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04-Jun-2010 - Behind the Scenes � June


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What they should do, as someone suggested on another thread, plan their updates so the whole thing is complete, with mainly only minor bug fixes before the month starts. That is most likely easier said than done, but... Might as well give it a try?


I'm hoping this is why they've brought back the BTS, actually. It's been said before, but I know myself and many others would be perfectly happy to endure a "no-update month" in order for Jagex to work ahead and release completed updates each week (regularly). Perhaps they've done so here, and are willing to announce each month's updates in a BTS because of it?



I'm willing to do that as well (wait a month) however, I imagine Jagex will have an lolvacation month, and we will be stuck with stupid updates being delayed afterwards.


Also, many people base buying mems for the month based on the updates, so I'm sure Jagex took that into account.

Well have i got a surprise for you ;)


It's already like that, this week mod ash confirmed that his quest love story is ready to be released but it's been put back in the release line because of too many quests. He also said Mod Nexus has the room to rearrange the release of updates for any reason which also implies that multiple updates are ready at any given time.


(and yeah this also means that they *could* do 4 update months, i just think they can't handle the amount of bugs anymore.)

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Could also mean they wish to keep an update in their pocket just in case something does get delayed and they have something they can put in instead.

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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I'm not sure what it means by a waypoint marker - can anyone care to explain?


If you are trying to get somewhere and you don't know how to, you place a waypoint marker on the game map and there will be an arrow guiding you to your destination. Kinda like GPS/Sat Nav. ;)


Wasnt sure what that did either, but it seems really handy. Especially for my little brother as he has no clue where anything is. :P


I sense alot of phoenix right references in our near future.




Just be happy that courtroom cases weren't remade into a 'Law' skill. \:D/


For some reason, I think law runes will be a reward.

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Hmm... Am I the only one who actually preferred not having the BTS' anymore? Guess I'm in quite a small minority there.


Seems a bit of a lackluster month too - mind you I've grown very accustomed to that over the past few years.



To hell with humanity;

The more I see, the less I believe.

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Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111


:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: Eagerly awaiting the Void Knight quest. Effigies sound interesting, but we'll see.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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In b4 level 91-97 high level req rage (because it seems to be referring to combat level lmao.)


Court cases are interesting and I hope this extends rewards of void stuff. Or makes getting points faster ;-; don't wanna get my void back... still...


91-97 requirement appears to be the SKILL requirements, ie you'll get a "drop" that requires 94 smithing to restore or whatever. I imagine by high combat they mean higher level monsters, unless it's dropped based on combat level but that makes little/no sense.

I really hope it's skill requirements, althoguh I'm not a skiller 91-97 combat is a joke.


Sad that batch 2 of dungeoneering doesn't come this month :(

If anyone listened to the content team interview, dungeoneering batch 2 might not come this year, but is projected to be released late november or decmber.


Nice to see bts, nothing great coming this month though.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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When they say high-level combat, I hope they don't mean boss monsters =/

Other than that, it sounds exciting, of course unless they really do mean level 91-97 combat


I'm disappointed there's still no elite diary update though

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Lol, brining back the BTS is clearly the best update so far this year :D


they could take away the highscores, and re-release them to thunderous applause too it seems. I'm glad we're forgiving, at least sometimes :D

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[garden tool plus a hum]. Nothing interesting for me here. Enjoy your month of updates guys. :)


And please let this be the end of "OMG SAILING"... :P

Edited by Mirrorforced
Didn't know I couldn't say that phrase haha

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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Lol, brining back the BTS is clearly the best update so far this year :D


they could take away the highscores, and re-release them to thunderous applause too it seems. I'm glad we're forgiving, at least sometimes :D


Didn't Coke-Cola do something like that.....?

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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Lol, brining back the BTS is clearly the best update so far this year :D


they could take away the highscores, and re-release them to thunderous applause too it seems. I'm glad we're forgiving, at least sometimes :D


Didn't Coke-Cola do something like that.....?


i know they took away / rereleased fanta lemon / fanta mandarin / fanta grape here. Removed one, put it back, removed one, put it back, removed the third, put it back within 3 years. That might just be CocaCola Norway though... who knows?

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A new BTS! Let's go on the Announcements forum and see what Albosky, Kiara Kat and misterxman think about it.






[garden tool plus a hum]. Nothing interesting for me here. Enjoy your month of updates guys. :)


And please let this be the end of "OMG SAILING"... :P

1. "making it easier to get hunter supplies from the penguin areas"

2. Penguins are close to water

3. Aleck's hunter shop is close to water

4. OMG SWIMMING (or possibly a skill based around archaic water scooters :-k)

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i know it has already been posted many times but i feel i must express my excitement




Forgive me spam Haters




That is all




Clicky siggy for blog

Thanks Pendonub for fancy new sig

Thieving guide[WIP]

Loyal player since May 2005 and member since November 2005 and Tifer for many years


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Hang on, wasn't there supposed to be a new activity along with the release of the new Void Knight quest? Seems to be briefly mentioned and I don't know if it's being released this month. But either, the quest series should offer some interesting rewards.

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Love the fact that the BTS is back, gives a nice start to the beginning of my months again. (even if the updates arent that great)


Good job Jagex


Owner of a Quest cape since 9/11/08


It's not about the other people, its about shooting cute furry things that explode.
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Hang on, wasn't there supposed to be a new activity along with the release of the new Void Knight quest? Seems to be briefly mentioned and I don't know if it's being released this month. But either, the quest series should offer some interesting rewards.


Think so, but only the first part of the 3 quests is scheduled for this month. Still 2 more quests to go.

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Lol, brining back the BTS is clearly the best update so far this year :D


they could take away the highscores, and re-release them to thunderous applause too it seems. I'm glad we're forgiving, at least sometimes :D


Didn't Coke-Cola do something like that.....?


i know they took away / rereleased fanta lemon / fanta mandarin / fanta grape here. Removed one, put it back, removed one, put it back, removed the third, put it back within 3 years. That might just be CocaCola Norway though... who knows?



What coca cola did, was that they changed their recipe for their cola, thinking it would be a huge blast, and the last thing they needed to beat pepsi cola. The only problem was that the recipe sucked, and coca-cola lost sales to Pepsi more than ever before. After some time with this new recipe coca-cola decided to bring back their old recipe. But instead of just selling coca-cola, it was now called "coca-cola classic" This boosted the sales way more than they used to be before they even tried messing up with the recipes. Humans are weird like that.


Anyway, about the BTS, I don't know if I like this more or less than not having the BTS. It was very well known, and knowing (partially) what update you're going to get is helpful I guess. But I actually like the surprises, maybe because I wouldn't think about what update I would have, and speculate about that before I actually got and tried my content.


This is why I didn't like BTS a few years back. People would be so hyped up about an update, and always imagine how great it would be, and tons of people, thinking out the update that would fit them perfectly, would be disappointed after receiving the update, and not being up to their own standards or expectations.

And God forbid that Jagex tries to postpone an update now. They would be flamed to death. Anyone remember when they actually gave up on "wilderness tag" (the idea is what today is those vardes you lit to get an adze though. Anyway, the complaints were horrible.


But a planned no-update week will probably not be as heavily flamed, or disliked as before though, as we'll know on beforehand what we're going to get, that's a good thing, I guess.


And finally, I honestly this won't make a big difference on the forums, in how many people will support the update, or flame it to death. The people that usually sees the negative sides will continue to do so, and the overly positive persons will probably continue to be just that. The persons this will make a difference for, would rather be the average runescaper, that don't have so strong opinions about every single update, that they need to flame it, or praise Jagex for making such an update, he'll just get the impression he gets, and hopefully, that will be better now.

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You'll notice they can throw in a no-update week somewhere this month as there are 3 headline updates + a preview of the in other news area.


If this is like the old BTS though, court cases are coming next week.

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Finally. This is the way Runescape Updates should be revealed.


Can't wait for the updates to come out, getting my membership in 2 weeks time :thumbsup:

Barrows Items: 1x Dharok's Platelegs, 1x Veracs's Plateskirt, 1x Dharok's Greataxe, 2x Torag's Platelegs, 1x Akrisae's War Mace, 1x Ahrim's Robeskirt, 3x Akrisae's Robetop, 1x Guthan's Warspear, 1x Akrisae's Robeskirt, 1x Torag's Helm, 2x Verac's Brassard, 1x Karil's Pistol Crossbow


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However '(level 91-97)' is debatable as to what they meant. To me it reads combat level but it may just be worded poorly. Kinda makes more sense if they meant skill level, not getting my hopes up until its worded better/released.


It's a bit late, and probably old news by now, but anyway...


I can see how you, and others, have interpreted it, and I know that it's been solved by the main page. However, the way I saw it was that ancient effergies are available through combat, similar to clue scrolls, of high combat-level monsters (to which Jagex gave no definition [could be 50+ or 200+]). After this several (or maybe one) skills in the 90's are needed to get the EXP reward after restoration.


Otherwise, with the Castlewars update planned for this BTS and being braught forward, I think it's somewhat safe to assume the scedule of 4 update week months again :smile:.

To be honest, I personally believe that the period where there was no BTS was an excuse to have no-update weeks to work on future content so that it would be possible to have several updates ready to impliment at any time, and if one has to be postponed then they can just whip out another in it's place.

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