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Game Update Delay


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Posted by: Mod Emilee (Quick find code: 16-17-216-61384753)


Game Update Delay - No Game Update This Week





Hi all,


You may be expecting the last element of Julys Behind the Scenes, but we have had to delay this to the beginning of next week as we were also aiming to release a significant update to our graphics engine. If youre interested in the details of what were doing, the last paragraph tries to describe it in a little detail.


Unfortunately, while we were doing our normal compatibility checks for the release on Friday and Monday, we discovered that we had degraded the performance of the Software graphics mode significantly on some older processors. Because of this, we cannot launch the engine update as planned and, as such, we cannot launch the content update this week, since they are tied together by various graphical and scripting assets. Normally, we would spot a problem like this during our development processes, but, because our engine development PCs run relatively recent processors (the game server and associated systems requires a fair bit of performance to run!), we didnt encounter it until this point in the testing process.


Were working as fast as possible to identify the cause of the slowdown on the older processors, and hope to have the performance back to an acceptable level, so that we can release the planned game update as soon as possible. However, if we find this is not possible, we may need to rollback the game engine to a previous state and then rework the planned content a little so were able to launch it. Both of these options require a bit of time and well keep you posted with any news when we have it. Hopefully this will mean that the last content update for July should only slip into the first week of August this means that barring any other problems coming up, we will lose our week off at the end of August. More details on the coming month will be in the next Behind the Scenes out over the coming week.


Some background on what were trying to do with this update from the game engine developer working on it:


When were rendering our 3D scene, historically we have sorted all of our world entities (such as players, walls, particle effects etc) into view depth order. We then render them in this order, from furthest away to closest, giving the view you would expect, where nearer things appear over far things. Whilst this has the advantage of being quite fast, its also somewhat inflexible, and leads to various graphical glitches that youre probably familiar with if you play in the Safe mode or Software graphics modes, whereby things appear to draw on top of - or through - each other when they shouldnt (player capes are an excellent example of this). With this update, weve moved to using an industry-standard technique called Z-buffering, which allows us to be a lot more flexible with our 3D rendering in the future. As an example, it allows us to have player kit or animations which extend outside of the square on which your character is standing. It also allows for more complex models and a number of other improvements which weve been wanting to do for a while.


~ Mod Chris E


Thoughts and feelings?


Well, I guess it's not this week. Personally, I wanted it next week so it'd occur during my days off from work.




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


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I'll just post what I posted on the other thread. :P


I'm looking forward to the engine update, it means they can make emotes that range over more then 1 square, or for example make equip-able items that can go over more then 1 floor square. (E.G Wings that take up 2+ floor squares behind you.)

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To be honest since i have a decentish computer I would prefer to just get the update lol since it sounds like the bug is only for older computers.

Overall i am a bit dissapointed since i was really looking foward to this update, but in the end it just means we have to wait an extra week so nothing too major.

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The Runescape Community never ceases to amaze me, it's not like JagEx just decided they'd never update anymore. I'd rather wait a week or more and have Runescape actually work, rather than them release it and there be heaps of problems.

Most of the people complaining probably wont even be able to get these elite clues anyway :lol:


"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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The Runescape Community never ceases to amaze me, it's not like JagEx just decided they'd never update anymore. I'd rather wait a week or more and have Runescape actually work, rather than them release it and there be heaps of problems.

Most of the people complaining probably wont even be able to get these elite clues anyway :lol:

If i pay for something and am promised(essentially what the bts is) an update, can i not express my disappointment/anger? There are genuine reasons for this. If people, or even companies fail to deliver, being criticized for it is the lest they deserve to be. Some people paid only for this month, and essentially, didn't get the product that they though they would- in most countries, false advertising for products is punishable. They don't have to release a bts, but if they do, then atleast be sure they can deliver.


For your information(and you are uninformed) the update to be released wasn't only about elite clues, and anyone who has ever done a clue scroll is affected by this.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

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The Runescape Community never ceases to amaze me, it's not like JagEx just decided they'd never update anymore. I'd rather wait a week or more and have Runescape actually work, rather than them release it and there be heaps of problems.

Most of the people complaining probably wont even be able to get these elite clues anyway :lol:

If i pay for something and am promised(essentially what the bts is) an update, can i not express my disappointment/anger? There are genuine reasons for this. If people, or even companies fail to deliver, being criticized for it is the lest they deserve to be. Some people paid only for this month, and essentially, didn't get the product that they though they would- in most countries, false advertising for products is punishable. They don't have to release a bts, but if they do, then atleast be sure they can deliver.


For your information(and you are uninformed) the update to be released wasn't only about elite clues, and anyone who has ever done a clue scroll is affected by this.


In parts of my convo with Mod Paul that I didn't screenie he was telling me that BTS isn't somthing that should be considered set in stone, yet an optimistic out look and what jagex hopes to accomplish in the following month

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People think Jagex are machines, They're humans just like us which make errors and mistakes.


Chill and just play the darn game people.

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<<<Quote Mega-Snip>>>


BTS isn't somthing that should be considered set in stone, yet an optimistic out look and what jagex hopes to accomplish in the following month

This ^


And BTW, given my track record with 'Mod Chris E', we can expect something that will be beyond seriously broken for all older Java users. He still hasn't cleaned up for old video cards (and old directx/opengl levels) and how it will interact with File I/O. Really, do they lack the ability to realize that not everyone can upgrade Java for any one of many reasons, and is therefore stuck using the older Java level?!?!? :angry:



One more thing:

People think Jagex are machines, They're humans just like us which make errors and mistakes.


Chill and just play the darn game people.

Well said, Miokie... :thumbsup:



~D. V. "We're gonna regret a graphics update, count on it." Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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Relative to the lack of update: :sad: Wanted to see some cool new treasure trail stuff. Oh well, I hope the new graphics engine is worth it.

Relative to the ranting RSOFers: A major graphics engine update doesn't come every week, and I can understand how they're having issues with it. Obviously, the RSOFers can't. They are rather amusing, though...

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In parts of my convo with Mod Paul that I didn't screenie he was telling me that BTS isn't somthing that should be considered set in stone, yet an optimistic out look and what jagex hopes to accomplish in the following month

Well then, they should just add that text to every BTS they release. Had they done that, i wouldn't have had any problem with the current situation, but as they didn't, complaining about getting treated the way they are treated now is something they brought on themselves. As for being human, if you promise something and can't get it done in 30 days, you really suck. Making promises you can't keep is human, but indecent.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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I agree with Xpx even though it doesn't affect my paying behavior. I've been paying my monthly fee for 6 years and nothing so far has made me change my mind.


I'm just gonna play this update when it is release, I see nothing to be gained by letting my blood boil unless someone prooves it's healthy...



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Jagex has a problem that delays an update, then people whine and [bleep] about it like spoiled little girls. You guys are acting like this is something new.


Though now I'm interested in this graphical update. Looks really interesting.

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I am still waiting for their reason for returning the bts lol.


That seems more of a problem with me, (being no reason to counteract their reasoning for removing it to begin with when returning it... mmkay.) than when they dont release their updates they probably surprised by the reaction of their customers when they practically state it as a fact something will be released this month.


As for this weeks update I actually thought there wasnt any update and cant remember what bts said anyway as that was nearly a month ago. =p


Jagex are so funny with how they run their company.

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I hope that Jagex won't cancel BTS again. I don't mind this update delay. I'd rather have a good update without bugs.

An optimist will tell you the glass is half-full; the pessimist, half-empty; and the engineer will tell you the glass is twice the size it needs to be.

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Blargh, another week of holding this half-completed clue scroll in my bank.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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What do you get for buying RS Membership:


  • Over 100 extra quests
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It says REGULAR content Updates, not weekly. Get over it. <_<


The TT update is ready, the game engine update isnt. God forbid they add something that isnt in the BTS.


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Wow, graphics engine update? First mention of that. Wonder where it came from. Oh, right, last-minute excuses jar... :mellow:

Angry? No, not really.

Annoyed? Hell yes.

I am still on Summer break and can wake up whenever I feel like it. Typically I don't get up before 10, but the past three days I've gotten up at 7 hoping to snipe somethin neat. I really had nothing else planned - nothing else to look forward to this week.

Next week is a bit cramped...


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I'm just glad they spend atleast 5 minutes saying there isn't an update and take the rage atm instead of letting people be anxious all week to be disappointed like before

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The Runescape Community never ceases to amaze me, it's not like JagEx just decided they'd never update anymore. I'd rather wait a week or more and have Runescape actually work, rather than them release it and there be heaps of problems.

Most of the people complaining probably wont even be able to get these elite clues anyway :lol:

If i pay for something and am promised(essentially what the bts is) an update, can i not express my disappointment/anger? There are genuine reasons for this. If people, or even companies fail to deliver, being criticized for it is the lest they deserve to be. Some people paid only for this month, and essentially, didn't get the product that they though they would- in most countries, false advertising for products is punishable. They don't have to release a bts, but if they do, then atleast be sure they can deliver.


For your information(and you are uninformed) the update to be released wasn't only about elite clues, and anyone who has ever done a clue scroll is affected by this.


In parts of my convo with Mod Paul that I didn't screenie he was telling me that BTS isn't somthing that should be considered set in stone, yet an optimistic out look and what jagex hopes to accomplish in the following month

Well then, they should just add that text to every BTS they release. Had they done that, i wouldn't have had any problem with the current situation, but as they didn't, complaining about getting treated the way they are treated now is something they brought on themselves. As for being human, if you promise something and can't get it done in 30 days, you really suck. Making promises you can't keep is human, but indecent.


See, see, this is EXACTLY what caused Jagex to get RID of the bts in the first place... And anyone who's been playing RS for a long enough time should realize this.


I am still waiting for their reason for returning the bts lol.


That seems more of a problem with me, (being no reason to counteract their reasoning for removing it to begin with when returning it... mmkay.) than when they dont release their updates they probably surprised by the reaction of their customers when they practically state it as a fact something will be released this month.


As for this weeks update I actually thought there wasnt any update and cant remember what bts said anyway as that was nearly a month ago. =p


Jagex are so funny with how they run their company.


Doubt they're surprised.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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