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02-February-2009 Behind The Scenes - February


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Thank Zeus there's no quest, they must be working quite hard on it.


The rest of the stuff isn't enough to make me squeal with elation, but hey, new content is new content. Slayer needs to be spiced up, and charms from randoms can only be a good thing.

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Choosing rewards from randoms = WIN. Although you could already have multiple random costumes... *coughfrograndomwhichiusuallyjustfailonpurposecough*




No more run drain in maze = Also WIN, so long as I keep my run on at all times (yey for spending entirely too much on a large amount of bull ant pouches :thumbsup: )




Quest sorting = MAJOR WIN \' . I hope that they put in-progress quests at the top, unstarted quests in the middle, and completed ones at the bottom -- would be so awesome and I could easily look at the quest journal I need for any in-progress quest...




Retiring some randoms = W0000t! I hope they keep Molly, though, I like the gems. And pinball. It's hard not to like pinball when I got two diamonds out of it once :lol: .




Randoms popping up less often when you've been not failing them = Okaaay, fine, I'll talk to the frog... Eh, it's cool.








Soul Wars = Ehhh... I'll wait until a few weeks after it's released and people have ranted on the forums about bugs and said bugs get fixed.




Evil Tree = No mention of Dave? Again, I'll probably wait and see.

Balance may be power, but chaos is still pretty damn fun.


Canada can't be second rate, polar bears are their main mode of transportation.

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Oh please... when does Jagex stop creating minigames?


When people stop enjoying them? :roll: There's more than just you that plays this game.


Gosh, really? Sorry, my bad then.

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Oh please... when does Jagex stop creating minigames?


When people stop enjoying them? :roll: There's more than just you that plays this game.


Gosh, really? Sorry, my bad then.


Well now that you know hopefully you'll stop treating every update that you personally don't like as though it wasn't worth making.


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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Oh please... when does Jagex stop creating minigames?


When people stop enjoying them? :roll: There's more than just you that plays this game.


Gosh, really? Sorry, my bad then.


Well now that you know hopefully you'll stop treating every update that you personally don't like as though it wasn't worth making.


I was just giving my opinion, like anyone else. You might want to actually read what I said on the previous page before posting crap. So stop whining already.

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Oh please... when does Jagex stop creating minigames?


When people stop enjoying them? :roll: There's more than just you that plays this game.


Gosh, really? Sorry, my bad then.


Well now that you know hopefully you'll stop treating every update that you personally don't like as though it wasn't worth making.


I was just giving my opinion, like anyone else. You might want to actually read what I said on the previous page before posting crap. So stop whining already.


Oh please... when does Jagex stop creating minigames? Seriously, produce real content instead of silly little random games. There are a gazillion of them already. Make it stop. Please.


You mean this? I don't believe what I said could be considered to be even the least bit whiny. Complaining about an update because you're not going to use it and don't feel that it's useful however, is whiny. You asked why Jagex keeps creating minigames, I stated that it's because people enjoy playing them and are therefore worth making. You then proceeded to make an unproductive, sarcastic comment because it wasn't what you wanted to hear, obviously, and from the previous two pages, i'm not the only one thinking it.


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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You obviously haven't read my other posts. And if I feel Jagex is creating too many minigames, I'll just state that, ok? Feel free to disagree, but then post some real arguments instead of the useless crap you're posting now. And that's all I'm going to say about it.




"Because people enjoy it" is no real argument. By the same argument we could reinstate RWT. I feel Jagex shifts their focus too much to minigame content while I'd say it's advisable to produce content that fits into the game. Maybe actually liven up the deserted places in Runescape (and not by placing another minigame).




There are so many minigames already, it's time to give it a rest.

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Its funny that a lot of people boo hooing about slayer exp in the minigame arent even RSC players. You have no right to complain about additions making skills easier.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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"Because people enjoy it" is no real argument. By the same argument we could reinstate RWT. I feel Jagex shifts their focus too much to minigame content while I'd say it's advisable to produce content that fits into the game. Maybe actually liven up the deserted places in Runescape (and not by placing another minigame).




There are so many minigames already, it's time to give it a rest.


So then, who's to say what a "real argumnt" is? Is "because people enjoy it" really less of an argument of "we already have too many"? The fact that people enjoy them, keep asking for them and the amount of positive feedback players give regarding most minigames are reason enough for Jagex to continue creating them. Is that real enough yet?


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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"Because people enjoy it" is no real argument. By the same argument we could reinstate RWT. I feel Jagex shifts their focus too much to minigame content while I'd say it's advisable to produce content that fits into the game. Maybe actually liven up the deserted places in Runescape (and not by placing another minigame).




There are so many minigames already, it's time to give it a rest.


So then, who's to say what a "real argumnt" is? Is "because people enjoy it" really less of an argument of "we already have too many"? The fact that people enjoy them, keep asking for them and the amount of positive feedback players give regarding most minigames are reason enough for Jagex to continue creating them. Is that real enough yet?


First of all, I wonder where you find all the "moar minigames pl0x!" feedback you're talking about. Next to that, I'm arguing about the focus Jagex has when producing content for Runescape. A "people enjoy them" argument does not fit in. Because the same can be said for quests, new skills, new monsters and what not. It does not give an argument for the current focus Jagex has, nor an explanation.

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Because the same can be said for quests, new skills, new monsters and what not.


All of which are designed by different teams. In the initial post I quoted you stated that you didn't want any more minigames which, I believe, is selfish. You don't like them, fine, don't play them, but to ask for Jagex to stop making them, when so many others are obviously looking foward to it seems incredibly selfish to me. However, if your true argument is that Jagex is putting too much focus on one aspect, rather than spreading it out, consider this. A minigame being released does not necessarily mean they're just focusing on minigames, but that some things can be developed more efficiently than others and, as I said, because there are several teams working on different things, it only makes sense that content is released at a certain rate (5 quests to every minigame, for example?).


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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Once again, I'm NOT complaining because I don't like them. There's more content I don't like. What Im arguing about is the FOCUS Jagex has on minigames.




And ofcourse I'm selfish when I state my opinion about the updates. Just like anyone else. I don't know why you feel the need to criticize my opinion, while not judging others. Just because I am *not* positive about more minigames? Is it wrong to voice comments that are not like "z0mfg kewl" or whatever?




I don't like to see more minigames. I like to see Jagex switch their focus a bit. What you think of that is irrelevant, since it's kinda an opinion. Feel free to post your opinion, and your happiness with the minigames. But don't judge my opinion like that.




So once again... please Jagex, no more minigames.

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I'm with Bauke. Too many minigames. Seriously, how many more empty and abandoned minigames could we possibly want? I just looked up a list: there are 34 mini-games, not even including distractions and diversions. Enough already.




Edit: let me expand a bit. The first week a minigame is released, you get a rush to them. A few weeks later, nearly everybody gets bored/has the rewards they want and only a few play them anymore. Seems a lot of work for little result/fun for the players in the end. The only really really popular minigame that withstood time is Castle Wars.

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I'm with Bauke. Too many minigames. Seriously, how many more empty and abandoned minigames could we possibly want? I just looked up a list: there are 34 mini-games, not even including distractions and diversions. Enough already.




The fact is, we have too many useless minigames.


Crap like Vinespweeper, Gnome Restaurant and Ratpits are a complete waste.




Well thought out minigames such as Stealing Creation, Castle Wars, Barrows or Barbarian Assault with fun and/or have good rewards awesome.




I'm fine with Jagex putting there focus into well thought out minigames.


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I'm with Bauke. Too many minigames. Seriously, how many more empty and abandoned minigames could we possibly want? I just looked up a list: there are 34 mini-games, not even including distractions and diversions. Enough already.




The fact is, we have too many useless minigames.


Crap like Vinespweeper, Gnome Restaurant and Ratpits are a complete waste.




Well thought out minigames such as Stealing Creation, Castle Wars, Barrows or Barbarian Assault with fun and/or have good rewards awesome.




I'm fine with Jagex putting there focus into well thought out minigames.


Heh, well I think it's obvious we need well thought out content. Anyways, point is, if Jagex continues creating minigames at this rate, the game will soon turn into minigamescape. Like said above, we have a huge ammount of minigames already. Now, another one is coming, and Jagex has already announced another one. Where does this end? Seriously, Runescape will be a series of minigames in where you train your skills, if it continues like this.




I mean, sure, perhaps the upcoming minigame is fun. But I am concerned about the landscape that Runescape is turning into. It'll look like a graphical version of Funorb, where you can browse through the games by walking to them on the map. Sure, that's a bit overdramatic, but seriously, we have enough minigames.

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And ofcourse I'm selfish when I state my opinion about the updates. Just like anyone else. I don't know why you feel the need to criticize my opinion, while not judging others. Just because I am *not* positive about more minigames? Is it wrong to voice comments that are not like "z0mfg kewl" or whatever?


I apologise if it felt like it was an attack on you, I was moreso trying to give an opinion from the other side of the fence, I guess. While you may not like minigames, there are plenty of people who do and considering it's really only one week of an update you may not support, I don't really think that's enough to warrant a call to completely stop creating minigames. And no, you are more than welcome to give your opinion, just as I am going to share my opinion on something I don't agree with. ;)




Edit: let me expand a bit. The first week a minigame is released, you get a rush to them. A few weeks later, nearly everybody gets bored/has the rewards they want and only a few play them anymore. Seems a lot of work for little result/fun for the players in the end. The only really really popular minigame that withstood time is Castle Wars.


Check the worlds that have been devoted to a minigame, there are people playing just about every minigame on their selected worlds. ;) You may not like most of them, but that doesn't mean that they aren't still being used.




I do agree, there are some minigames that just weren't that good at all, but does that mean they should give up on trying to create more enjoyable, useful minigames, just because of a few duds? :P


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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Soul Wars


On the deepest, darkest, most mysterious of our backwater islands, an eternal struggle rages, unknown to the residents of RuneScape until now. Structured much like Castle Wars, this will be a quick to access, tough to master conflict-based minigame. The avatars of Destruction and Creation vie for control of the Soul Obelisk, an ancient and powerful artefact used to harvest the souls of the weak and unready. Get ready to grab your blade, staff or bow and battle through Slayer creatures, collecting fragments of their souls to feed to the ever-hungry obelisk. Rewards include combat XP while playing the game, Pest Control-style XP rewards and a few new pets for you to lead.




museum island anyone? \'



became quest point master on: 21 dec 2007 2:43 pm

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And ofcourse I'm selfish when I state my opinion about the updates. Just like anyone else. I don't know why you feel the need to criticize my opinion, while not judging others. Just because I am *not* positive about more minigames? Is it wrong to voice comments that are not like "z0mfg kewl" or whatever?


I apologise if it felt like it was an attack on you, I was moreso trying to give an opinion from the other side of the fence, I guess. While you may not like minigames, there are plenty of people who do and considering it's really only one week of an update you may not support, I don't really think that's enough to warrant a call to completely stop creating minigames. And no, you are more than welcome to give your opinion, just as I am going to share my opinion on something I don't agree with. ;)



If you put it in that perspective; alright.



I do agree, there are some minigames that just weren't that good at all, but does that mean they should give up on trying to create more enjoyable, useful minigames, just because of a few duds? :P


Enjoyable minigames are good. Naturally. Since people enjoy them. Allthough I might just enjoy the upcoming minigame, I don't like the concept. If Jagex creates too many enjoyable useful minigames, then it'll have a major impact on the layout of the game. Like I said before, it'll turn into minigamescape. I'd like to see that Jagex refrains from letting that happen. Allthough possibly enjoyable, more minigames will change Runescape's landscape for the worse.




Minigames have only a small connection with the whole Runescape world. It doesn't really fit in. Now that would be fine if Runescape had just a few minigames. But we have so many already... Next thing we'll be no more than passing through the Runescape world, travelling from one minigame to another. Training all our skills via minigames, only using the "real" Runescape world for a bit of questing.




Minigames should be an addition, not a main feature of the game. with the explosive increase in minigames, I feel the latter is becoming true.

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