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Behind The Scenes - October Edition


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So I got to thinking about it, and for the most part, it would seem that a full pvp world just isn't needed. If you have normal worlds, most people will continue to train there instead of doing it on a pvp world. However, when people want to go to a pvp server to pk, there won't be much use for all those skill training areas. Just seems like a big waste of space to me.


I personally think these "PK Worlds" should just have the same setup as the old school worlds. They should have the wilderness be hostile, but the rest of the world as it is now.

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the only people that can complain are the ones that actually played when there was pk'ing everywhere before.....everyone else can be be quiet. which would be 95% of the people on here lol. It was super fun back then, so obviously the only downfall is you don't get all their armor....well boohoo to all you cry babies.


99 Attack - 99 Strength - 99 Hits - 99 Magic - 99 Smithing

First To get 99 Smithing With GoldSmithing Guants


Zx7r Ninja (Currently Training) Updated 2/14/09: Ags Achieved on 2/15/09

75/75 Attack 89/99 Strength 50/50 Def 78/85 Hits

***Owned a Bandos Godsword since 59 Combat***

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the only people that can complain are the ones that actually played when there was pk'ing everywhere before.....everyone else can be be quiet. which would be 95% of the people on here lol. It was super fun back then, so obviously the only downfall is you don't get all their armor....well boohoo to all you cry babies.




The thing that is different now is that most people will go to pvp worlds to ONLY PVP. Back then you were stuck with it. Now all you have to do is go to a non-pvp world and you don't have to worry about some [cabbage]ter who hates his life coming along and killing you while you train.

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thats even better.... youll be pking people with items lol... before everyone just banked their cash.....that reminds me, remember when u couldnt even bank your items? :P Pking people mining my rune ore at heroes guild? omg what can get better than that? and this is exactly why i didnt get summoning up yet..... everyone at my combat now has garbage fighting stats because of their summoning :)


99 Attack - 99 Strength - 99 Hits - 99 Magic - 99 Smithing

First To get 99 Smithing With GoldSmithing Guants


Zx7r Ninja (Currently Training) Updated 2/14/09: Ags Achieved on 2/15/09

75/75 Attack 89/99 Strength 50/50 Def 78/85 Hits

***Owned a Bandos Godsword since 59 Combat***

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thats even better.... youll be pking people with items lol... before everyone just banked their cash.....that reminds me, remember when u couldnt even bank your items? :P Pking people mining my rune ore at heroes guild? omg what can get better than that? and this is exactly why i didnt get summoning up yet..... everyone at my combat now has garbage fighting stats because of their summoning :)


yeah and then they either steel titan/geyser spec you, have the ability to disarm your weapons, reduce your stats, or of course just have the ability to heal 42hp in a matter of seconds on top of the food they normaly eat

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do you really think summoning compensates for the 15 combats you gained? I think not.


99 Attack - 99 Strength - 99 Hits - 99 Magic - 99 Smithing

First To get 99 Smithing With GoldSmithing Guants


Zx7r Ninja (Currently Training) Updated 2/14/09: Ags Achieved on 2/15/09

75/75 Attack 89/99 Strength 50/50 Def 78/85 Hits

***Owned a Bandos Godsword since 59 Combat***

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do you really think summoning compensates for the 15 combats you gained? I think not.




Well if i did get *12* levels that would mean i would be close to, or have 99 summon, in that case it would definately be worth it, steel titan will shred mages and even rangers in pvp. let alone people with 89 have the geyser titan's boil spec, which is specifically meant for pvp. Then again...you could just stick with the unicorn which can heal you insanely fast without having to stop fighting whatsoever 8-)

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^I love summoning and want to side with you on this but there's a few things wrong with that.




One thing is that the Protect From Summoning prayer makes the player immune to scroll effects. So you just wasted an inv slot. The prayer can also be used with other prayers, so they have no disadvantage there.




The Unicorn will get 3 hitted by any high level player. :-#


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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^I love summoning and want to side with you on this but there's a few things wrong with that.




One thing is that the Protect From Summoning prayer makes the player immune to scroll effects. So you just wasted an inv slot. The prayer can also be used with other prayers, so they have no disadvantage there.




The Unicorn will get 3 hitted by any high level player. :-#




Wow.... I don't think I have ever seen somebody absolutely destroy like 5 other peoples arguments that easily. Have my babies.

If you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.

^^^At least I'm not the only crazy one

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good luck relying on them monsters to save your life lol. Ill have alot of fun killing summon'ers lol


99 Attack - 99 Strength - 99 Hits - 99 Magic - 99 Smithing

First To get 99 Smithing With GoldSmithing Guants


Zx7r Ninja (Currently Training) Updated 2/14/09: Ags Achieved on 2/15/09

75/75 Attack 89/99 Strength 50/50 Def 78/85 Hits

***Owned a Bandos Godsword since 59 Combat***

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One thing is that the Protect From Summoning prayer makes the player immune to scroll effects



No, it only reduces the damage. The prayer only prevents the familiar's right click ability. (though it probably will still cripple some scrolls pretty badly)




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Those PvP will be packed with players killing each other. What a sight that'll be. Being a bit of a wuss, I'll log on wearing nothing. ( My character that is, not me).

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I would imagine Jagex would have thought about the pure Vs People with Summoning, and I imagine Summoning will be usful in battle. Just a thought.

~ K O N K A R ~ Konkar Jr ~ X Konkar X
99 Strength - 18/12/08 - 99 Attack - 5/2/09
99 Hp - 20/7/09 - 99 Defence 26/7/09

Krisk Jr
RSC, Lives on in all of us

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will revs be removed in pvp worlds?


Anyone want to get together to do a ice attack/darkbow specs with me >.< i made loads being a 'noob' with my friends because 4 people speccing someone with 80-90 hp = ownage with no danger


seriously pm if you want to do this :o im combat around 108 at the moment (though tbh i hope this is not allowed :wall: 4 people dark bowing with arrows = minimum of 64 damage+a ice rush which might hit 5 and thats 84 damage -.-)

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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This is my own opinion but I think familiars will be useful:




- The Spirit Tz-Kih can drain peoples prayer (assuming they don't turn on the summon prayer?)


- Iron and Steel Titans boost defence against stab, slash and crush.




Then there's the special attacks:


- Minotaurs deal magic damage and can stun.


- Locusts can destroy food.


- Praying Mantis binds, causes magic damage and drains prayer.


- Forge Regents can unequip opponents weapons or shield.


- Spirit Dagannoths can cause range damage and stun.


- Lava Titan's drain special attack bars.


- Geyser Titan's can do some damage to people in melee armour.




Those are the highlights for me, sure a summoner isn't overpowered and maybe they only provide a minimal advantage, but they could be very handy in some combat situations, they can be used as distractions, it'd get annoying having to requip a weapon or getting stunned a bunch of times.




There's so many factors that can influence the outcome of a battle now, just because someone's combat level has been 'bloated up' with summoning levels doesn't mean they are going to be a weakling.




Someone could be all high and mighty with their 99 str, 99 att, 99 def and HP and whatever else, but someone else could quite easily come along with those same stats and some added backup from a summon.

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This is my own opinion but I think familiars will be useful:




- The Spirit Tz-Kih can drain peoples prayer (assuming they don't turn on the summon prayer?)


- Iron and Steel Titans boost defence against stab, slash and crush.




Then there's the special attacks:


- Minotaurs deal magic damage and can stun.


- Locusts can destroy food.


- Praying Mantis binds, causes magic damage and drains prayer.


- Forge Regents can unequip opponents weapons or shield.


- Spirit Dagannoths can cause range damage and stun.


- Lava Titan's drain special attack bars.


- Geyser Titan's can do some damage to people in melee armour.




Those are the highlights for me, sure a summoner isn't overpowered and maybe they only provide a minimal advantage, but they could be very handy in some combat situations, they can be used as distractions, it'd get annoying having to requip a weapon or getting stunned a bunch of times.




There's so many factors that can influence the outcome of a battle now, just because someone's combat level has been 'bloated up' with summoning levels doesn't mean they are going to be a weakling.




Someone could be all high and mighty with their 99 str, 99 att, 99 def and HP and whatever else, but someone else could quite easily come along with those same stats and some added backup from a summon.


Lava titan for one is threat to pkers with ags. Once I took away all of my friends spec bar with one scroll, no ags spec for him. However, the scrolls don't hit that often with decent armour on because of the summoning defence... :wall:




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Lava titan for one is a very big threat to pkers with ags. Once I took away all of my friends spec bar with one scroll, no ags spec for him. However, the scrolls don't hit that often with decent armour on because of the summoning defence... :wall:




Well atleast it might get in a couple of extra blows :)




Summons are like Tesco: Every little helps!

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Lava titan for one is a very big threat to pkers with ags. Once I took away all of my friends spec bar with one scroll, no ags spec for him. However, the scrolls don't hit that often with decent armour on because of the summoning defence... :wall:




Well atleast it might get in a couple of extra blows :)




Summons are like Tesco: Every little helps!


Yes, not at a disadvantage using a summon, might as well utilise the levels you have.




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the only people that can complain are the ones that actually played when there was pk'ing everywhere before.....everyone else can be be quiet. which would be 95% of the people on here lol. It was super fun back then, so obviously the only downfall is you don't get all their armor....well boohoo to all you cry babies.




The thing that is different now is that most people will go to pvp worlds to ONLY PVP. Back then you were stuck with it. Now all you have to do is go to a non-pvp world and you don't have to worry about some [cabbage] who hates his life coming along and killing you while you train.




This is exactly why it WILL work. There will be some people like you, who don't want to go to p2p worlds. Then there will be the people that realize it will be less crowded at the popular spots and go. Sure, they will have to bank and get a dds every now and then to defend themselves, but it won't be THAT bad

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For those people like me who are 99 in every combat stat, summoning is just an added bonus. The steel titan really is good in pvp, and it's invisible defence increasing ability is VERY underrated.




Steel titan would be pure ownage. Just imagine your chopping a tree and you do get sprung on by another high level. The look on his face when you bust out a steel titan and use the scroll would be priceless. A possible 96 hit :thumbsup:


Trust the Gene Genie!

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