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What happened to the laughs?


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So... I guess mission accomplished?


Not completely.




You're right. In all this excitement, I completely forgot to give Quoi his meth lab!




And, if you admit the thread's mission is accomplished, It'll get closed, and we'll have one less not at all serious thread.

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Am I the only one who loves it when people are at each others throats?


Off the computer, ya. But on an internet forum, not so much. It's only funny when people are trying to be hard if they can get punched in the face.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Am I the only one who loves it when people are at each others throats?


Off the computer, ya. But on an internet forum, not so much. It's only funny when people are trying to be hard if they can get punched in the face.




I don't even notice any machismo. Boring people are just less boring if they're arguing.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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I havn't read the past four pages of this thread, and I don't plan to, and I'm not saying that just because this is a thread by diesel.




But ya, I would agree that seeing people arguing on an internet forum is much more interesting than seeing them agree. I mean, for some godforsaken reason, creationist-evolutionist arguments never get old. There's got to be something to that.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I havn't read the past four pages of this thread, and I don't plan to, and I'm not saying that just because this is a thread by diesel.




But ya, I would agree that seeing people arguing on an internet forum is much more interesting than seeing them agree. I mean, for some godforsaken reason, creationist-evolutionist arguments never get old. There's got to be something to that.




It's the more fun to watch people to argue than to agree for the same reason the media focuses more on bad things than good things: It's just more interesting.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Pretty sure i got this one -


All the newies that come down from general come here and are at first, lost in a sense. So then one would normally look up to a mature poster with reputation for being a good Tipiter. But those people are few and far between, leaving or just not browsing here because of all the crap that gets posted. So the only people are left are the people aiming for 'lulz' and missing by soo much.


"Hey, so viking porn is cool? Yeh! Viking porn! I don't even know what it is! But if I repeat it I'll be funny!"




Another thing chaps - personality. So what if Lenin can pull off being a mad bastard. It doesn't mean we can all roam around thinking we can dominate the world and act evil, just because he does. Too many wannabes, thus aiming for the laughs and failing.




And if you all think Paper Clips was the greatest thing to happen to OT, you obviously weren't here when he was here with his troll boots on. It got annoying.




Etc Etc Etc. Tipit isn't 4chan. 4cgan isn't cool. Down with memes. Yadda Yadda Yadda.


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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Do you have to remind me of my nooby days?I remember when you weren't quite serious yourself.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Do you have to remind me of my nooby days?I remember when you weren't quite serious yourself.




I agree with this thread but will hide my disagreement as a state of being friendly.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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I find it funny that you complain about the lack of humor but shoot down potentially funny threads like the "What does your family taste like" thread.


It sucks that thread got locked. It was funny.


There's tons of humor, the OP just seems to want humor that starts memes(what does that even mean?) and other humor of the sort.

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I find it funny that you complain about the lack of humor but shoot down potentially funny threads like the "What does your family taste like" thread.


It sucks that thread got locked. It was funny.


There's tons of humor, the OP just seems to want humor that starts memes(what does that even mean?) and other humor of the sort.




No, I mean actually funny stuff, not always "gold". Like I said, if you start a thread with the intention of making it "gold", then it's no good. Starting threads with the intention of starting a laugh though, thats perfectly fine.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I find it funny that you complain about the lack of humor but shoot down potentially funny threads like the "What does your family taste like" thread.


It sucks that thread got locked. It was funny.


There's tons of humor, the OP just seems to want humor that starts memes(what does that even mean?) and other humor of the sort.




No, I mean actually funny stuff, not always "gold". Like I said, if you start a thread with the intention of making it "gold", then it's no good. Starting threads with the intention of starting a laugh though, thats perfectly fine.


Oh, well, that always works. And, there are quite a few new threads that are decently funny.


And what does meme mean?

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I find it funny that you complain about the lack of humor but shoot down potentially funny threads like the "What does your family taste like" thread.


It sucks that thread got locked. It was funny.


There's tons of humor, the OP just seems to want humor that starts memes(what does that even mean?) and other humor of the sort.




No, I mean actually funny stuff, not always "gold". Like I said, if you start a thread with the intention of making it "gold", then it's no good. Starting threads with the intention of starting a laugh though, thats perfectly fine.


Oh, well, that always works. And, there are quite a few new threads that are decently funny.


And what does meme mean?


Meme is basically a thought virus, such as OVAR 9000 and the like.




Btw, I was the OP :twss:


I thought dizzle was. I'm confused now.

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Lol this thready is giving me laughs, people arguing, its hysterical. \' \' :thumbsup: :thumbsup:






On a more serious note:




Ever since project off-topic came uunderway, all threads that involve anything a 13 year old "shouldn't" hear/talk about has been locked or hidden.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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I find it funny that you complain about the lack of humor but shoot down potentially funny threads like the "What does your family taste like" thread.


It sucks that thread got locked. It was funny.


There's tons of humor, the OP just seems to want humor that starts memes(what does that even mean?) and other humor of the sort.




It's all relative

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lol @ people missing Paperclips. Who do you think the indian kid was that was posting a while back




That guy was great. <3:


I have to agree with that :thumbup:. That guy made me laugh, not saying he shouldn't have been banned, I still found him funny.



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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Paperclips was like Trapical's evil twin.


I read through some of paperclips posts. Didn't seem to funny to me. But I guess it was out of context, and I wasn't there when paperclips was around. So I can't really understand the jokes. And I can't be bothered to read through the whole threads.

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