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How did your Runescape name "come to be"?


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I wanted a panda or panther name but i couldn't get one without a number. Since I love Polar Bears. My favorite color is blue. But the limit in character space kept me for putting an "e". It waas avaible then an instead of searching to see which names I like better (panda12345, blkpanther12) I took it because I really dislike numbers in a user name. oddly enough this user name became my user name for everything else (gmail, facebook, myspace, iTunes nickname, photobucket, etc.) It is also one of my many nicknames in real life now.




Of course in the beginning I got questions like "are you a girl?", "will you be my gf", "please lets get married", and "you're name sounds like you're a girl but I bet you're not! Noob!" But soon enough and good for me they stop asking.


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

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Misspelling of Sardaukar from Dune.




Misc: Abyssal Whip x28 , Dark Bow x5, Beserker Ring x3, Warrior ring x1

Dragon: Dragon Platelegs x2 , Dragon Plateskirt x2, Dragon Boots x38, Dragon Med Helm x4, Shield left half x3

Godwars: Godsword shard x13, Bandos Hilt x3, Bandos Chestplate x6, Bandos Tassets x4, Bandos Boots x5, Saradomin Sword x1, Zamorakian Spear x1,. Armadyl Helm x2, Armadyl chestplate x2.

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Of course in the beginning I got questions like "are you a girl?", "will you be my gf", "please lets get married"


Lolz. I still get asked that every so often. Just today, a level 10 in full steel said I should be his gf, as he put it: "cuz I rich". :lol:



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So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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First I put in "JEDA", because it's my initials. Well, it's similar to my initials.


Then, it was apparently was taken, so the game suggested about 10 different names, like "Jeda86" and "Jeda132".




I chose the lowest number username on the list, "Jeda45", because I wanted to have the number as low as possible.

If you jump into a river in Paris, you're insane. If you jump into a river in Egypt, you're in denial.

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my name came from a sword in final fantasy xii the "demonsbane" 37 was probably a suggestion as demonsbane was already taken but i cant remeber.


I may or may not take the 37 off after the name changing thing, but i have become attached to it, maybe demonsbane the 37th if it allows it that long... nah.



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Back in 2003 I was only 9 years old and was on the downstairs computer, There was a toy monkey next to me on the desk and my dad walked through the dorr and drops the keys onto the desk, Putting the two words together i finally came up with Miokie. :)

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My RSN is easy to explain. People always call me Dougy/Dougie and my last name starts with Mc. So I picked the one that seemed to flow better at the time. Thus Dougymc was born.




My TIF name is because Dougymc was taken (only here and youtube has it been taken before I tried it of what I've tried) so I used a name similar to what my friend used way back when he was on here. He used unkownpker (or something like it), so I switched pker with warrior and the first o with a 0. I kind of regret using the 0, though.

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well, for some odd reason i thought that "foodisgood" would be a good name for my character but it was already taken (thank God, lol)




so i turned it around and it became doogsidoof. In all honesty im really glad that i created this name, and its also a nice little supprize when people come up and compliment me on my name ::'


Owner of a Quest cape since 9/11/08


It's not about the other people, its about shooting cute furry things that explode.
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At the very brink of the beginning(when i started Runescape in late 01'), it was The13Warrior(now deleted for inactivity, btw the name inspiration was from a fantasy novel my friend began to write in 2000, no associations to the movie "The 13th. Warrior whatsoever! ;) )


then:4-nuft(with is "For-nuft" = sense or reasoning,translated into danish).




Then it was dwn17


(i was at a friends' 17 year birthday and it was at the dawn, so... ;))




now it's "Adellund", simply because my last name is so pure pwn :). (btw call me Adel ingame or I WILL incinerate your name :o :twisted:




end of story, so far...




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Dj is my first name (Dirk Jan) shortened up, I wanted something hawt in my name so I picked Slayer, Dj_Slayer was taken, Dj_The_Slayer was free but I didn't like the The part so I chose Dj_Slayer0 because, you know, 0's a hawt number :thumbup:


Chuck Norris doesn't ever need a compass; he randomly points somewhere and north goes there in order not to anger him.
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Well, I wanted something with Reaper in it, but I couldn't think of anything that sounded good, so I put red in because it seemed to fit. That was already taken so I put my favorite number in - 73 and wallah... Red Reaper73. When i found out that the highest armor (at the time i joined members) was dragon which was red, I was ::'




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Friend: I've been playing a game called Runescape for a while now, you should join man!


Me: Hmm.. Alright, I'll try it out.


Friend: Oh! When you make an account be a pure.


Me: Uh.. what the hell is that? How do I do that? I don't see a button for it.


Friend: No, when you start training stats, don't train defence or prayer.


Me: Why not..?


Friend: It'll be more fun & challenging.


Me: I'm just starting, why would I want more of a challenge?


Friend: The game gets boring pretty fast, but that would keep it exciting.


Me: Alright, I'll make one now.




*Attempts to create an account named "Derek"*




*Attempts to create an account named "Pure"*




*Attempts to create an account named "Purepure"*




*Attempts to create an account named "Purepure4774"






There wasn't too much to it. I had added "4774" on most accounts I had made for things prior because it was never taken. I almost tried Derek4774, but ended up not even attempting it.




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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I get asked if i am a crip all the time, the answer to that is yes but that has nothing to do with my username ( ::' )




My friend who showed me this game had the username bloodspilla. Pretty cool name i thought so i made my first account bloodspilla1. Got killed about 3 days later by the highway man in rsc. Wanted to get all my stuff back so i just made a new account. Bloodspilla87 wouldnt fit, so i made it bloodkilla87. I was in grade 6 at the time, and i am canadian. I had no clue about gangs in LA until about 4 years later.




So that's that.

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Makoto = Character in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike (I didn't know she was a female until I beat the game; she really doesn't look like a girl.)


D = first letter of the friend that got me hooked onto the game.




Hence, Makoto D.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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