other for buying/ not buying rs cash.

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JAGeX recently removed Real Word Trading by adding in restrictions. If they were to add this in, they would become huge hypocrites, and even more stolen credit cards would be used.




Besides, don't let RuneScape become another one of those games, were only the real life wealth player survive and can make riches.

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Terrible, I'd probably quit if they sold out gold or other items for real cash... I'm suprised they haven't done it, cause it could probably bring it tons of cash... but rs is very boring when you can buy anything, so it might actually result in more people quitting... Either way I dislike the idea.




JAGeX recently removed Real Word Trading by adding in restrictions. If they were to add this in, they would become huge hypocrites




They did consider selling their own gold lol.

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So I rc for 3 hours make 2.1M and some kid with no sence makes his parents buy him 2.1M for w/e the price is within 10 minutes :shame: #-o :wall: :notalk: Seems pretty unfair,lazy, and stupid to me.




Won't and shouldn't happen. Just because your lazy doesn't meen you should be stupid and wastereal life money on runescape money because it's easily obtained in alot of ways. If you don't want to spend the few hours doing something for money why play? The journey to a goal is always more fun than the reward.

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So I rc for 3 hours make 2.1M and some kid with no sence makes his parents buy him 2.1M for w/e the price is within 10 minutes :shame: #-o :wall: :notalk: Seems pretty unfair,lazy, and stupid to me.




Won't and shouldn't happen. Just because your lazy doesn't meen you should be stupid and wastereal life money on runescape money because it's easily obtained in alot of ways


Life isn't fair. Yet you seem to believe that some people wasting their real life time (which could be spent getting real life money) for RuneScape money is somehow better.




I don't think there should be any benefits for using real life money to gain RuneScape items, but I see nothing harmful with a novelty item for those people who donate money to Jagex. The common argument against that is "No, because it creates an elitist system", but I've been on other sites where they encourage donations like this and it really hasn't created this attitude at all.




People with wealth gain an advantage. Welcome to Planet Earth, people.

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Ide have no worries with it at all. Although its obviously not a popular decision. I have one thing to say tho i dont see how its wasting your money all it means is a few less big mac meals, alcohol and cigarettes for something that would generally last longer and give more satisfaction then the before mentioned items.


"Boredom got me playing, Boredom stops me from playing. It's a vicious cycle."

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Ide have no worries with it at all. Although its obviously not a popular decision. I have one thing to say tho i dont see how its wasting your money all it means is a few less big mac meals, alcohol and cigarettes for something that would generally last longer and give more satisfaction then the before mentioned items.




Or it's less college tuition, food money, gas money...




Way to assume that everyone is unhealthy and well, stupid. :|

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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No. Fail.




They have said they'll never sell ingame benefits for real money(except membership that is).


Well see, Jagex's stance against RWT would lead me to believe the same thing. However at E3 the man interviewed said that Runescape was in the process of having microtransactions implemented. I would find the video but I am at work so am unable to do so. I will try to go through tip.it's old pages but I bet the trouble we had recently whipped those threads out.




Point is Jagex said that they are working on putting a system of microtransactions into the game so the OP may have some ground to stand upon. As for me, eh I could care less if there were 'skins' that made my sword look like an ice cream cone. Then again I am sure these microtransactions would not give players an unfair advantage so I am sure that materials would not be sold and gold will definately NEVER be sold. As a result I am sure that if they ever do release a feature like this it will be pointless things like alternate skins, decorative armor and weaponry, and new pets like the cat that just follow you around.



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Haha, the OP wanted to keep track of people who are with the idea and those whom are against it. He hasn't chanmged it from the 1-0 state because he's the only one not against it. :lol:


I remember creating a "white market" was one of the suggested methods to combat RWT's black market a long time ago. But Jagex said that they refuse to ever to anything like that.


A while back I was on Wikipedia and I came upon an article on Jagex. There were quotes from a Jagex official (maybe Geoff Iddison, can't remember for sure) and he talked about RS and the "next MMORPG" (MechScape I guess). But what really caught my eye is that they mentioned Jagex is planning a third MMORPG to be released in 2010, and that it's possible for that one to have an item mall instead of a in-game subsciption.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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Ide have no worries with it at all. Although its obviously not a popular decision. I have one thing to say tho i dont see how its wasting your money all it means is a few less big mac meals, alcohol and cigarettes for something that would generally last longer and give more satisfaction then the before mentioned items.




Or it's less college tuition, food money, gas money...




Way to assume that everyone is unhealthy and well, stupid. :|


Way to assume that's what he was talking about.




He was referring to trading luxury items in the real world for luxury items in RuneScape. Nothing wrong with a Big Mac or a drink every now and then. If you've been told otherwise, you've been told wrong.

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This would effectively put a real cash value on every single item on runescape. A very bad idea.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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