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I'm sorry, people can not be this stupid...


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I'v seen my fair share of stupid people, but the internet amazes me. See below.






scared: a girl died in 1993 by a homicide murderer.he buried her in the ground when she was still alive. the murderer chanted, "tome sota balcu" as he buried her.now that you have read the chant,you will meet this little girl.in the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling and suffocate you like she was suffoced . if u comment this to 5 other ppl,se will not bother you








1. Take a deep breath


2. Think about the one you love


3. Press ''F10'' 5 time


4. Send it to 5 video on youtube


5. Look at your background






and finally...




Take this Advice:


1. put your finger on your nose


2. hold your breath for 5 seconds


3. say the name of your love


4. that person will ask you out on the next Friday


5. you will have the best day tomorrow


6. if you don't copy and paste to 2 other videos you will have bad luck and die in 2 day






I mean, really? Really? Really?


I don't even know what else to say. People baffle me

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Well, sadly, its people who like to annoy others who use these.




I want to meet someone stupid enough to fall for them though. They're just as annoying as chain emails (if I were to go through my inbox, I think I have a mass sent rant from a friend about him getting them, I agreed with him that they are annoying).




Though I have to wonder why people send these.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Lonely, desperate souls actually do these in the hope that it will magically improve their life and that sexy girl who they never talk to will marry them.






^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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I don't know how seriously people take those things, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if there was someone out there stupid enough to believe in them. It's not like stupid people are a rarity you know.

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Lonely, desperate souls actually do these in the hope that it will magically improve their life and that sexy girl who they never talk to will marry them.








Wait, What !?




Then what the [bleep] have I been doing ?




Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !

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I don't know how seriously people take those things, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if there was someone out there stupid enough to believe in them. It's not like stupid people are a rarity you know.


But this stupid? I mean, surely there's a limit.

~ W ~



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I don't know how seriously people take those things, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if there was someone out there stupid enough to believe in them. It's not like stupid people are a rarity you know.


But this stupid? I mean, surely there's a limit.




Humanity always finds a way to push the limits.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Every video on youtube has about half a page of these type of things.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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This is why we need to ability to punch people through the Internet...


We also need the ability to send deadly spiders through the telephone lines. Because who deosn't hate telemarketers, and people who send these annoying things in texts.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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What you have to remember is that these people are less intelligent than you and just as there are people less intelligent than you there are also people more intelligent than you. What do you imagine you look like to them? - to them you are just the same as those who look stupid to you.




Now think about how you want to be treated by those more intelligent than you.




And treat those more stupid than you the same way.




Personally I wish to be treated with respect by everyone even if they are cleverer than I am, so I treat those less intelligent than myself with respect also.

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Trapical, if you think this is "stupidity" then take a trip by Yahoo questions :lol:




Most of the stupid Yahoo! questions are fake.




Back in 1995 when the World Wide Web was young I got one of the "send to 15 people and see Garfield walk across your screen" emails, and I actually thought it might work but at the time I only knew one other person with Internet access. I soon realized that it wouldn't work anyways.



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Oh yes, yes they can. And yes, yes they are.




I bet atleast 25% of the people who send those messages actually believe it will work.




Now to just find that 10th youtube video to send that to...

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I notice that when I look at the accounts of people that send these things, they're always without fail full of anime stuff. Just stupid teenage girls so desperate that they are willing to believe that their life can magically become worth something.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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This is simply more than just Youtube. It's on virtually every social site and emails. All you have to do is simply mark it as spam, delete the message, or delete the email.




It's even worse when they try to make you click a link which contains viruses, spyware, etc.

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