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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


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Decent PC port please :pray:


If by PC, you mean the computer, why wouldn't there be a decent port? I'm 99% sure they developed for the PC first, then converted/ported it for the 360/whatever other worthless console later.

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Oh man, this trailer looks awesome.




To sum up what I find most awesome:




Customizable call-signs (everytime you kill someone, this box pops up with all their info)


Double attachments (as seen in the end)


Throwing knives (how [bleep]ing awesome is that?)


Ingame host migration (no more "Host ended game" while you're owning everyone)




Also, riot shields seem pretty decent, I was afraid they'd be overpowered, but it doesn't look like it. Although it seems boring and unrewarding to use, unless you get XP for blocking shots or something, the only thing the riot shield guys are doing is running around lol.




Oh, and did you see you get something for 4 killstreaks? It said "Air drop", maybe some kinda ammo increase or something?




I can't wait for another trailer. O.O

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Decent PC port please :pray:


If by PC, you mean the computer, why wouldn't there be a decent port? I'm 99% sure they developed for the PC first, then converted/ported it for the 360/whatever other worthless console later.




Yep. But most people who game use Xbox 360s now, especially for shooters. So everyone points their values into that direction.




Isnt it natural to put them in spots before you're getting followed? :S




If you're being chased you can bring out a claymore, turn a corner and set one right there. The person following you isn't bothering about explosives, he's gunning your [wagon] down before anyone else does.




So claymores are unlimited or something? Seems what I would do is place them in spots that people go past.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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If by PC, you mean the computer, why wouldn't there be a decent port? I'm 99% sure they developed for the PC first, then converted/ported it for the 360/whatever other worthless console later.


Why do people who primarily play games on the computer think they're better than people who play games on consoles?




Also claymores are just like bouncing betty's, they use the blue perk and you're only allowed 2.

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If by PC, you mean the computer, why wouldn't there be a decent port? I'm 99% sure they developed for the PC first, then converted/ported it for the 360/whatever other worthless console later.


Why do people who primarily play games on the computer think they're better than people who play games on consoles?




Also claymores are just like bouncing betty's, they use the blue perk and you're only allowed 2.




Well, because PC is pretty much the original gaming system, has more games and can play every game on the planet. Has the best skill average apparently, and has a much more mature online community.




And yeah I would set mine up before I get stalked so I dont think I would be able to.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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If by PC, you mean the computer, why wouldn't there be a decent port? I'm 99% sure they developed for the PC first, then converted/ported it for the 360/whatever other worthless console later.


Why do people who primarily play games on the computer think they're better than people who play games on consoles?




Are you paranoid? Or just lack in technical knowledge? It's pretty basic to know they develop a working PC game first, then port it to the specifications of the XboX 360/other consoles.




And to be honest, look at the XboX 360 right now, it's playing catch-up to the PC. Trying to get social networking in there, getting those old classic games in the arcade, streaming movies with netflix, ability to dock your zune/mp3 player in there...etc. Meanwhile the PC has been able to do this since consoles anyways. From a technical standpoint consoles are just cash-ins for companies because the consumers are being divided into each console or platform and thus they're making money off of dividing gamers between platforms. I'm pretty sure that if you remove consoles, there's a few billion dollars that wouldn't be made, but compared to the PC, consoles are just excess weight.




And I didn't say that someone who played on a PC was better than someone who played on a console. Both types of people have been conditioned to like consoles or PC's more, hence the fanboyism found in almost any console. Any type of platform to game on takes skill, and between a controller with analog sticks and the PC with a mouse, it's impossible to compare who would be better between those two.

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If by PC, you mean the computer, why wouldn't there be a decent port? I'm 99% sure they developed for the PC first, then converted/ported it for the 360/whatever other worthless console later.


Why do people who primarily play games on the computer think they're better than people who play games on consoles?




What...? I think you have something against PC gamers because that's really not what he said. The first Call of Duty games were only on PC and so it has very strong links with PC gaming. Also most developers make their games on PC first then port them onto consoles so of course there will be a PC port, he's not saying it's because the PC is better or because PC gamers are better, it's just how it is.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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Oh man, this trailer looks awesome.




To sum up what I find most awesome:




Customizable call-signs (everytime you kill someone, this box pops up with all their info)


Double attachments (as seen in the end)


Throwing knives (how [bleep] awesome is that?)


Ingame host migration (no more "Host ended game" while you're owning everyone)




Also, riot shields seem pretty decent, I was afraid they'd be overpowered, but it doesn't look like it. Although it seems boring and unrewarding to use, unless you get XP for blocking shots or something, the only thing the riot shield guys are doing is running around lol.




Oh, and did you see you get something for 4 killstreaks? It said "Air drop", maybe some kinda ammo increase or something?




I can't wait for another trailer. O.O




You can customize what you get when you hit killstreaks. Seems like you can choose a reward for any killstreak above 3.




Though, the more rewards you have, the lower their quality. For example, if you have no rewards for 3, 4, 5 and 6 kills, then you could have a really powerful 7th kill reward. Or you could have lots of little rewards.

So don't let anyone tell you you're not worth the earth,

These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

So shine your light so bright that all can see,

Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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If by PC, you mean the computer, why wouldn't there be a decent port? I'm 99% sure they developed for the PC first, then converted/ported it for the 360/whatever other worthless console later.


Why do people who primarily play games on the computer think they're better than people who play games on consoles?




Are you paranoid? Or just lack in technical knowledge? It's pretty basic to know they develop a working PC game first, then port it to the specifications of the XboX 360/other consoles.




And to be honest, look at the XboX 360 right now, it's playing catch-up to the PC. Trying to get social networking in there, getting those old classic games in the arcade, streaming movies with netflix, ability to dock your zune/mp3 player in there...etc. Meanwhile the PC has been able to do this since consoles anyways. From a technical standpoint consoles are just cash-ins for companies because the consumers are being divided into each console or platform and thus they're making money off of dividing gamers between platforms. I'm pretty sure that if you remove consoles, there's a few billion dollars that wouldn't be made, but compared to the PC, consoles are just excess weight.




And I didn't say that someone who played on a PC was better than someone who played on a console. Both types of people have been conditioned to like consoles or PC's more, hence the fanboyism found in almost any console. Any type of platform to game on takes skill, and between a controller with analog sticks and the PC with a mouse, it's impossible to compare who would be better between those two.




I'm pretty sure IW do MW2 on Xbox 360 dev kits then port it to PC and PS3.

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Skatedog: Paranoid of what? And no I have no clue on how developers make games, and I could care less. Obviously the PC has more [cabbage] running than consoles. Consoles are a video game first, as PC's are not.




Tintin: Skatedog called the 360 and other consoles worthless.

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Tintin: Skatedog called the 360 and other consoles worthless.




Well the PC does everything an Xbox does, and you dont need to buy a new one every year, just upgrade it. Not to mention all the games in the world = playable on PC, illegal or not, it's how it goes.




I'm pretty sure IW do MW2 on Xbox 360 dev kits then port it to PC and PS3.




I think so too, all MW2 vids are with Xbox.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Tintin: Skatedog called the 360 and other consoles worthless. Darnit I didn't see that :roll:




Well the PC does everything an Xbox does, and you dont need to buy a new one every year, just upgrade it. Not to mention all the games in the world = playable on PC, illegal or not, it's how it goes.




Every year? Try every 5 years, and that's pretty similar to how often people change their computers, and to get a decent computer that will run all your games at full speed for 5 years will cost a LOAD more than one xbox, hell even 4 or 5 xboxes.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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At the expense of playing more games, having more capabilities, and just more varied, I'd take it.




However this is a thread about Modern Warfare Two. An FPS, not a game debating what is better.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Yeah but in certain places the Xbox connection makes a pretty large difference.


E.G Australia.




Anyway, will that knife-throwing thing be a perk?


Will it make us permanently lose our knife (if thats a/the melee attack) until we die?


How far will it go? :o

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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maybe you can go over and pick it up where you threw it




imo it will be hard to kill em with it, worse then hitting someone with n00btube




But with the xp that you get from it, it could be interestingly fun, and good.


It could take some serious skills, and might be a snipers friend.




IMO it looks cool. I would really like to use it alot, and get decent with it.


It might work if someones runnign down a hall and you catch a glimpse of them, hide behind a wall, jump out and throw. It seems very stealthy, so it could be worth it..

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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