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October 15th 2008 - PVP Worlds + Game Log In Improvements


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I like the new pvp.




Luring in fally isn't fun tho. As soon you in multi your barr'd, tb and spec by like 5 dudes.




There needs to be a limit decrease by the amount of helpers.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Anyone know how the armor degrades? is it:




A) You put it on and it starts degrading, wearing away after an hour


B) You can wear it for at toal of an hour in combat (like barrows)


Ever wanted to find street prices of RS items? Check out the SPOLI Index


Nex Drops: Pernix Cowl, Pernix Chaps, Torva Helm, Torva Platebody, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Mask, Torva Legs, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Body, Torva Platelegs, Torva Platelegs, Virtus Robe Top

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Anyone know how the armor degrades? is it:




A) You put it on and it starts degrading, wearing away after an hour


B) You can wear it for at toal of an hour in combat (like barrows)




It works like barrows. Unfortunatly, no repairs... :x

R.I.P Shiva and The Old Nite

Visit My Huge Goals!!! <---- Click This

My Pk Gallery


GWD: 3x Saradomin Sword, 2x Saradomin Hilt, 2X B Boots, 1x Tasset, 2X B Plate, 2X Shard, 1X D Med

TDs: 3x Solo Claws, 1x Solo Armour Piece

99 Untrimmed HP, 0% Pc'd and before Soul Wars -- Trimmed July 1, 2009

First Untrimmed HP Cape to 96 summon, top 300 to 96 summon

Proud owner of the strength, magic, range, and hitpoints capes.


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First PK in the pvp worlds \' 2 Rune platelegs, deaths and a str ammy. God that was fun.


I logged on quickly to f2p and got 2 scimmies as loot for one of my kills. SOOO much fun... that tingle you get from chasing someone down successfully is BAAAACK




...now back to bio essay



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I have a similar question to many that have been posted but with a slight twist.




The new corrupt dragon armours, can they be worn for more than 30 minutes, if you do not participate in any combat, like the combat robes and such appear to do, (I sometimes wear combat robes while skilling for a long time without fighting and they never degrade) or do they crumble after 30 minutes regardless of what you are doing during those 30 minutes?




I would like to know, because it might be a bit of fun just wearing some dragon armour around in ftp.


Free to Player fo' life!

99/99 skateboarding :p

why dont you use this awesome thing i like to call common sense. Its done wonders for me, ive never been hacked, scammed or anything like that.
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This seems like a fun update, but will you only be successful in a PvP world if you have previously good pker stats? I'd love to give it a go here, but seeing as I've never pked before I'd need some advice. :P

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Ugh... Small rant.




I killed someone wearing Torag's plate and legs. I was expecting to, you know, get a drop which included Torag's plate and legs, but instead I got some tuna and mind runes. What's up with that?




...That... Is a rip, to say the least.




Go to the update page and read what it says about how drops are calculated.

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Ugh... Small rant.




I killed someone wearing Torag's plate and legs. I was expecting to, you know, get a drop which included Torag's plate and legs, but instead I got some tuna and mind runes. What's up with that?




...That... Is a rip, to say the least.




Go to the update page and read what it says about how drops are calculated.




I read it the first day. It was my understanding that the more you risk and the longer you stayed out of a "safe area" the better your chances for a good drop. But what I don't understand is how you go from Torag's plate and legs to a couple of mind runes and tuna. That doesn't make any sense. At the very least I was expecting to get what he was wearing.

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This seems like a fun update, but will you only be successful in a PvP world if you have previously good pker stats? I'd love to give it a go here, but seeing as I've never pked before I'd need some advice. :P




well to start off maybe head to f2p, as its low risk and generally pretty easy,




watch some old wild/bount hunter videos and get an understanding of what they are doing. (if you want to see some leet f2p stuff look me up on youtbe ::' )




and yea, dont be afraid to "safe" abit if your only just starting to pk, after a while youll get good.




EDIT: also maybe head off to the duel arena and practise killing other players, clan wars would be a great safe way to practise as well.

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Bogrog has expanded his enterprises even further and will now convert your spare Summoning spell scrolls to shards in a similar way to his already popular pouches to shards service.


Anyone know if the shards received is 1/10 the amount of the amount returned for trading in pouch?



overall-1.png: 1437 combat.png: 173
Lowest Combat to 1,000 Total in F2P (23 Combat)
Check me out on YouTube!

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Some interesting notes then:




The damaged items timer only activates in combat (like barrows).


If used just once in combat, you cannot trade a damaged item.




Teleport spots are not safe spots (for the most part).


Second floors and basements of banks are not safe spots (I see this changing, but maybe not).




Successful drops appear to need you to A) carry items you risk that values 75k and B) you have to both win and lose over time C) you opponent needs to change over time. If you're always winning, your drops will get worse. If you're always losing, your killer's drops from you get worse.




You can attack higher levels than the pvp indicator shows. Figure out what's the highest level that can attack you (Level - 0.1xLevel - 5), and you can attack them (at most, just 1 level outside the range shown).




Please note that I'm going off reports here. Anything I'm missing that'll be good to know?


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I don't see why so many people are complaining about it not being "profitable" imo, i don't believe the main reason Jagex made it was for "profit" but it was for fun, and man, it is so much fun!!




:D Kudo's to Jagex!

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Saw some people fighting in the church/chapel just now. Very barbaric, have they no respect for Jesus.... Hehehe


On a serious note, it a very smart idea, lets you recharge your prayer.... Never ending Melee Protect \'


|Tip.it's TOP F.o.G player|Current Goals: 95STR/95ATK/95RANGED|



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If you're always winning, your drops will get worse. If you're always losing, your killer's drops from you get worse.

All of what you wrote sounds fair except for this. This appears to punish skilled PKers- the best of the best will constantly receive poor drops unless they throw matches. Is that fair?
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Saw some people fighting in the church/chapel just now. Very barbaric, have they no respect for Jesus.... Hehehe


On a serious note, it a very smart idea, lets you recharge your prayer.... Never ending Melee Protect \'




pfft, id rather put a needle in my eye then have a pvp fight in f2p with full rune with protect melee/def prays even with 99 attack hits would be 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-3-0-0-10-1-2-0-0 :P mems it would blow as well

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You can attack higher levels than the pvp indicator shows. Figure out what's the highest level that can attack you (Level - 0.1xLevel - 5), and you can attack them (at most, just 1 level outside the range shown).


I haven't tried attacking a higher level yet, but if it does work the formula would be:




{[your combat] + 5} / 0.9 = [highest combat possible] 




take for example, level 100:


can attack: 115 - 85 (10% +/- 5)


can BE attacked by 117.




I tried this with 5 different levels, and the average difference between the highest combat level that you can attack and the highest combat level that can attack you is around 1-2, but it's worth calculating if you're going to PK a lot.

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I tried to pk but everyone I attacked ran to the safe spots -.- although someone 2hit me when I got 30 hp :lol:




Good to see the fun of pking is back :thumbsup:


Our pking spirits live on!


(Has anyone noticed alot of the pkers are being mature now? I was barely called a noob)

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I tried to pk but everyone I attacked ran to the safe spots -.- although someone 2hit me when I got 30 hp :lol:




Good to see the fun of pking is back :thumbsup:


Our pking spirits live on!


(Has anyone noticed alot of the pkers are being mature now? I was barely called a noob)


Its just the beginning.. The name calling is still going to come. I dont like PK, but i train in the pvp worlds cause its nice and quiet. When i teled to Varrock to bank i got attacked by a lvl 107. I would ahve stayed and fight if i didnt only have 50hp left. Ran too the bank with protect melee prayer on. Got called a bank noob :oops:


|Tip.it's TOP F.o.G player|Current Goals: 95STR/95ATK/95RANGED|



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