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Do you prefer Summer or Winter?


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I've given this a lot of thought, and I've come to find that I have more pros for winter as opposed to summer. I simply love making hot chocolate, popping in a marshmallow, grabbing some cookies, and rolling up in my sheet in the basement to watch a movie. Snowball fights can't be forgotten either, along with snowmen, snow angles, snow cones, snow cakes! Of course there are downsides like shovelling, possible pneumonia, blizzards, etc., but for me the pros outweigh the cons for winter.


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Where I live, we don't get Snow during Winter, just really crap weather that handicaps you from doing anything.

I think I prefer Summer anyway, get to lie in the sun, eat Ice Cream and have it dribble down your hands, and no school! \:D/

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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During my school years, I liked summer the best. I hated walking through the cold and standing outside during winter, and I loved summer vacation. Now that I'm out of school, I think I'll like winter better because of the holidays and I get to stay indoors most of the time. My birthday is also right around Christmas time too, so that's another plus. :smile:

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Where I live, we don't get Snow during Winter, just really crap weather that handicaps you from doing anything.

I think I prefer Summer anyway, get to lie in the sun, eat Ice Cream and have it dribble down your hands, and no school! \:D/




But Winter does have it's pros - you can put on lots of clothes to keep warm whereas in Summer you can't take off enough clothes to keep cold. (uh.. yeah.)

The whole act of keeping warm in Winter is nice; making soup, snuggling up in a blanket. Oh and the rain sounds nice pitter pattering on the roof.


I do love the sun though, and I rarely ever get sunburnt so Summer wins for me.

BUT one of the best seasons is Spring!! Perfect temperature (Summer's too hot) and little lambies everywhere!




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Mmmm winter! Then I can drink hot chocolate without melting, I can cuddle up with 50 billion blankies.. and there's just something really satisfying about being all warm inside while it's raining or whatever outside. It's refreshing and it makes me happy.

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Neither, I'm starting to become more of an autumn kind of guy. But if I'd have to pick from summer or winter, I'd say summer. I like the sun and I HATE it when it rains then ices over. I never had to deal with that in Florida!

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When I was young I used to hate going to hot countries but now I'd love to live in one. Get away from all this cold and gloomy weather. Though I do like snow still.

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Definately Summer. Being a Queenslander, anything below 20 degrees is freezing. I can't stand the cold. At least with summer i can go under the shade of a tree or drink some water to cool down.


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I like the cold a lot more than the hot, but it always gets insanely freaking cold up here, and pretty freaking hot too. I'd rather have a variety, I couldn't pick between the two. However if I had to pick one season, I'd go with autumn.

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Summer in australia, winter when I go to the states. I hate winter but I love skiing and snowboarding, and it seems every building in the states is heated enough in winter to walk around in shorts.


Winter in Australia is like, freezing but not so freezing that anybody does anything about it. No heating, pathetic winter clothes etc. I'm always warmer in winter in the US, even though it's colder.

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I don't think I have a preference - Both have their ups and downs.


I like winter because winter clothes are infinitely more suave than summer clothes, and looking suave is a favoured pastime of mine. However it's bitterly cold here during winter, and mostly without snow (which I like to look at but hate to be out in). Sitting in the pub with the fire going when it's cold outside has a nice cosiness to it, but I always slip and fall on the way home. Once I fell flat on my back two times within the space of 10 feet.


Summer I like because it's warm and that makes spending time outdoors much easier.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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Should be a poll. :wink:



I hate the winter. HATE IT. I can't stand the cold. I can deal with sweating. I hate dealing with the cold.

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There's one thing I really don't like about the winter: preparing for snow. We always have a lot here, and you have to take a lot more time to get ready with boots and coats and hats and everything, while with summer you can just slip on some shorts, a t-shirt, and flip-flops.


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Should be a poll. :wink:



I hate the winter. HATE IT. I can't stand the cold. I can deal with sweating. I hate dealing with the cold.


You guys are the men that can add them in ;)

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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It seems that a lot of peoples' reasons for liking winter better either have to do with getting warm (hot chocolate, blankets, etc.) This confuses me.


Anyways, I like winter because I simply like being cold. During my free-period in the winter me and friends sit outside without coats and induce stage 1 hypothermia almost daily. Its quite fun, and its fun to see your body acclimatize eventually. Other reasons are that I don't get as fatigued during workouts, I can think and read slightly better (it is thought that the brain works most efficiently at fifty-five degrees Fahrenheit), gotta love snow too. I would love to live in a place that was covered in snow year-round until I got sick of it.


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