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2nd January 2009 - Behind the Scenes 2009 // January


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Upgrade year? Yes!!!! =D>




Seers diary? Sweet. I wonder what piece we'll get from this one...I predict helm. And flax pickers sounds great, although I think if the daily number is significant, flax prices are goin' down.




5-minute logout timer = \'




Were even looking back over our old word lists, to remove words accidentally starred-out in chat.


Does this mean I'll be able to say my completely non-offensive name in chat again? I can only hope...




The only thing about this BTS I don't like is that the only quest mentioned is the Phoenix tutorial. Oh well, I guess we can't have WGS every month.




personally i think theyre pushing towards achievement diary cape, so many released in past year, 4 i think it was? or 3, now one this year, some later on in the year, my bet is once they get the sword, the helm, amulet and plate legs, the achievement cape will follow to complete the set (if they are releasing one).

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Upgrade year? Yes!!!! =D>




Seers diary? Sweet. I wonder what piece we'll get from this one...I predict helm. And flax pickers sounds great, although I think if the daily number is significant, flax prices are goin' down.




5-minute logout timer = \'




Were even looking back over our old word lists, to remove words accidentally starred-out in chat.


Does this mean I'll be able to say my completely non-offensive name in chat again? I can only hope...




The only thing about this BTS I don't like is that the only quest mentioned is the Phoenix tutorial. Oh well, I guess we can't have WGS every month.




personally i think theyre pushing towards achievement diary cape, so many released in past year, 4 i think it was? or 3, now one this year, some later on in the year, my bet is once they get the sword, the helm, amulet and plate legs, the achievement cape will follow to complete the set (if they are releasing one).




I agree. I just hope it trims the quest cape.

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For those people who have been around for 4 years or more, how long has it been since you tried your hand at some of the beginner free-to-play quests, or earlier members quests? They SERIOUSLY needed an update, both in content and dialouge.




Honestly, I'm glad that this has been done...but I hope Jagex take the initiative to now continue to try to keep things "up to date," rather than taking approximately a half a year's worth of updates for this. These are matters that would be better to be addressed over time, not all at once.




And...I haven't seen anyone else ask about it...




Where are the State of Play articles? I'm tired of all this sunny outlook stuff. I liked the plain facts, the progress updates, the percentage complete in a project...unbiased, plain information.




Also, this BTS seemed to only focus on the upgrades. Yes, we need them. Desperately. I admit that wholeheartedly! But the fact that there was barely any discussion about new content other than the Diaries and the Phoenix leads me to believe that we won't see the following any time soon...




    [*:7ffddqkd]Key storyline continuations (Legacy of Seergaze, Defender of Varrock, Monkey Madness, Kennith's Concerns, Cold War storyline, etc)
    [*:7ffddqkd]A new skill (estimated a skill a year, yes?)
    [*:7ffddqkd]The second Grandmaster Quest
    [*:7ffddqkd]Kudos Island




What we can look to seeing though, by Jagex's admission, was a rework of unused areas. These plauge the runescape map, like ugly burn marks in a pretty piece of silk. Look at this list of unused areas! (And this is just by a quick glace)




    [*:7ffddqkd]most of the area south of the feldip hills
    [*:7ffddqkd]parts of the Kharidian Desert
    [*:7ffddqkd]the iceberg area where the penguins lie




So you know, that's pretty cool. I guess.




Runescape has all other browser-based games beat hands down--considering most major competitors are flash based or HTML based. So to pull in new users, they're going to keep emulating qualities in popular MMORPGS such as World of Warcraft, GuildWars, etc. In this attempt to keep players interested and catching new players, I hope they make time for creating some truly unique concepts to the MMORPG world. They certainly have the force behind them now to take charge in this area of gaming.




This looks like a good year for the new users, an alright year for the moderate players, and just another boring year for the hardcore players. I hope that I'm proven wrong for the last two, because I consider myselt to lie inbetween the "moderate" to "hardcore" category.


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I'm going to have to give the new 5min logout timer a :thumbdown:




The logout timer should be Less than 90 seconds in my opinion, maybe about 30/60 or 30/60 seconds + 10seconds after last combat.


I've died at numerous places from lag, and then not logging out fast enough.


(A very funny one was at Steel Dragons, i was maging them with some spare blood runes from Barrows, and I lagged out, but my character kept going, and ran out of runes, so i attacked the dragon with an air battlestaff in mage robes. I died spectacularly.


Nowerdays, this wouldn't be too much of a problem because we have graves; at the time, they wernt around [Mid-ish 2007], so i died, and when i logged back in i got a PM from someone saying "Thanks for the 2k chaos runes and mage robes!!! I really needed them!"








OT: The rest of it sounds sweet - New diary, phoenix and tweaks (The smallest individual - and yet most significant thing possible)




Wonder what happened to mobilising armies though? I'm a big fan of tactical army games, I wanted to see this implemented so so badly!

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they said they were going to update old, unused parts of the game...could that mean a mining update? =P~

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
~ 112,084th to 99 Magic on April 16th, 2011 ~

~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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The 5 minute timer should be nice for skilling when I forget to look back and end up logging off.




I like the update thing their doing aswell, but I wish I could see the quests after their updated. :(


(Gives me more reason to start on a project im working on)




Odd how mobilising armies wasnt there. They have been going on alot about it.




Hope the pheonix looks good, and wonder what the once per day thing is after the pheonix quest.




I was surprised that another Achievement Diary was released allready.


Was expecting the next one to be sometime this summer, if not longer. :lol:




The new spellbook thing should come in handy for sorting spells I use from spells I never use.




When they say updating year, I hope for eastern Lands, Mournings End 3 and some other old time classics. :P

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I already kinda posted this in the topic that first proposed the timer increase but...do they use the same system to auto log you out with inactivity and connection loss? Or do they have separate system? I think that it shouldn't be hard to make a different system that auto loggs out after 30seconds of disconect.

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If the ability to charge all my tiny-elf crystals at once without going through that lame dialogue I'll be amazed. Been waiting so long for that.






This years apparent update approach is well needed, good choice. :thumbup:

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I have no intrest in helping "keyers" farm xp.

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I already kinda posted this in the topic that first proposed the timer increase but...do they use the same system to auto log you out with inactivity and connection loss? Or do they have separate system? I think that it shouldn't be hard to make a different system that auto loggs out after 30seconds of disconect.




definately a different system, seems only logical to me, barely survive a 30 second beating at big monsters, 5 minutes would be, prayer beads, lucky charms, horse shoes over the shoulder, 4 leaf clovers, want me to go on?




basically you'd be picking your remains off the floor at armadyl for 3 weeks, so it should stay at 30 seconds.

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Another achievement diary: Eww. Seriously, they're not fun at all and they don't introduce something new. The only diary I liked was the Karamja one, and that's because a teleport to Shilo village was something we really needed. :thumbdown: for Jagex lazyness, I want a GOOD update.


I can travel to Shilo for like 40 seconds ... Ardougne tele , go to the ship yard pay 30 gp , go to the dude pay 10 gp and voala ..


IMO the Varrock Armor is the best (I'm mining atm , and the free crafting exp as I see it + some 70k per day is useful)


Next is Explorer's ring and the Fremennik boots for the free running and teleport (if you forget to charge the lyre in the boots case)


and then the gloves ... why would you need to go to shilo that often ? Lunar magics is way better for slayer and 40 seconds for the shooting star aint that slow to get there ...

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personally i think theyre pushing towards achievement diary cape, so many released in past year, 4 i think it was? or 3, now one this year, some later on in the year, my bet is once they get the sword, the helm, amulet and plate legs, the achievement cape will follow to complete the set (if they are releasing one).




I can still see people whining and crying that "Iz knot reel acheevmint caep cuz iz eesy"




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Behind the scenes January 2009 looks boring at least for me but oh well whatever.




Upgrade Year: Don't even get me started on this, as nice as it is that they are thinking about it. It should have been done a long time ago here and there from time to time.




Legendary Phoenix: Just another quest with another Summoning Familiar that will be long and forgotten when players level up and find something better to aid them in combat with.




Seers Village Achievement Diary: I like this but why why why must Jagex tell us the GOD DAMN REWARD!! Or even some of it it takes all the damn fun and excitement out of completing it awaiting a reward.




Magic List Organization: Boring and only good for pkers or pvpers who need faster access to their magic & teleport spells.

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Freaking awesome year! New upgrades to existing content is what I've been waiting for! Woot, very happy with Jagex atm.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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Great.. Now Jagex thinks that magic skill has 'been given its long needed update' 'So lets not update for another year+'. -.- :roll: :wall:




Was really looking forward to mobilising armies. I really hope Jagex is smart enough to NOT make it based on what your items and skills are in game and actually about strategy. Supplying my 'army' with things based on my smithing lvl just seems meh.




Everything else seems fine. No more logging out when I have to do a laundry run. :thumbsup:



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Great.. Now Jagex thinks that magic skill has 'been given its long needed update' 'So lets not update for another year+'. -.- :roll: :wall:




Was really looking forward to mobilising armies. I really hope Jagex is smart enough to NOT make it based on what your items and skills are in game and actually about strategy. Supplying my 'army' with things based on my smithing lvl just seems meh.




Everything else seems fine. No more logging out when I have to do a laundry run. :thumbsup:




They're making the game more user friendly, dynamic, and possibly add more challenging things to do since you can do more with the interface with what theyre promising, mobilising armies has been delayed, it happens in the games industry, you have to learn to deal with it.




i think this will be one of the best years the game has seen because they have things under their sleeves, jagex is always full of suprises

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I'm kinda happy about the whole Upgrade Year thing, cause some areas desperately need one! Like Salarin the Twisted (mentioned earlier), Burthorpe & the Troll Country, the Gnome Stronghold, the list goes on and on! :( And I'd like it if some of those long-awaited updates finally arrive, like the Eastern Lands, Acheron, Kudos Isle or entrance to Prifddinas. =P~ But that's only a fool's hope... For now I'd be happy with a new Morytania Quest, cause I just love that storyline <3:

Due to my epic stats, I have now started WGS (but I still hate spoilers).


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Behind the scenes January 2009 looks boring at least for me but oh well whatever.




Upgrade Year: Don't even get me started on this, as nice as it is that they are thinking about it. It should have been done a long time ago here and there from time to time.




Legendary Phoenix: Just another quest with another Summoning Familiar that will be long and forgotten when players level up and find something better to aid them in combat with.




Seers Village Achievement Diary: I like this but why why why must Jagex tell us the GOD DAMN REWARD!! Or even some of it it takes all the damn fun and excitement out of completing it awaiting a reward.




Magic List Organization: Boring and only good for pkers or pvpers who need faster access to their magic & teleport spells.


These were my feelings exactly. I'm not really hyped up with their outlook. The only thing that would interest me is that their "upgrade" year is just a term used to describe many great things to come out for skills, areas, etc. That being said, I'm just going to see what they do.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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It seems like Jagex just took a look at this site and did exactly what we've been talking about >.< I am so psyched! The looking back at older content might mean that they are going to fix some more boring skills like mining. The phoenix sounds like a blast.




but I have 1 question.




I didnt quite get what they were saying about spellbooks. Is it just like spellbook swap?

61,358th to 99 range on May 23rd, 2010.

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