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That'd be the Outbreak achievement, Returned. Catch a rare strain of infection and pass it on to someone else. I still don't know how I got it, or how people get it. Is it just random or something?




EDIT - It is a Boomer achievement, of sorts. You need to be vomited on by a Player-controlled Boomer in Versus, who already has the Outbreak Achievement.




[hide=Chicago Ted]Chicago Ted? Chicago Ted? You tellin' me you ain't heard the story of Chicago Ted?




It was real early in the infection, the cities and everything were still gettin' evac'd all regular like, and me and some buddies were tryin' to get out. We were right near the city limits when a whole damn horde of them zombies start comin' down on us. We were holdin' our own real fine, when some damn Smoker jumps outta nowhere and takes Simon - I think he's dead, I haven't seen him since - and one of them Boomers shows up and vomits on me. And that [cabbage] stinks, I tell ya!




So what must've been half the god damned city shows up and starts clawin' at us. We handle 'em real fine, but a god damned, son of a [bleep] Tank shows up! So the Tank's knockin' us around, the Zombies are clawin' at us, and we're as good as dead, right? Just then, outta nowhere, someone throws a pipe bomb with some flashy [cabbage] on it, and the zombies start scramblin' after it! I look around, and there's some bastard runnin' at us, with an automatic shotgun in one hand and a baseball bat with some nails in it in the other! The guy starts blastin' the zombies, and - I [cabbage] you not when I say this, kid - he jumps on top of the [bleep]' Tank! So the [bleep] is ridin' around on the Tank like it's some god damn rodeo, bashin' it in the face with his bat!! He managed to get us some time, so we all piled into a car and were about to drive off, when I yell out "Hey, buddy, what's your name?"




"It's Chicago Ted," he yells, "and don't you forget it, [bleep]!"




That bastard saved our god damned lives! I tell ya, ain't no zombie safe from Chicago Ted![/hide]


Dammit, knew I shoulda changed my gamertag to something less awesome.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Just went and ordered it so should be here Monday.




Member of both the Tip.it and TiFourDead groups, so if you see me on just invite me or something, looking forward to playing with you all.




Im in the UK case you need to know that to.

Previous "fatbill" till I lost the password.


Please click below to help with my ICT A Level, for which I have to monitor my website for 8 weeks, hits and feedback welcome.


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Devpost on the creation of the Intro movie. I thought it was really great how they incorporated the game elements into it, as well as it being [bleep]ing awesome in every way possible.




Here it is.




Tanks are so OP on the No Mercy level. You know how you usually get one just as the chopper turns up? Well, with him I knocked two Survivors off the edge with punches and incapped the last one, almost at the chopper, with a slab of concrete. One had been downed by an earlier Tank, so no achievement for me. :<




Does the All4Dead achievement mean they all need to be dead, or just incapped by you?


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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Man I want to get this game so bad. If only I didnt have a [cabbage]ty laptop.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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i really want to get this game.


whats better pc or xbox 360?


i have a mega pc but no xbox but im close to getting one.




oh and by the way:if i saw this (in reality) in my face[hide=potentialy disterbing]left4dead1.jpg[/hide] i would deficate and urinate on my pants for hours and have ptsd for life not to mention soiled clothes

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Any advice on how to get the "No-healing self for whole campaign" and "Headshot a hunter in midair" achievements?




I'm having serious problems with them. Oh and I found out that for the "Man vs Tank" achievement, there is a cheaper way to getting it. At the end of No Mercy just before you enter the chopper, make sure you are the only one to pelt lead into the raging tank before entering the chopper. Around midflight, the tank will die and you will be granted the achievement.








Break the Walls down!

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Any advice on how to get the "No-healing self for whole campaign" and "Headshot a hunter in midair" achievements?




I'm having serious problems with them. Oh and I found out that for the "Man vs Tank" achievement, there is a cheaper way to getting it. At the end of No Mercy just before you enter the chopper, make sure you are the only one to pelt lead into the raging tank before entering the chopper. Around midflight, the tank will die and you will be granted the achievement.




No healing self is really easy, play on easy and just rush through, bashing all zombies you can. You can use pills if you need to so don't forget to do that.


Headshot a hunter in midair isn't too hard either, just take an autoshotgun and you'll get it 'accidentally'.




Man vs Tank is also easy to get on easy, 10 shotgun shells + some pistol rounds = dead tank.

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I got that no healing one on easy, finished with 1hp (using no med packs doesn't suit my style of play, lol). Did most of the finale (Dead Air) with 1hp, it was actually really fun, knowing if I got hit once I'd get downed, so I stood on the truck and bashed and shot at everything. Even though it was on easy, it wasn't easy, if you've stood on the truck before you'd know, because they can come from all angles, and with 1hp, if they smacked you once, good night.




Have yet to get that hunter headshot one, I'm getting real good at bashing mid air hunters though.

(15:14:25) <Vidi> Peter likes barbie xD


(15:14:30) <Peter> totally


(15:14:46) <Peter> I've got all the accessories

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i really want to get this game.


whats better pc or xbox 360?


i have a mega pc but no xbox but im close to getting one.




oh and by the way:if i saw this (in reality) in my face[hide=potentialy disterbing]left4dead1.jpg[/hide] i would deficate and urinate on my pants for hours and have ptsd for life not to mention soiled clothes






PC. Lots of cool mods on the way. Left 4 Winchester, which is a Shaun of the Dead parody. Crossroads Mall, which is a replica of the mall from the Dawn of the Dead remake, And Zombies on a Bus, pretty self explanatory. All player made.




Plus, if Valve decides to release their own DLC, which they will, it will be free for PC, but not for 360.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Plus, if Valve decides to release their own DLC, which they will, it will be free for PC, but not for 360.




That's not confirmed, but it is most likely what's going to happen. If your PC can run it, getting it for a PC is a no brainer (seriously). You have free DLC, constant updates, community maps, mods, skins, and whatever. The replay value on the PC version is much much higher. I personally can't wait till the SDK is released and some mods start appearing.

(15:14:25) <Vidi> Peter likes barbie xD


(15:14:30) <Peter> totally


(15:14:46) <Peter> I've got all the accessories

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Plus, if Valve decides to release their own DLC, which they will, it will be free for PC, but not for 360.




That's not confirmed, but it is most likely what's going to happen. If your PC can run it, getting it for a PC is a no brainer (seriously). You have free DLC, constant updates, community maps, mods, skins, and whatever. The replay value on the PC version is much much higher. I personally can't wait till the SDK is released and some mods start appearing.




People have already made rough drafts to apply to the SDK. Check out this vid of Crossroads Mall. Dawn of the Dead/Johnny Cash fans will instantly like this vid.





Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Finally got this, though I can't install it until I get windows working again though :wall:




Anyway, I'll join the relevant TIF group when I do, it looks great.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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The game came last night and installed it then although I had to go to work so couldnt play it.




Looking forward to playing it tonight and also ordered my self a little headset to use coming next week or so. Cant wait.

Previous "fatbill" till I lost the password.


Please click below to help with my ICT A Level, for which I have to monitor my website for 8 weeks, hits and feedback welcome.


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This game is flipping brilliant.




To make it even better all I need to do now is play with people I know and get my headset.




Verses is so much fun although ive only really played though most of No Mercy and the start of Blood Harvest movie.

Previous "fatbill" till I lost the password.


Please click below to help with my ICT A Level, for which I have to monitor my website for 8 weeks, hits and feedback welcome.


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I need to get my friends to buy this game, really. :wall:




It would be so much fun on lan parties, playing it with 3 or 7 friends. Every time you grab someone with your tongue as smoker you could hear the agonizing screams of your friends <3:




I agree, if my real life friends could realize that Defense of the Ancients isn't the only game in the world and start playing other games instead of downplaying them before even looking at the gameplay, I'd be one heck of a more happy person.




How I wish that could happen to me, sadly closest was playing with peopl from the same country.








Break the Walls down!

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Man, just had the best game of versus ever. A whole server made up of decent, social and goodly players. We had team tactics discussions at the start of each round, choosing our route and places to check/hide and most of all - teamwork. We let the surivors run through about a quarter of the level without doing anything until they were too paranoid to actually move and threw a boomer into the equation followed by the 2 hunters and a smoker leaving a blinded straggler to be mauled by the horde. I also managed to All4Dead everyone off the roof of the finale to much lol. It turns out people like that do play online games sometimes.


The funniest part was half way through the campaign some idiot who mistakenly thought he had clicked on Counter-strike stumbled on and proceeded to slander us for not just running through the level to be picked off one-by-one. We let him run on and told the infected he was a peace offering. They took it without question or hesitation, but there was less peace than we had bargained for. He stormed off after giving us a mouthful about us being crap and not knowing how to play the game right.


We also had a tea party in one of the apartments at the beginning. Zoey was the wife and the boomer was the daddy, the smoker was their gangly teenage offspring, the hunter was the loveable yet vicious dog and the rest were friends invited for a party. Unfortunately it ended in homicide and the police are still investigating the motive for murder against Mr Boomer. Updates at 11.

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