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Suicide (Statistics, Philosophy, etc)


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I don't think its just cause of sadness, maybe boredom as well. I think about suicide all the time but I am almost always happy. I'm just curious about death ::'

99 Hunter - November 1st, 2008

99 Cooking -July 22nd, 2009

99 Firemaking - July 29th, 2010

99 Fletching - December 30th, 2010

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My internet seems to be running faster so here is a good source...




"An important WHO Study established that out of a total of 6003 suicides, 98% had a psychiatric disorder."




...."Further, the Global Burden of Diseases Study has projected a rise of more than 50% in mental disorders by the year 2020 (from 9.7% in 1990to 15% in 2020). And one third of this rise will be due to Major Depression."...






Year : 2003 | Volume : 1 | Issue : 2 | Page : 3-16


Towards a Suicide Free Society: Identify Suicide Prevention as Public Health Policy




Ajai R Singh, Shakuntala A Singh


The Editors, Mens Sana Monographs, Mumbai, India




http://www.msmonographs.org/article.asp ... last=Singh




I'll edit this section if I find anymore...



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Most teen suicides are because of teen drama. Older people may do it because of different causes, life/job/house/money.




IMO, someone should suicide if he wants to. It's not your life.


I tried to write a proper response to this but instead I'll just reply with:




ignorant [bleep]. also what evidence do you have for the ridiculous statement I have highlighted?

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[bleep] suicide. It's cheating. I know people who've done it. And I would beat the [cabbage] out of them if I had the chance. It just isn't fair to quit like that. [bleep] it.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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He heard it in the playground from the cool kids making fun of them of course, so it has to be true!




Lent - try to understand it more often than not it's a chemical imbalance that the person has no control over. It's been proven in neurological images with dopamine and serotonin levels.




This is the best quote I've ever read about suicide




"To see the suicide as pathetic, as most people do, is to fail to confront the idea that he may have reached a moment in time in which his mind, far from being clouded, was more clear than it had ever been" (John Bloom, 2003.)



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I don't think suicide is morally wrong. I can easily see people being in situations where they'd rather not be alive, and there's no sense in suffering just to suffer. That said, I think that if someone is going to commit suicide, they should get their house in order first. Talk to your loved ones and let them know what's going on, and why you've made the decision that you have.




Also, no Hamlet yet? I think it's a beautiful way of explaining this sort of thing.




To be, or not to be: that is the question:


Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer


The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,


Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,


And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;


No more; and by a sleep to say we end


The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks


That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation


Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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Whats interesting we learned in a psychology course was men generally succeed more, because men don't care about post death appearence (men using a gun, jumping). Women however value appearence more post death than men, so they attempt more in ways, such as overdosing, which is easier for hospitals to reverse. Kinda interesting.. it does not apply to everyone, but some suicidal people do behave this way.

Masta Chef



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Lets see what happens if your mom does suicide.




You feel like it was your fault. You want to change things. You become moody and aggressive. You loved your mom so now there is a whole in your heart. You keep thinking its your fault and you feel all moody and depressed. You do suicide.




Theres no way out.




Pureprayer, you're awesome.
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[hide=long quote]

I had a very interesting and compelling professor last semester for my Principles of Sociology course. His name was Dr. Abbas Mehdi and he is an Iraqi. He has served under Saddam Hussein (unwillingly) and now serves as a trainer for Minnesota National Guard troops being deployed to Iraq. He has traveled to every continent (except Antarctica) and fluently speaks 7 languages. Needless to say he is a very experienced person when it comes to dealing with social problems around the world. Some of you may also remember the "Iraq Aid Money Stolen or Wasted" topic I posted a few months ago featuring his testimony to the U.S. Supreme Court.




My point in this is that Dr. Mehdi had a very interesting viewpoint on why suicide rates are so high in Western and "civilized" countries and why, as he said, there are hardly any cases of suicide (aside from suicide bombers) in his home country of Iraq compared to the United States.




Dr. Mehdi concluded that because well-off Americans are so task oriented, they tend to have more stress than the most impoverished farmer in Iraq. Think about it, how many things in your day are task oriented? First of all, you've got your daily tasks. Get up, feed the family pet, catch a bus/ride/drive to work/school. Finish all your work at school, maybe participate in a sport after school, and of course worry about the big game coming up against your conference rivals. Now balance that with your every day course load of homework. Don't forget you also have to worry about managing a girlfriend or boyfriend if that's what is going on in your life. And those are just your every day tasks. What about long term tasks? Mid-term papers, band or choir concerts, the all-school play, what college you're going to pick, maybe the military, how about what your major is going to be, do you have a job to pay for school? How are you going to pay for school if you don't have a job?




As you can see, those are just a few examples of tasks that young Americans have to face EVERY DAY. Now Iraqis, as Dr. Mehdi put it, do not face those kinds of issues. They live simplistic lives (of course not all of them, but a majority of them do). Every day they get up and either farm their land or go to their job to simply provide food for their families and to save up what extra money they can. There aren't these ridiculous tasks we have every day as Americans. They have less stress, even though they may be impoverished. And that is why, Dr. Mehdi concluded, a higher percentage of Americans kill themselves, and will continue to do so, compared to Iraqis and even more impoverished people.

[/hide]I'd say that stress is half of the equation, the other half being actual emotional problems - and these emotional problems probably affect us more than most because America as a whole has a selfish attitude, so people get more caught up in the here and now versus thinking about what lies ahead. What leads me to think that is the fact that America as a whole has far less severe problems than most countries, yet compared to people from those countries we act like our problems are bigger (this applies to people of all ages).

May the presents of our lord and savior, Santa, be with you this holiday season!

First annual Clausmas - 2009 December 25

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For the people who are saying that teens commit suicide because of "Teen-drama", I cannot begin to stress how ignorant it is :wall: God! Yes there's the emo trend and some people self harm and attempt/commit suicide for attention just like any other person can be. But just because there are some people like that, obviously it doesn't mean that the entire population of self harmers or the mentally ill are doing it for the attention.




My cousin recently commited suicide and although its quite sad just like any other death, he was born with Spina Bifida and had depression or something like that, but he had his reasons. I don't think it's that sad, but I deal with death quite quickly.







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I don't think suicide is morally wrong. I can easily see people being in situations where they'd rather not be alive, and there's no sense in suffering just to suffer. That said, I think that if someone is going to commit suicide, they should get their house in order first. Talk to your loved ones and let them know what's going on, and why you've made the decision that you have.




Also, no Hamlet yet? I think it's a beautiful way of explaining this sort of thing.




To be, or not to be: that is the question:


Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer


The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,


Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,


And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;


No more; and by a sleep to say we end


The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks


That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation


Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep.




It would be rare to have a family that knowing you will commit suicide not try to stop you. Isn't that some sort of crime or something? A well written suicide note would probably be better. It explains to the family why you did it ( if written well enough) and the family can't stop you after they have read it.

99 Hunter - November 1st, 2008

99 Cooking -July 22nd, 2009

99 Firemaking - July 29th, 2010

99 Fletching - December 30th, 2010

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I don't think suicide is morally wrong. I can easily see people being in situations where they'd rather not be alive, and there's no sense in suffering just to suffer. That said, I think that if someone is going to commit suicide, they should get their house in order first. Talk to your loved ones and let them know what's going on, and why you've made the decision that you have.




It would be rare to have a family that knowing you will commit suicide not try to stop you. Isn't that some sort of crime or something? A well written suicide note would probably be better. It explains to the family why you did it ( if written well enough) and the family can't stop you after they have read it.




I think he's talking about terminal illness or extreme disability related suicide.

OH S***! He/she/it is back!

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Ideally, a sober and rational adult should have the right to commit suicide so long as family and friends are duly notified. It would be far more selfish to force a person to continue a life they do not wish to live. This obviously would not apply to instances of severe stress, depression and drug intoxication.




Thích Qu?ng ??c - Wikipedia






Chantal Sebire - News.com.au






With that said, suicide should always be viewed as a "bad idea" at first for the simple sake that it most likely is (e.g. thinking clouded by depression). Cases like the above are in the vast minority when it comes to suicide.

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Most teen suicides are because of teen drama. Older people may do it because of different causes, life/job/house/money.




IMO, someone should suicide if he wants to. It's not your life.


dude if you were trying to make that funny you just hurt my feelings but still its alright to joke around well thats how one of my best friends died. He got a broken heart from one of the most prettiest girls in school that was his girlfriends than he decided life wasnt worth it after she said no to him and then he got real mad then shot him self. but i do got to admit it was kinda of stupid of him to kill him self especialy since he was only 14.

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Most teen suicides are because of teen drama. Older people may do it because of different causes, life/job/house/money.




IMO, someone should suicide if he wants to. It's not your life.


dude if you were trying to make that funny you just hurt my feelings but still its alright to joke around well thats how one of my best friends died. He got a broken heart from one of the most prettiest girls in school that was his girlfriends than he decided life wasnt worth it after she said no to him and then he got real mad then shot him self. but i do got to admit it was kinda of stupid of him to kill him self especialy since he was only 14.




It is funny since you just proved his point (circumstantially but still...). Dumb idea killing yourself over


deluded teen love, you're right on that point (first time for everything). Or maybe he committed suicide because he was secretly gay (I think a stupid girlfriend thing is really improbable) and you, his best friend, were so intolerant and ignorant that he felt he had no place in the world (if his best friend wouldn't accept him who would? Right?) and decided to off himself to escape the torment of the secret he kept. Too bad your closed-mindedness kept him from coming to you for support and acceptance, maybe if you weren't so immature he wouldn't have killed himself. Maybe it's your fault. Bigotry kills.

OH S***! He/she/it is back!

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How do we decrease suicide rates? Solve the problem that induces suicide.




What induces suicide? Sadness.




How do we get rid of sadness? Happiness.




How do we find happiness? ...












I stopped reading the thread here. This is actually true in respects :?


Click my signature for my blog!

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Most teen suicides are because of teen drama. Older people may do it because of different causes, life/job/house/money.




IMO, someone should suicide if he wants to. It's not your life.


dude if you were trying to make that funny you just hurt my feelings but still its alright to joke around well thats how one of my best friends died. He got a broken heart from one of the most prettiest girls in school that was his girlfriends than he decided life wasnt worth it after she said no to him and then he got real mad then shot him self. but i do got to admit it was kinda of stupid of him to kill him self especialy since he was only 14.




It is funny since you just proved his point (circumstantially but still...). Dumb idea killing yourself over


deluded teen love, you're right on that point (first time for everything). Or maybe he committed suicide because he was secretly gay (I think a stupid girlfriend thing is really improbable) and you, his best friend, were so intolerant and ignorant that he felt he had no place in the world (if his best friend wouldn't accept him who would? Right?) and decided to off himself to escape the torment of the secret he kept. Too bad your closed-mindedness kept him from coming to you for support and acceptance, maybe if you weren't so immature he wouldn't have killed himself. Maybe it's your fault. Bigotry kills.




:lol: Killer, you're awesome.




How do we decrease suicide rates? Solve the problem that induces suicide.




What induces suicide? Sadness.




How do we get rid of sadness? Happiness.




How do we find happiness? ...












I stopped reading the thread here. This is actually true in respects :?


It is very true. Depression actually also makes things even less happy, I believe. You stop to enjoy things that you used to enjoy.

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I've contemplated suicide everyday for years. Considering the irrationalities of the world, I don't see anything wrong with it.

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I think there's important distinctions to make between the reasons behind suicide. Many suicides/attempts are carried out by those with mental illnesses, others by those terminally ill, others who genuinely feel absolutely alone in the world and have nowhere to go, for whom perhaps a suicide attempt is a plea for help. So does the reason behind suicide alter whether it's right or wrong? If a terminally ill person with few friends and relatives kills themselves, is it 'less wrong' than a teenager with a family and wide network of friends to do the same?

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Most teen suicides are because of teen drama. Older people may do it because of different causes, life/job/house/money.




IMO, someone should suicide if he wants to. It's not your life.


dude if you were trying to make that funny you just hurt my feelings but still its alright to joke around well thats how one of my best friends died. He got a broken heart from one of the most prettiest girls in school that was his girlfriends than he decided life wasnt worth it after she said no to him and then he got real mad then shot him self. but i do got to admit it was kinda of stupid of him to kill him self especialy since he was only 14.




It is funny since you just proved his point (circumstantially but still...). Dumb idea killing yourself over


deluded teen love, you're right on that point (first time for everything). Or maybe he committed suicide because he was secretly gay (I think a stupid girlfriend thing is really improbable) and you, his best friend, were so intolerant and ignorant that he felt he had no place in the world (if his best friend wouldn't accept him who would? Right?) and decided to off himself to escape the torment of the secret he kept. Too bad your closed-mindedness kept him from coming to you for support and acceptance, maybe if you weren't so immature he wouldn't have killed himself. Maybe it's your fault. Bigotry kills.




Nice =P




Also, the post was made in a jocking (sp?) manner. Sorry if anyone was offended or something.




Well, suicide should be "legal" (I mean, what's the legal consequences?) as long as your family knows that you are doing it/leave a well explained note. But this things should only be the case for people who have truly a reason to do it, like some disability or a terminal illness.




Just like the girl venomai posted.





Ms Sebire learnt in 2002 that she had developed an esthesioneuroblastoma, an uncommon malignant tumour in the nasal cavity, which she said has led to "atrocious'' suffering.




"In 2000, I lost the sense of smell and taste ... and I lost my sight in October 2007,'' she said in the television interview.




"One would not allow an animal to go through what I have endured,'' she said before urging President Nicolas Sarkozy to intervene and grant her request.




That's the sort of thing.

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I think you guys are giving too much credit to psychological disorders and mental illnesses. Besides, I'd be willing to wager that a good chunk of people who are diagnosed with a psychological disorder/mental illness, got it as a result of their social, emotional, and/or psychological upbringing, not because they were born with it or it's hereditary.




My mom's been trying to get my dad to go check to see if he's bi-polar (which he probably is) and then get help for it, and she's always commenting on how it runs in the family (my granpda had it, as do an aunt and an uncle) and that she just hopes neither of us (my brother and I) get it later on in our lives. Now what if it's not something that's in my genes and can just decide to wake up one day, and my dad isn't [possibly] bi-polar because "it runs in the family", but what if it's because of the fact that he watched his older brothers take whippings/beatings on a regular basis, he himself was shot at by his father when he was 12 (with a rifle), and as a result was forced to go live/work on his brother-in-law's farm (leaving his parents)...when he was 12.




Now I'm no expert, but I don't think I need to be one to tell you that it's obvious person A (my dad) is going to turn out a lot different from a psychological/emotional standpoint versus person B (raised "normally").

May the presents of our lord and savior, Santa, be with you this holiday season!

First annual Clausmas - 2009 December 25

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Mental illness is nature versus nurture. Sometimes people are born with mental illness, it's hereditary. And sometimes the gene lingers around because with some disorders (such as bi-polar) the usual onset is in your early 20's. So sometimes as you described it, the disorder does "magically wake up" in a person. Other times there is a traumatic event that has taken place for example, death of a loved one, violence, sexual abuse, rape in the environment the person grew up in. What's more important than comparing the two is the fact that it has the same result. Traumatic events can make severe neurological changes to create the chemical imbalance within the brain. Whether the disorder was nature or nurture is irrelevant, the person has the same disorder which works in the same way.




There is a reason people give credit to disorders and that is because it's been proven. And those who are too ignorant to study it or look in to the situation would conclude that there is too much emphasis placed on it. That's like saying people are placing too much emphasis that the world is round. If you look at one of my posts on page 2 you'll find a study reporting that out of a sample of 6000+ suicides, 98% of them were accountable for mental health, in particular severe depression. When you read studies like that, people place a lot of emphasis on their conclusions.




Your mum is a wise woman, if bi-polar runs in the family, the more siblings who have it, the higher the chances of passing it on. All of my mum's brothers and sisters, including her mother + 2-3 generations that we know of before that had the disorder, I was misdiagnosed with it for 7 years because of how strong the genetic links were. Be warned that by my previous post that rapid-cycling bi-polar disorder is often misdiagnosed with those who suffer an anxiety disorder, the two share the exact same symptoms and will need psychiatric evaluation to distinguish the two.




Children having 15-30% chance of developing the disorder if one parent has the disorder. This rises to 50%-75% when both parents have it. And if a brother or sister has the disorder, you have 15-25% chance.




http://www.bipolarhelpcenter.com/unders ... qNavId=1.8




Also here is the advice my good friend (clinical psychologist & author) Dr. Kristi had to share a while ago:




1st degree relatives of Bipolar I d/o have elevated risks (4-24%) of developing Bipolar I d/o and a higher risk of developing Bipolar II d/o (1-5%). There is also a likelihood of earlier onset with the child. It's important to know whether your ex had Bipolar I or II? With or without psychosis (seeing/hearing things/being paranoid, etc.). Males and females develop Bipolar d/o equally, but males are more likely to experience a manic (versus depressed) episode, first. Women more often become depressed, then manic or hypomanic.




But within saying that, don't go around hyperventilating thinking you have it too. Genetics is a game of hit or miss, it has been known to play dice and skip generations.




You will find some sort of abuse in all bi-polar family history but the argument that can stem from this is the fact that psychological help and medication/counselling wasn't available back in those days. If you were being abused in your family and reported it to the police, they would drag you by the ear back to your parents because abuse was acceptable in those days. It was also acceptable to slap around women and threaten your children. People with disorders more often than not also have some kind of a substance abuse problem, alcohol and drugs exacerbate mental illness. Therefore if you have a borderline schizophrenic bi-polar father who is an alcoholic, you probably will be shot at and watch your siblings receive beatings. So then you're left with "well was it genetics, the environment or a little from column A and B." Then comes the question, well if your father's, father was like that, then what the hell did that father do to him for things to turn out that way?




At least that's one thing that progresses in the future; each generation treats their family that little bit better than how they were treated. Someone has to be the one to stand up and end the line of abuse in their genetics.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Genetics definitely play a role in many suicides, just as alcohol and substance abuse do. However, genetics doesn't count for the increase of the suicide rates that has been going on in the past three decades. I was hoping for some sort of social commentary that addresses the problem more dire than suicide: more (as in rising) suicide.

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Genetics definitely play a role in many suicides, just as alcohol and substance abuse do. However, genetics doesn't count for the increase of the suicide rates that has been going on in the past three decades. I was hoping for some sort of social commentary that addresses the problem more dire than suicide: more (as in rising) suicide.


I wouldn't say that alcohol or drugs really lead people to suicide; most likely they're used to cope. Eventually, though, being high/drunk doesn't feel any better.

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Genetics definitely play a role in many suicides, just as alcohol and substance abuse do. However, genetics doesn't count for the increase of the suicide rates that has been going on in the past three decades. I was hoping for some sort of social commentary that addresses the problem more dire than suicide: more (as in rising) suicide.




I was replying to madman's post not your thread question. If you flip through the thread you'll see my actual answer to your question. You would have concluded that if you read it :)



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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