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Things that annoy the HELL out of you.

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people who constantly need to inform you that they're drunk/high/whatever. do whatever you want as long as it's not hurting anyone else, but you don't need to inform everyone how wasted you got last night. no one cares.

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Telling people how drunk you get is only acceptable in the form of an epic story. However, becuase you were so awesomely drunk, the story will either have to be told by someone who was a (moderately) sober bystander, or must be about the aftermath.


As an example (with much of the funny removed because I can't tell a story worth jack)...


The guy who went back to the girls house after a one night stand, and got caught by one of her roommates while sneaking into her room through the window. He was getting his wallet back.

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It annoys me when the answers in the back of the textbook are wrong. When I spend an hour trying to figure out where I went wrong and it turns out I had done nothing wrong...

It really rustles my Jimmies.

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Arrogant people who think they are knowledgable about something, but really aren't, and end up causing problems for you. In the end you end up having to explain every little thing to them, and as the arrogant pricks they are, are not grateful whatesover.

2480+ total

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Arrogant people who think they are knowledgable about something, but really aren't, and end up causing problems for you. In the end you end up having to explain every little thing to them, and as the arrogant pricks they are, are not grateful whatesover.

They actually listen to you? Whenever I try this I get yelled at.

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Arrogant people who think they are knowledgable about something, but really aren't, and end up causing problems for you. In the end you end up having to explain every little thing to them, and as the arrogant pricks they are, are not grateful whatesover.

They actually listen to you? Whenever I try this I get yelled at.

It was for school work, so she had no choice but to listen. In any other situation I wouldn't have bothered explaining. Basically, she sucks so bad at computers she can't even use email.

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The comments on today's article about Curiosity proving that there was water on Mars. The attitude that anything less than a bunch of greys poking at the rover with a stick is a complete waste of money. Also, this shouldn't surprise me by now, but all of the commenters that, somehow, found a way to insult the opposite political party with this information.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I thought we already knew that there was water on Mars because of all the ice.


Unless this thing is about how they found evidence that there was liquid water at one point, in which case :thumbup:

Even better, a flowing stream of liquid water.

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Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Youtube has gone to shit. First they annoy us with ads at the bottom of videos. Then they put ads at the beginning of videos. Now I'm trying to load a 20 minute video and they're like "yu want 7 minute ad or ads 3 times?". None, piss off youtube. This is what happens when people get too reilant on a single website, they know they can get away with putting a ton of ads and people will use it anyway. Because even if you wanted to switch website, you just wouldn't find the videos you want elsewhere. I wish the internet would find a new "cool" video host to use, and just mass exodus away.

2480+ total

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Youtube has gone to shit. First they annoy us with ads at the bottom of videos. Then they put ads at the beginning of videos. Now I'm trying to load a 20 minute video and they're like "yu want 7 minute ad or ads 3 times?". None, piss off youtube. This is what happens when people get too reilant on a single website, they know they can get away with putting a ton of ads and people will use it anyway. Because even if you wanted to switch website, you just wouldn't find the videos you want elsewhere. I wish the internet would find a new "cool" video host to use, and just mass exodus away.



Set it to only block ads on Youtube if necessary.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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I didn't know ad block worked on youtube vids. Guess that's why I haven't seen one on my pc in forever.


Being back at school I am running into all kinds of people who don't know how to walk/use a sidewalk.


New variations I have discovered include people who are afraid that prolonged close proximity will cause them to get stuck in each others gravitational pull, and so they spread apart whenever there would be enough room to get around them without pretty much walking on the road.


The worst though are groups of 3 that expand specifically to block you, and then make less than no effort to not walk into you. You make a move to pass them on either side, and suddenly the people on the sides just move away from the person in the centre and the one on the side your on will match you pace for pace until their either walk into you (this has actually happened), or you essentially lunge into a nearby bush until they walk by. I have never encountered people who actively expand to block you who can also see you coming (normally people only do it when your behind them).

EDIT: Reading cracked has informed me that this is some sort of stealth version of the '94 knicks form of walking (a group who knows their about to run into you and like it). Stealth becuase I don't know I have encountered this type of person until the group starts expanding to block my progress.


And of course the ever classic stopping to talk to someone who is standing/sitting beside the sidewalk. Alright, you don't want to stand on their lap, I get that, but the line between you and the person your talking to actually doesn't need to be perpendicular to the direction of local travel. You actually can stand off to the side of where everyone is walking while still being a few feet from whoever your talking to.


EDIT2: Apparently I am a Dominique Wilkins (someone who weaves through an intense crown but no foresight).

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Saying stupid things online, and then going back to read them.

I'm guessing you read some of your earlier posts?


Looking at those and other things I did in the past makes me want to shoot myself sometimes. Luckily, such things aren't publicly well-known.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Saying stupid things online, and then going back to read them.

I'm guessing you read some of your earlier posts?


Looking at those and other things I did in the past makes me want to shoot myself sometimes. Luckily, such things aren't publicly well-known.

Even worse - I posted on Facebook.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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I didn't know ad block worked on youtube vids. Guess that's why I haven't seen one on my pc in forever.


Being back at school I am running into all kinds of people who don't know how to walk/use a sidewalk.


New variations I have discovered include people who are afraid that prolonged close proximity will cause them to get stuck in each others gravitational pull, and so they spread apart whenever there would be enough room to get around them without pretty much walking on the road.


The worst though are groups of 3 that expand specifically to block you, and then make less than no effort to not walk into you. You make a move to pass them on either side, and suddenly the people on the sides just move away from the person in the centre and the one on the side your on will match you pace for pace until their either walk into you (this has actually happened), or you essentially lunge into a nearby bush until they walk by. I have never encountered people who actively expand to block you who can also see you coming (normally people only do it when your behind them).

EDIT: Reading cracked has informed me that this is some sort of stealth version of the '94 knicks form of walking (a group who knows their about to run into you and like it). Stealth becuase I don't know I have encountered this type of person until the group starts expanding to block my progress.


And of course the ever classic stopping to talk to someone who is standing/sitting beside the sidewalk. Alright, you don't want to stand on their lap, I get that, but the line between you and the person your talking to actually doesn't need to be perpendicular to the direction of local travel. You actually can stand off to the side of where everyone is walking while still being a few feet from whoever your talking to.


EDIT2: Apparently I am a Dominique Wilkins (someone who weaves through an intense crown but no foresight).


It seems like the new class of grade 10s at my school are finally starting to understand the basic concept of walking up and down staircases. Now it only takes about a minute to get down two flights of stairs instead of two three minutes. Groups of grade 10 girls are still the worst though. Apparently walking in lines of 4 on the wrong side of the hallway at .1 m/s, while giving dirty stares to anyone who dares pass them is fun to them.


Youtube has gone to shit. First they annoy us with ads at the bottom of videos. Then they put ads at the beginning of videos. Now I'm trying to load a 20 minute video and they're like "yu want 7 minute ad or ads 3 times?". None, piss off youtube. This is what happens when people get too reilant on a single website, they know they can get away with putting a ton of ads and people will use it anyway. Because even if you wanted to switch website, you just wouldn't find the videos you want elsewhere. I wish the internet would find a new "cool" video host to use, and just mass exodus away.


Wat even is adblock plus?

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Another fun one. People who don't understand that in a class setting, the back two to 4 rows (depending on room size) are reserved for people who will explode if they go 5 minutes without carrying on a conversation, and that the front 2 to 4 rows (again, depending on room size) are for people who only open their mouths to ask a question. Most seem to get the concept that the more you need to talk, the further back you sit, but it only takes a couple to ruin the system for like 15 other people (this would be a class of 200).


I also find it telling that almost all questions either come from rows 1 and 2, or from the back third of the room (where all the talkers are). The front makes sense. The people who like to ask a lot of questions normally sit right at the front, it gives a clear line of communication, and you don't have to see everyone glaring at you for asking endless questions. The back third also makes sense because that's where you get people who look up during a lull in their conversation and realize they don't have a flying fart of a clue what is going on.

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Bicyclists and long boarders - You are not pedestrians. Walk your bike, pick up your long board, or get the hell off the sidewalks.

Follow the freaking traffic signals. A stop sign does not mean swerve into pedestrians and ride in the crosswalk. A one way road is a one way road.


I'm tired of almost being run over by bicyclists. I think I'm going to start throwing elbows as they pass me.

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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To be fair, if you aren't going 35 mph, you don't want to be on the street either. I agree that if you're on a super busy sidewalk, you should walk, but if there's just a few pedestrians, the sidewalk is 200 percent safer.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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It would be suicidal to be biking on the road in our capital... We do have some sort of bicycle lanes, but drivers don't respect them. Specially bus drivers. I once tried riding along one and actually got hit with a bus mirror. No freaking way I am staying off the sidewalk ever since.

Though luckily our sidewalks aren't packed either. And I am a very responsible bicyclist, if I see a pedestrian coming up, I slow down and if I have to, slow down to their speed or get off the bike if it gets tight.


But one thing I really don't like is the fact how youth in my country have changed absolutely to worse in the last decade. The difference is so radical, that there is no possible explanation of it. Absolutely no basic politeness. 7th-graders basically spit in the face to sophomores in high school. I have to stay and guard the school cafe door for not allowing primary school students in before their allocated time. Every other day someone tries to push through with pure force. And I am a 6'7 dude with quite a sturdy frame, and they still try. Needless to say, I grab them by their shirts and drag them back out, but still.



Other thing is that I am so tall and small children quite often just walk/run into my legs. It happens so often, that it freaks me out completely. And every time when I try backing down at a mall or something I step or bump into a child, at least it seems to me like that. And I can't see them creepy buggers either, cause they are so small :D



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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There was a time when the young feared the less young. I'm not sure why that changed, but it seems to be something my generation did wrong. When I was little, you didn't mess with the big kids. Maybe we we're too nice, maybe we just payed too much attention, or maybe the newer generations are just bolder. On the other hand, I wouldn't consider being bolder to be an all bad thing. It goes over better when you can be bold without being rude.


And my BF has the same problem as you SaqPrets, though he's only a bit over 6 (kids who are too short for him to see properly without looking down).

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There was a time when the young feared the less young. I'm not sure why that changed, but it seems to be something my generation did wrong. When I was little, you didn't mess with the big kids. Maybe we we're too nice, maybe we just payed too much attention, or maybe the newer generations are just bolder. On the other hand, I wouldn't consider being bolder to be an all bad thing. It goes over better when you can be bold without being rude.

I think part of it is that you personally were afraid of the big kids when you were young, and most of the kids around you were to, so anyone who wasn't was an outlier you don't remember. But now that you are a big kid, the quiet kids who are afraid of the big kids aren't nearly as noticeable, because they're quiet and scared, so it feels to you that all young kids are rude and annoying.


Or at least that's the way I've interpreted it.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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