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I'm not saying he has to go out and code, I'm saying *IF* he did, he would understand what Jagex's position is like. In the same way that if a professional makes a mistake in what he does, you would have to be a professional in his field to understand his position. Even if you don't program, everyone should know bugs happen in the largest of software companies (*cough* Microsoft), and be cautious of them.





I don't understand. Just because their job is hard doesn't mean they shouldn't be expected to do it well. Lots of people have hard jobs....do you expect your car to run well? It certainly isn't easy to build a car. That doesn't mean that if my car breaks down every month I should still be driving that same car and think "Well Ford, you tried! Good job, I know its hard"




Also, bugs do happen, but there are also consequences...Microsoft handles many class action lawsuits when their software breaks down and causes valuable data to be erased. Hell, they are now legally obligated to fix Xbox 360s due to a court case. Errors happen all the time. Companies ship out dangerous/faulty prducts. Yes. It happens, and Jagex does it too. But Jagex doesn't give people any reparations for the displeasure that they have caused. Other companies do.


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What's sad is some people are still sticking up for Jagex no matter how bad they screw up.




Very sad indeed.






As a CSR Manager - Mat K would of been wrote up and possibly fired (cs goons are easy to replace), and the customer would of got a free year of service if we would of screwed up that bad on someones account.






Very sad, I think I will show this thread to my boss who is constantly on my back about better CS. LOL

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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What's sad is some people are still sticking up for Jagex no matter how bad they screw up.




Very sad indeed.






As a CSR Manager - Mat K would of been wrote up and possibly fired (cs goons are easy to replace), and the customer would of got a free year of service if we would of screwed up that bad on someones account.






Very sad, I think I will show this thread to my boss who is constantly on my back about better CS. LOL




Haha I'd love to hear what your boss has to say :D




On a more serious note, the customer service does need to be taken seriously. If they're going to take the time to post that they're sorry he lost the cash due to their lack of QA, they should compensate him.

Winters Omen.png


5,693rd to 99 Slayer on 10/08/2009

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Are there technical reasons that bar them from coming up with a method to roll back individial characters rather than rolling back the entire server or asking Jagex to directly restore items/gp to you? There is no excuse to not allow some form of compensation or solution to be worked out for players affected by a bug like this. Judging from the jmod's post on the first page, they can check the validity of claims such as losing gp through a bug.




Also, I wish Das was a CSR for some of the companies I dealt with.

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why do people act like duiral was the anti-christ - Knife bug was way worse. mmmmm bug tons of others.

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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why do people act like duiral was the anti-christ - Knife bug was way worse. mmmmm bug tons of others.




Durial really didn't kill that many people. I would estimate that the number of people he killed was under 20. And although he PKed a party hat, it was viral advertising that sensationalized this bug (and Durial). Youtube is a powerful force. On the topic of other bugs, many more people were the victim of the Mu bug than were the victim of the 6/6/06 "Falador Massacre."

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I'm very cynical of Jagex, and it's served me well in the past. Lately, all of their non-quest updates have had game-breaking bugs in them... So I make sure I don't do those updates with any valuables. I don't trust Jagex at all, apparently with good reason.




And no, they aren't going to rollback. Too much time has passed. Basically a bunch of people were screwed and will quit, but Jagex doesn't care. Those people will be replaced by level 60s almost immediately.




But dragonlord! This is the year they update the game! :D! =D>


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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I'm not saying he has to go out and code, I'm saying *IF* he did, he would understand what Jagex's position is like. In the same way that if a professional makes a mistake in what he does, you would have to be a professional in his field to understand his position. Even if you don't program, everyone should know bugs happen in the largest of software companies (*cough* Microsoft), and be cautious of them.





I don't understand. Just because their job is hard doesn't mean they shouldn't be expected to do it well. Lots of people have hard jobs....do you expect your car to run well? It certainly isn't easy to build a car. That doesn't mean that if my car breaks down every month I should still be driving that same car and think "Well Ford, you tried! Good job, I know its hard"




Also, bugs do happen, but there are also consequences...Microsoft handles many class action lawsuits when their software breaks down and causes valuable data to be erased. Hell, they are now legally obligated to fix Xbox 360s due to a court case. Errors happen all the time. Companies ship out dangerous/faulty prducts. Yes. It happens, and Jagex does it too. But Jagex doesn't give people any reparations for the displeasure that they have caused. Other companies do.




Again brings me back to saying you would understand their position if you were ever part of a large game designer team. I'd imagine there would be set procedures for repairing a car. You could easily observe each part for a general idea of it's functionality within a day. The same can't be done for a large application, where you would have to go throw millions of lines of code (yes, even games as simplistic as RuneScrape use up millions of lines of code without breaking a sweat). Even if someone was crazy enough to read through it all in an attempt to fix bugs, no human being on this earth could comprehend all that at once, let alone problem solve it.




The difference between Microsoft and Jagex is Jagex has the law on their side (and who on earth would *actually* go sue a company over in-game items?). Our accounts are technically property of Jagex, so legal actions are quite limited. The right thing to do would be to return items, but it isn't as simple as Jagex browsing through bug-reports and giving items back. It would take a significant amount of dedicated staff merely to sort through false claims, and they would have to implement a very effective system for it. The consequences of failing in either of those could be much worse than the problem we're trying to fix in the first place. In the end, we're always going to have people who don't care about what it would take for Jagex to return items, all they want is their items back. Is it a bad thing? Not necessarily. But both sides must be considered before blindly complaining.




Didn't know about that xbox 360 case, think I'll go read up on it. I love reading up on Microsoft getting smacked by karma for the crap they sell :P


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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As a CSR Manager - Mat K would of been wrote up and possibly fired (cs goons are easy to replace), and the customer would of got a free year of service if we would of screwed up that bad on someones account.






Very sad, I think I will show this thread to my boss who is constantly on my back about better CS. LOL




Good job you arent a manager then.




He couldnt legally be dismissed from his job over that, anyway.

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