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Does anyone else ever feel they are on top of the world, truly happy, and then the next day want to kill themselves? :?




I have days that I feel everything in my life is going to work out and everything's going to be sunshine and farts, then there's days where I wish I can sleep forever (not death but literally sleeping forever) and never start the next day's routine.

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Does anyone else ever feel they are on top of the world, truly happy, and then the next day want to kill themselves? :?




I have days that I feel everything in my life is going to work out and everything's going to be sunshine and farts, then there's days where I wish I can sleep forever (not death but literally sleeping forever) and never start the next day's routine.


Yeah, Im the same. :lol:




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Neco, are you feeling depressed?


I wasn't thinking depressed so much as teenage phase. Something between hippy, lonely and bored.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Does anyone else ever feel they are on top of the world, truly happy, and then the next day want to kill themselves? :?


Who doesn't? I thought this was normal D:




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Does anyone else ever feel they are on top of the world, truly happy, and then the next day want to kill themselves? :?






Certain things can happen that makes this happen, especially as a teenager. But once you get back up, you'll be on top of the universe :)

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And no matter who you are, much of it is going to consist of depression, anxiety, boredom, and grief.. It is for this reason that I feel that one should take each and every opportunity to experience even a moment's worth of pleasure, and savor it. Honestly, what more do we have to look forward to?




I remember when I was in elementary school and they were warning us about the dangers of drugs, one of their favorite slogans was "Drugs may not kill you, but they will take your life." That quote has always stuck with me, and these days I can't help but wonder what "life" they were referring to. Working all day long and coming home to watch television before going to bed? Yeah, I wouldn't want a series of intensely euphoric drug experiences to get in the way of that!




Really though, life is a joke, and it's often quite brutal even for a spoiled, sheltered little boy like so many in this world. Why not indulge indiscriminately? Why strive for longevity? What do we even have that's worthy of prolonging?




Is the pursuit of euphoria not everyones sole reason of living? You could relate this to hedonism if you like, it is what I am, a hedonist.




I've never seen a post on these forums that I could agree with more.

"Metal isn't about violence or faggy whiny lyrics. It isn't even about who plays the heaviest and fastest. It is about invoking a sense of wonder and magnitude that no other genre can depict."


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Having a happy life (as in, really enjoying it, not necessarily using alcohol or drugs to enjoy it) is usually a good way of prolonging life, not the opposite.




I don't wanna live to 120 though. I'd rather die at 70 having lived a happy one.

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Does anyone else ever feel they are on top of the world, truly happy, and then the next day want to kill themselves? :?




I have days that I feel everything in my life is going to work out and everything's going to be sunshine and farts, then there's days where I wish I can sleep forever (not death but literally sleeping forever) and never start the next day's routine.




I think you're describing Sunday Nights on the bolded part. Mondays suck.








Break the Walls down!

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Some people can be happy in misery. And I'm almost certain I've had to ask myself the exact same thing, Necro. I've not yet come to an answer, and probably never will. I'm not sure I've found a reason to live in a world filled with turmoil and sorrow. And I'm not depressed, or what I consider to be "depressed," so don't give me that. Some day, this world, or our world, has to end.

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I strive for longevity for power.They come hand in hand.In order to be powerful,you must have knowledge.You gain knowledge with years.




But you know,if you spent your time scheming wars and how to bring them about like me and,presumably,Lenin,time flies.My 8 hours between school,sleep time and work is never enough to finish my plan of overcoming the military force of country X.Presumably and ideally,I gain control of Israel first,and conquer the mind of the Russian head.Nuclear entity backed by one of the most hardcore armies in the world,pl0x?


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Neco, are you feeling depressed?




Perhaps. I've had my fair share of things lately. According to my parents aswell as my psycho-therapeutist, yes.




And a Haha to the mix inbetween Hippy, bored and lonely. Nothing beats being a hippy :lol: . Expect a lot more threads from me, lately I've been in the mood to start up new topics and see how the discussion goes. Thanks for all your posts people.


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Does anyone else ever feel they are on top of the world, truly happy, and then the next day want to kill themselves? :?


Not particularly. The farthest I get to sad is kinda apathetic to everything. But I'll stay there for a while.




Angry and happy I can do, though.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Yes, Life is short... and I haven't treaured any of the good/enjoyable moments as yet. But I am only young... 16 years is a long time (for a child and it goes fast) but then for an adult they waste time working and before they know it they are sitting in a retirement home remembering the times that they did enjoy, I don't know I'm not old...




However, those saying that Runescape was a waste of time... Isn't everything else a waste of time? Yeah great you know how to play guitar, that's cool you can skateboard and such but, you surely would of wasted it another way, being idle or posting on forums. I mean, if you want to have a career involving skate boarding or guitar you will have to be extremely good at it... But you will end up doing something that you learnt in school or learnt through vision, a simple mindless task or a famous musician.




What is wasted time? I would hardly say forming bonds with others around the world is wasted time. I have been known to lie in my back garden (in the warmer months) and just lay there staying at the sky for hours on end doing nothing. That is wasted time, but how else are you meant to spend it?




Also, for another point. I only play runescape when I have absolutly nothing better to do. I'm not sporty, I'm not popular, I'm not a musical engineer (musician) either. I simply do what needs to be done, and spend my "free time" or "wasted time" doing something else. Sure... I could become sporty, or become a musical engineer but at the moment, I can't be bothered with it. And I'm not popular because those don't share the same interests and views.




So, is life short? Yes. But, we can never waste it. Because we do things for a reason and that's why it's not "wasted". We do it because we want to or have to.

Luck be a Lady

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Neco, are you feeling depressed?




Perhaps. I've had my fair share of things lately. According to my parents aswell as my psycho-therapeutist, yes.




And a Haha to the mix inbetween Hippy, bored and lonely. Nothing beats being a hippy :lol: . Expect a lot more threads from me, lately I've been in the mood to start up new topics and see how the discussion goes. Thanks for all your posts people.




It's normal :thumbup: just some people talk about it and others try to avoid it like the plague. I get depressed too I just don't post about it. I talk about it with someone I care about. If you can't get to sleep, you start to over think things, not enjoying things in life that you normally enjoy then chances are you probably just need to talk about it with someone. Holding it in is what does the damage. Although coming here was a bit of an odd choice to get it out, I'm glad you did. And I hope you're feeling better :)



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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drugs taking ur life is not about not working and going to school even if it seems like it




it will be a chain it will take over ur life compltley and u will be a slave to the drugs and ur need for them...thats what they mean






(the softer drugs are not this [cabbage] but they often lead to stronger stuff)




True, many people can't handle soft drugs, and end up going to harder stuff, and that is when your life gets screwed up.

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Your asking for the meaning of life. That's really only an answer that you yourself can come up with. I say enjoy life as much and as long as you can with as few regrets as possible. It's also nice to not put others down along the way to your own happiness.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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...But the answer to the great question is 42.




Everyone knows that.


EDIT: Okay, I concede your answer to your own question is acceptable.




I've said that before,right?Its the answer to life,the universe and everything.Screw Hawking,screw evolution.Just 42.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Have you tried, like, working or something?




Even if it's only for a couple of hours a week, working's proven to have a therapeutic effect on the mind. Makes the person feel like they're worth something, that they have something to contribute to others and it gives them an identity, which in turn inspires pride.

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This was supposed to be more of a philosophical thread then you guys thinking i'm depressed :( . Thanks Godess but I can't really talk it out with anyone I know, well, I can but I don't trust anyone.




Weird, you're the last person I've ever thought of having depressed feelings. Ah well [cabbage] happens to the best?


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Speak for yourself, I love my life. Surround yourself with likeminded individuals and friends, study something you enjoy and secure your mental and physical health.




It can be harder to do for the younger folks around here. A lot of the time being under legal age sucks because you can do so few things, usually don't have your own apartment/full time job or income yet, etc...




I certainly didn't "love" my life as a teen, to me, real life seemed to only begin at maybe 18 when you could take responsibility, earn real money (not just pocket change), join the army, not be dependent on parents etc, get a car, free to book flights/enter nightclubs with friends, buy cigarettes or alcohol etc..




It's especially painful for a male to live in the teens if they want relationships, because few girls will stick long-term with someone who can't be seen as a provider, has no disposable income, car or job, still physically developing etc... And will ditch them for someone older after several months, or become unfaithful & pretend to upkeep a relationship.




It sucks big time, and can even lead to suicide because in reality, the guy did nothing wrong. It's messed up. I don't blame the girls either because of course they want security too, but the world is skewed against young males age 12-17 big time.

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It can be harder to do for the younger folks around here. A lot of the time being under legal age sucks because you can do so few things, usually don't have your own apartment/full time job or income yet, etc...




True, but I'm only 18, still in school and still quite dependent on my parents really. I went through the shaky adolescent thing a couple of years ago. My advice applies to anyone of any age really. Although granted, the independence that comes with being able to drive is fantastic.




I think of all my achievements, the friends I've made is perhaps the one that I'm most proud of. I work damn hard at school, but I never really notice it because I'm doing it with friends and people I get on with. I know it's not easy, my best friend a couple of years ago wanted to hang around with people who I never really got on with. Naively I thought if I stuck with it I'd be happy, but I knew it wasn't right. Perhaps my best piece of advice to a teenager would be to surround yourself with people who you can make laugh and make you laugh. People with the same sense of humour, aspirations and interests as you are like goldust. It's effortless to get on with them and you love spending time with them. The value of friends can't be overestimated. Girlfriends are overrated during adolescence, good friends are much more reliable and fun. But perhaps I had bad experiences.




I'm also very fortunate in having a natural interest in the subjects I study. It makes learning things much easier, and I fully intend to make a career of my interests. I can't think of anything more depressing than a 9-5 middle-management job that you don't really enjoy. Have a career that interests you. If you're mentally stimulated and interested by your work/job then you can't ask for much more. Find something you love doing, and get people to pay you to do it. Exercise is a great stress-reliever, relationship and confidence builder. Solo exercise is a very easy way to achieve something personally, and team sports are great socially.




If you do all these things I see no reason why life should seem like a drag. It might well fly by, but at least you're having fun doing it.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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