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Is school really THAT bad?


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Well is school really as bad as it seems, i mean it's boring, you have to get up early in the morning and it does take up most of the day. But is it really that bad?








My answer is no. Most people meet most of their good friends in school, it gives you a place to go and meet up with your friends and on top of that you occassionally learn something :P. Yes contrary to popular belief, school isn't just a giant prison for kids. It HELPS us. Yes it really does, don't look like that you know it does.








Infact with just one week of my summer holidays left i'm actually looking forward to going back to err well it's not school it's college for me. But it's just like starting a new school. Lots of new people to meet and new thigns to do!








I know what you're thinking and no i'm not a little geek who is in love with school and his 43 year old math teacher. I enjoy sports and have quite alot of good friends.








I just find that i'm doing the same things everyday and it's boring so bring back school err college.








And when you get to my position (schools over) you'll realise it wasn't that bad. I mean i have to get a part time job soon to help with my finances! I never had to do that in school. So don't moan about school, just learn and don't be a fool :P

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True, I'm in you're same position. To all the students still in school out there, just ask yourself, which situation would you rather be in:








Be stuck in school with all your friends not having to worry about money and other adult things.








Or being in work with all lifes problems to way you down.

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I don't find it that bad. Sure at the end of the day boredom usualy has caught up with me and I'm looking forward to coming home, even if I dont have anything to do :P . But it's not all work and boring lessons all day, I see my friends and laugh alot. Even if I'm probably in the most boring grade there is (secondary 3), I still have fun. So just taking what school is, it's not that bad. Taking what you're off to after, it's REALLY not that bad.

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i know what you mean, school is actually pretty good at times but people probably hate it because they don't think about it that way. An adult once told me that "school is the best years of your life". I thought he was crazy back then but now i know what he means. Although no matter how good school can be sometimes, i still hate the early mornings :?

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School is like having a wickid social life, you just have to do math and stuff during it.




I'd have enjoyed school more if it wasnt constant nagging from parents/teachers, facism from a certain teacher (ended up just not turning up to her lessons,) constantly getting in trouble (almost suspended a few times, wangled my way out of it though,) and an abundance of CHAVS.




I dont wish i was back at school. School sucked. I'm looking forward to the freedom of college a lot more than the slandering i used to get off teachers all the time.




Nagging was the worst. Then, one day, a friend simply asked me to sit down and revise english with her - not for her, but for my good. I got an A* - surprising how a little encouragement can go a long way.

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I love school! I especially love my school! Being the captain of the football team and a senior class officer, I have alot of school spirit. I love my classes, especially AP biology. I get to learn alot about the human body, which I'm completely interested in.








I see my girlfriend mostly at school and I get to hang out with all my friends.








There's no where I'd rather be. :)

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Heh. If you don't go to school now you can sleep every till whatever time you want. And you know? When you don't go to school now, you can do it for the rest of your life, since you'll be a bum, a worthless streetbum that goes on Whopper hunt in trashcans, and then you'll think "oh boy, if I only went to school, then I'd be behind a warm desk, doing some paperwork, and I'd go home to my caring wife and my two cute little children to get a nice and healthy meal. :cry: ". :D


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I love school except for the teachers, the tests, the classwork, and the homework :D .








I know school helps you to learn more things ect. but with 7 long borring classes with teachers babiling about something boardom comes very fast.








School takes up most of the day. When people say you see your friends in school, yes you do but you could see and talk more out of school.

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School are the best years of your life and I'm in my final one :( (Well...then there's Uni)








Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth...never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded.

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You can also hang out with friends OUTSIDE of school :shock: :shock: :shock:












Hah, I think it is that bad.




Im a junior right now and i am waiting for summer












*Gets off tip it to do Adv American lit, Ap Chemistry, PDM, and spanish 3 homework*








No im not a nerd :roll:


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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I love school! I especially love my school! Being the captain of the football team and a senior class officer, I have alot of school spirit. I love my classes, especially AP biology. I get to learn alot about the human body, which I'm completely interested in.








I see my girlfriend mostly at school and I get to hang out with all my friends.








There's no where I'd rather be. :)








Now that's a good attitude :D

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Wait till you're 21 and staring down the barrel of a ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã100k+ mortgage! People at school don't know how lucky they are - it might be a clichÃÆÃâÃâé and i might sound like an old git, but it's true,

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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Early in the morning?








What are you taking about?








School starts at 9am and finishes at 3pm








Works starts at 7am and finishes at 5pm


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Well Im a Junior, so I really dont have that far to go til Im outta High School. Id say Ive have some great experiences in school with sports, my friends and I doing stupid stuff, suckin up to the lunch ladies to get free food! Haha..




Ya, school brought lots of good times, and hopefully the rest of this year and my Senior year will be just as great!

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Early in the morning?








What are you taking about?








School starts at 9am and finishes at 3pm








Works starts at 7am and finishes at 5pm








thats the part kids don't understand 8) they thin they get it hard now... :shock:

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School isn't so bad, it's a part of life. I don't like boring classes, fun ones are cool. Of course there's the social aspect of school which goes beyond actually being at school (like stuff on weekends), which is in my eyes the best part about school.

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I just started 1st year of college and its really quite enjoyable. Free food, free apartment, and you really do whatever you want all year. I'm in pre-med and their is a lot of studying but me and 7 other guys/ladies formed a sweet pre-med study group and we meet before each quiz and eat ice cream and massivly overstudy simply because we can and its actually kind of fun since the subjects are interesting :)

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I do miss school/college :( So carefree and so easy in comparison to work. So little stress even on the run up to exams. I get more worried about getting a research report done in time than i did an exam in school.



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Meh, high school now seems a lot more managable than it was when I started. The main reason is that I'm now in my final year, which means that I've finished all subjects that I don't need for my final exams. Also, 25 50-minute lessons a week is a lot more doable than 35 to 40, which I had to do in my fourth and fifth year.

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