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Teleporting Cure-All


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I'm not going to get into then entire discussion about pking and prayer and teleporting here. There are more than enough threads about that going around lately.




Instead, I'm just going to mention pvp worlds. They were a pker update, with pker rewards, for pkers to enjoy. Other than the brawling gloves, there's absolutely no reason a skiller would ever need to enter a pvp world.




Then why does one of the most pker hated abilities, teleporting, still work as well as it always has in this pker geared update?




Teleporting is pathetically easy to use. It's not like some high leveled uber-skill that you have to work your [wagon] off to earn. A tablet takes one inventory space, is weightless, and costs ~800 gp from the GE. The only counter for this ridiculously accessible "I escape" button is teleblock, which requires 85 magic, takes a minimum of 3 inventory spaces for the runes and another two for a robe top and bottom, and splashes fairly often for a level 85 spell.




These are pker worlds. Make them for the pkers.




A simple fix would be to change teleporting into an ability that takes 7 seconds to cast while under attack by another player in a pvp world. During this time, you cannot eat or move, and all protect prayers are disabled. If you eat, move, or turn your protect prayers back on while casting your teleport, your runes or tablet is refunded and the spell is canceled. You are free to try and teleport again, but the conditions will return and you'll have to start again at the beginning of the 7 second delay.




The fix doesn't have to be written this exact way. Anything alone these lines would work. All I care is if you plan to give something to pkers specifically, make it as pker friendly as possible.




Just curious to see what people would think of an update like this.




Edit: Before I start getting posts about it, this is not a suggestion. This thread's point is mainly to see what the average Scaper would think about changing the pvp worlds in this way.

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I'm thinking that Teleblock should just have a higher success rate, no matter what armor you wear. This way, people that have earned the power, will use it. People that don't have the power will be more willing to get it. And people that fall victim to it, will understand its power. I for one will teleport if the option is still there. No sense dying if I don't have to. But, should a Teleblock befall me, then I will have to suck it up and fight my way out or die trying. I'm not sure how the Enchanted Diamond Bracelet functions now, but if it prevents all Teleblocks, in or outside of the Wild, it may be a new item to use...granted you sacrifice offense, since the Bracelet offers no Combat Bonuses. It might even make you less of a target if people notice that you are wearing one and have the option to get away visible on your sleeve.

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No. This would ruin a lot of things in pvp worlds. It just wouldn't be a good idea.




I don't see how it would. What it does is remove the "oh [cabbage], he redbarred me" type of teleporting, and makes it something you'd have to plan for by eating up and getting ready. What do you think makes it a bad idea?

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PVP worlds for PKers only




Bullcrap, I've been mining there all week and doing other things. The competition for resources simply shifts to bloodshed instead of whining. You find real skillers in the PvP worlds, fighting over resources and evading player killers. It's the epitome of the old school wilderness.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I think this is a good idea. Just 3 days ago I was pking a guy and we both had full rune on and i was 1 lvl higher. After 5min and me eating about 5k worth of food, he teles away with 10hp. 5k of food wasted.




HOly Crap you wasted 5k, that is alot!!!!








OT: THe pvp worlds are fine as it is. It gives skillers a little fun and it makes the pkers happy. Just because you can't ko someone before they tele, doesnt mean the update is bad.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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Well, there is always the possibility of killing someone before they teleport. I personally don't have a problem with people teleporting, as they rarely seem to do it. If you feel that pking is too difficult for yourself, or not worth your time, I suggest against continuing with it.




Personally, I feel that the pvp worlds are pretty good for skilling in. Given the size of the pking area being nearly the whole world, and oddly many skillers being afraid to enter, you can take advantage of empty skilling places almost 100% of the time. There are more benefits to the pvp worlds in the area of skilling than many think, but I know that I'm not going to be the one to share the information and be at a disadvantage. ::'




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


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Well it would suck if you're mining, woodcutting, bacially skilling etc, you'd be basically at the mercy of the pkers: for 7 seconds, no food, no prayer, etc, and a skiller wont have a lot of food on him(need space for logs, ores.. ).

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I dont think teleporting is really a problem, as much as it is an issue with prevention.




Now before, the only teleporting from pvp was in lvl 20> wilderness. now its anywhere, and teleblock just isnt doing the trick.




I'd personally like a rework of the spell to something along the lines of:




lvl ~60-70




No cost- anyone in combat with you looses the ability to teleport for 3 minutes, BUT SO DO YOU.




Personally I see it a little better this way, just my view though.

Reverents can be a pain, but you can run away from them. Just curious, do they still have teleblocking ability?

Fear the church, the reverents have 85 magic!!!!

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PVP worlds for PKers only




Bullcrap, I've been mining there all week and doing other things. The competition for resources simply shifts to bloodshed instead of whining. You find real skillers in the PvP worlds, fighting over resources and evading player killers. It's the epitome of the old school wilderness.

What do you harvest, may I ask? See, there are some items that would be good to receive through Pking worlds, like runite, but things like fishing or woodcutting wouldn't work. It may be tempting to attack monsters in empty areas, and given the size of the world most areas ARE empty, but wouldn't it be fun to get killed by a PKer, after having been weakened by the monster, and lose not only your collected drops, but several pieces of your armor? To me, the risk for most activities outweighs the rewards.




Oh, and about the teleporting idea, that'sa good! Maybe it should only take affect if you're skulled?

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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No. This would ruin a lot of things in pvp worlds. It just wouldn't be a good idea.








I think its a great idea. Teleporting from fights is dumb. Its just people trying to take the risk out of their end of pking...


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its very annoying when ppl teleport. make a rule on teleports. like u cant teleport during combat or 15 sec before it. something fair like that.




might as well make a rule saying you are limited to only eating at 1 hp above the max hit of the other person, you are not allowed to use any advantages you worked your [wagon] off for (good stats and gear), and you are not allowed to call others noobs. :roll: Welcome to Rulescape. PVP is Player vs player. That does not mean there are specific rules you have to follow. The other person might ask you to not safe, run, etc, but in the end, it is your choice.




On a more serious note:




I am laughing on my computer at those who are complaining because the person they fight teleports before they can kill him/her. If you are having that many issues, go to bh or don't pk at all.





I think its a great idea. Teleporting from fights is dumb. Its just people trying to take the risk out of their end of pking...




They have the right to do whatever the hell they want to in the game. Don't try and be a mother.




EDIT: I found the perfect place for you to kill others at: Duel Arena. You can cancel magic so tehy can't teleport away.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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I think this is a good idea. Just 3 days ago I was pking a guy and we both had full rune on and i was 1 lvl higher. After 5min and me eating about 5k worth of food, he teles away with 10hp. 5k of food wasted.




HOly Crap you wasted 5k, that is alot!!!!








OT: THe pvp worlds are fine as it is. It gives skillers a little fun and it makes the pkers happy. Just because you can't ko someone before they tele, doesnt mean the update is bad.




I can go on and on about how it adds up. Screw it, I'll say it. It adds up. If you're lucky you'll find an honorable player who will go all the way in a fight. If not, you'll have to deal with teleports or runs almost every fight. In f2p it's especially difficult, bind barely helps a warrior and is too short, and teleports are impossible to block. That wasted 2-5k per fight becomes an aggravating cost, not to mention the time you put into a kill. PvP worlds aren't meant to only give the skillers fun. And the pkers are certainly NOT happy that their target gets away every time with a single click, and the only way to combat that is to get teleblock or go into the lv 20 wilderness where a clan or high level player can easily murder you.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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its very annoying when ppl teleport. make a rule on teleports. like u cant teleport during combat or 15 sec before it. something fair like that.




might as well make a rule saying you are limited to only eating at 1 hp above the max hit of the other person, you are not allowed to use any advantages you worked your [wagon] off for (good stats and gear), and you are not allowed to call others noobs. :roll: Welcome to Rulescape. PVP is Player vs player. That does not mean there are specific rules you have to follow. The other person might ask you to not safe, run, etc, but in the end, it is your choice.




On a more serious note:




I am laughing on my computer at those who are complaining because the person they fight teleports before they can kill him/her. If you are having that many issues, go to bh or don't pk at all.





I think its a great idea. Teleporting from fights is dumb. Its just people trying to take the risk out of their end of pking...




They have the right to do whatever the hell they want to in the game. Don't try and be a mother.




EDIT: I found the perfect place for you to kill others at: Duel Arena. You can cancel magic so tehy can't teleport away.




I knew someone like this would post.




If you suck so bad that this rule would screw you over, it's not me that needs to stop pking.




You can still do whatever you want. You can still teleport. It just adds something that Jagex usually doesn't have a freaking clue about: balance. Something that available and that effective needs to come at a cost. It's not hard to guess you've never played any mmo other than RS, because you don't under the simplest concepts of game balance and design.




Do you really call going to the GE and picking up a house teletab for 883 gp "working your [wagon] off for good gear and skills"?




You're either a lame "nh" pker that wouldn't risk a set of rune without an ectophial or you're a skiller that this doesn't affect. In either case, your opinion doesn't matter.

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Instead, I'm just going to mention pvp worlds. They were a pker update, with pker rewards, for pkers to enjoy. Other than the brawling gloves, there's absolutely no reason a skiller would ever need to enter a pvp world.




Well then there is a reason for skillers to enter pvp worlds isn't there? Skillers obviously shouldn't be expected to do everything they want to do while wearing pvp gear, that would be like forcing pkers to fight each other with pickaxes. Should they just be left to the mercy of the first pker who happens to see them? Obviously not, since Jagex did create a reason (and a very good one) for skillers to use pvp worlds.




Even from a pker's point of view, escaping a fight you are bound to lose is just as much a part of pvp as it is a part of life. If you're going to remove teleporting why not just say neither player can move until one of them has died? The potential of teleporting away also introduces more strategy into pvp than attack with a whip until you get lucky hits, then attack with a dds.




People will only generally teleport away from fights anyways when they run out of food, which means that you have been fighting for a good while and have failed to KO the person so far. KO attempts earlier on in the fight are more likely to be successful because the opponent still has a chance at winning and so is not likely to teleport. The moral: if you suck at getting KOs, you won't get kills. This is not rocket science, and is true whether the enemy can teleport or not.

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Instead, I'm just going to mention pvp worlds. They were a pker update, with pker rewards, for pkers to enjoy. Other than the brawling gloves, there's absolutely no reason a skiller would ever need to enter a pvp world.




Well then there is a reason for skillers to enter pvp worlds isn't there? Skillers obviously shouldn't be expected to do everything they want to do while wearing pvp gear, that would be like forcing pkers to fight each other with pickaxes. Should they just be left to the mercy of the first pker who happens to see them? Obviously not, since Jagex did create a reason (and a very good one) for skillers to use pvp worlds.




Even from a pker's point of view, escaping a fight you are bound to lose is just as much a part of pvp as it is a part of life. If you're going to remove teleporting why not just say neither player can move until one of them has died? The potential of teleporting away also introduces more strategy into pvp than attack with a whip until you get lucky hits, then attack with a dds.




People will only generally teleport away from fights anyways when they run out of food, which means that you have been fighting for a good while and have failed to KO the person so far. KO attempts earlier on in the fight are more likely to be successful because the opponent still has a chance at winning and so is not likely to teleport. The moral: if you suck at getting KOs, you won't get kills. This is not rocket science, and is true whether the enemy can teleport or not.




First, the skiller didn't get his hands on those brawling gloves without pking. A lot. And the deal is that while the gloves are a nice little reward for pking that is useable for skilling, that doesn't change the fact that this is NOT a skilling world. If something gets changed, it's going to be with pvp in mind, not the 2 people per hour that might be using the brawling gloves in some empty corner of a pvp world.




This idea wouldn't remove teleporting at all. Trust me, I bet I could tank 7 seconds without eating in armor without breaking a sweat. With some luck I could make it nekkid. This just changes teleporting from a failsafe escape into something effective but with enough of an element of risk that you might not want to use a teleport when someone has just busted a number and you're on 5 hp.




Teleporting doesn't take skill, at all. At least now you're going to have to think it through before you grab that tab.




Balance is a very important thing.

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Trust me, I bet I could tank 7 seconds without eating in armor without breaking a sweat. With some luck I could make it nekkid.




Then you're about to lose a bet.

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