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age poll for english class


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Violent games don't effect my behaviour. They're just games.








of course the 'grown-ups' response to that is:








That's what they all say

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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24+ and they don't effect me, but a movie gives me nightmares especially arachnaphobia(am scared of spiders :wink: )








if i do too much gaming i do dream about the game, ususally it involes my dying some unavoidable death :mrgreen: but its not a nightmare. i think its a warning i need to back off my gaming and when i cut down the dreams stop :wink:

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

Owner of Ears, Scythe and a 10 year veteran cape :D



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I was reluctant to post at first because I dont play Runescape anymore, and havn't for years but if you still consider my answer relevant feel free to use it.








20-24 Category.




I play violent games a lot, well maybe not so much as I used to but most of the games I own are pretty nasty. I play shooting games, beat em up games, war strategy games and even Manhunt, the game that was banned for being so violent. Yet I am not a violent person, I have never commited a single violent act against a person in my life, and I certainly don't intend to. I am a sensible person and can easily draw a thick line between fantasy game and reality.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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20-24 and I have killed people over a lost game in freecell :shock:




















And by 'people' I mean no one. I play BF2, Postal [2], a lot of RTS and such. FPS aren't really my thing but I got a fair few of them of variant violence and gore.








Last time I was even remotely violent to anyone was because they attacked me first :P

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When you present your poll results to the class, be sure to examine possible sources of error. For example, I prefer not to answer. The answers you are getting are only from the group of people who choose to answer, and that can mess up your results. Teachers love analysis like this, bring it up in class and you're grade goes up a full letter grade at least :wink:








I play Day of Defeat, a realistic WWII simulater multiplayer game. It has desensitized me to violence, but I don't think it can cause me to be violent. There is no way to transform the "click and shoot" impulse into a real-life "point the gun and pull the trigger" impulse.








On the other hand, listening to eminem made me start to swear more, until I realized what was going on, and now I generally avoid swearing. But I still listen to eminem.

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i played some violent games, and yes, it might have affected me *-) im somewhat agressive at times, not that i kill my whole school or something =P just like to hit people at times :oops: not really in the face or something, just a "fun fight".




dont go think strange stuff of me :o

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Meh only game that ever scared me was the RE series, the first one becuse my brother was playing it when I was like 8 and I watched him, stayed up till like 12, went to bed ahhhhhhhh nightmares..... ANd RE4 meh just kinda creeps me out when I'm playing at 2am, eerybody asleep, yeah.... :P

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Im in the 15-19 age group.








I dont play many video games a lot, mostly just runescape. But I dont think it affects me when I play them, although I think you will get a little bit of a bias opinion here because most people on the forums are younger people who play a lot of video games. Try going to a christian womans website and see what they think, im sure you may get a few different opinions there :lol:

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wow. I didnt expect this many good responses :). thanks to everyone that posted, and especially those that added their opinions and insights. I have gotten some ideas on points on a lot of your thoughts, so thank you. Now its time for me to put this poll up on a anti-gaming website lol. wish me luck.

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15 - 19








When I used to play videogames they didn't affect me in any way.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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And i have to say, the only way games affect me is if im playing a really scary one late at night and some1 sneaks up on me. Violent games do not affect me at all.





















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And i have to say, the only way games affect me is if im playing a really scary one late at night and some1 sneaks up on me. Violent games do not affect me at all.




























Complain if it's a good avvy, otherwise buzz off :P.








15-19, violent games don't affect me and I don't think they affect anyone more than a movie or television show. You have to be 17 here to see an R-Rated movie and 18 to buy a mature game, I don't see the problem. The movie theater/rentals card me and if the game store does also then I'm fine. It's no hassle and the parents can shut the [bleep] up.

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Video games helped me fill up most of the useless time I had when I was younger. And allows me a reason to procrastinate even today.












On a more serious note, some games (first person shooters, real time strategy, gory videogames) made me decide to try and join the army... I dunno where it came from but its kinda stuck to my head.




I added that to my career choices anyway. :roll:








And no, I havent hurt, maimed or killed anyone due to video games.








I can distinguish fantasy from reality thank you very much.

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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never once has a violent game effected me in any matter what so ever.... im still the same old me.... btw i play extremely violent games constently... and no its not to see blood and gore (im squimesh)... just normally because im good at them


<( *-* )> <(*-* <) (> *-*)> <( *-* )>

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