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I recently found this post in the Events section of the RSOF posted by Mod Lorenzo (Quick find code: 42-43-685-60637059)


Help! Help!! *catches breath* Hello? Hello?!? *looks around at forums* Oh thank, Guthix! I feared I'd be too late. I'm not sure how many of you have found clues and puzzle pieces around the forums, but I just found this letter in my inventory. Maybe with your help, this grave disaster can be stopped...


"Tick tick tick.


So long have the Jmods enjoyed their reign of power of this world, so long have they ruled us all. Yet, their time is ticking. Their time is running out...


I won't act *too* much before giving YOU a chance to stop me, however. I'm a fan of puzzles, so those of you familiar with the Cryptic ClueFest may be familiar with what will soon lie before you, except instead of Jmods, Player and Forum Mods have created an intricate web of puzzles protecting my identity. Find me and stop the carnage. Fail and Jmods will meet their demise...


What will you choose? You have until April 10th to decide your action.


Tick tick tick."


What do you think these hints are? It seems weird to me to put this post in the Events forum if its anything big though


Doing random stuff on runescape. Always happy to have a random conversation, just pm me.

It looks like a puke covered dragon face that is screaming
Thanks Unoalexi for my awesome avatar!
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Wow, interesting.,,? And so confusing xD guess it will reveal itself in due time...

"There are only two strategies in war. Move forward or change. The victor is the first to realise that when he cannot move forward he must change."


~ Mod Mark H ~



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Kind of a stretch, but could this be the third event in the Strange Power series?

Strange Power -> Wilderness castle release -> this thing


Ever wanted to find street prices of RS items? Check out the SPOLI Index


Nex Drops: Pernix Cowl, Pernix Chaps, Torva Helm, Torva Platebody, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Mask, Torva Legs, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Body, Torva Platelegs, Torva Platelegs, Virtus Robe Top

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Kind of a stretch, but could this be the third event in the Strange Power series?

Strange Power -> Wilderness castle release -> this thing


It says in the post that it was created by Pmods and Fmods so it's unlikely :P


"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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I'm guessing another cryptic clue fest but maybe this time all the clues are randomly around the forums.


Lets just hope people don't crash the forums this time.

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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Do the mods expect us to start trolling the RSOF on a daily basis for clues? Sorry, but I'd rather spend that time playing Runescape and just wait for someone else to post a summary later.

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^ I don't have time for these community events. The RSOF are pretty much horrible to look through and this doesn't really appeal to my casual gaming approach to RS.


Then don't. It's still fun to read through what's happening. Like a...spontaneous fiction story that evolves every day.


Oh and I might as well point this out now to speculators: This event will likely not culminate in an item or update, since April 10th is a Saturday, assuming this even is an actual Jagex event.




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^ I don't have time for these community events. The RSOF are pretty much horrible to look through and this doesn't really appeal to my casual gaming approach to RS.

I agree as a casual long time player of runescape things like this dont really engage me , although if there is some item or something ill follow a guide to get the item but otherwise i never get involved in this type of game play.
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^ I don't have time for these community events. The RSOF are pretty much horrible to look through and this doesn't really appeal to my casual gaming approach to RS.


Then don't. It's still fun to read through what's happening. Like a...spontaneous fiction story that evolves every day.


Oh and I might as well point this out now to speculators: This event will likely not culminate in an item or update, since April 10th is a Saturday, assuming this even is an actual Jagex event.


Thankyou for that brilliant observation. I've never thought of not doing something before if I didn't like it.. Really I didn't! :rolleyes:


I'm not expecting any great item to come from this (look a the first cryptic clue hunt). The reward will be probably be the satisfaction of doing the clues yourself (unless you use a guide or get help of course). Events like this shouldn't give out items as rewards. There are probably many thousands of people who play RS and don't use the forums regularly who would miss out on them.

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Then why would it matter if another item was handed out or not? You joke about the magnifying glass being junk. Then why care at all? They can hand out all the items they want as long as they remain beneath your standards of a reward and no harm is done!


Frankly I don't see the big issue at all about this event if it's being handled by a different team (community events) than the one responsible for actual updates (content team). If this event never happened, then things would be exactly the same except without that event!


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I think it's a great step in the right direction for pmods. We aren't meant to be big scary muting monsters, we are supposed to be helping support the community and deal with any of the people who might disturb, or endanger, the safety of the other players along the way. It is an idea made entirely by the pmod and fmod community and Jagex was right there to back us up on the event, so props to the jmods too!


It's also a nice way to get the newer players more comfortable around, and notice more, the growing pmod community as we gather in droves to help with the event.

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Apparently, I was just browsing (looking for TET events :smile:) and this caught my eye. We now know the date, and time. :blink:

Barrows Items: 1x Dharok's Platelegs, 1x Veracs's Plateskirt, 1x Dharok's Greataxe, 2x Torag's Platelegs, 1x Akrisae's War Mace, 1x Ahrim's Robeskirt, 3x Akrisae's Robetop, 1x Guthan's Warspear, 1x Akrisae's Robeskirt, 1x Torag's Helm, 2x Verac's Brassard, 1x Karil's Pistol Crossbow


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