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PvP Worlds: Should it be Members Only


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(Q)How many RuneScapers does it take to change a lightbulb?




1 to change the lightbulb.


10,000 to whine about changing it back.(/Q)




The original was better... -.-




OT: it should be both f2p+p2p cos I like f2pking (it's the only pking i'll ever wanna do)

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I've been a member since runescape classic, and done most of my pking on f2p servers.


The entire clan warring community relies on f2p wars, not p2p ones, so if this happened it'd be seriously bad.



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The entire clan warring community relies on f2p wars, not p2p ones, so if this happened it'd be seriously bad.


How is it bad? There is a place for that sort of thing, hence its title 'Clan Wars.' How would a 99% PvP world even regulate the rules used in clan wars?




The only difference is if you would want to have a war right outside of Lumbridge, at which point you have nothing to compare previous clan wars to.

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Yes but if they stay, they will generate substantial ad money.


Sure, they lose POTENTIAL ad money, but it wouldn't leave Jagex worse off than they are now. All they have to risk is gaining potential subscription money.




The original was better... -.-


The original what is better, original joke?

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

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...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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Yes but if they stay, they will generate substantial ad money.


Sure, they lose POTENTIAL ad money, but it wouldn't leave Jagex worse off than they are now. All they have to risk is gaining potential subscription money




Pking is done much more in f2p than p2p, even a fair amount of members come to f2p to pk. I really doubt many people will subscribe for pvp worlds if they haven't already for bounty hunter. Chances are Jagex will generate more ad money if the pvp is f2p, than they would in subscriptions if the pvp is p2p.




It's supposed to replace the old wilderness anyway, which was f2p from the beginning.

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The entire clan warring community relies on f2p wars, not p2p ones, so if this happened it'd be seriously bad.


How is it bad? There is a place for that sort of thing, hence its title 'Clan Wars.' How would a 99% PvP world even regulate the rules used in clan wars?




The only difference is if you would want to have a war right outside of Lumbridge, at which point you have nothing to compare previous clan wars to.




yeah but clan wars doesnt give you the adrenaline that old Pk'ing used to. when i Pk'ed (which wasnt often) my body froze, dunno why, but the immense amount of adrenaline in me. clan wars; its just run in, kill, insult the opposing team with "scarred" threats and walk off. sure PK you got pathetic oe-liners like "nice try noob", "what a noob", or "No prayer!". but its the adrenaline that SHOULD be given back to F2P since they too lost the old PK.




EDIT: plus F2P is much enjoyable without Ancients/Dark Bows and Godswords WtfPwnt'n you all the time. =\


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The entire clan warring community relies on f2p wars, not p2p ones, so if this happened it'd be seriously bad.


How is it bad? There is a place for that sort of thing, hence its title 'Clan Wars.' How would a 99% PvP world even regulate the rules used in clan wars?




The only difference is if you would want to have a war right outside of Lumbridge, at which point you have nothing to compare previous clan wars to.




yeah but clan wars doesnt give you the adrenaline that old Pk'ing used to. when i Pk'ed (which wasnt often) my body froze, dunno why, but the immense amount of adrenaline in me. clan wars; its just run in, kill, insult the opposing team with "scarred" threats and walk off. sure PK you got pathetic oe-liners like "nice try noob", "what a noob", or "No prayer!". but its the adrenaline that SHOULD be given back to F2P since they too lost the old PK.




The rush was from knowing you're risking your gear for something else. Turn on Items Lost On Death. The difference between having a clan war in the old level 30 wilderness and Clan Wars is that you can't run from a Clan War but still lose your items if you die. It's not longer as simple as "run in, kill, insult the opposing team". It's run in, try not to die, and then later try to rebuy gear your clan mates lost.




And the FFA portals, they are built almost EXACTLY in the same fashion as the old Wilderness, just without a level system.




Could you tell me in a nutshell exactly how old clan wars used to be compared to clan wars now with the ability to enforce rules.

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

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This is my belief!

...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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I would rather only members have PvP as non-members will flood jagex with comments like this. LIEK Z0MG YOU MADE ME LOSE MY BEST RUNE ARMOUR!!! If non-members have PVP they should only be able to do it in wildy.

My username is jamesrules90 NOT jimmyjames227.


Click here to feed me!

A nice undieable one!!!

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I would rather only members have PvP as non-members will flood jagex with comments like this. LIEK Z0MG YOU MADE ME LOSE MY BEST RUNE ARMOUR!!! If non-members have PVP they should only be able to do it in wildy.


Your comment is even more stupid. Generalising F2P'ers like that only makes you look like a moron.

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I'm pretty sure there will be f2p PvP worlds. However, I'm wondering about the new gear. That will probobly be members only, but what drops will f2p'ers get then? Or will it be like the f2p skills where the free players get the basics and members get the full skill?

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I would rather only members have PvP as non-members will flood jagex with comments like this. LIEK Z0MG YOU MADE ME LOSE MY BEST RUNE ARMOUR!!! If non-members have PVP they should only be able to do it in wildy.




1. Where in the hell will they be able to do this? They don't have access to the forums and the comment on our service page is gone.




2. That's just generalizing. I can just as easily as well say that about P2P players. Just look at the RuneScape official forums.


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It should not be members only, because it is supposed to be the primary activity to replace the wilderness, which was both p2p and f2p.


Besides, the appeal of p2p is still there even if they made f2p PvP everywhere worlds, drops would be on average much more valuable, PKing would be much more varied and exciting, there are many more resource spots to claim, and so on.

~ W ~



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The Wilderness was for everyone, then Jagex took it away, from everyone. So then Jagex, tried to make up for it, they gave the Duel Arena to F2P, they added BH, and FOG, and now the addition of PVP Worlds is the final nail in the coffin. So, no I don't think that PVP worlds should be P2P only. We all lost the Wilderness, not just P2P, but F2P as well.




Well said. You've changed my opinion. They did take the wildy from all of us so all of us should get it back.

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I'd usually say something as big as PvP worlds should be P2P, but in this case, I say DEFINITELY F2P! It will be an ENOURMOUS aspect of the game and PvP in it. I'd say that Duel Arena and BH should never have been given to F2P, but PvP worlds are definitely deserved. It'd be a somewhat fair trade off too... But meh, F2P don't have much anyways, might as well give them all forms of PvP!


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I don't think that it should be exclusively P2P simply because of how many alternate characters [used to] PK. I'm not rich enough to afford four accounts' membership, AND use them all sufficiently enough to feel I got my moneys' worth, so if PvP worlds was not included in F2P, more or less, I'd be left out of the loop as far as that enjoyment goes.




[Pay for four extra characters? Hell, that's about $30/mo for all of my accounts, and I can't afford my main right now. College midterms are a killer.]

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...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Wait, I'm confuzzled... is the update currently set to be p2p only? Really hope not. Quit mems two months ago, now I'm on f2p killing people in the red portal. I personally would hate for the update to be members only. The red portal just isn't good enough, the rewards from a kill aren't nearly worth as much unless you kill a ranger or mage with an incredible supply of runes or arrows. For mages it's virtually impossible to profit. I mean, there's always an incentive to convert to members. Killing players solo is much harder in f2p than it is in members. Exposing the free playing pkers to pking across the server helps them realize how many territorial advantages certain member areas have for pking (e.g. elf lands are good for easy getaways, some high spots are good for mages and rangers, etc). Such a huge aspect to theg ame like server-wide pking should be available to all.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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kinggabe, ur a ****, so hush...id pwn u in f2p gear while u wore all p2p so sthu




That has nothing to do with his opinion. So get off.




It should be F2P, but at the same time P2P.




It's only fair that both get it. But then again, we need members. So, I'm torn.


I had a piece of grass on my shoe, and she wiped that off. Yeah. Impressive, eh? That's probably the closest I've ever been to having sex. :P
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I'm pretty sure there will be f2p PvP worlds. However, I'm wondering about the new gear. That will probobly be members only, but what drops will f2p'ers get then? Or will it be like the f2p skills where the free players get the basics and members get the full skill?




I agree that there will be f2p PVP worlds, but...


-Will Jagex have enough space for those worlds, or would some of the previous worlds convert to PvP worlds? Or, will Jagex create more worlds for PvP?


@Konzerwas- What gear and what skill? I must be missing something... big? :-k


Edit- Never mind, found out. :)


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