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Yeah my friend was talking about sulfur. Sort of ignored him since I had spiders on my ass at the time. But yeah, sulfur+charcoal+something else will work good I think, even if it requires all 9 slots on the crafting table I would like it.


So how exactly does the light-monster spawn work? I'm in a cliff-island sort of map and would like to avoid the creepers jumping off the hills/cliffs and destroying my greenhouses.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Attempting to build a sky welavator. It works, but goes flying off backwards every time. Was it two squares or 1 between the waterfall and the water that returns the boat to the waterfall it was meant to be?

Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

-Random Youtuber

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Minecraft is getting laggier and laggier for some odd reason -.- it's really starting to piss me off, since I can't continue building my castle if it's lagging as bad as it is.


Thought it was the texture pack I had in. Switched back to classic, nothing.


Thought it was a new mod I installed (the sign mod from Risugami), so I took that out. Nada.


Completely replaced the jar file and tried a new world with no mods. Still just as laggy.


Going to try a full reinstall of the entire thing (luckily, I have all the files backed up and zipped, so no redownloading). Hoping that'll work. If not, then I doubt I can play Minecraft till I find another solution. It worked just fine on tiny view distance and fast graphics before >.<



... thought I might've had the view distance set to short by accident (I do that sometimes). Nope, it's on tiny like it should be. Gonna try reinstall and looking at the forums for other possible solutions if that fails.

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Attempting to build a sky welavator. It works, but goes flying off backwards every time. Was it two squares or 1 between the waterfall and the water that returns the boat to the waterfall it was meant to be?

is exactly what I replicated for mine. Make sure you make it as a 4x4 shaft. with the waterfall running down one of the edges so there are 3 blocks between the waterfall and the wall.

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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Reinstall seems to have fixed the lag, oddly.


Working under the assumption that, since I just updated BiomeMod from an old version to the newest one, that perhaps I might've missed a file from deleting the old files or something, and opening Minecraft corrupted a different file, or screwed it up otherwise. Anyway, it seems to be working for the moment, now I'll try putting the mods back in and see what happens.



EDIT: Back to working on the castle. I had just obtained my snow I wanted to make a freezer with when this lag started. Got back to the castle, and started blowing up stuff in the basement to clear it out, and... I find a dungeon o.o directly under my house. No clue what it spawns yet (peaceful mode), but I decided to keep it. But... I destroyed it without thinking about turning it into a mob trap >.< so, being the smartass I am, I decide to kill the Minecraft thingy through task manager and come back in. I kept the mob spawner, but... everything I had just carried back from my spawn (plus all the snow I spent a couple hours collecting) disappeared. Fuu-


Anyway, just edited some snowballs, 6 buckets, and 12 blocks of gold back into my invy, which is roughly equivalent to the valuables I lost. Guess that's what I get for bug abusing :P no more of that foolishness.


I'll probably post pics of the place once it's fully finished. Still have a lot left, though.

Edited by LinkOlaran
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Flodder, those are massive o.o considering you made the vids, I'm guessing you made the towers as well? Epic job :) (I did only watch the first vid due to dialup, though)


Oh, and fuu at that stupid task manager kill I did last night. It also ate my diamonds -.- think I had 50 something diamonds, going to edit... 20 back in or something. I can't be sure what exactly I had before, so I'll take a lower amount and just use that to dig back down (which I'll be doing anyway) and get more diamonds.


Pics of the castle will arrive eventually. When it's actually done >_>


EDIT: Apparently it duped my obsidian and flint/steel as well. Interesting. Guess when you shut Minecraft off via task manager, your position and inventory stay, but chests reset. That's what it looks like from this scenario. I also got the rewards from the dungeon duped as well (couple buckets, redstone dust, gunpowder).


*incinerates half of obsidian and one flint/steel*

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<WTC Towers>


Oh my God. That is amazing yet scary at the same time. :ohnoes:


I'll try to refrain from saying any creeper jokes though.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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So, learned a valuable lesson for tnt a while ago.


Don't dig a two block hole, put a tnt block in the bottom block, and immediately activate it while standing on it. Activated tnt doesn't count as a solid block, you fall through it.


Panicked and died >_> I got back in time to get my stuff, though. Took a fairly long walk, but it all was still there. Portal room is just about dug out, just making it look better now (was dirt/stone/cobblestone walls/floor before).

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Don't dig a two block hole, put a tnt block in the bottom block, and immediately activate it while standing on it. Activated tnt doesn't count as a solid block, you fall through it.

:blink: Lesson learned.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Dug a bit deeper into the modding section of the Minecraft forums. Managed to find the BridgeMod and it's successor, ControllerBloc (http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=84500). It needs 303's version of the ModLoader (I have Risugami's version right now), so that's an issue...


ControllerBloc and Floodgate also conflict, so I'll have to go into my castle and remove all my floodgate blocks, then re-edit the jar file to remove the ModLoader I have now, then install 303's version, and check and see if the other mods I have need Risugami's Loader specifically...


Plenty of work, but I really like the sound of bridges longer than two blocks >_> oh, and windmills apparently, according to the vid on the ControllerBloc topic (as well as a number of other applications).

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So yeah, in the process of getting ControllerBloc to work now, and Minecraft suddenly decided to regen a map chunk, and now I don't have an entrance to my castle. It's reverted back to the way that map chunk was when I first got here -.-


I have an (old) save of the castle, but I'll probably lose several hours of work, and that's assuming this save file will work. If not, then I guess I'm pretty much [bleep]ed.


EXTREMELY pissed off right now.


EDIT: Save file worked. Lost most of my basement (pantry, freezer, and secret passage to Nether portal), but the basic shell of the rooms are still there. Gonna take a good hour to redig the portal room out, though. I seem to have lost a vast majority of my sound files somehow, though. Even more unusual is that the sounds are also missing from the zip file of the files I made earlier as well, I think... really odd. Gonna have to set it to redownload after Gimp finishes downloading - I dl'ed the grappling hook mod along with 303's mod loader, and I wanted to take a shot at reskinning it into a LoZ:TP clawshot >_>


Gonna test the ControllerBloc mod for now, though. I got that working, at least.


EDIT 2: Managed to dig up the resources folder that was sitting in my recycle bin. It has all the sounds still in it, I think. Put that folder back into .minecraft and updated my backup zip to reinclude them. Still have no clue how they disappeared, though.






Figured I should put in at least one screenie at some point :P This is the kitchen area. It's fully functional, any guesses as to how I can cook meat? >_> (hint, look at the floor)


Oh, and the thing next to the hookshot (first spot on the hotbar is hookshot, for those who haven't played Zelda games to recognize one)? I dl'ed the grappling hook mod from 303's mod list as well as his Mod Loader last night. When I started playing around with it, it reminded me very much of a clawshot from Twilight Princess. So, taking an hour or so of work, I modified the image files to make the grappling hook a clawshot :P I'm not spectacular at it, but it does look kinda like one to me. (also note I only had 16x16 pixels to work with, so... yeah)


Controls for the grappling hook are fairly simple - jump makes you go towards wherever you're hooked onto, and sneak locks the rope at that length, so you can swing around. Handy for accessing those cliffside veins of ore :P I noted that you mine slower while you're hanging from it, though. Still, better than having to dig your way up to wherever/going around.

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I'd really like to be able to use the controllerbloc mod, but Minecraft does not want to cooperate and gives me a black screen if I try to use ANY mod right now.


Anybody else had this problem, and if so, do you have a fix?

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Hooray, SMP damage will be out next week! :D But wait, there's more...



Transcribed from The Word of Notch, since copy/paste did strange things to it:

Status of SMP Health


The few hours I've been able to work today, I tried getting SMP Health as complete as possible. It will be released early next week.


Here's the status:


* Send attack network data: DONE

* Add the ability to attack other entities: DONE

* Implement falling damage: NOT STARTED

* Implement respawning for dead players: PARTIALLY DONE (there are bugs with the player keeping the current location in some circumstances instead )

* Make eating food regenerate health: DONE

* Send health updates to the players: DONE


The "attack entities" code is done on a general level, so you can hurt animals, monsters, boats, carts and even other players.


There are a couple of other tweaks in the next update as well:


* Fix leaves. Again: DONE

* Optimize the lighting update slowdowns: STARTED

* Make players riding carts or boats a long way receive terrain updates: DONE

* Fix the block re-spawning bug: NOT STARTED

* Add "pvp" toggle flag to the server settings: NOT STARTED


Extremely excited for the future of SMP. I think we're really nearing beta now, if this update doesn't do it.

~ W ~



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Ross, every time I've gotten a black screen, it's because I just installed a fresh minecraft.jar and forgot to remove the META-INF folder in it before loading up the mods and playing. Other than that, try and load your mods one at a time to see if there's a conflict somewhere? I know the ControllerBloc mod conflicts with BridgeMod, and both conflict with Risugami's Floodgate mod. Other than that, I've had no issues.


Actually, there might be something wrong with the Minecraft files to begin with. I've had... something happen to my Minecraft files besides me screwing with the jar file, and it refuses to load after that regardless of what mods are in the jar file. I usually have to delete the version file and force Minecraft to redownload everything (or in my case, I have everything in a backup zip, so I just unzip that to restore it atm). Try loading Minecraft with no mods in the jar (don't load any saves that have mods present in them, that'd crash instantly) and maybe generating a new world. If it operates normally, it's probably a conflict. If you're still getting a black screen upon loading, it's something wrong with the other Minecraft files and you should try redownloading them and then try installing the mods again.


Hope I helped a bit. Most of what I know came from experimentation, so I dunno if it's unique to my game or not >.< worth a shot, though.


EDIT: Quickly read through Notch's tumblr to see what's up, thanks to Will posting. I was more fascinated with the introduction for Jeb moreso than the SMP updates (since I have dialup, I know I won't be using that update :P), but I know just how badly people wanted working health (and therefor mobs, pvp, etc), so I'm quite happy he's fixing it all up.


Wondering if the leaf block fix is universal and fixes single player as well... not that it matters too much to me, I dled a mod that brings the leaf block decay back in (and also has the tree drops mod included, so I can get the leaf block/sapling/stick/apple/golden apple drops as well when they decay/are broken by me).


Regardless, I'm quite interested to see what happens with the update, and if Minecraft is going to enter beta soon. Wondering if Notch will be able to reduce the ram usage of Minecraft any at some point, though (my comp can just barely play at minimal view distance, and it's getting laggier with every update, lol)

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I have tried. The META-INF folder is deleted every time, every mod has been singled out on a fresh install at least 3 times, all combinations of modss have been tested, and I get nothing.


I log in, I see the loading screen flash for a second, and then black. With every single mod.

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