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Wakka's Mousekeys Guide! LEARN TO DROP TWICE AS FAST!


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A few little problems.... How do I do a left click when pressing '5'? And also, it jumps to examine on the second jump, somehow... >.>




Someone pm me or post the answer for me thnx. Might actually get 99 fish....




/ and * symbols switch between left and right click(the symbols are from the numerical keyboard).About the jump, you have to go in the mousekeys options and adjust the speed.




Ummm, still having problems... the jump keeps going to examine on the SECOND jump and onwards, I have no idea why =s. I am using a laptop and still, can't left click with mousekeys either...

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A few little problems.... How do I do a left click when pressing '5'? And also, it jumps to examine on the second jump, somehow... >.>




Someone pm me or post the answer for me thnx. Might actually get 99 fish....




/ and * symbols switch between left and right click(the symbols are from the numerical keyboard).About the jump, you have to go in the mousekeys options and adjust the speed.




Ummm, still having problems... the jump keeps going to examine on the SECOND jump and onwards, I have no idea why =s. I am using a laptop and still, can't left click with mousekeys either...


You shouldn't press 2 twice or more in a row. You right click the item, ctrl-2-5, and right click another item.

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hey everybody, glad to see this guide is still up and running well with lots of helpful posts. I'd like to thank everybody thats come back into the post to help others with problems they are having ::' .




I'm back to rs after a 2 and a half month hiatus. Everything is going good.




I added the section totalpwnage wrote to the from page about remapping your keyboard. It seems legit but I've not tried it so I can't vouch for it.

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How about like clicking on a monster? what do you have to do?


You can click on a monster if you want, just hover your mouse over it and press 5. That's quite pointless though :P

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Should be:








Basically when you have the youtube url; just use this part... http://www.youtube.com/v/3moK4RpBmEA&hl=en&fs=1.




Glad I could help :D





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You can withdraw 14 by rolling your fingers and make all. It's a little bit faster but adds up in the long run.
I find that hard to believe, at least you being banned for mousekeys. Jagex have stated that mousekeys are perfectly legit as well as their is a popular guide on the official forums for how to use them. Provide some proof of this?
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Does this work on a macbook? See, because it is a laptop, you don't have the keys on the right, and the regular numeral keys do not work with mouse keys turned on. What buttons do you use? I know that 7, 8, 9 and a couple letter move the mouse, but they don't move the mouse enough for it to be efficient. You literally have to hold the button down, and a regular mouse would be much more efficient. I know you have no experience with this, Wakka, but I was hoping someone may have been able to solve this problem on their macbook.

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Does this work on a macbook? See, because it is a laptop, you don't have the keys on the right, and the regular numeral keys do not work with mouse keys turned on. What buttons do you use? I know that 7, 8, 9 and a couple letter move the mouse, but they don't move the mouse enough for it to be efficient. You literally have to hold the button down, and a regular mouse would be much more efficient. I know you have no experience with this, Wakka, but I was hoping someone may have been able to solve this problem on their macbook.
I'm not sure what your trying to say. If you are referring to the mac mouse that is a single click, yes you'll want to get one that has right and left click. the ctrl key on a PC is the modifier key that allows the mousekeys to function, if you don't hold it down the number keys should still type numbers. All I did with my keyboard is relocate some of the keys on the normal keyboard to a spot that was more easily accessible for me to use. It can still be done on all computers.
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Does this work on a macbook? See, because it is a laptop, you don't have the keys on the right, and the regular numeral keys do not work with mouse keys turned on. What buttons do you use? I know that 7, 8, 9 and a couple letter move the mouse, but they don't move the mouse enough for it to be efficient. You literally have to hold the button down, and a regular mouse would be much more efficient. I know you have no experience with this, Wakka, but I was hoping someone may have been able to solve this problem on their macbook.
I'm not sure what your trying to say. If you are referring to the mac mouse that is a single click, yes you'll want to get one that has right and left click. the ctrl key on a PC is the modifier key that allows the mousekeys to function, if you don't hold it down the number keys should still type numbers. All I did with my keyboard is relocate some of the keys on the normal keyboard to a spot that was more easily accessible for me to use. It can still be done on all computers.


I understand what you did on your keyboard, and on my mac laptop, I have a two click mouse. My problem is that since it is a laptop, the keys you would normally use for mousekeys, on a regular PC, are on the right side of the keyboard. On a laptop, these buttons do not exist, there are only the numeral keys that are above the letters on the keyboard. When I turn on mousekeys, and hit control on any of those numbers, there is no reaction. I read in earlier posts that you have to hit the fn button, which I did. When doing that, the 7, 8, and 9 button move the mouse, but not in the method you described. It moves the mouse ever so slow, therefore it is not efficient. I tried to hit every single key, and none of them really seemed to skip to the right spots, like described, they just slowly move the mouse.




Has anyone encountered this and know how to make mousekeys work on a macbook laptop?

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Does this work on a macbook? See, because it is a laptop, you don't have the keys on the right, and the regular numeral keys do not work with mouse keys turned on. What buttons do you use? I know that 7, 8, 9 and a couple letter move the mouse, but they don't move the mouse enough for it to be efficient. You literally have to hold the button down, and a regular mouse would be much more efficient. I know you have no experience with this, Wakka, but I was hoping someone may have been able to solve this problem on their macbook.
I'm not sure what your trying to say. If you are referring to the mac mouse that is a single click, yes you'll want to get one that has right and left click. the ctrl key on a PC is the modifier key that allows the mousekeys to function, if you don't hold it down the number keys should still type numbers. All I did with my keyboard is relocate some of the keys on the normal keyboard to a spot that was more easily accessible for me to use. It can still be done on all computers.


I understand what you did on your keyboard, and on my mac laptop, I have a two click mouse. My problem is that since it is a laptop, the keys you would normally use for mousekeys, on a regular PC, are on the right side of the keyboard. On a laptop, these buttons do not exist, there are only the numeral keys that are above the letters on the keyboard. When I turn on mousekeys, and hit control on any of those numbers, there is no reaction. I read in earlier posts that you have to hit the fn button, which I did. When doing that, the 7, 8, and 9 button move the mouse, but not in the method you described. It moves the mouse ever so slow, therefore it is not efficient. I tried to hit every single key, and none of them really seemed to skip to the right spots, like described, they just slowly move the mouse.




Has anyone encountered this and know how to make mousekeys work on a macbook laptop?

Check back in your settings. I'm not familiar with using a laptop for this but I can't imagine it wouldn't work.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I´m on a laptop and have no numirical stuff on the right, also I don´t have a num lock button because of this, could anyone help me out?




Does this work on a macbook? See, because it is a laptop, you don't have the keys on the right, and the regular numeral keys do not work with mouse keys turned on. What buttons do you use? I know that 7, 8, 9 and a couple letter move the mouse, but they don't move the mouse enough for it to be efficient. You literally have to hold the button down, and a regular mouse would be much more efficient. I know you have no experience with this, Wakka, but I was hoping someone may have been able to solve this problem on their macbook.
I'm not sure what your trying to say. If you are referring to the mac mouse that is a single click, yes you'll want to get one that has right and left click. the ctrl key on a PC is the modifier key that allows the mousekeys to function, if you don't hold it down the number keys should still type numbers. All I did with my keyboard is relocate some of the keys on the normal keyboard to a spot that was more easily accessible for me to use. It can still be done on all computers.


I understand what you did on your keyboard, and on my mac laptop, I have a two click mouse. My problem is that since it is a laptop, the keys you would normally use for mousekeys, on a regular PC, are on the right side of the keyboard. On a laptop, these buttons do not exist, there are only the numeral keys that are above the letters on the keyboard. When I turn on mousekeys, and hit control on any of those numbers, there is no reaction. I read in earlier posts that you have to hit the fn button, which I did. When doing that, the 7, 8, and 9 button move the mouse, but not in the method you described. It moves the mouse ever so slow, therefore it is not efficient. I tried to hit every single key, and none of them really seemed to skip to the right spots, like described, they just slowly move the mouse.




Has anyone encountered this and know how to make mousekeys work on a macbook laptop?

Check back in your settings. I'm not familiar with using a laptop for this but I can't imagine it wouldn't work.






:( :cry: :evil: :wall: :x




Alright I have the same problem as both of these guys but to a certain extent. I'm on a laptop but I do have the num lock button, just its used by clicking the [fn] key. I also don't have a numerical keybad on the right side of the keyboard since my laptop isn't that huge size, only the numerical buttons near the top. I'm not on a Macbook, I have an HP with Vista on it. I activate mouse keys and all but when I hold down either the control key or the [fn] key and after a right click, there is no response by any keys that i press. Not 2, not 5, nor 7, 8, or 9. If someone could provide a very detailed explanation on how to achieve the proper results when you have a laptop without a numerical keypad on the right, I'd really appreciate it. I've long been wanting to know how to use mouse keys to be more efficient in RuneScape. If it is not doable on a laptop or at least in my case, I will be very upset that I don't get the advantage that pc users enjoy. Of course that is no one's fault so my frustration won't have a just cause.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a really nice guide and i sure engoy using the mousekeys to drop.




I had a problem with the speed aswell. I simply changed the speed of the mouse From Control panel > Mouse > Motion. Then started to adjust the mouse's speed and the speed from the Mousekeys menu until it was balanced to move the correct ammount.

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I think he's having the same problem I'm having.








As you can see, the maximum setting moves it too far down. The next setting back moves it too little. The acceleration doesn't make a difference in amount, but rather the speed at which it moves.


Also another remedy for this problem is to move the acceleration button once to the left, and put the top speed even with it, on 60 ghz. It may seem crazy but it worked on my laptop when I couldn't get it to work. Now that I figured that out, it works wonderfully! 10/10 guide wakka.




EDIT: I will get a screenie later so you can use it for more clarification. :thumbsup:

Summoning help:
[hide=Wio, lol]logioh.png[/hide]

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Amazing guide, I'm currently using this to make bolts! I have have a little problem: my mouse seems to be, every click, sliding over a tiny bit to the left, so that every bolts or so, I have to bring the mouse back to the right place. If anyone wants to try making bolts with Mouse Keys, the best way is 4,5,6,+, repeat. I can do about 1020 Bolts a minute like this. It would be more if not for the problem I have mentioned above. If anyone knows why the mouse shifts a tiny bit to a different place every time, please tell me. It's driving me a bit crazy.

"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man."


-- Jack Handey



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Good guide. You say you can hold down Ctrl with a weight or some other thing. There is a much easier way to do it. If you turn on Sticky Keys, you can set it so that when you double tap a button such as Ctrl, it will act as though that button is being held down so it will be like you always have Ctrl held down.




To turn on Sticky Keys:


Ease of Access Center


Make the keyboard easier to use


Set up Sticky keys


Then click "Turn on Sticky Keys" and ensure that you have "Lock modifier keys when pressed twice in a row" checked.



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Good guide. You say you can hold down Ctrl with a weight or some other thing. There is a much easier way to do it. If you turn on Sticky Keys, you can set it so that when you double tap a button such as Ctrl, it will act as though that button is being held down so it will be like you always have Ctrl held down.




To turn on Sticky Keys:


Ease of Access Center


Make the keyboard easier to use


Set up Sticky keys


Then click "Turn on Sticky Keys" and ensure that you have "Lock modifier keys when pressed twice in a row" checked.


I did this and it wouldn't allow me to talk in runescape so i had to turn it on and off but it would randomly just shut down is there a way to fix it?

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