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11-Jan-2010 - Nomad�s Requiem


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Wanna challenge? Try to find someone showing you how to do this on youtube, *not* using Soul Split, Pack Yaks, Steel Titans, and/or Extreme Pots.

aka me.

They only problem I have is not hitting enough damage in the end or running out of food... It's never a case of 'nomad combo' that killed me. I should be hitting enough damage (void melee, z spear, supers and piety) and I should also have enough food in the end (saras, shark, rocktails and unicorn +99 defense); I don't understand it :oops:


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rewards could use a boost, sorta bad imo, 70k slayer and a cape worse than fire


boss needs to be way harder


1. more def

2. ruby max at 75 is fine

3. less charging time on big attacks

4. around 1500 hp

5. his normal attacks max around 30, make that 35-40


make a decent reward that doesnt ruin fight caves, like the ability to upgrade firecape with the prayer bonus, or add fire capes str to this somehow


100 zeal


That cape is much better than a fire cape in many situations, including just about every situation where you need to protect pray constantly, or even if you're using piety/turmoil constantly.


how so, hitting higher is more efficient than using 7 ppots rather than 9, xp > cost so by saying sw cape is better your valuing a few k on ppots over speed of combat


+4 Str is what, +1 to your max hit? How is a chance to hit 1 higher more efficient than a 33% slower prayer drain?


theres things called prayer potions, you drink them, +1-2 dmg is better

I guess you're right, you use about 1.5 ppots/hour more if you use turmoil/berserker and wear fire cape instead of the new cape, about 20k cost/hour to get maybe 5k extra xp/hour?

The same would go for bandos/proselyte though, should we start doing prayer tasks etc in full bandos?


Also, prayer drain rate isn't linear with prayer bonus. 10 prayer bonus makes you use pray 75% slower, 30 pray bonus is 50%.

You can get +9 pray and +10 strength by wearing standard slayer outfit with fire cape/bandos top/bottom, and +29 prayer bonus in pros top/v skirt/blue cape.

Let's round that to 10/30 for easier calculating, and assume you use berserker+turmoil/piety.

It would mean you use 50% more prayer to get +10 strength. +10 strength means +2.5 every hit or something like that, say you hit 1k times per hour. That would be 10k xp extra from the strength bonus.

You use 1k prayer points per hour in +30 prayer bonus, and 1500 per hour in +10. That's about 4 ppots or 50k extra cost.

It's more like 7 ppots per hour more if you pray melee too, so in that case proselyte would be better.


That seems worth it, though I'm not sure if +10 str really gets you 10k more xp per hour.

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After making 4 attempts at this, I can't get any more Sara Brews/Super Restores or even Rocktails for that mater to make any more attempts. Now this is just my opinion, and many of you I'm sure will disagree, but after playing this, I don't think any quests, even if they are Grandmaster quests and even if people have been complaing for "elite" content ,should have a final boss this difficult. Quests should be more about plots and storylines. I don't find futility in combat to be that appealing.

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After making 4 attempts at this, I can't get any more Sara Brews/Super Restores or even Rocktails for that mater to make any more attempts. Now this is just my opinion, and many of you I'm sure will disagree, but after playing this, I don't think any quests, even if they are Grandmaster quests and even if people have been complaing for "elite" content ,should have a final boss this difficult. Quests should be more about plots and storylines. I don't find futility in combat to be that appealing.


Oh sorry Mr/Mrs. Jagex Games designer, you were the one whining about the fact that this isn't a GrandMaster quest because of it's lack of plot. Yet unable to defeat the monster that makes this Master Quest a GrandMaster quest.


Jagex does what they want, just because the first one was 'truely epic' in storyline, doesn't mean every single one will be. Sure, this quest lacks a deep storyline, does that make it less worthy of being GrandMaster? No, because the bossfight was actually hard, you either need alot of skill levels for it or patience and knowledge of combat. I am not disagreeing that this quest can do with more plot, this quest... is GrandMaster with or without a grand plot. The boss fight makes it so, whether you like it or not.




Edit - Oh and if you believe everything Jagex says word for word, then Summoning would be both F2p and wouldn't even exist. At the same time. If that's even possible.

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It is true you can't pot to the mining requirement, even though it says to complete the quest?

Construction and Hunting I don't mind training, but mining is so boring (I did Curse of Arrav at 60 as it took me far longer to gain a single level then it did to get 8 brown spices).


I love the idea of taking 4 phoenix necklaces as opposed to brewing from the hp-1 hit. That way its 1 click for 30% hp vs 2 clicks for 28hp with the need to restore.


I can confirm this, you need the require to start the quest and using a stout to boost to 66 I still couldn't start it so you need 66 naturally.

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Jagex does what they want,

this quest... is GrandMaster with or without a grand plot. The boss fight makes it so, whether you like it or not.



You can debate if it's opportune to put such a difficult boss fight in a quest.

Alot of people wear their quest cape with pride, doing the new quests immediately at day of release without guides. Now those people are forced to train combat skills.


You'll say: those whiners! Jagex does what they want. (in other words: we aren't allowed to question their actions, thus reducing us to sheep? :roll: )




The highest skill lvl required nowadays to obtain the quest cape is 75. (spicy stew makes this number even lower)

So if we continue on this point: a player with 75 att/str/def/hp/mage/range/summ should be able to defeat this monster, if this isn't the case (let's wait on guides, new techniques, ... to answer this question) it isn't fair in my opinion.

Questcape should be obtainable for the average player, not only for combat-based players.


Or do you think it would be fair if Jagex made 91 rc a quest requirement?

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Yeah, well luckily I don't give a damn what you think. I have an opinion that I back up with 8+ years of playing time. I don't think he should be that tough. My new point was, regardless of whatever level fo quest this is meant to be, I think that as a quest boss, he is too difficult. What it is is that you people so love being able to do things that other people can't that you are blinded to this. It's a very typical and common trait. The desire to feel superior to other people. I don't care about being inferior or superior. I am juding an opinion based on what *I* have done.


And I *still* say that a bosses difficulty shouldn't make a quest a Grandmaster quest. That is an opinion completely on it's own and not in regards to this quest.


I am so sick and damn tired of being attacked personally because of my criticisms of Jagex. No I'm not a game developer. No I don't develop content for them. But I've been playing for many years and I'm allowed a gameplaying opinion. So piss off and leave me alone.


Awww poor you.. Lol


yes, poor me. I'm a girl and can't handle the pressure right? Or maybe I'm just annoyed at condescending children who gain their self-worth and self-respect off what they can achieve on an online game. In any case, I'm not worrying about it anymore. People know my opinion and I have many agree, I also have many that attack my making of criticisms rather than the criticism itself. So to you, them, and this quest, you can all get the single finger salute. I have to work now and do something constructive in this world.


Calm down.


You know you have a dissenting opinion and you know you like to vent it, take the hits and strike back. 8-)


'get a life' isn't really a good point though... :-P

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I am so sick and damn tired of being attacked personally because of my criticisms of Jagex. No I'm not a game developer. No I don't develop content for them. But I've been playing for many years and I'm allowed a gameplaying opinion. So piss off and leave me alone.


What happened to your affinity for reasoned debate? I've read all 30 pages of this post and most of it is either helpful or insightful in keeping with TIFer community - with the exception of your input which after several pages I scroll over becuse i cba with your baiting. Oh please, give it a rest.....


OT: *My opinion* I think we're missing a trick here, a trick which hasn't been discovered. In a day or two, someone will latch upon the easiest method without the need for a CB level of 130+ and Herb 92+ Jagex suggested CB Stats of 85+ and prayer of 70+ Now bear that in mind when it comes to the last fight. It seems only the highest CB skillers are the ones who are succeeding here and with some difficulty. (it's ok, I haven't overlooked the odd lucky player with less CB lvl). I cannot believe it was Jagex intention to alienate everyone else from QC status. Maybe we shold start a new post called "Best ways to beat Nomad" and pool our information.





Still the proud owner of Quest Cape since 8th December 2007

All skills used to be 70 or higher. (Dang you Dungeoneering. Oh wait, it's not a skill...)

Drops: Whips 8, Black Mask 8, D/Skirt 1, D/Spear 1, D/Shield Left Half 1, D/Boots 12, G/Maul 4, Range Ammy 1, Hexcrest 1.

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Yeah, well luckily I don't give a damn what you think. I have an opinion that I back up with 8+ years of playing time. I don't think he should be that tough. My new point was, regardless of whatever level fo quest this is meant to be, I think that as a quest boss, he is too difficult. What it is is that you people so love being able to do things that other people can't that you are blinded to this. It's a very typical and common trait. The desire to feel superior to other people. I don't care about being inferior or superior. I am juding an opinion based on what *I* have done.


And I *still* say that a bosses difficulty shouldn't make a quest a Grandmaster quest. That is an opinion completely on it's own and not in regards to this quest.


I am so sick and damn tired of being attacked personally because of my criticisms of Jagex. No I'm not a game developer. No I don't develop content for them. But I've been playing for many years and I'm allowed a gameplaying opinion. So piss off and leave me alone.


Awww poor you.. Lol


yes, poor me. I'm a girl and can't handle the pressure right? Or maybe I'm just annoyed at condescending children who gain their self-worth and self-respect off what they can achieve on an online game. In any case, I'm not worrying about it anymore. People know my opinion and I have many agree, I also have many that attack my making of criticisms rather than the criticism itself. So to you, them, and this quest, you can all get the single finger salute. I have to work now and do something constructive in this world.


Calm down. :-P


You know you have a dissenting opinion and you know you like to vent them, take the hits, strike back and be cool about it. 8-)


Yeah, I can't strike back. I have a very heavy hand when I strike back and it gets me in trouble. I don't have a middle. It's either I don't attack someone or I go nuclear. That's a personal defect of mine I suppose and one I can admit.


They said today they will not be tweaking him down so I'm not gonna do it for a long time. Essentially since I cannot Soul Split, bring a Pack Yak, make some extreme potions, and am unwilling to spend the millions of coins to make multiple attempts at him, not that you can even get those thing atm, I'm not going to go anywhere near there for a while. I'll just go back to Slaying, Fishing, Thieving, etc. Things that I enjoy.

This website and its contents are copyright © 1999 - 2010 Jagex Ltd.

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Jagex does what they want,

this quest... is GrandMaster with or without a grand plot. The boss fight makes it so, whether you like it or not.



You can debate if it's opportune to put such a difficult boss fight in a quest.

Alot of people wear their quest cape with pride, doing the new quests immediately at day of release without guides. Now those people are forced to train combat skills.


You'll say: those whiners! Jagex does what they want. (in other words: we aren't allowed to question their actions, thus reducing us to sheep? :roll: )




The highest skill lvl required nowadays to obtain the quest cape is 75. (spicy stew makes this number even lower)

So if we continue on this point: a player with 75 att/str/def/hp/mage/range/summ should be able to defeat this monster, if this isn't the case (let's wait on guides, new techniques, ... to answer this question) it isn't fair in my opinion.

Questcape should be obtainable for the average player, not only for combat-based players.


Or do you think it would be fair if Jagex made 91 rc a quest requirement?

DT, RfD, Blood runs deep, dream mentor, great brain robbery and a few others are all defined as hard due to their combat sections.


Were the first people to complete the above quests "average" players? I highly doubt it, they only got easier when people learnt the tricks and tips from these players which made it easier.


There were tons of people which died doing the blood runs deep quest even maxed players had trouble with it.


Considering its a grandmaster is supposed to be harder, which it is.

Now if blood runs deep was harder then a grand master quest boss battle I'm sure you'd complain about that.


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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Yeah, well luckily I don't give a damn what you think. I have an opinion that I back up with 8+ years of playing time. I don't think he should be that tough. My new point was, regardless of whatever level fo quest this is meant to be, I think that as a quest boss, he is too difficult. What it is is that you people so love being able to do things that other people can't that you are blinded to this. It's a very typical and common trait. The desire to feel superior to other people. I don't care about being inferior or superior. I am juding an opinion based on what *I* have done.


And I *still* say that a bosses difficulty shouldn't make a quest a Grandmaster quest. That is an opinion completely on it's own and not in regards to this quest.


I am so sick and damn tired of being attacked personally because of my criticisms of Jagex. No I'm not a game developer. No I don't develop content for them. But I've been playing for many years and I'm allowed a gameplaying opinion. So piss off and leave me alone.


Awww poor you.. Lol


yes, poor me. I'm a girl and can't handle the pressure right? Or maybe I'm just annoyed at condescending children who gain their self-worth and self-respect off what they can achieve on an online game. In any case, I'm not worrying about it anymore. People know my opinion and I have many agree, I also have many that attack my making of criticisms rather than the criticism itself. So to you, them, and this quest, you can all get the single finger salute. I have to work now and do something constructive in this world.


You know, I'm starting to think freedom of speech is unjust.

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Yeah, well luckily I don't give a damn what you think. I have an opinion that I back up with 8+ years of playing time. I don't think he should be that tough. My new point was, regardless of whatever level fo quest this is meant to be, I think that as a quest boss, he is too difficult. What it is is that you people so love being able to do things that other people can't that you are blinded to this. It's a very typical and common trait. The desire to feel superior to other people. I don't care about being inferior or superior. I am juding an opinion based on what *I* have done.


And I *still* say that a bosses difficulty shouldn't make a quest a Grandmaster quest. That is an opinion completely on it's own and not in regards to this quest.


I am so sick and damn tired of being attacked personally because of my criticisms of Jagex. No I'm not a game developer. No I don't develop content for them. But I've been playing for many years and I'm allowed a gameplaying opinion. So piss off and leave me alone.


Awww poor you.. Lol


yes, poor me. I'm a girl and can't handle the pressure right? Or maybe I'm just annoyed at condescending children who gain their self-worth and self-respect off what they can achieve on an online game. In any case, I'm not worrying about it anymore. People know my opinion and I have many agree, I also have many that attack my making of criticisms rather than the criticism itself. So to you, them, and this quest, you can all get the single finger salute. I have to work now and do something constructive in this world.


You know, I'm starting to think freedom of speech is unjust.


You know, I'm starting to think people who don't like me should put me on Ignore and leave it at that.


It's about superiority. People who've done it like to feel superior over the people who haven't. I think that is the basis for all the "Don't nerf Nomad" stuff on the RSOF. I also think all the people around here "falling on their swords" for Jagex is hillarious. They will never admit that it's possible they made an error.


I also want to point this out. Because I believed them when they said GM quest swere gonna be long and have gradniose plots I'm gullible, but when people believe what they say about a GM quest and that a tough boss battle makes it worthy of a GM quest, that is ...?

This website and its contents are copyright © 1999 - 2010 Jagex Ltd.

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DT, RfD, Blood runs deep, dream mentor, great brain robbery and a few others are all defined as hard due to their combat sections.


Were the first people to complete the above quests "average" players? I highly doubt it, they only got easier when people learnt the tricks and tips from these players which made it easier.


There were tons of people which died doing the blood runs deep quest even maxed players had trouble with it.


Considering its a grandmaster is supposed to be harder, which it is.

Now if blood runs deep was harder then a grand master quest boss battle I'm sure you'd complain about that.

True, that is why I said "let's wait on guides, new techniques, ... to answer this question"


I meant that alot of people like quests, doing quests at the first day of release was only a point to show that alot of people like doing them.


Btw: I am not complaining, I'm max combat and won't have a problem finishing this quest. I would find it unfair though if 'average' players aren't able to complete it.

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Yeah, well luckily I don't give a damn what you think. I have an opinion that I back up with 8+ years of playing time. I don't think he should be that tough. My new point was, regardless of whatever level fo quest this is meant to be, I think that as a quest boss, he is too difficult. What it is is that you people so love being able to do things that other people can't that you are blinded to this. It's a very typical and common trait. The desire to feel superior to other people. I don't care about being inferior or superior. I am juding an opinion based on what *I* have done.


And I *still* say that a bosses difficulty shouldn't make a quest a Grandmaster quest. That is an opinion completely on it's own and not in regards to this quest.


I am so sick and damn tired of being attacked personally because of my criticisms of Jagex. No I'm not a game developer. No I don't develop content for them. But I've been playing for many years and I'm allowed a gameplaying opinion. So piss off and leave me alone.


Awww poor you.. Lol


yes, poor me. I'm a girl and can't handle the pressure right? Or maybe I'm just annoyed at condescending children who gain their self-worth and self-respect off what they can achieve on an online game. In any case, I'm not worrying about it anymore. People know my opinion and I have many agree, I also have many that attack my making of criticisms rather than the criticism itself. So to you, them, and this quest, you can all get the single finger salute. I have to work now and do something constructive in this world.


You know, I'm starting to think freedom of speech is unjust.


You know, I'm starting to think people who don't like me should put me on Ignore and leave it at that.


It's about superiority. People who've done it like to feel superior over the people who haven't. I think that is the basis for all the "Don't nerf Nomad" stuff on the RSOF. I also think all the people around here "falling on their swords" for Jagex is hillarious. They will never admit that it's possible they made an error.


I also want to point this out. Because I believed them when they said GM quest swere gonna be long and have gradniose plots I'm gullible, but when people believe what they say about a GM quest and that a tough boss battle makes it worthy of a GM quest, that is ...?


Oh, so let's make another category for quests then. "Not GrandMaster worthy because of lack of plot but has insane boss that deals 9k damage therefore a Novice Quest with a hard fight that wastes your supplies", nice name or wut?


No, Jagex won't do this, it's fine as GM status. It doesn't live up to YOUR expectations, but that's just YOUR opinions, isn't it? Besides, I quote you, "I don't give a damn of what you think" EDIT - Infact, I accidently added proper punctuation into that, my bad.

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Well, I just saw the first person I've seen or heard of under 110 to complete it. He was lv 108 and was showing off his quest cape at the GE. Said he used war Tort filled with brews, 14 restores in inv, rest brews.

Edit: link wouldn't work


qfc on rsof: 15-16-879-60205494

A thread where people who finished the quest say their cb lvls.

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Nope, I was thinking something along the line of "Elite Level Mini-quest." I think that's what it is. That's what it felt like to me. A suped up Tarn's Lair. And had it been something like that, I'm cool with it. It also has little to do with not having a quest cape anymore.


What you must understand is that I love quests. They are my favorite thing on Runescape. So I'll freely admit to holding them to high standards, and GM quests I would hold to higher standards then that.


We can go back and forth on the boss fight. I'll even relax a little on the quest length, but what you must give me is that GM quests are something that should be lead up to with smaller quests. They should be the culmination of story arcs and plots. They shouldn't be another type of quest that leads up to something bigger.

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Thing is there are lots more players with high combat than there are with high skills. Just look at Strength: 100k players with 99. Rank 100,000 in Agility for example only requires like 60-70 Agility.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Gees, DZI, take a chill pill.


I don't think this quest was worthy of GM status, neither does MHL or some others, simple as that. I do disagree with MHL that the boss fight is too hard, however. Even with my low stats, the only thing holding me back at the moment is running out of food, and I haven't even tried brews, let alone raised my summoning a few levels to get a war tort.


If I were hitting lots of zeros, or getting KOed with lots of food left, then I might think he was too hard, but I don't. I am therefore left with no reason to really call this quest GM.

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Not crying. Just talking. I have issues with this quest on many levels as I do with a good number of their updates. I'm also pointing out the insipid reasons for why I'm being verbally abused on here.


I mean, if I wanted to go your route, maybe I could say. "God, it must smell terrible with your nose up Jagex's [wagon].

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Yeah, well luckily I don't give a damn what you think. I have an opinion that I back up with 8+ years of playing time. I don't think he should be that tough. My new point was, regardless of whatever level fo quest this is meant to be, I think that as a quest boss, he is too difficult. What it is is that you people so love being able to do things that other people can't that you are blinded to this. It's a very typical and common trait. The desire to feel superior to other people. I don't care about being inferior or superior. I am juding an opinion based on what *I* have done.


And I *still* say that a bosses difficulty shouldn't make a quest a Grandmaster quest. That is an opinion completely on it's own and not in regards to this quest.


I am so sick and damn tired of being attacked personally because of my criticisms of Jagex. No I'm not a game developer. No I don't develop content for them. But I've been playing for many years and I'm allowed a gameplaying opinion. So piss off and leave me alone.


Awww poor you.. Lol


yes, poor me. I'm a girl and can't handle the pressure right? Or maybe I'm just annoyed at condescending children who gain their self-worth and self-respect off what they can achieve on an online game. In any case, I'm not worrying about it anymore. People know my opinion and I have many agree, I also have many that attack my making of criticisms rather than the criticism itself. So to you, them, and this quest, you can all get the single finger salute. I have to work now and do something constructive in this world.


You know, I'm starting to think freedom of speech is unjust.


You know, I'm starting to think people who don't like me should put me on Ignore and leave it at that.


It's about superiority. People who've done it like to feel superior over the people who haven't. I think that is the basis for all the "Don't nerf Nomad" stuff on the RSOF. I also think all the people around here "falling on their swords" for Jagex is hillarious. They will never admit that it's possible they made an error.


I also want to point this out. Because I believed them when they said GM quest swere gonna be long and have gradniose plots I'm gullible, but when people believe what they say about a GM quest and that a tough boss battle makes it worthy of a GM quest, that is ...?


Well, I haven't completed it, and not even planning to as I'm a skiller, yet I can relate to their feelings.


It's not that superiority crap, it's the sense of unfairness. Some have invested millions on supplies, when they could just wait one week for it to be nerfed? And only waste 80K? "They get to fight an easier boss just because they complained it's too hard? And what of the challenge? If I beat it with X levels and X recources, why can't they?"


Other than that, I've had more than little experience with RuneScape quests and the one thing I learned about boss fights is that 90% of them could be beaten with minimum effort & with the same strategy. The other 10% (excluding Nomad) would only need slight adjustments. I think Nomad has brought something new to the game. Puzzles are not the only thinker quests have anymore.

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Yeah, well luckily I don't give a damn what you think. I have an opinion that I back up with 8+ years of playing time. I don't think he should be that tough. My new point was, regardless of whatever level fo quest this is meant to be, I think that as a quest boss, he is too difficult. What it is is that you people so love being able to do things that other people can't that you are blinded to this. It's a very typical and common trait. The desire to feel superior to other people. I don't care about being inferior or superior. I am juding an opinion based on what *I* have done.


And I *still* say that a bosses difficulty shouldn't make a quest a Grandmaster quest. That is an opinion completely on it's own and not in regards to this quest.


I am so sick and damn tired of being attacked personally because of my criticisms of Jagex. No I'm not a game developer. No I don't develop content for them. But I've been playing for many years and I'm allowed a gameplaying opinion. So piss off and leave me alone.


Awww poor you.. Lol


yes, poor me. I'm a girl and can't handle the pressure right? Or maybe I'm just annoyed at condescending children who gain their self-worth and self-respect off what they can achieve on an online game. In any case, I'm not worrying about it anymore. People know my opinion and I have many agree, I also have many that attack my making of criticisms rather than the criticism itself. So to you, them, and this quest, you can all get the single finger salute. I have to work now and do something constructive in this world.


You know, I'm starting to think freedom of speech is unjust.


You know, I'm starting to think people who don't like me should put me on Ignore and leave it at that.


It's about superiority. People who've done it like to feel superior over the people who haven't. I think that is the basis for all the "Don't nerf Nomad" stuff on the RSOF. I also think all the people around here "falling on their swords" for Jagex is hillarious. They will never admit that it's possible they made an error.


I also want to point this out. Because I believed them when they said GM quest swere gonna be long and have gradniose plots I'm gullible, but when people believe what they say about a GM quest and that a tough boss battle makes it worthy of a GM quest, that is ...?


Well, I haven't completed it, and not even planning to as I'm a skiller, yet I can relate to their feelings.


It's not that superiority crap, it's the sense of unfairness. Some have invested millions on supplies, when they could just wait one week for it to be nerfed? And only waste 80K? "They get to fight an easier boss just because they complained it's too hard? And what of the challenge? If I beat it with X levels and X recources, why can't they?"


Other than that, I've had more than little experience with RuneScape quests and the one thing I learned about boss fights is that 90% of them could be beaten with minimum effort & with the same strategy. The other 10% (excluding Nomad) would only need slight adjustments. I think Nomad has brought something new to the game. Puzzles are not the only thinker quests have anymore.

New? Like more luck than your typical quest boss?


And no, it's not crap. maybe it's different on here, but certainly on the RSOF it's clearly all about feeling superior to people.


And if you payed millions to complete it in the first week that would be your issue, not anyone elses. Kinda like how people used to buy brand new items for millions before they settled down.

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Well I just completed it and I haven't got any combat stats above 85. I used range, I'm level 80 and didn't pot because i used brews.

It took a quite a few tries, had him ridiculously close with rocktails but bailed for brews and restores.

13 restores, rest brews and turtle full of brews worked for me.


Just thought that I'd put it out there that you don't have to spend millions on supplies at all, just go for it and enjoy it for what it is.

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