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The return of: ���¢�¢â�š�¬���¢THE NOOB-TIONARY���¢�¢â�š�¬���¢ Now


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Nice, But a nob is actualy lets say the male "fireman" I think you know what I meen...Lol also an insult as in "You nob!" etc etc :D

RuneScape should be playable on the psp. If you agree put this in your sig :D

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[1] Social Theory. The developing theory of Noobism involves sharing the "Nooobiness" of one population equally effectively ensuring that all within are of equal "noobishness" negating the need for different clsses of "Noob". [derived]








I laughed really hard at that ^ :lol:








Small correction though, a better definition of froob: A name used by a player desperately trying to insult the protaganist when he is quite simply out of even bad insults to spit out.











There's cake through here, apparently.
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  • 4 weeks later...





thats funny. good job




OF course that mother is badly crazy,

but I dont understand why the 22 year old girl wants to live with and have sex with the 13 year boy, just because he is lvl 126 or something?

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i REALLY dont see why you guys are complimenting this noob-tionary-noob...




the whol thing is simply stupid, most of the so called 'translations' dont even make sense :wall: :roll:

^^Yeah, and im writing a book about it!^^

Bounty Hunter is nothing more than a lame ass excuse not to say there is no PKing.


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  • 2 months later...

Killerken, this ain't a flame war. It's good.




U Noob- variation on "you noob." Most people on RS think that saying "U" is "kooler" than "you." Just some helpful advice.

You have no idea how powerful words are....until they hit you in the head.

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Haha, very good!




Anyways, does anyone know what "lol unr" means? Been hearing that alot recently.



--==7,452nd to 99 Woodcutting - 22/08/07 ** as a free player.**==--

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Nub: Here the antagonist is proving hes had lower than average inteligence as he cannot even spell his insults correctly. See also, Noob and Choob




Actually, no. N-u-b Pronounced: Newb. I hate it when people say what you did, Nub!!!! (Joking)

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I'm just wondering how long it will be before the person comes up to me and says: "OMG weapon user noob!@!" :-k

Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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that zezima doesn't realy exist...





you must have heard me on my occasional rant....i say that the zezima account exists,m but it is either a macro(set up by Jagex) or just an account made by jagex that they gradually updated until it got 99 everything, and created to become a legend to RS players, and a source of "inspiration".




On Topic: pretty nice, but i feel like sometimes you're using protagonist and antagonist in the wrong spots... mostly protagonist, like when it says the protaonist callss someone something.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Spammer noob


Noun A noob that derives pleasure from spouting huge lines of @s (At signs) =s (Equals signs) ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâäs (don't know) to attract attention, annoy, or, most inevitably, be a noob.


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that zezima doesn't realy exist...





you must have heard me on my occasional rant....i say that the zezima account exists,m but it is either a macro(set up by Jagex) or just an account made by jagex that they gradually updated until it got 99 everything, and created to become a legend to RS players, and a source of "inspiration".




On Topic: pretty nice, but i feel like sometimes you're using protagonist and antagonist in the wrong spots... mostly protagonist, like when it says the protaonist callss someone something.




What about the interview and all of the other players who have gotten all 99's

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