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Too Much or Too Little?


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This may seem rather strange for some to see me writing in this forum. Those who know my reputation know that I am pure nonmembers (F2P) and would not step foot on member (P2P) servers due to financial and other personal reasons.








My purpose here is not to scold you, not to entice you to come back to F2P, but rather give you all something to think about. This does not relate to my article in the Tip.it times; this does not relate to the divide between P2P and F2P.








This is not a tale of jealousy. This is a call to take a stand.








Enough of the quest updates. Enough of the skills updates. In my eyes, something more refreshing is needed. While I do not play P2P myself, I do hear complaints from my friends about there being too many quest updates. Take a look at the list of recent game updates. Quest after quest after quest... The list becomes very intimidating. Because of so many updates like this, it seems quite a few people, from what I heard, are unable to explore the new mini-games, barrows, new areas of the map, etc.








Personally I would rather see this from Jagex:








Important Ones




1. Fix the current macro detection system.




2. Fix the capital O and 0: Too many rule-breaking players cannot be reported because they have a combination of O's and 0's, making it difficult for players to figure out what their name is. By the time they do figure it out, it is already over a minute and thus out of the timespan for the report to be filed.








Not Required/Extra




1. Work on NPC appearance.




2. Work on improving the landscape graphics.




3. Add new prayers; there are too many magic spells.




4. Improve current skills based on feedback from players.




5. Update Wilderness Features/Areas/etc.








The last four in no way need to involve F2P, but I believe it would be a nice change compared to the constant updates that keep adding things to the game and not actually improving it instead. In a way, I feel that with so many updates, many of the current aspects are overlooked and people are unable to have a better appreciation of P2P.








Of course, you all do not need to agree with me, but think about it... You're more than welcome to add onto the list as I do not know much about P2P in the first place, but hearing the complaints from my friends is enough to say something to me.

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Agreed, a new quest every week isn't going to help the game, maybe 1 large quest a month, that players feel is worth while.








Many of the higher spectrum players feel that each quest realeased generally is focused more towards the lower-middle end of players. I think to combat this, Jagex need to implement multi path quests, that ALL players can do.








If you have lets say, 50 in 70% of your skills (something I think would be generally easy for most players) you would do things far differently from a person with 75 in 70% of their skills. The Quest rewards should be scaleable, if you can only do path A. you should only get X reward, but if your a higher level and and do path B, C or D you should get be able to get reward Y or Z.








I believe that there are many little ways that Jagex could make updates incredibly enjoyable for everyone.

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The biggest complaint I have with Jagex's members updates is that most of them are completely useless, fun for about a minute or less, or somthing I just plain don't care about. I do not play members becuase of the new updates, I play members because of the past GOOD members only updates.








Honestly, who really cares about god maharats, new armour that isn't as good as rune and dosen't replace anything and just sits in your bank, or a bunch of sand and bad comedy (hand in the sand... stupidest quest yet :roll: )? I agree with you, I wish they would stop wasting their time with all of the crap and put more work into things we REALLY want (PoHs; we've only been wating for those for... umm, how many years?) or possibly some cool, serious toned, epic quests in which they don't cram a megaton of puns into, which debase the very nature of the game. I used to hate all of the hard fights in quests when I was a noob in RSC... now I miss them :(

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This is one main reason i am not gettin p2p until another skill or something fun comes out... I dont even need to read what jagex updates every week becasue its same old crap... A low level quest where i get 20k exp in reward... Great :roll:


Respect- Oy_the_Great, Lode, Bubsa, Weezcake, Thrash111, Gloric, Vmser, Pianofrieak2, Runemetsa

Sigs Made By - Pink

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I may be the only one, but I like the stupid, pointless quests. Hand in the sand was one of my favorites because the whole thing was basically one big joke! It was hysterical! Kudos to Jagex's sense of humor. The point of all the "lame" quests and small updates is to add variety to the game. In all honesty, what would be more fun: Mining to get your level from 60-85, or going on a quest, solving puzzles and getting a new piece of equipment that is fun to use for a few minutes but useless overall? Puzzles and a story, or constant clicking... hmmmm....








The way I see it, the people who complain should try programming their own game. That way they can add anything they like and then they wouldn't complain anymore. Seriously, all I ever hear about runescape is that Jagex SHOULD do this and SHOULD do that. Nobody seems happy with runescape anymore. Why do you keep playing then if all you do is complain? Go do something else. Learn a new language, play Guild Wars anything that will make you happier than you are in runescape.








Why isn't anyone happy anymore? :?

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I agree. they REALLY need to stop doing giving us new quest and fix the 0 and O. there are alot of Rule breaks like O0OO0 O0 player. you cant report these players because you always get the name wrong.. anyways F2P is worth it.









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I find that f2p gets way too repetitive and is not enticing at all. merchanting and barrows are reason enough to pay 5$ a week.








When i was f2p all i did was PK... because nothing else is waiting for me in f2p

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I find that f2p gets way too repetitive and is not enticing at all. merchanting and barrows are reason enough to pay 5$ a week.








When i was f2p all i did was PK... because nothing else is waiting for me in f2p








This isn't a F2P - P2P debate.. :roll:








Anyways, too bad Jagex wouldn't be able to read this, they need too.

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I think you're right about the constant updates with basically useless quests, there are lots of other things that they could be working on rather than these. I'm P2P, but it's very rare for me to do the new quests any more unless the rewards are really worth it. It's just a waste of my time.








One of the things that i would really like to see improved is the P2P pking triangle....(preparing to get flamed now)....mages are just way too powerful because of ancient magicks....that is what i'd really like fixed, either by beefing up range to combat it, or lowering the effectiveness of ancients at hitting through dragonhide armour.








I agreaa with all your points as well, especially about fixing the enormous macroing problem, thankfully they have taken a step in the right direction by banning those accounts, although since the people that macro generally macro using another account and then just trade to their main, it will only help in the short term.








anyways...nice post :)

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I agreaa with all your points as well, especially about fixing the enormous macroing problem, thankfully they have taken a step in the right direction by banning those accounts, although since the people that macro generally macro using another account and then just trade to their main, it will only help in the short term.











As well as having new systems to detect people cheating in this way, we are also using a new system to go through and ban other accounts used by these cheats, so they can't just cheat on a 'throwaway' account they don't care about, and expect their other accounts to be unaffected.








Why does it seem so hard for ppl to understand that quoted part?








On topic: i agree 100% with forsaken, quests are stupid and lame and basically i just train my old p2p skills now. Mainly fletching which i have started to enjoy more and more every day.








No more quests for a year, ok jagex?








And why wouldn't they read tip.it cyco? they have been known to even reply here every now and then. (at least on the old board.)

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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i totally agree... Since rs2 udpate its just been quest after quest after quest and it gets really anoying. All these items that i cant remember what they are used for just aking up my bank space. I think more time should be spent on the combat system. its way to simple... :?




And graphics need some work on also :roll:

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toally agree, but i think f2p needs minigames, like castle wars.








and bring back duel any where. for p2p and f2p.








if f2p had duel any were and castle wars, im sure theyd be happy as can be








i agree with you jessy, they would love it.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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I totally agreed with you! I mean...why does RS need to be 99.9% clicking? 0.01% is just moving your angle around. RS needs to implant "Hotkeys" into the system. But, before doing that, improve the chat system, therefore, Hotkeys can be implanted.








Ex. I press number "1" on my keybroad and I am able to use my Weapon Special.








Ex. I press number "2" and it brings me to my prayer inventory.








In my opinion, I say RS needs a new change.

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I may be the only one, but I like the stupid, pointless quests. Hand in the sand was one of my favorites because the whole thing was basically one big joke! It was hysterical! Kudos to Jagex's sense of humor. The point of all the "lame" quests and small updates is to add variety to the game. In all honesty, what would be more fun: Mining to get your level from 60-85, or going on a quest, solving puzzles and getting a new piece of equipment that is fun to use for a few minutes but useless overall? Puzzles and a story, or constant clicking... hmmmm....








No, you are not the only one. I too enjoy the quests, silly or serious, long or short, I have enjoyed all the ones I have done so far. Most of my aspirations to gain higher levels were actually based on quest requirements, e.g. to make the bullseye lantern for Tears of Guthix.








Considering all the computer games I have played over the years, and believe me there were a lot of them, I always rather opted for quests than combat. Anybody ever played "Myst"? I have seen many games with breathtaking graphics which were excruciatingly boring to me ... hack.. slash ... yawn!!!








And I also understand that there are quite a few fixes necessary to make the actual games mechanics better, but without at least one new quest per month I don't think I'd be around for very long. Now, I am still very much a mid-level player, so I can see that it might get boring along the way, when quests just get too easy, that's why I try to do them without peaking at a guide first. But even then it's an interruption of the constant click and fight or click and skill routine.








As I continue to rise in levels, albeit slowly :oops: , I just hope that at least some high level quests come along to strain my abilities by either requiring some thinking or at least some higher levels.








Regarding the macroing problem, I guess I have been lucky, hardly ever ran into a big bunch of autoers while cutting trees or mining, so I never quite understood the urgency, but call me naive, I thought that a lot of that got fixed???








My bottom line: Yes, fix some of the other things, but keep coming up with at least one quest a month.



I will get that little Phoenix chick!!!!!

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Less boring or usless quests for a while.








New mage spells for mages. Three new alters could be added in the world which would work like the ancient magicks spellbook.








An illusionst mage page. Dealing mid lvl damage to all foes around you.








A summoner page. Summoning monsters and stuff to fight with you.








A supporter page. Slowly healing other players and boosting their stats.












Rangers could recieve a new line of weaponry, boomrangs. Two new bows, one with a lvl 60 and one with 70 range to wield. And a new dwaven cannon which deals massive damage to multiple foe very slowly.












Melee could use some new weapons like katanas and rapiers.












Maybe shields that resist certain magic spells. All fire and water -50%








And of course the release of swordbows and POH's.

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It is not unusual for me to be weeks behind the up-dates. I only just recently went down and checked out the pit area but still need to go back and actually spend some time there.




Mage Training? not yet...




What was that fish bowl thing? don't know, I haven't made time to go check it out. Same for the Rouges den and many other areas...there is just way to much way to fast.








I was still bonking Iron dragons on the head when Slayer came out and was miffed to have to leave them before I was "done" to go check out a new skill so I could lvl it up to a respectable spot.








Don't ask me for quest help...I seriously cannot remember what quest did what for you....there are just to many.








And this is from a long time player, hi lvl, hi skill...what are the new people facing? A seemingly endless list of tasks and quests that they need to plow through instead of just playing the game and having a good time...and is there hope of catching up? not likely, not if you truly play to have fun. Because you have tons and tons of things to get through.








I agree, it is time to stop. It has been time for a long time now. Worry less about new up-dates and focus more on setting old things right. Old quests designed for Classic need to be up-dated to reflect RS2's abilities. Those quests where designed for not being able to run from combat for 3 turns and now are to easy because you can flee at any time.








To many quest areas are void of people and need to be looked at closely to make them useful and attractive areas so players will spread out more giving each other more playing room.








Items need to be looked at to be of more use...how many "cool" quest items do we get that we just discard for bank space that really ought to be useful in the game??? To many.








Personally, I have had enough...I get to it when I get to it and generally it is weeks after a release. But seriously a monthy release is more than enough...and that would allow the code writers time to really be sure the new additions are useful and actually work well.









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Everything Mullein wrote.












Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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These following images speak for themselves...
























They really do release quests too frequently on RS2, I only really started playing it about 4 months ago and I really don't have the time to catch up. :(








I used to love doing quests as can be seen from the RSC quest pic. Only RS2 quests I've done are the ones required to get into places that I feel I need. Apart from that, I've not bothered.








Updates that I'd like to see are things like a new combat based skill. Something like Necromancy. A few updates to the wilderness which seems to be more and more neglected as the updates go on. The world below the wilderness is being expanded both to the east and the west. Yet the wilderness stays along a certain boundary (F2P). :?








More powerful Ranged gear would be nice. An implementation of Dragon arrows would be immense. Funnily enough I can't afford to use Rune, but it'd stop everyone else complaining. ^_^;








New more powerful smithable items would be lovely even if they had to expand on the 99 boundary for just that skill. :o (I know this one won't be popular.)








Player owned houses would be nice for some of the more involved RuneScape players. (Ie. RolePlayers.)








Some Fletching for F2P. They can cut the higher level logs yet they can't use them apart from to set on fire? LAME!








That's about it from me.


Notoriously Trollish.

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Everything Mullein wrote.



















Mullys quote summed up how i feel perfectly, no more quests just make things better and more attractive, make use of rarely used areas more, make banks better organised, the list is endless :wink:

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Not Required/Extra




1. Work on NPC appearance.




2. Work on improving the landscape graphics.




3. Add new prayers; there are too many magic spells.




4. Improve current skills based on feedback from players.




5. Update Wilderness Features/Areas/etc.








The last four in no way need to . . . .












Err uhh . . .Hmm.








Anyways. Good post. Send it to jagex maybe?


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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