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End Game Content?


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Support. Having higher levels should unlock MORE content, RS is set up almost the opposite way, medium levels can unlock almost all content. With assist a level 3 can cheerfully smith a rune plate.




I remember when furies were craftable at level 90 crafting and people rushed to level crafting so they could profit from it. If there were cool things to make or do at higher level's players would have more incentive to level. Also the new things unlocked by higher levels in a skills should not be assistable.




There's so much variety and choice for lower level items in this game but for higher levels the choices seem to narrow.




For smithing it would be neat if players could add extra features to existing armour. Like a player smithed runeplate(e) would have enhanced stats. Or even if at higher smithing levels there could be modifications made to existing armour that are untradeable but benefit the player. Like at level 99 smithing you could enhance your armour so that it weighs less or something. Or there could be a special defense bonus that could be smithed if you have the level.




Enhancing skills like this would also make skills more profitable to level again.






I think the new agility overhaul update didn't add to the skill, there should have been more content and rewards added as people level up agility. If agility is the type of upgrades we can expect for skills then it's Jagex again taking the easy way out and not delivering higher level content. Being able to level agility faster has no point if the skill doesn't offer tangible rewards at each level from 90-99. Also why does agility let us dodge some damage sometimes but not while in pvp or pvm, if agility worked with defense to decrease damage with a small defense bonus after you reach level 90 agility it would make more sense.




There's room for so much content at the higher levels of skills, I'm very disappointed that more than half the year has passed for this upgrade year and skills for the most part have not been improved.




PVP has gotten reward after reward with brawling gloves, and huge financial rewards for drops, why can't skills have rewards as well? If you get a level in a skill you should automatically receive a brawling glove or something.




So many skills haven't been updated or slightly updated since they were introduced to RS. Theiving could be so much more dynamic and interesting.




I wish Jagex would create more creative and fun updates for skills.




And it's not only skills that are incomplete but items are incomplete too. Slayer mask offers a strength bonus, but where are the slayer mask equivalents for range or magic while you are on task. Also where is the crystal halberd, it probably won't be used as there are so many strong weapons in the game but it should have been out.






They should make in herblore, every ten levels ( and at 99, operating skillcape) you get to make an unique untradable potion, that only you can use.




I'll do the work for Jagex on this one.




10: Dibbs Potion


Gives you exclusive rights to the next spawn of monster/resource. Combat level/required level of monster/resource must be 29 or less. Can only be used once every 3 minutes.




My main frustration with slayer is that monsters don't spawn solely for you. Making us compete with other players for monsters just so we can finish a task without hopping worlds is annoying. Plus this makes people hate the other people slaying around them, I get so much hate for using a cannon on tasks. Slayer would have been insanely popular if they made it so monsters exclusively spawn for you if you are on task.








20: Wealth Potion


Counts as a ring of wealth for a few minutes.




^ Ring of wealth is junk. A real ring of wealth or luck would be a good start.




30: Ore Potion


Cause an ore to spawn in a rock. Up through addy.




40: Tree Potion


Cause a tree to be regrown. Up through yew. Also works with all player grown trees. Does not speed up growth.




^ Farming has tree patches that allow you to have your own tree. This would take away a major benefit of farming.




50: Speedgrowth Potion


Greatly reduces the time it takes for a farming patch tree to fully grow. (Perhaps by halving the clock.)




60: Familiarity Potion


Increase the duration of the familiar by 10%. Only once per summon.




70: Acid Potion


Throw at monsters to deal splash damage. One dose = 1 hit. Meaning a 3 dose potion thrown into a group of 8 monsters will only hit a random 3 of them. Or thrown at a group of 2 monsters will hit both, but waste a dose.




^ No, because if you have to click to throw something at a monster it is annoying and slayer is set up like this for example gargolyes have to be finished off with a hammer. Plus those hits are so low, it would never be worth it.




80: Ceasefire Potion


The monster currently attacking you will stop for a few seconds. But you may not attack anything for a minute. Only works on the last monster to attack you if the combat level of the monster is less than your combat level + 40.




90: Quick Attack Potion


Slightly increases the frequency at which you attack. (Melee, Range, & Combat Magic)




^ If attack only worked this way it would be awesome. Higher attack should increase weapon speeds. That would be a really good incentive for levelling.




100: Make 4 dose potions (w/ special vial made in crafting/smithing.)




^ If you take pots to some NPC he will make 4 dose's for you. I could see this being a lunar spell though.




There we go. 9 original potion ideas and the 4-dose option that I wrote down just for you/Jagex.




I came up with these, if you use them as a suggestion, please give me credit.

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Uhh am I the only one who is quite satisfied with the content available now? Hell I'd say there is even too much. Back in RuneScape Classic there was plenty of enjoyment from the game - most notably player interaction. Over the years nothing has beaten talking with a great group of players.




If there is too much end game content, then the game will be saturated with it. I personally think the BEST alternative would be to re-adjust the level system. Instead of 1.1x xp to the next level, increase it to 1.5x or even 2x the xp. This would deflate all the high levels to say 60-70 and still have huuuuge amounts of room to train to get high levelled equipment and resources which are only available for people who trained considerably hard, making it very elite. It would also mean that 99's would be a far greater accomplishment. Plus, people who have 200m XP in a skill will now benefit much more than someone who has 13.034M in it because they will be exposed to better equipment. Level 99's are great and I think raising it over that to like 140 or 150 would be wrong. But hey, who knows maybe I'm just talking gibberish.

It's been a hell of a ride.





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THey should ban the idiots who complain about the updates. This game is updated more then world of warcraft.



lol? They release 3 huge content patches a year and minor patches every month or so, so you are pretty much wrong.

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This an mmorpg, there is no end game. People who get to 99 do it because they want a 99 and have a personality driven to achieve goals they set, not they want some uber awesome item. The people who complain about high level content usually are borderline what THEY consider high level and want some ridiculous item that makes some aspect of the game real easy.




I never really hear people with 99's in a stat complain they got it for no reason. As I said, people who get to 99, or try for an even higher xp goal, don't do it for anything other than personal achievement. Adding an item for people at 99 won't make more people get to 99 either, unless it's in a relatively easy 99 to get to without much effort (aka can be semi-afk and/or lots of xp per hour) or money such as cooking or fletching.




Jagex' idea of a high level is really what the average player usually gets to before they quit. By adding content to these target levels, they keep these players for longer. There's a lot more players in the range of level 70's in stats than in 90's. and most people with 90's have either paid Jagex there fair share, or will keep playing regardless of updates for some time more because that's just the type of personality they have.




That said, Jagex should fill in some of the gaps, but in general high levels are the minority, so high level updates will be far and few between, but they do happen. Most high level updates get forgotten fast anyway because people just want the next biggest, fastest, and strongest item right away, like because Jagex had one high level content update, suddenly all of them will be.




It really shocks me how ignorant people here are to the fact Jagex doesn't make Runescape for fun anymore, they're a full fledged business now

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They should make in herblore, every ten levels ( and at 99, operating skillcape) you get to make an unique untradable potion, that only you can use.




I'll do the work for Jagex on this one.




10: Dibbs Potion


Gives you exclusive rights to the next spawn of monster/resource. Combat level/required level of monster/resource must be 29 or less. Can only be used once every 3 minutes.




My main frustration with slayer is that monsters don't spawn solely for you. Making us compete with other players for monsters just so we can finish a task without hopping worlds is annoying. Plus this makes people hate the other people slaying around them, I get so much hate for using a cannon on tasks. Slayer would have been insanely popular if they made it so monsters exclusively spawn for you if you are on task.


The idea for this is that people who have a herblore level of around 10 generally have low combat levels and are forced to train on low leveled things. This is why I mentioned not only a level cap of 29, but a 3 minute break. Do you honestly train on anything that low leveled?




20: Wealth Potion


Counts as a ring of wealth for a few minutes.




^ Ring of wealth is junk. A real ring of wealth or luck would be a good start.


I am not interested in yours, or anyone's but mine, opinion on the ring of wealth. If you read Mod MMG's player question response, you would know he mentioned improvements to the ROW would be coming. Perhaps this could stack with the actual ring.




30: Ore Potion


Cause an ore to spawn in a rock. Up through addy.




40: Tree Potion


Cause a tree to be regrown. Up through yew. Also works with all player grown trees. Does not speed up growth.




^ Farming has tree patches that allow you to have your own tree. This would take away a major benefit of farming.


How would this take away the benefit? You can now re-spawn your private tree.




50: Speedgrowth Potion


Greatly reduces the time it takes for a farming patch tree to fully grow. (Perhaps by halving the clock.)




60: Familiarity Potion


Increase the duration of the familiar by 10%. Only once per summon.




70: Acid Potion


Throw at monsters to deal splash damage. One dose = 1 hit. Meaning a 3 dose potion thrown into a group of 8 monsters will only hit a random 3 of them. Or thrown at a group of 2 monsters will hit both, but waste a dose.




^ No, because if you have to click to throw something at a monster it is annoying and slayer is set up like this for example gargolyes have to be finished off with a hammer. Plus those hits are so low, it would never be worth it.


I guess this is my fault for not being clear enough. You would equip the potion in your weapon slot; one dosage level at a time. Potions of equal dosage stack in inventory. You can combine them, but you run the risk of wasting more doses. See holy water. http://www.tip.it/runescape/index.php?rs2item_id=2038




80: Ceasefire Potion


The monster currently attacking you will stop for a few seconds. But you may not attack anything for a minute. Only works on the last monster to attack you if the combat level of the monster is less than your combat level + 40.




90: Quick Attack Potion


Slightly increases the frequency at which you attack. (Melee, Range, & Combat Magic)




^ If attack only worked this way it would be awesome. Higher attack should increase weapon speeds. That would be a really good incentive for levelling.


If this was the case, one (or more) of three complaints would arise.


1) "Level 1 attacks too slow now!"


2) "Level 99 attacks too fast now!"


3) "Theres no point in leveling attack past equipping the Godsword. The benefit isn't worth it!" (Oh wait, we have that now #-o )




100: Make 4 dose potions (w/ special vial made in crafting/smithing.)




^ If you take pots to some NPC he will make 4 dose's for you. I could see this being a lunar spell though.


I know about the decant option and have used it many times. But how awesome would it be to have the same herbs and seconds make an extra dose of potion and not have to do that? Hence the reasoning for its level requirement. I am all in favor of new lunar spells though. :thumbsup:




There we go. 9 original potion ideas and the 4-dose option that I wrote down just for you/Jagex.




I came up with these, if you use them as a suggestion, please give me credit.

I've never seen Sixth Sense nor Inception nor many other popular movies and I intend to keep it that way.

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The problem that JaGex faces with endgame content is caused mainly by two things. The first and most obvious problem is that once you reach that endgame content you can never go up more without a level rework due to the level 99 cap. That's something that will always be a problem. It's similar to the problem presented by having a hitpoints cap in pvp, the weapons continue to improve but the maximum damage you can take doesn't. That's also why JaGex tend to avoid adding in these types of things, they want to be able to keep the game expanding and continue to build up. If they (I know I should refer to JaGex as "it" but that seems weird to me) keep the level cap in place they're stuck with it as opposed to say Blizzard and World of Warcraft where they can just stick on another 10 levels, add a few quests and an instance and boom, problem solved and they gain profit from everyone running out to buy their next expansion.




The next problem relates with the other in which, without that problem it wouldn't be an issue. That problem is that times change. For example with the release of smithing way back when, rune was the endgame armour and as a result players who could make a rune platebody, 2 hander, etc were making brilliant money because what they made had use. However, since they planned it out with rune at level 99, today when rune is considered low level armour, smithing becomes essentially useless. That means that even if Jagex creates some awesome level 99 weapon today, 3 years from now it's not going to be all that useful (assuming they find a way to combat the 99 hp problem, with spells, special armour, prayer, etc).




That's pretty much it.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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I read some of this and most people suggest compressing smithing so you can make better armor. But like Skull_Emblem said it would get old years later and they would have to keep compressing if they wanted to keep it accurate. Soon you can get ~50 smithing and make full rune. One way would probably make a new "smithing-like" skill.




Also someone said something about a monster that drops dragon lumps so you can make other armor. This some how seems to be combat related. If they do it this way they need to make ways for others who don't want to use combat as a way of gathering items.

[hide=Drops]Slayer:Draconic Visage x3, Abyssal Whip x23, Dark Bow x3, Dragon Platelegs x3, Dragon Boots x40, Dragon Plateskirt x4, Shield Left Half x3, Dragon Medium Helms x10


CS: Zamorakian Spear x2, Zamorak Hilt x1, Bandos Chestplate x1, Sara Sword x1

DKs: Dragon Hatchet x3 Beserker Ring x1[/hide]

[hide=Completed Goals]99Attack.pngAchieved April 26, 200999Defence.pngAchieved Sept. 15, 200999Hitpoints.pngAchieved Nov. 21, 200999Strength.png Jan. 10, 2010

99Slayer.png Achieved Mar. 5, 2010[/hide]


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How big is the high-level player population in the game? I'm thinking if the middle-high level player population is higher, then Jagex would spend more time on creating content for the majority. But if there is in fact a higher high-level population, then... :?




Perhaps seeing some new bosses with multiplayer interaction would be nice (thinking of WoW atm).


actually if they wanted more people to keep playing, there should be more engaging activities for HIGH levels, so that people would have a reason to train to a high level, and a reason to stay once they get there. one of the main reasons i quit was because there was a lack of anything interesting to do at high levels (im speaking high combat)

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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PVM only items would work. Though, it would be good to have end-game content that is for pkers, so there is a motivation for pkers to train att past 75 >.>




A weapon as fast and as strong ( or slightly stronger) than a whip, but with the accuracy of a godsword and with a better special attack would not be overpowered and would surely be useful in pvm.






We shall call it, the whip 2.0 :roll:



Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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I think the new agility overhaul update didn't add to the skill, there should have been more content and rewards added as people level up agility. If agility is the type of upgrades we can expect for skills then it's Jagex again taking the easy way out and not delivering higher level content. Being able to level agility faster has no point if the skill doesn't offer tangible rewards at each level from 90-99. Also why does agility let us dodge some damage sometimes but not while in pvp or pvm, if agility worked with defense to decrease damage with a small defense bonus after you reach level 90 agility it would make more sense.





+1 Jagex MUST make areas that need very very high agility to enter and MUST make a hell lot more shortcuts around to make agility even slightly useful. Instead of making agility training faster and giving random weigh reducing clothes ( which are useless thanks to rest feature/oo'glog spa/) >.>





This an mmorpg, there is no end game. People who get to 99 do it because they want a 99 and have a personality driven to achieve goals they set, not they want some uber awesome item. The people who complain about high level content usually are borderline what THEY consider high level and want some ridiculous item that makes some aspect of the game real easy.




I never really hear people with 99's in a stat complain they got it for no reason. As I said, people who get to 99, or try for an even higher xp goal, don't do it for anything other than personal achievement. Adding an item for people at 99 won't make more people get to 99 either, unless it's in a relatively easy 99 to get to without much effort (aka can be semi-afk and/or lots of xp per hour) or money such as cooking or fletching.




Jagex' idea of a high level is really what the average player usually gets to before they quit. By adding content to these target levels, they keep these players for longer. There's a lot more players in the range of level 70's in stats than in 90's. and most people with 90's have either paid Jagex there fair share, or will keep playing regardless of updates for some time more because that's just the type of personality they have.




That said, Jagex should fill in some of the gaps, but in general high levels are the minority, so high level updates will be far and few between, but they do happen. Most high level updates get forgotten fast anyway because people just want the next biggest, fastest, and strongest item right away, like because Jagex had one high level content update, suddenly all of them will be.




It really shocks me how ignorant people here are to the fact Jagex doesn't make Runescape for fun anymore, they're a full fledged business now





... Yes, there is an end game on Runescape. As long as there is a max level cap and limited quests, there is an end game.


And the high levels who want more content are actually people who have no motivation to train at all since most skills are useless past level 85, and are bored out of their mind because all they have to do is GWD, corp,TD's, and finishing a 7 minuts quest with no challenge, fun or useful reward everytime Jagex release one every two weeks. No, they don't want the game to be "just made easy".




It doesn't matter if high levels are the minority at the moment, low levels are overwhelmed by content, they think they will never finish doing everything they have to do at their level and every week Jagex add something to the pile.


While that, high levels are ignored, doing nothing but killing the same old boss for a few hours and talking to their friends.




Jagex need to put more high level content so the lvl 70's ( who are NOT high level, Jagex view on that is so wrong it's actually sad. I think Jagex don't play their own game) have something to work for, and high levels have something to do. Just adding content on level 70 don't make lvl 70's play more, there must have content higher so they think "Man, i really want that level 99 Ultra-Uber-1337-Godsword 2.0, omg i gotta train!"




You know, Jagex should start working on some enourmous GWD-sized *actually dangerous* dungeon with insanely hard bosses and good rewards, and areas full of good monsters acessible only through agility shortcuts ( give a real use to the skill pl0x).


The lack of challenge and danger in this game saddens me :roll:

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High-level content is certainly needed, and I won't make any suggestions for it -- plenty of people have already done that. However, everyone seems to skip over the fact that, after a point, training skills is [bleep]ing boring. HLC is all very well and good, but if you have to spend days or weeks bored out of your skull to get it, is it worth it?




Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see some HLC but if it were to be released more entertaining methods of training the skills would be needed as well. Both of those are needed in RS, but if both were to be released they'd probably need to be released simultaneously or close together.

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meele is over powered as it is for a 99hp pool






And that is why we need hp boosting equipament, potions and spells, or the game will never moove forward again :wall:




Seriously, if Jagex changed the level needed for whip to 75, for Godsword to 85 and PVP equipament to 90 i would applause them.


And i would laugh at the rants on the RSOF :lol:

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meele is over powered as it is for a 99hp pool






And that is why we need hp boosting equipament, potions and spells, or the game will never moove forward again :wall:




Seriously, if Jagex changed the level needed for whip to 75, for Godsword to 85 and PVP equipament to 90 i would applause them.


And i would laugh at the rants on the RSOF :lol:




Or jagex could nerf melee instead of getting in the same boat as every other major mmorpg.




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with skills like smithing, compression IS needed. It's Jagex's own fault for letting power inflation devalue skills, and make it nigh impossible to create any new equipment or content past level 75 or so.




It's the year of fixing, so they should really rework the game, someone mentioned condensing the actual experience you need to get to level 99, by shifting exp required. this would work in theory, as all the current equipment would move WITH the condensing.




effectively you could equip a whip at level 50, level 70 would be the new 99, and then we could have all sorts of items above that. This would open room for all skills, and so on.




No it isnt a perfect idea, yes we would be getting 15 new things every level, but Jagex hasnt planned appropriately to cater to their own level caps- They need to do something about it, because it will only get worse. making a cap of 200, but moving around the experience we need, so that 200 would land on 200M exp may be a good way to go. everyone would have their levels swooshed around, but in effect you'd stay the same as you are now, but you'd have more to look forward to, more endgame, AND more content that can and would be released to fill the now expansive level margin.

Reverents can be a pain, but you can run away from them. Just curious, do they still have teleblocking ability?

Fear the church, the reverents have 85 magic!!!!

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meele is over powered as it is for a 99hp pool






And that is why we need hp boosting equipament, potions and spells, or the game will never moove forward again :wall:




Seriously, if Jagex changed the level needed for whip to 75, for Godsword to 85 and PVP equipament to 90 i would applause them.


And i would laugh at the rants on the RSOF :lol:




Or jagex could nerf melee instead of getting in the same boat as every other major mmorpg.




Even though i would love to see melee nerfed, this would cause a hell lot of rants and problems >.<


Instead of nerfing one just power up the other. Give some power to defence and to hitpoints instead of nerfing melee.


Range and mage could use a power up too. Though ,range is another skill with no high equipament but can hit pretty high, let's not forget about that -.-

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There is a thread about end game content in the high level forum. Gives me the impression Jagex is aware of the "problem". Though I do wonder when we'll be seeing anything of it. We did have the new agility clothes though. I'd say it's a start.

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I HATE how MMG promises high level content and say how they are focusing mainly on that atm, but Jagex is unable of making a Development Diary, or at least saying "Hey guys, we are working on a dungeon bigger than GWD and a challenge harder than Jad" once >.<


What makes me hate that even more is that MMG promises more communication :x




High levels are ranting about lack of content everyday, and all Jagex do is give some promises >.>


And i'm not really sure if Jagex's promises can be taken seriously anymore :evil:






Also, this agility update was nothing. It just made training the skill faster, but instead of doing that it should give *rewards* that are *useful*. The ability to train the skill faster is not a reward when there is nothing to train for >.>




And the agility clothes are useless, after the rest update ( which wasn't necessary at all, we had a lot of run restoring ways before it) is not worth training agility just to get it.

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I'm so bloody sick of hearing the excuse "high levels are the minority so they shouldn't get updates." It's a cop-out because it takes more effort to balance updates for high levels than mid-levels, so Jagex would rather throw worthless content (that doesn't require much effort to balance) at people who already have an abundance of things to do. Jagex thinks people will quit if they focus on high levels, but that is not true. High level updates give lower levels something to shoot for.






Ironically, I'm sick of high levels who believe that Jagex needs to churn out the level 80s, 90s and 99 equipment tomorrow. That'll really be the end-game content, like literally the end of the game., without providing any solutions to the fact that damage are too great compared to max HP as for now. Or high level quests, when quests don't even contribute to more than 1% of your runescaping time, and are just fun for that one day of questing.




If you want a high level content, Jagex provided it long ago: Getting all skills to 99. If that's not enough, getting to the first position on any highscore. That is at the end of the day, the core purpose of the game itself. Minigames and quests can free you of the boredom sometimes, but it's mostly still about training skills and grinding EXP at the end of the day. Rewards like equipments and new training ground either help in providing better EXP rate, or varied training methods.



"Do you really want to go back to the time when Falador was grey, lesser demon look like goats, dragons look like cows, hellhound look like cats and your character stands as stiff as a statue?"



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