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15th July 2009 - PvP Changes


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We've gone through this, and you basically agreed with me (imagine that). We're aware that your drops stay the same, but you will get more kills if you risk more and use better weapons. Everyone has to get EP eventually.




You don't have a leg to stand on




Everyone has to get EP eventually, so therefore the AGSer has a limited advantage over the whip, as though he gets kills faster, he will still, (like the whipper) end up having to get EP.




The point im trying to make is most any expensive item is just not worth using in PVP anymore, and thats because of the protect item update.




That's expected, he knew the risk, maybe he shouldn't have sucked at PKing.




Sometimes its just luck...




Indeed, expensive gear is not worth using. However, if you do choose to use it, you can assume you'll be getting kills much more consistently compared to welfare gear.




I hope you guys quit going in circles arguing now lol


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I'm done with this lol arguing with him it's SO pointless. It's like talking to a really negative brick wall that hates everything, and manages to regurgitate everything you say to it in a twisted, stupid question.

Winters Omen.png


5,693rd to 99 Slayer on 10/08/2009

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The only update I want is something that stops other players from attacking me if the person I am fighting is eating to much. I have no problem overall with this update ... but I always end up dying to someone who I am not even fighting because they have come and specialed me while I was attacking someone else!




But I bet someone is going to come and say something about risk and what not. And how the wilderness has to be risky. I am willing to risk a fair amount to get my kills, but I shouldn't be risking it to by standers. I speak specifically about edge pking of course.


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The only update I want is something that stops other players from attacking me if the person I am fighting is eating to much. I have no problem overall with this update ... but I always end up dying to someone who I am not even fighting because they have come and specialed me while I was attacking someone else!




But I bet someone is going to come and say something about risk and what not. And how the wilderness has to be risky. I am willing to risk a fair amount to get my kills, but I shouldn't be risking it to by standers. I speak specifically about edge pking of course.




Yeah if they could somewhat eliminate the PJing aspect of pking... that would solve a lot of problems and true pkers would feel safer just trying to find real fights, not some underhanded pjing teams.




Off topic : Michaael...stop feeding the troll



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I think it was muggi who pointed out that mahatma used to risk millions while pking and so if he can do it then why not us. The thing is that back when mahatma was pking, he knew that he'd get the items dropped by his opponent, he was guaranteed a decent drop, with the new system you don't know what you're going to get and you're going to need alot more kills per death to cover your losses when you die.

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Risk = Rewards, I would think this update made any REAL PKer happy. And let's be honest, clicking the spec bar twice takes no skill, that's not real PKing.




Except any risk which is greater than 75k does not significantly increase your reward. Last I cared to check d scims were 100kish and whips were 1.4mish, right? I seriously doubt that using a whip will get you 14 times as many kills as you would get while using a scimitar, so the risk does not scale in a linear fashion with the reward...Risk >= Reward would be a bit more accurate, I believe.




You have a very good point. But wouldn't you agree that a person using an AGS would have a better KO potential than somebody using a whip?




Perhaps slightly - however with Smite you could get rid of protect prayer anyway, thus they are risking more. On top of that the whip is a lot quicker too which sort of balances the weapons out.

Umm the noobs that used ags and claws had invos full of sara brews and prayer pots and all they do is prayer switch and run to the nearest safe zone wich is normaly for them about 20-100 spaces away. They would never fight anyone one spec and if they didnt get the KO then they run away.
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"Also, why pk with claws when you can pay a friend 75k? Hell no am i going to risk 20 million without protect item."




But you are not really talking about PKing. You are talking about 75King. Totally different.






"Everyone has to get EP eventually, so therefore the AGSer has a limited advantage over the whip, as though he gets kills faster, he will still, (like the whipper) end up having to get EP."




But the AGSer does NOT have to use, and risk, the AGS when getting EP.

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Risk = Rewards, I would think this update made any REAL PKer happy. And let's be honest, clicking the spec bar twice takes no skill, that's not real PKing.




Except any risk which is greater than 75k does not significantly increase your reward. Last I cared to check d scims were 100kish and whips were 1.4mish, right? I seriously doubt that using a whip will get you 14 times as many kills as you would get while using a scimitar, so the risk does not scale in a linear fashion with the reward...Risk >= Reward would be a bit more accurate, I believe.




You have a very good point. But wouldn't you agree that a person using an AGS would have a better KO potential than somebody using a whip?




Perhaps slightly - however with Smite you could get rid of protect prayer anyway, thus they are risking more. On top of that the whip is a lot quicker too which sort of balances the weapons out.

Umm the noobs that used ags and claws had invos full of sara brews and prayer pots and all they do is prayer switch and run to the nearest safe zone wich is normaly for them about 20-100 spaces away. They would never fight anyone one spec and if they didnt get the KO then they run away.




Wrong, I was talking about people who were actually using AGS to pk with, not those who jumped in halfway through a fight. Most of those people fight until they're out of food and if you got lucky yes it was possible to smite their prayer out, unlikely but still possible.

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pvp is ruined now i used to 1 item before


I don't have much sympathy for you really =/ 1-iteming isn't PvP




wow this is horrible why does kind of thing happen u have to kee something otherwise your just wasting money.. totally unfair


Err yeah. To PK means to player kill. Killing is kind of the idea.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Seems to me like it was just a quick-fix to stop all the rushers with claws and AGS. Maybe they'll think of something as a permanent fix later, kind of like trade restrictions and the GE... those were great updates.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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Well, if you borrow and item and die, that person wouldn't lose the item obviously right? So if you and another friend lend each other d-claws for however many hours, you could still use and PK with them, and if you die, no loss.




Or did I miss something?

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Well, if you borrow and item and die, that person wouldn't lose the item obviously right? So if you and another friend lend each other d-claws for however many hours, you could still use and PK with them, and if you die, no loss.




Or did I miss something?


I don't think you can take them into PvP. Don't quote me on that though.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Well, if you borrow and item and die, that person wouldn't lose the item obviously right? So if you and another friend lend each other d-claws for however many hours, you could still use and PK with them, and if you die, no loss.




Or did I miss something?


I don't think you can take them into PvP. Don't quote me on that though.




I am quoting you on it (it's true).

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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I just wonder how many pures are now kicking themselves in the [wagon] for get 25 prayer for protect item... #-o


Why can't the Big Bang be done by the hand of God?

It could have, but it is next to impossible because it also could have been caused by the flying spaghetti monster, or one of the other infinite number of deity possibilities.

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pvp is ruined now i used to 1 item before


I don't have much sympathy for you really =/ 1-iteming isn't PvP




Sure it is.


Just like Castle Wars is.


Just like Mobilizing Armies.


Its all Player versus Player.




Its just not the honorable mugging your idealizing.


I 1 item for fun, I don't 1 item to make money.


Losing a dagger or seercull means nothing to me.


Seeing somebody cry and log, thats entertainment. :thumbup:


Just like dropping cades all over the entrance of your respawn room in castle wars. :lol:

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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