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How much to lose before you get mad?


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How much gp do you need to lose for you to get mad or frustrated? Or even annoyed? For Pking or monsterhunting?




For me, It all depends how I Lose it. When pking, if a honorable pker downs me, I'll have to lose 20m or more to get mad. But if some sad noob downs me with a lucky hit, I will get mad about deaths as low as 1m.




For monsterhunting I only care about losing 8m or more.




How do you feel?


The level 92 combat barrower


guth helmx1 karil topx1 d legs x1 left half x1

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It depends, if I die right now at Aviansies, that's instant 30m gone. I would get mad. However, if I was pking and was risking 30m purposefully, I wouldn't get mad if I died.

45,657th to 99 Range 29/09/09 , 41,018th to 99 Mage 13/11/09


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I HATE losing money, so if i lost like 400k i think i would not be happen the rest of the day :lol: -.-


99 Woodcutting 09/12/08 - 99 Cooking 13/01/09 - 99 Fletching 20/04/09 - 2,713th to 99 Construction 14/09/09


New summon monster. You get 99 summon and complete a hard quest to gain the ability to summon Jesus, who splits the waters allowing you to walk to a new port town where you unlock the sailing skill. Obviously ;)


That was Moses you idiot.


That gets fixed in the bugfix the following week. Maybe.

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I would have to say 8m + too. If I die and lose 8m then I pretty much rather lose half my sleep to remake the money. I can handle that as I can make it back quite easilly.




However anything more and it would take more than 2 days so that kinda messes up my gameplay. I wont do anything else I planned until I get back everything that I lost including quest items etc.




To be honest. I get more frustrated losing 2m but 8 hours of figuring how to regain my quest/minigame items. Looking through old quest guides and item catelogs etc lol. Making money knowing what your doing for a few hours is easier to understand than getting frustrated searching for quest items. Everything else I can buy from the G.E and get instantly.

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1M+, rest is pocket change.




Though even that is exceedingly rare if you got an Angel of Death.


Dragon Drops : 5 Dragon Medium Helmets, 3 Dragon Claws, 3 Dragon platelegs, 2 Dragon plateskirts, 2 Dragon Hatchets, 2 Dragon Spears, 7 pairs of Dragon Boots, 1 Dragon pickaxe, 10 Dragon defenders, 3 Dragon 2h swords, 1 Dragon armour Slice, 1 Dragon armour Lump, 1 Dragon chainbody, 1 Dragon kiteshield, 1 Dragon hasta, 1 Dragon ward, 25 Dragon knives pairs
The Warrior's Blog , Herblore Habitat - Efficient and profitable

[hide=Stats and logs]

.:Adventurer's Log:.


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I've only ever lost like...4M dieing? I get mad at losing any amounts, as if I lose it it was out of pure stupidity. I rarely die as I don't do any monsterhunting or anything dangerous. :thumbup: Back when I was quite the Pker, it was all cool dieing and losing stuff. Wasn't much, as it was in F2p. But everything was fair.

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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its not about how much i lose, but why




the last time i lost money due to death (outside a pvp world) was because the server crashed while i was at sara, lost like, 15m. i was pissed, but mainly because it was not, in any way, my fault.

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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Loose moneh? Worst I've lost was 50M when rares crashed and 20M when I was keylogged. The keylogging had me kind of annoyed. If it happened now though, I don't think I would really care. It would ultimately have been my fault, and being upset about it wouldn't get me it back.




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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Depends how I died. If I absolutely get trashed by a monster because I couldn't keep up with its damage, or failed at prayer switching, or if I honestly died because I was no match, I would not get mad no matter how much I lost.




But if I died by, say, forgetting to drink an antipoison, or because I lost connection, or because my unicorn runs out the exact moment I need its healing since I forgot to renew it, losing even 10k or less would annoy the hell out of me.

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Only when I do make stupid decisions, like holding onto my santa for an extra day, having it crash then panic selling only to have it shoot back up in 2 days. :wall:

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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I haven't really lost that much, so I only have the two years back when I had just started. My prized possession was my rune hatchet, and I was level 17 or so. I was in the Wilderness, and someone, level 18, convinced me that we should team up and kill people. She said to attack her, so I did. We go further in the wilderness, she kills me, I lose 20k worth of rune hatchet.




I was mad about that...so...20k is the answer... :thumbsup:

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Well, I have been a bit annoyed after each time I have lost my armadyl sets (or just part of it) at agw. First time was when i was inexperienced soloer risking far too much thinking i wouldn't die. As long as dying and losing items is mostly my own fault I try not to care, even if I lose 10m+. But if I die because of lag or disconnect etc it's a bit harder for me. Got over it each time, though.




Nowadays if I solo I don't risk more than around 1,5m max. If I die and lose that I don't care much. I don't do dangerous pvp so can't really talk about it.

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I care about buying d claws for 28m, next day bounty hunter worlds released, going with friends 1 iteming for fun, helping him to get away from nasty pj'er, forgetting my prays on, and when he hunt me i get 0 pray sec before i die.....then i stopped playing for a month :oops: (i used the excuse called school lol)

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The last time I got mad about dying and losing cash was when I killed Elvarg :lol: only lost about 50K worth of stuff, but that was a lot back then.




So, I haven't died in about 3 years with anything good on. Only once died on purpose to check out the giant mole lol. I'm guessing I'd be mad at losing amywhere above 5m, but then I'd be happy because I could do woodcutting/farming to get it all back \'


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I hate losing anything. I get bummed no matter what. Awhile back I got logged out when I was training on baby blues and logged back in and I had died because I didn't have the right shield and got attacked by a blue. My levels were lower back then and now all I lost seems like chump change but at the time I was super bummed out.



Get ratty.

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This didn't make me mad at all, who needs 39m a fire cape, rune defender and torso?




:evil: :evil: :evil: :x :x :oops:

Best Rubik's cube time solve: 27.81 seconds.

Completed Facebook Tetris Marathon (670k score)

2000+ total with 5 99's, fletching, cooking, attack, thieving and firemaking

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About 1m, but not died in a long time. When I have died, I have not lost a lot though



Achievement Diaries

Completed: Lumbridge, Falador, Seers, Varrock, Fremennik and Karamja

Finished Hard: Ardougne


Music Tracks - 703/704

Nomad killed at 114 combat Slayer drops: Black Mask x2 Clue scroll rewards: Guthix Platebody - 900k, Guthix F Helm 1mil, Bandos Kite - 2.3mil

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