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Slayer; what's next?


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I can't wait for it, whatever it is! Gives me something to shoot for. As a level 93 slayer, I can see why we need something else to keep us slayers going.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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Theres 5,348 people with the requirement but its still a bit high level. 9,474 have 92 Slayer. When that hits 10000 it might be good time to release a level 92 slayer monster.




In the mean time anything 50-90 will likely be released.




If something did release at 95+ it would be a USELESS item either because the stats, just useless or a high drop rate as not many would have the requirement. Simple as.




But then if you all care about is a dragon knife drop then maybe a 95 monster be released. Useless item but it says 'dragon' in it. It toasts bread adding +1 hp.

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I think it would be more 88 slayer. From an earlier post, I think a boss slayer moster would be kinda cool and fun. Unfortunatly I would have to trim cape it if was 92-95 but it could possibly drop all the previous slayer monster drops? Or even a new set, haha abyssal plate, d-hide or robe top with legs, helm, gloves, boots ETC.


Did you know there is a bug that lets you keep untrimmed capes with multiple 99s. Simply drop them just before you level a skill to 99 and pick it back up after. But if you buy another it will be trimmed.

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I think it would be more 88 slayer. From an earlier post, I think a boss slayer moster would be kinda cool and fun. Unfortunatly I would have to trim cape it if was 92-95 but it could possibly drop all the previous slayer monster drops? Or even a new set, haha abyssal plate, d-hide or robe top with legs, helm, gloves, boots ETC.


Did you know there is a bug that lets you keep untrimmed capes with multiple 99s. Simply drop them just before you level a skill to 99 and pick it back up after. But if you buy another it will be trimmed.




I thought you had to die with it and then, while it's still in the grave, level up and buy your cape?


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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I think it would be more 88 slayer. From an earlier post, I think a boss slayer moster would be kinda cool and fun. Unfortunatly I would have to trim cape it if was 92-95 but it could possibly drop all the previous slayer monster drops? Or even a new set, haha abyssal plate, d-hide or robe top with legs, helm, gloves, boots ETC.


Did you know there is a bug that lets you keep untrimmed capes with multiple 99s. Simply drop them just before you level a skill to 99 and pick it back up after. But if you buy another it will be trimmed.




I thought you had to die with it and then, while it's still in the grave, level up and buy your cape?

I'm pretty sure that as long as its not in your inventory, equiped, or banked it wont change to trimmed. You could be right though.
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Thay can start by making Dark beasts slightly more profitable,rune plates & clues can be a good start,maybe dark beasts horns (raw material) after...




That sounds like it would be a good idea.


Nate's Big Blog

4,000th to 99 crafting, 33,340th to 99 defence, 3,867th to 99 farming, 55,293rd to 99 hitpoints

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Thay can start by making Dark beasts slightly more profitable,rune plates & clues can be a good start,maybe dark beasts horns (raw material) after...


Dark beasts are awesome already -.-




I want a lvl 95 slayer monster \', and it would be awesome if they dropped a staff or something.


It would have 20+ mage bonus, autocast all combat spells and have a special attack that would cast two spells at the same time.

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I've always found the concept behind slayer to be a bit flawed. I don't get how killing weak monsters somehow gives you the knowledge of how to stronger ones. Therefore, I hope Jagex doesn't add any new slayer monsters with unique drops.




I've always found the concept behind herblore to be a bit flawed. I don't get how making low level potions somehow gives you the knowledge of how to high level ones. Therefore, i hope jagex doesn't add any new potions.




I've always found the concept behind woodcutting to be a bit flawed. I don't get how cutting low level trees somehow gives you the knowledge of how to high level trees. Therefore, i hope jagex doesn't add any new trees.




OT, i hope they bring higher level slayer monsters out :ohnoes: ... but intime for when i'm the level to fight them ;)




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some things id like to see in slayer




1. less focus on single giant drops and more just plain good monsters, similair to the fact that you dont kill green drags hoping for a rune dagger




2. a dragon requiring a slayer level to kill, preferably high enough to deter a lot of people. This would be a visage dropping dragon, maybe the white dragon :shock:




3. a really good training monster or two unlocked with higher level slay then dust devils


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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I've always found the concept behind slayer to be a bit flawed. I don't get how killing weak monsters somehow gives you the knowledge of how to stronger ones. Therefore, I hope Jagex doesn't add any new slayer monsters with unique drops.




I've always found the concept behind herblore to be a bit flawed. I don't get how making low level potions somehow gives you the knowledge of how to high level ones. Therefore, i hope jagex doesn't add any new potions.




I've always found the concept behind woodcutting to be a bit flawed. I don't get how cutting low level trees somehow gives you the knowledge of how to high level trees. Therefore, i hope jagex doesn't add any new trees.




OT, i hope they bring higher level slayer monsters out :ohnoes: ... but intime for when i'm the level to fight them ;)




I agree. It's the same for every skill. And like I just said on another thread - Runescape is supposed to be fun, not realistic.

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i reckon it will be a super monster, critter thing that will drop a new type of rune! like one that counts as laws and nats or something along those lines...


it will ned 67.5 slayer to be slayerable




67.5? What the hell?


What's next? To burn this log you need 89 Firemaking and 18,946 xp to next skill?


Requirements are always rounded off. No .5 or .25.




Anyway, it's time that mages get something too. The monster will be atleast 80+ and powerfull.


That is however IF they get an update.

ooh eeh ooh ahah, ting tang wallawallabingbang m8

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Do we really need a Dragon Pickaxe? We already have an Inferno Adze, I think it's better to upgrade the adze so you need level 60 mining to use it, and it mines as fast as a theoretical Dragon Pickaxe.




Slayer monsters already give one of the most powerful melee weapons and bows, so I think it's time for a Dragon Crossbow...




Tbh, I think we do need a Dragon Pickaxe. It just isn't fair on the miners out there. Firemaking, IMO, is boring as hell and I have absolutely no desire to get 92. Since when did you need anything other than the requirement for the Dragon Woodcutting Axe?




I think we should have some kind of skilling item, such as the Dragon Pickaxe as the next drop. I would want Magic, but you can't really have a new set of spells as a drop ::'



[109 combat with Summoning ;)][/hide]

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we really need another mage staff, cause mages melee with them all the time, you already have steam and mud staff, and drago'hai robes. if anything we need a monster to drop a weapon similar speed to the whip that trains strength. forget the ss, its 2 handed and obsolete

Dragon Drops: 5 medium helmet, 3 left shield half

Obby: Maul 1, Cape 1, Shield 1

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a 95 and 99 slayer monster. Un-Pie-Able...And I dont care what the drop is, as long as its not as much of a let down as the darkbow, so maybe it can stay ABOVE the whip price XD. Profitable slayer monster like abbys with higher req, essencially.




And so the world will end. I think a victim of love rather than hate, for love's ever been the more destructive weapon, sure.

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