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The Inauguration of Barrack Obama: So Annoying



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i must admit the inaugural speech was good but in my opinion that is really the only thing Obama will be good for. I mean i hope he is a good president for my country but i just question his policies a bit.




also someone started a debate with me (again) and guess what she said as her last statement.




"well if McCain became President then he would most likely die in office which would mean that Palin would be President"




again a pathetic last resort but i kind of put it in her perspective. Presidency ages a person because of stress etc. and if McCain did somehow pass away Palin would be President. Now i think that Palin wouldnt be that bad of a president as people say she is. i just think that the media tried to make a mockery out of her. Making such statements as you cant be a good vp and be good looking and female at the same time. things like this..... Palin does crack in debates and such but that is just her. im sure she would be a decent president. not a good one but certainly not bad as people say she is.




So the question is ... would McCain score more points/votes if he had chosen a less controversial vp?




also gratz to Obama watever. it was a good campaign. personally i wish him the best as president because after all i do live in America i just thought that McCain was a better guy. He definitely won because of his great speeches and public speaking. That is just a big reason. Another one was the media was more biased for him, but that is a different story. Do i agree with many of his policies no... but good luck to him anyways.

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I'd just like to say a few words, if I may




Going a little OT here, wasnt a thread, didn't want to start a new one. Thoguht this was best place.




Now please dont start flaming. This is my be my perverted, distorted view, maybe because I'm not American, and I'm not an African America (can I say black ?)




I just dont get, why this media chum frenzy is going on over the "great black freedoms, civil rights, the realisation of a dream and all that bull".




I mean why are people harping on about these black freedoms and dreams, if Obama just came into office.




I'm not trying to downplay his acheivement or the gravity of the situation.




I'm just asking a simple question.




Why are black people so happy, now ? (about all these invisible freedoms)




Dr.Kings dream wasn't a black president it was (etc...)




He's the first africian amercian president. During Black History Month. Trust me, to most people its a huge step for equal rights. Well, its alrerady equal rights, but still.




But still.




I want to know, what that "but still" is.

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How do you get that they're racists from that? Anyway, there's obviously a biological component to it, because skin colour is encoded in your genes. You can't identify as a black man if your biology doesn't do the work first.




I get racism from that because the only people that attempt to point out that he's "half" are the same people that go, "He's half and not black, therefore we still haven't had a black President." It's a subtle attempt to take away the significance of his election from all Americans (especially African Americans). I would call that racist because it's almost as if they have to point it out so that they can sleep soundly knowing that there still hasn't been an "African American" President. It's not like we're blind, we can see that he's "half", why point it out?




Anyway, I should have clarified: There is no biological basis for classifying race. True, there are some scientists that disagree with this notion, but the consensus is that there is no biological basis for defining what one's race is. Therefore, making claims that Obama is not black because he is "half" biologically is just plain ridiculous because they have no basis for these claims other than their own social constructs, and bigoted thought processes.




edit: Is Ardenal a troll here? I haven't seen him much, and all of his posts drip with racial stereotypes, and bigoted ideas.

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again a pathetic last resort but i kind of put it in her perspective. Presidency ages a person because of stress etc. and if McCain did somehow pass away Palin would be President. Now i think that Palin wouldnt be that bad of a president as people say she is. i just think that the media tried to make a mockery out of her. Making such statements as you cant be a good vp and be good looking and female at the same time. things like this..... Palin does crack in debates and such but that is just her. im sure she would be a decent president. not a good one but certainly not bad as people say she is.




The nomination of Palin has to be one of the biggest mistakes in election history. She clearly lacked the knowledge to fulfil the role of VP; before being put on the ticket she didn't know what a VP did day to day, she couldn't explain what the Bush doctrine was - the defining ideology of the last 8 years, her foreign policy credentials were that she "could see" Russia from her home state, she claimed that war with Russia was an option, she couldn't even tell Katie Couric what papers she read. That isn't the media being out to get her - that is an unqualified candidate, especially in these times. It has nothing to do with her looks or that she is a female, she just wasn't good enough and the thought of her being one heartbeat away from the Presidency (excuse the cliché) is petrifying. Don't think that my criticism of Palin is just based on her being a Republican either, I kind of liked the McCain of 2001 when he ran against Bush, but Palin was a terrible candidate regardless of her beliefs (which are equally scary to me) - she lacked any understanding of the issues.




This wasn't an election where the party who could rally their base (which Palin's appointment was designed to do) this was the election of getting in new and undecided voters. I feel Palin was one of the big things that prevented the Republicans doing that. Her appointment was an attempt to get a politician that people could relate to as "one of us" which could help portray Obama as "other" or "not one of us" and it backfired. To choose her based on her 'folksyness' was a completely anti-intellectual decision, for too long the Republicans produced candidates based on who people can relate to rather than their ability (Bush and Palin being the prime examples). Continually, they attack Democrat candidates for being elitist and somewhat aloof and I think they fear that could happen to them if they don't produce 'one of the folks'. There are a lot of Republicans who I'm sure haven't been given the chance to run because of this.




Personally, I don't mind voting for somebody who's story I can't relate to, who isn't a man of the people candidate with the common touch. I'd much rather be lead by a clever elitist who's policies I agree with and who I feel is smart enough to lead rather than somebody I like as a personality.




I know I went off from my first point a bit there but the Republicans really need to change who they pick and why the pick them.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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I mean why are people harping on about these black freedoms and dreams, if Obama just came into office.




I'm not trying to downplay his acheivement or the gravity of the situation.




I'm just asking a simple question.




Why are black people so happy, now ? (about all these invisible freedoms)




Dr.Kings dream wasn't a black president it was (etc...)


...which was that a man would not be judged by the colour of his skin but by the content of his character, and that's exactly what has happened.


Reading through these replies, I honestly feel like i'm posting in a troll thread. Sadly, you guys are being serious, and it makes me cry :cry:

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Why are black people so happy, now ? (about all these invisible freedoms)




Dr.Kings dream wasn't a black president it was (etc...)




He's the first africian amercian president. During Black History Month. Trust me, to most people its a huge step for equal rights. Well, its alrerady equal rights, but still.




But still.




I want to know, what that "but still" is.




Well, a black president could be vaguely interpreted as a part of MLK's dream:




"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."


Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington, August 1963




And that is kind of what just happened. The majority of the nation elected Obama based on his character, not the color of his skin. The majority of the country is white, yet they elected a black president. I think that really does show that racism in America is waning. Sure it's over promoted, but it is the first time in history a black person has been elected president of the US of A.

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And that is kind of what just happened. The majority of the nation elected Obama based on his character, not the color of his skin.




Agreed. It seems everyone has forgotten all the African American candidates who ran and weren't elected.

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How do you get that they're racists from that? Anyway, there's obviously a biological component to it, because skin colour is encoded in your genes. You can't identify as a black man if your biology doesn't do the work first.




1) I get racism from that because the only people that attempt to point out that he's "half" are the same people that go, "He's half and not black, therefore we still haven't had a black President." It's a subtle attempt to take away the significance of his election from all Americans (especially African Americans). I would call that racist because it's almost as if they have to point it out so that they can sleep soundly knowing that there still hasn't been an "African American" President. It's not like we're blind, we can see that he's "half", why point it out?




2) Anyway, I should have clarified: There is no biological basis for classifying race. True, there are some scientists that disagree with this notion, but the consensus is that there is no biological basis for defining what one's race is. Therefore, making claims that Obama is not black because he is "half" biologically is just plain ridiculous because they have no basis for these claims other than their own social constructs, and bigoted thought processes.




edit: Is Ardenal a troll here? I haven't seen him much, and all of his posts drip with racial stereotypes, and bigoted ideas.




1) I wouldn't jump to that conclusion, especially from a few words on an internet forum. I wouldn't put words in their mouths, either. I can understand why they point out that he's half-black when it comes to milking the race concept for political gain. I might not agree with them, but still, I can understand what they're saying without assuming they must be racists. Let's not get into the habit of calling people racists at the drop of a hat.




2) As for this, would you mind giving me a source to clarify what you're arguing here? Even if defining races based on genetics is a difficult thing to do and there's some grey area and debate, what we classify as "black", "white" or "asian" is still obviously because of genetic traits. That was my point.

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1.) Point taken, but I've been on this campaign trail for too long to give people any benefit of the doubt regarding this issue. Every person I have encountered that's pointed it out has made other assorted racial comments, and identified themselves as someone that is a racist.




It's like saying that "not all people that wave Confederate Flags are racists." Ok, maybe like 0.00001% are not, but the vast majority are. It has nothing to do with a "Symbol of Southern Heritage/Pride", it's just taking pride in what your ancestors tried to do by masking their views on slavery with "States' Rights".




2.) They're not classifiable by biology was my point, regardless of minute differences. It's like pointing out that our equations for calculating stress don't take into account the small other forces involved, and are therefore giving "inaccurate" results. The reality is that these small other forces are so small that they're negligible, and there's really no point in trying to calculate them in the first place.





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2) As for this, would you mind giving me a source to clarify what you're arguing here? Even if defining races based on genetics is a difficult thing to do and there's some grey area and debate, what we classify as "black", "white" or "asian" is still obviously because of genetic traits. That was my point.




Just thought I would quote to agree with.




I think the point the other guy was trying to make was that there isnt a "black gene", but if you actually compared genetic maps of say 100 white people to 100 black people to 100 chinese to 100 mexicans etc. you could identify clear patterns of traits in the certain groups. Race is basically the accumulation of genetic differences in different groups, such as the tendency people of irish descent to have red hair people of african descent to have dark skin etc.




edit--yes you can classify race by biology, clearly if someone is like 1/32 african its not going to be apparent but thats just a gray area of determing race. If someone of pure African descent is compared to someone whos ancestry is purely russian there is a clear racial difference.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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Wow 9 pages already? He's the president now, get over it. Jeez people, do you honestly think your bickering is going to change anything? Try investing your energy in to something that hasn't already happened.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Hey! Hey, guys! Over here! *waves* This the corner for all the people who know that it doesn't matter one lonely piece of gerbil [cabbage] that Obama is black, whether he is in fact black, or why people voted for him, because he's already been elected. Oh, and in case you didn't know, he was sworn in today! He made this really awesome inaugural address and is now officially the President of the United States of America! So have a good day and remember, the 44th President is Barack Obama!


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Rofl Hi Nom, how's the weather? :P Naw... I just think it's overly ironic how these people are "over" the inauguration of Barrack Obama and how "annoying" it is hearing about it. Yet they are contributing to the critical masses of people talking about it, 110% more.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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yes you can classify race by biology, clearly if someone is like 1/32 african its not going to be apparent but thats just a gray area of determing race. If someone of pure African descent is compared to someone whos ancestry is purely russian there is a clear racial difference.





What's that got to do with classifying race by biology?




Race as we know it in layman's term is nothing but a mere social construct. Race as evolutionary biologists recognize is COMPLETELY different from that. Moreover, using the layman's definition of race, the genetic variation within a race is much, much greater than the variation between individuals of separate races.




Hi Goddess, I'm happy to hear that you had your son safely, and that you're officially a mum :) (I realize this happened a while back, I just never congratulated you).

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2.) They're not classifiable by biology was my point, regardless of minute differences. It's like pointing out that our equations for calculating stress don't take into account the small other forces involved, and are therefore giving "inaccurate" results. The reality is that these small other forces are so small that they're negligible, and there's really no point in trying to calculate them in the first place.








I see what you're saying - so in reality what we define as race is due to a very small amount of genetic variation when compared to all the genetic variation within the human species. Interesting article, thanks. :thumbup:

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Agreed, the actual amount of variance between two people is extremely tiny, theres still biology behind it, and racism is still cleary ignorant horrible etc.




Hooray the innauguration went well, lets see what he can do with 4 or 8 years


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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Wow 9 pages already? He's the president now, get over it. Jeez people, do you honestly think your bickering is going to change anything? Try investing your energy in to something that hasn't already happened.




You should have seen the thread that was devoted to the election..

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Wow 9 pages already? He's the president now, get over it. Jeez people, do you honestly think your bickering is going to change anything? Try investing your energy in to something that hasn't already happened.


This thread was here last night, some time before he was president. How did this thread go from a "its sorta unfair Obama gets all this media attention" to "The person who made the thread is extremely racist and whining because Obama won."

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Sorry boys, Obama is our 44th president. You know, he's been saying all along about change in America. He's our new president and messiah and lets see what kind of pocket change he's gonna bring out. On a serious note, congrats to Obama. I hope he succeeds as our president and not screw up big. Anyway, now that Obama is president, looks like we're gonna have to put up with the worshippers (people who dedicate their life to Obama) since its already been a couple months since he was president-elect and it is already driving me nuts.




Btw, did anyone see Bush (including Laura Bush) getting booed by the crowd when they were leaving? Pretty rude imo.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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Sorry boys, Obama is our 44th president. You know, he's been saying all along about change in America. He's our new president and messiah and lets see what kind of pocket change he's gonna bring out. On a serious note, congrats to Obama. I hope he succeeds as our president and not screw up big. Anyway, now that Obama is president, looks like we're gonna have to put up with the worshippers (people who dedicate their life to Obama) since its already been a couple months since he was president-elect and it is already driving me nuts.




Btw, did anyone see Bush (including Laura Bush) getting booed by the crowd when they were leaving? Pretty rude imo.


More rude than a shoe throw?

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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