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Dungeonsweepers (DGS) - Huge changes; read first post.


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I'm not saying that if you are doing something else and waiting in cc for floors then you are not dedicated to dung.

I'm saying that if you are standing in the lobby waiting for a team then you obviously are more focused on a dungeoneering goal than anything else in rs.

I operate on a first come first serve basis (unless I don't like you, then I do something awkward like randomly changing what theme I am doing) to in order to facilitate getting a team faster. I make exceptions if I know someone is good, but waiting 2 minutes for someone to finish their task is the same as adding 2 minutes to my dungeon time.

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I'm not talking about waiting for someone to finish something like a task. I can understand that.


But right now, as I'm in the CC, I'm cutting ivy, and I have my ring on me.

If I see a dung advertised, I'll speak up almost instantly if I want to go, and teleport away.


It just pisses me off that when I do this....by the time I get there, the team is full because some lucky people were already camping at Damonhiem, who never said a word in the cc btw. It also pisses me off when the person making the team doesn't inform the CC that their team is full during this as well. It's like you basically just ditched any person who was potentially on their way there.


And the making exceptions for good people completely defeats the purpose of the CC btw.


The first come first serve should go by CC first, especially if the person who answered is already on their way.



^Golvellius must be so proud^


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I'm not saying that if you are doing something else and waiting in cc for floors then you are not dedicated to dung.

I'm saying that if you are standing in the lobby waiting for a team then you obviously are more focused on a dungeoneering goal than anything else in rs.

I operate on a first come first serve basis (unless I don't like you, then I do something awkward like randomly changing what theme I am doing) to in order to facilitate getting a team faster. I make exceptions if I know someone is good, but waiting 2 minutes for someone to finish their task is the same as adding 2 minutes to my dungeon time.


Here's me thinking you were just indecisive.

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the way you guys get teams and go is also why so many people get this image of how the main keyers are only taking certain people.

it's always the same people who are camping demonhiem, so it's always those same people who get on all the teams. I find it completely unfair, and against what the CC is meant to be there for.



^Golvellius must be so proud^


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This doesn't seem like a particularly important issue to me. I pick whoever speaks up first, regardless of where they are when they say something. However, I do agree that keyers should inform the clan chat when their team is full.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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It's just faster to get a team who is already at daemonheim and ready to start asap.


well no [cabbage]....


But since it's almost always the same people who are already there, people who aren't camping the lobby get left out, and it almost ruins the purpose of the CC.



^Golvellius must be so proud^


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It's just faster to get a team who is already at daemonheim and ready to start asap.


well no [cabbage]....


But since it's almost always the same people who are already there, people who aren't camping the lobby get left out, and it almost ruins the purpose of the CC.


How does it compromise the purpose of the clan chat?

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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It's just faster to get a team who is already at daemonheim and ready to start asap.


well no [cabbage]....


But since it's almost always the same people who are already there, people who aren't camping the lobby get left out, and it almost ruins the purpose of the CC.


How does it compromise the purpose of the clan chat?


Because it's always the same people.....

All the other people there in the CC who want to dung rarely get a chance to with the ranked keyers, because the ranked keyers are always taking the same people every time, because it's those same people who are always sitting at Daemonhiem already.



^Golvellius must be so proud^


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I haven't seen that happen. Like I said, I take whoever speaks up first. Doesn't matter where they are at the time. If you're complaining about a specific person, PM me on Skype and we'll talk about it.


EDIT: But again, I don't see how it compromises the purpose of the clan chat. I like the people who camp Daemonheim for floors, as they're the ones who seem to be very serious about dungeoneering. If anything, taking those people falls in line with the purpose of the clan chat. But like I said, I don't really care who's where when I pick.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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It's not a specific person.


Look, my main issue is nothing is being told the cc when spots are taken and when the team is full.


It's fine if people are camping the Lobby, all I'm asking is that those people at least speak up in the CC that they're getting the spot, and also that the person making the team inform the CC when spots are taken, and when the team is full.


I very often see this.


"Occult + 4"










"Ok, I'll come"


*person shows up*


"wheres the team for occult at?"

"sorry, team got full we left"



^Golvellius must be so proud^


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It's not a specific person.


Look, my main issue is nothing is being told the cc when spots are taken and when the team is full.


It's fine if people are camping the Lobby, all I'm asking is that those people at least speak up in the CC that they're getting the spot, and also that the person making the team inform the CC when spots are taken, and when the team is full.


I very often see this.


"Occult + 4"










"Ok, I'll come"


*person shows up*


"wheres the team for occult at?"

"sorry, team got full we left"

I certainly haven't ever seen that and that has never happened in any of my teams. If someone says they're up for a floor first and need to hop worlds/ tele to daemonheim I always wait for them. I'm not sure if you've just had a bad experience a few times or what - Most teams wait for people and if you have a problem with a keyer not waiting for you, you can pm a leader or talk to the keyer directly. I suggest you ask the keyer to please wait for you next time.

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A few days ago, keying the worst occult I've ever seen. Nothing to do with the teammates, just rape rooms every room.

Ended up with 13 deaths, actually.




I call and raise you 2!

Follow my road to 5.6/Gold Reaper/True Trim - DAT BLOG

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A few days ago, keying the worst occult I've ever seen. Nothing to do with the teammates, just rape rooms every room.

Ended up with 13 deaths, actually.




I call and raise you 2!



you spent like 8 lives on the boss that was crazy.


btw i think its a problem that i havent opened my bank in 3 days...


I BLAME DGS@@@@@@@@@@@


and i blame it for the nearly 1.2m dong exp i've gotten int he past 3 days.


500k more till rapier!!




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Tyvm Tui. do you mind pointing out what those mistakes are so I can work on them?


Also sorry for the raging after my deaths, I know I shouldn't do that again. :rolleyes:

Currently working towards 2496 total.


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