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Quitting Smoking.


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Well, I'm quitting smoking tommorow after smoking for 2 years, anybody quit smoking before and have some advice? (Non of that chewing-gum/patchs stuff becuase they don't work for me)





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I find people who claim that they cannot quit smoking to be annoying. Take control of your life and don't smoke, how hard can it be, honestly? I don't get it. I smoked for a year when I was 15-16 and quitting wasn't difficult at all.

noobs crowding hill giants? not on my watch

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I find people who claim that they cannot quit smoking to be annoying. Take control of your life and don't smoke, how hard can it be, honestly? I don't get it. I smoked for a year when I was 15-16 and quitting wasn't difficult at all.


It can be very hard for some people, but if you try hard at it it won't be that hard.




(for every cig you smoke after tomorrow, I get to slap you in the face?)

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Well, you'll probably go into withdrawal. I doubt you'll be able to quit cold-turkey, unless you're that cool. If you've been doing it for two years, you're probably dependent on the nicotine. And it'll probably hurt like [bleep]. My sister said it felt like someone was poking you with a little knife every now and then, plus she got really antsy. But, I smoke occasionally, and for one thing I don't really like it. The "great feeling" doesn't do too much for me.




Uh, rambling. You'll either quit easy or you won't.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Thanks guys, I tried quitting smoking a year ago and it felt like i was getting punched in the stomach every craving... But i like the idea of getting slapped in the face, Might have to try that... :]

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I find people who claim that they cannot quit smoking to be annoying. Take control of your life and don't smoke, how hard can it be, honestly? I don't get it. I smoked for a year when I was 15-16 and quitting wasn't difficult at all.


Yeah, you smoked for a year. You are just acting like a douche sandwich if you say "how hard can it be?"


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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I find people who claim that they cannot quit smoking to be annoying. Take control of your life and don't smoke, how hard can it be, honestly? I don't get it. I smoked for a year when I was 15-16 and quitting wasn't difficult at all.


Yeah, you smoked for a year. You are just acting like a douche sandwich if you say "how hard can it be?"




Wow, a douche sandwhich. Sounds crazy delicious. ;)

noobs crowding hill giants? not on my watch

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I don't smoke, but i use product called "snus"... Which is even worse in nicotine aspect (4-16mg per "portion").


Been using it for 6years (6+6months off). I've found that using less and less per day is easier. Say you take a 2-4 weeks (one week is too hard), take one less every 2nd day (you'll find what works best for you), and when you are down to 1-2 per day... Do that for a few days and then quit.


I guess (if you don't want to gain alot of weight), chewing gum or eating fruits are good.


All i can say, good luck!

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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Best thing to do is just take it one day at a time. Instead of telling yourself "tommorow I'm going to quit smoking", say to yourself, "tommorow I'm not going to have a smoke". Just go day by day and see how you feel at the end of it.




Worked for me and I quit for about 6 months then started up again (stupid, aye).


Anyways, good luck.




PS: Think of the money.

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As Lenticular said, You'll probably go into withdrawal. Be sure to get support from your friends and family (unless they smoke, that won't help). You'll never make it alone. Luckily you haven't been smoking for too long (in comparison), so it should be easier than say you had been smoking for 10 years.




As Toast said, play more RuneScape - soon you'll forget what smoking is :P




Good Luck.




PS. Maybe don't look too much at this thread, it might give you cravings.

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As Lenticular said, You'll probably go into withdrawal. Be sure to get support from your friends and family (unless they smoke, that won't help). You'll never make it alone. Luckily you haven't been smoking for too long (in comparison), so it should be easier than say you had been smoking for 10 years.




As Toast said, play more RuneScape - soon you'll forget what smoking is :P




Good Luck.




PS. Maybe don't look too much at this thread, it might give you cravings.




Im quitting smoking with my mum whos been smoking for around 15-20 years... and to the 'play more runescape' thing, I have noticed that when ever im doing something on runescape like a quest or doing something this isn't repetative it usually keeps my mind off smoking.




Thanks guys for all the advice and comments...

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I used to smoke for like a month but I quit. I'm not really addicted to anything except scape. Weird.


I'm proud to have quit rs, it was extremely hard.




As for cigarettes, its just a matter of not putting a cigarette in your mouth and lighting it, JUST DON'T.


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You can delude yourself into thinking it will kill you if you put it into your lips. Just think of it as an equivalent to something very dangerous and lethal, and your fear of the dangerous thing will transfer over to the cigarette. Mind over matter.

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I've never been a smoker, cigarettes in particular, but I think OldJoe's suggestion is probably the best bet w/o using gum because you'll slowly lose that craving for the nicotine without going cold turkey and killing yourself.

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I've tried smoking a few times but now i cant even stand the smell of it. My mum managed to quit after smoking for over 20 years, she used a method similar to OldJoe's suggestion so maybe you should try that.

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I don't get addicted to anything but games. Seriously. I smoked weed for a year, and two months ago I decided to quit, and have been fine since. (Well really I just planned on taking an extensive break. I'm planning on going back in about a month). Eight months ago I started playing WoW, and that I'm addicted to.

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I wish you luck with that, I've never smoked before so I don't know how it must of feel. But a little advice; start quitting smoking today not tomorrow. :P

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I don't get addicted to anything but games. Seriously. I smoked weed for a year, and two months ago I decided to quit, and have been fine since. (Well really I just planned on taking an extensive break. I'm planning on going back in about a month). Eight months ago I started playing WoW, and that I'm addicted to.




You don't get dependent on cannabis like you do on nicotine. It's habit forming, but not addicting.

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Quitting smoking is easy, i've done it thousands of times...


Goodluck with it dude :?






How have you become dependent thousands of times.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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as said before, just take it easy, try not to think about it. dont go cold turkey, it is very hard. i have had friends quit before. try something else, like tea.




also, there was this site, where you could calculate how much money you were saving from not smoking. it helped my friend a lot.

99 Fishing

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How about the ole' smoke one, or half of one less a day method? Either that, or strap yourself onto the wall, and have a friend feed you 3 times a day. Good luck smoking while strapped to a wall :lol:




Seriously, though. Slowly stop smoking, in my opinion, it's the only way to go if the patch/nicorete won't work.

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Nicotine gum/patches have to be the greatest product ever. They replace an addiction, and even better, are seen as medicine! I'd just say that the best thing to do is find something to take your mind off of it, or something that gives you a reason to stop. Take up sports, learn to program (Even very simple programming can take hours if you're inexperienced), solve a Rubik's cube. Keep your mind active, so it can't wander and think about smoking.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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