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How to get rid of kids this halloween?


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Its getting close the night were feral kids run the streets causing no end of trouble.








Im tired of setting my dogs on people year after year.












I have a bag of mega gobstoppers (size of a baseball) and im thinking of standing on the roof and handing them out from above, bombs away!




Waste of candy.








I cant oil the driveway because last time I did that it took forever to clean.












I need an inventive way to get rid of these troublesome [cabbage]s that throw eggs everywere anyone got good suggestions


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Supersoaker + Petrol + Fire = ? :wink:








Actually giving you idea's like that is a bad idea... :shock:








We all know what you're like DaN. :P :lol:








Quite honestly I just sit in my room with the light off, we rarely get anyone at the door thankfully. Sometimes my friends little sisters came round but that's it. :o








I'm gonna sit Bruno outside the front door or something. He's a big wuss but no child in their right mind would go up to a 7 stone rottweiler left unattended. :twisted:


Notoriously Trollish.

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We don't 'celebrate' halloween over here. 8)








But I guess making your own candy filling it with aluminium foil will be good. :)


Signature by Maurice Sendak

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Just buy gross sweets. You'll get kids this year but never again ^_^



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No no no ... super-soaker with paint! Or some strong kind of dye. They can't sue you or complain for endangering them by spraying them with petrol, but you'll destroy their stupid little outfits by turning scary monsters in black garbage bags into the wussiest of zombies with pink polkadots.

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A large axe should do the trick. Judicious application of sharp edges to the fleshy bits seems to be a particularly effective deterrent.








Barring that, you might want to use any or none of the following:








- Pit traps




- Pit traps with punji sticks




- Barbed wire




- Claymore mines




- A claymore




- Fundamentalists




- Pit bull terrier




- The Dungeons and Dragons movie




- Semtex stuffed into bamboo




- Caltrops




- Iradiated surroundings




- A pike




- Doom robots




- Orbital death rays




- Ninjas




- Trogdor








Or, answer the door while wearing a singlet (preferrably stained), short shorts, sandals and a brown paper bag with just the neck of a bottle sticking out the top. Appear as thoroughly irritated as possible, and make sure that the kids get a full view of an assortment of violent-looking objects behind you.








Oh yeah, fill a super soaker with urine. Aim for clothing as much as possible, especially wool.

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Easiest way might be to just turn the lights off at the front of the house.








There's something more fun about trying to get rid of them by other means, though... Know the scene in Starship Troopers where all the aliens are attacking the fort thing? Kinda like that.








You mean you're going to lay into those kids with a SAW? God, spraying 7.62 NATO rounds is a little on the overkill side. :P

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Heh, I have three swords, that should be enough if we actually celebrated it here :P

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Im off out with my mates gonna march up and down my street beating up any little bratt that goes near my house. Gonna take their sweets and money and the hang each one up on a wall and throw stones at them :D :twisted:








Should be fun

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Im off out with my mates gonna march up and down my street beating up any little bratt that goes near my house. Gonna take their sweets and money and the hang each one up on a wall and throw stones at them :D :twisted:








Should be fun








ooo it does :P








I may by a wet fish and 'HIT THEM ABOUT THE HEAD WITH A WET TROUT' mIRC style 8) 8)

And no lol why do you always want to get stuff from John Lewis. Its over ̣̉300 more then than what i paid.


John Lewis is a great, great shop.

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when I spent time in the states i would either leave some candy on the porch or make traps with my friend. I would set up trip-wires which would cause a water balloon to come crashing down on the spot... but usually i simply bombarded them with a 0.735 BB and some water balloons... a lawn hose PWNS aswell but ive only seen it used....another idea could be to just leave the house and go to a party (effective except one time i got back and my door was egged) but THE most effective way to stop em is to put E-Z manure on the driveway, but washing it off is a pain...

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hah, i like reading these posts every october. usually brightens up my day. well anyways i live way to far off the road and to far in the coutnry to get trick or treaters, so i dont have to worry about that. if i did live in the city i probably wouldnt try to get rid of them either, id probably hand out the candy like a good citizen :P



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well im a kid and there is this one house that shoots paintball guns at the kids. He hit me last year when i was 13 so this year i plan on shoving a few eggs and an impulse up his wagon.








Hahaha. You remind me of Bart Simpson and the electric muffin.




*Shakes head*

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:lol: I love reading these every year!








Anyways, i think im not trickor treating anymore, (15) so im going to help my best friend set up a haunted house an scare the [cabbage] out of anyone who comes...


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