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War Survey...


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We have to do a survey about war. Could you please answer these questions and leave your age and gender. (The first 3 are yes/no and the last 2 are open questions)




1) Do you think video games affect peoples opinion on war?


2) If your country was attacked, would it make you join the army?


3) Do you think there will be a World War 3 in your lifetime?


4) What do you think you could do to prevent war?


5) What do you think is the major cause of wars?






Ty ^_^



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1) Do you think video games affect peoples opinion on war? No, one of the dumbest things i've ever heard.


2) If your country was attacked, would it make you join the army? No, although im not sure if you're asking if I would join the army or if they would draft me. No in either case.


3) Do you think there will be a World War 3 in your lifetime? Maybe, with the stupidity of people these days, it's always a possibility.


4) What do you think you could do to prevent war? I can't do anything. The majority of the world needs to stop being complete [wagon]es about everything.


5) What do you think is the major cause of wars? Stupid people.






EDIT: 15, male.

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1) Do you think video games affect peoples opinion on war?






2) If your country was attacked, would it make you join the army?






3) Do you think there will be a World War 3 in your lifetime?


Yeah, probably #-o




4) What do you think you could do to prevent war?


Nothing personally. The leaders need to stop being so self-centered and think about the people instead of their own wallets.




5) What do you think is the major cause of wars?








16. Female.






I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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1) Do you think video games affect peoples opinion on war? No, one of the dumbest things i've ever heard.


2) If your country was attacked, would it make you join the army? No, although im not sure if you're asking if I would join the army or if they would draft me. No in either case.


3) Do you think there will be a World War 3 in your lifetime? Maybe, with the stupidity of people these days, it's always a possibility.


4) What do you think you could do to prevent war? I can't do anything. The majority of the world needs to stop being complete [wagon] about everything.


5) What do you think is the major cause of wars? Stupid people.






Video games affecting people's opinion on war? Actually, no, it's not that dumb. How many times have you heard an eager soldier go 'Yeah, I just want to blow [cabbage] up' ?


Several people have begun to see a 'romantic' and 'fun' side of war that some games (and other forms of entertainment) perpetuate. Sure, these people may not be too bright, but the effect of games is still present.




If a county's military was in need of new soldiers, I'm sure a nationalistic, fun, and brutal video game is the way to go...





EDIT: Oh, right, might as well help out the survey myself:



1) Do you think video games affect peoples opinion on war? Yeah. Everything we sense has an influence upon what we think, no matter how much we deny it.




2) If your country was attacked, would it make you join the army? I don't consider myself to belong to any one country. I cannot say my ideologies match up exactly with any nation upon the planet. So No.




3) Do you think there will be a World War 3 in your lifetime? Possibly. But hopefully we will be smart enough to know not to tamper with our nuclear weapons. Perhaps a global anti-ICBM Shield Network will be set up within or lifetimes.




But, for the simple answer you need, I'll go ahead and say No.



4) What do you think you could do to prevent war? Become an expert on international law and politics, and maybe lay down some new rules altogether. Then again, I was never much into politics. Surely there will be several peace-invoking scientific discoveries waiting to be found by the researchers of my generation.



5) What do you think is the major cause of wars? Greed. Difference in beliefs. Unfounded passion. Any number of causes can launch a war. But it is rooted in the human tendency to desire and compete for such desires even when the only option open is war.




16, Male.

But I don't want to go among mad people!

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here..."

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1) In short, no.


2) Depends on the circumstances in which it happened.


3) No, M.A.D reduces the chances of it happening - another Cold War scenario is far more likely.


4) Question is unclear, do you mean humanity as a whole or me personally?


5) Money, Power & hatred.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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no, no, no, nothing, greed


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I'd like to think I'd volunteer to fight in a war, but it would be down my morals being challenged, not the politics of any country. If there is ever another war against fascism then I think I would have to fight.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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1) Yeah.


2) As has been said before, most likely in a non-combat role, maybe something to do with medicine. In short, yes.


3) Yes.


4) Nothing personally, unless I took up politics.


5) Religion and greed for power.




edit; woops, forgot this part. 14, female.

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1) Do you think video games affect peoples opinion on war? Maybe.


2) If your country was attacked, would it make you join the army? No.


3) Do you think there will be a World War 3 in your lifetime? Not sure, lately I came to think yes


4) What do you think you could do to prevent war? Nothing, sadly.


5) What do you think is the major cause of wars? Money, power, greed


17, Female.

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1) Do you think video games affect peoples opinion on war?


Maybe. Younger people (pre 15) i think are easier affected.




2) If your country was attacked, would it make you join the army?






3) Do you think there will be a World War 3 in your lifetime?






4) What do you think you could do to prevent war?


Join politics, get people aware of situations.




5) What do you think is the major cause of wars?


Totalitarianism, prevention of an even bigger war, natural resources, "freeing" people of your country living in the attacked country.




Male, 21.

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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17 male




1) Do you think video games affect peoples opinion on war?--no, maybe someone that is mentally irregular but not a normal person




2) If your country was attacked, would it make you join the army?--depends on how bad it was, I wouldnt join if Arizona was attacked by a mexican cartel army, if we went to a full scale war then I would eventually join


3) Do you think there will be a World War 3 in your lifetime?--undecided, but I know what world war 4 will be fought with




4) What do you think you could do to prevent war?--on a personal level not that much, move to legalize marijuana would be a move against american mexican border conflict so I guess my answer is make laws that can curb conflict without sacrificing morality.




5) What do you think is the major cause of wars?--greed in varying forms.




hope im helpful


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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We have to do a survey about war. Could you please answer these questions and leave your age and gender. (The first 3 are yes/no and the last 2 are open questions)




1) Do you think video games affect peoples opinion on war?


2) If your country was attacked, would it make you join the army?


3) Do you think there will be a World War 3 in your lifetime?


4) What do you think you could do to prevent war?


5) What do you think is the major cause of wars?






Ty ^_^




1. No.


2. No.


3. Yes.


4. I can't do anything.


5. Religion




12, Male.

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1.) Yes, I do. I believe that people are being desensitized to the idea of it.


2.) No.


3.) No.


4.) Diplomacy first, helping the impoverished (terrorism), etc.


5.) Misunderstandings of culture and history, and as of late, greed.




20, male.

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1) Do you think video games affect peoples opinion on war? Definitely Definitely not.


2) If your country was attacked, would it make you join the army? It's likely


3) Do you think there will be a World War 3 in your lifetime? No.


4) What do you think you could do to prevent war? ...nothing to be honest.


5) What do you think is the major cause of wars? Greed


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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1. Yes. Not that it's an entirely bad thing, nor that I think that way, but it happens.


2. If you mean the country I live in, no. If you mean the country with which I have citizenship, conscription is in place already.


3. Yes.


4. The only way to achieve world peace is to have no one to argue with. Seeing as I can't kill everyone else, nothing.


5. Greed and "conflicting" beliefs.


14, male.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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1) No. (Only for people who don't understand that videogames =/= real life.)


2) No, I don't think so. It depends on the magnitude of the attack I guess.


3) There might be one along the same lines, but I don't think any country would agree on naming it that. "WWIII" implies disappointment in humanity if you ask me.


4) Spread a loving and peaceful mentality around the world... so... being a hippie?


5) Ethnocentrism.




18 Male

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Anyone who thinks religion is the main cause for war is wrong. It's all about stupid leaders getting greedy.




Hopefully in future wars people will be smart enough to not mess with nukes, but then again, that may be asking too much.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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1) Yep.


2) Yep. I like some people here.


3) No. Major world powers are too similar, other nations too weak.


4) Help people chillax.


5) People deciding "Hey, I feel like a [bleep] today."




14, I'm a dude.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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1) Partially yes, I feel it might desensitize people from some aspects of war.


2) Not applicable. Or no, even if one was set up.


3) No, I doubt it. MAD prevents it.


4) There's little I can do on a personal scale unless I am to become a public icon.


5) Intolerance and lack of dialogue.




17, male.

This signature is intentionally left blank.

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1)To a degree they do, mainly desensitizing people to some aspects of war.


2)Probably not, but if I did have to it would be a non-combat role.


3)Chances are there won't be, if there is we are all doomed anyway, courtesy of MAD.


4)Me personally, nothing much.


5)Religion, Beliefs and Money.




16, Male


Gwd Drop's: Sara - 4 Hilt, 13 Ss(3 ls), Armadyl - None, Bandos - 6 Hilt, 4 Bcp, 7 Tasset, 4 Boot

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1) It might affect young males more than anyone else, but not always.


2) I try to stay out of wars. I love my country, but I don't think I would sacrifice myself for it.


3) Possibly. It depends on how the economical crisis turns out. It's possible that if the US falls, the shift of power could create a war.


4) There should be a vast restructuring of the global economy.


5) Limited resources, lust for power, etc. It's all human nature, really.




17, male.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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1) Do you think video games affect peoples opinion on war?


In a small way, yes.




2) If your country was attacked, would it make you join the army?


Yes I would. I feel obligated to protect the country that I am a part of. I am too young to do it now, and there is not a war that my country is involved with at the moment.




3) Do you think there will be a World War 3 in your lifetime?


I hope not, but probably. There are a lot of countries out there that could become a problem.




4) What do you think you could do to prevent war?


Keeping myself informed, so I am not ignorant as to what is going on in the world.




5) What do you think is the major cause of wars?


Idiots who want what they can't have, or idiots who do something that they know they shouldn't.




16, Male

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