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Gold Dupe Glitch...


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Gold prices over the last week (bulk not small sale): .45-.50/m -> .20/m -> .38/m (for a matter of hours when patch was announced) -> .20-.25/m and no one sees it going up for a while as an estimated 500B was dumped into markets on well known sites and another 1 TRILLION+ was dumped to bulk buyers/resellers overseas.


This will effect the economy for a long time and especially rare prices will be so over inflated that it will be near impossible for a normal runescaper to achieve one. (more so than it already is).


Back to building my shard collection with how worthless GP is now.





*information was obtained from post on major gold selling sites, word of mouth of sellers/buyers I personally know, and photos of accounts with multiple max shard stacks. If this post needs to be removed that is fine.


There are other rares then party hats. And those have been impossible for a regular scaper to obtain for years now imo. Meanwhile, my blue h'ween has gone down 2m according to the GE.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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Rares didn't rise all that much.


I mean it's a considerable rise, but they've come down a lot from their initial panic.


E: The bright side of things here is that this SHOULD make a gp shop less likely.


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I've known some of the users (seen them post on HLF). The one person that made the video and showed how it was done on HLF was on that list as well.


"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

"An imperfect man can do great deeds, and a great man imperfect ones.

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Where did the information that they didn't pay tax come from? I don't know about America, but where I live you can pay tax on illegaly acquired funds and the tax department won't contact law enforcement.


Personally, I'm impressed that they made the amount of money they did, assuming the estimates from this thread are correct. I know I'd take that amount of money over Scape any day (it wasn't even necessarily over scape in this case, considering Jagexes recent record with detection and punishment). While the baming and shaming is a good move on Jagex's part, I doubt that those who made significant amounts of money from this really care.


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From the newspost:


For those of you concerned about the rare objects being removed from the game after the bans and rollbacks – don’t be. We have several clever and fair ways of making sure that the numbers of these rares (like party hats) remain the same.


What do you guys think it is?

Trying is just the first step in failure.


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I'm judging a book by its cover here so don't hate me...


00O0OlI0lIO0 (856 Total, 54 Days Played) - mostly botted?


--> Rs Completed (2496 Total (Maxed Player), 302 Days Played) --> That's very impressive if it's legitimately played.

That's play time as in the time spent in-game not the days since account creation. RS Completed has spent 7,248 hours playing runescape.


I don't believe the rumours about people making hundreds of thousands of dollars. At that kind of bulk they wouldn't be getting anywhere near what the sale value it to customers. Plus I find it hard to believe that the gold seller sites wouldn't think something was suspect about one person suddenly having loads of GP to sell them in bulk.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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From the newspost:


For those of you concerned about the rare objects being removed from the game after the bans and rollbacks – don’t be. We have several clever and fair ways of making sure that the numbers of these rares (like party hats) remain the same.


What do you guys think it is?


Perhaps jagex actively keeps the number of rares in game the same?

It's easily possible that they have a system for counting the total number of a particular item ingame, since a player doesn't have to be logged in for Jagex to check their bank. They could release rares on the GE whenever the total number of that particular rare goes below a certain number.


Or perhaps they only do it with banned and rolledback accounts. It would be easy to have a program check if a banned account had a tradeable rare, then release the same rare on GE? I don't know what they would do for rares worth well over the max cash pile though.

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The prevailing theory seems to be a slow dump on the Grand Exchange in the same manner as items converted to cash via LootShare are.

"Fight for what you believe in, and believe in what you're fighting for." Can games be art?






My blog here if you want to check out my Times articles and other writings! I always appreciate comments/feedback.

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Bug Abusers Banned


1 day ago


We have recently fixed a GP bug related to the money pouch, and its use within the Duel Arena and the Crucible. Specifically, the bug was only found by players with maximum cash stacks and so is limited to a very small number of accounts.

Sadly, some of these accounts have chosen to abuse this bug several times to generate large amounts of wealth. This is strictly against our rules, and always leads to related accounts being banned, wiped clean and left with no chance of ever being accessed again – no exceptions. People who abuse bugs will simply not be tolerated and are not welcome to play RuneScape, regardless of how long they have played or paid for.

Here is a list of some of the accounts we have banned (in no particular order): 2QO 2475 Total (Maxed Player) 606 Days Played 2College 2054 Total 170 Days Played TzTok-Roy 2327 Total 335 Days Played DeadEternity 2496 Total (2 200m xp stats) 462 Days Played Zeke 1690 Total 121 Days Played 00O0OlI0lIO0 856 Total 54 Days Played Tncd 1128 Total 87 Days Played lbw 976 Total 27 Days Played TvF 2132 Total 279 Days Played x4v 693 Total 157 Days Played WASTEDMONKEY 1978 Total 198 Days Played Rs Completed 2496 Total (Maxed Player) 302 Days Played d4rk_mayhem 1791 Total 296 Days Played Serasha 2381 Total 334 Days Played i am WeeHoo 1889 Total 197 Days Played FlashZxFOur1 1386 Total 132 Days Played Shopkeeper 2338 Total 256 Days Played

We are also removing the wealth from any associated accounts (mules and secondary accounts owned by the same player) found gaining wealth from the accounts mentioned above.

As well as the above, there are several other accounts that have accessed the bug but have not abused it. We will be rolling these accounts back to Friday 3rd August, before the bug was being abused and before they gained any wealth from it. We have taken this step to avoid any significant inflation issues and also to keep the game fair to everyone. Since it’s possible that these accounts found the bug by mistake, and were not abusing it, we have decided to offer the benefit of the doubt and not ban them.

Thanks to a new way of analysing data we can be very sure who was, or was not, abusing the bug. We are 100% sure that the actions we have taken are therefore accurate and we will be using this new data system to help us deal with other issues in the very near future.

For those of you concerned about the rare objects being removed from the game after the bans and rollbacks – don’t be. We have several clever and fair ways of making sure that the numbers of these rares (like party hats) remain the same.

Lastly, if you experience or hear of a bug in the game, the right thing to do is submit a bug report so that we can review it and fix ASAP.

Thanks for reading. It’s very sad for all of us when these things happen, but nobody likes a cheat and actions must and will be taken.

Daniel Clough

COO & VP of RuneScape

Discuss this here.

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Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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I'm judging a book by its cover here so don't hate me...


00O0OlI0lIO0 (856 Total, 54 Days Played) - mostly botted?


--> Rs Completed (2496 Total (Maxed Player), 302 Days Played) --> That's very impressive if it's legitimately played.

That's play time as in the time spent in-game not the days since account creation. RS Completed has spent 7,248 hours playing runescape.


I don't believe the rumours about people making hundreds of thousands of dollars. At that kind of bulk they wouldn't be getting anywhere near what the sale value it to customers. Plus I find it hard to believe that the gold seller sites wouldn't think something was suspect about one person suddenly having loads of GP to sell them in bulk.


Who cares what they think? They're getting sold gold at extremely good prices (I believe they buy off customers for ~$0.40/M). Hundreds of B were also sold on sites were they do player to player trades - not buying off a company. If someone posts high amounts of cash for extremely low prices, the buyer doesn't care how he got it.


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Do they offer any proof that they didn't just make those names/totals/days played up? Really wouldn't put it past Jagex anymore.


They have a system to pinpoint every abuser but no system to detect massive transfers of gold? Yeah...



I can tell you they did not make the list up =]

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Do they offer any proof that they didn't just make those names/totals/days played up? Really wouldn't put it past Jagex anymore.


They have a system to pinpoint every abuser but no system to detect massive transfers of gold? Yeah...



I can tell you they did not make the list up =]


I can also reliably tell you that they didn't do as good a job cleaning up as they thought they did.


It's all moot. The damage is done. And I place the blame in parts on the abusers, but mostly at Jagex's feet.


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To be perfectly honest I don't think the abusers should have been banned. Rolled back for sure, (not that they'd have cared I guess) but it's Jagex's fault that the bug exists. You can't blame other people for the fact that you did a bad job and allowed a vast, game breaking, economy ruining bug into the game.

Asmodean <3

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Correct. The sequence of events that have occured did so in a way that banning mains had very little impact on recovery. Unfortunately for Jagex, their hands were tied and they were very limited in what they could do.


At the 10yr mark in their life, the point I and many others are trying to make, is that their hands shouldn't be "tied" anymore. It's not as if this is a new game with a developing system to catch bug abusers, RWTers, bots, what have you. Things this glaringly obvious should not be able to happen regardless, let alone unable to clean up afterwards. This happens like clockwork almost every year with, as Ring_World cleverly pointed out, dozens more that the public doesn't even know about just waiting to be used.


There should never be a point where they wholly rely on the community to catch these things- and that's all they've ever done. The moment this mass trading/buying started, flags/bells/whistles/explosions/streakers should have started going off to alert them so they could investigate where the gold was coming from. Not before, when someone finally piped up. It's pathetic.


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To be perfectly honest I don't think the abusers should have been banned. Rolled back for sure, (not that they'd have cared I guess) but it's Jagex's fault that the bug exists. You can't blame other people for the fact that you did a bad job and allowed a vast, game breaking, economy ruining bug into the game.


You know from a game design perspective cash is a very minor detail. Really such bugs can happen & no one will ever test all problems with cash like this. Non unit bug testing apart from standard use is very rare & only done to critical places. You're basically looking at paying 10 QA people to catch a bug once a year. I'm sorry but I as a player do not wish that most of my money flows to people doing such tests. I much rather have them spent money on developing new content.

It is also the magic of numbers: you're looking here at millions of people playing the game for several years between game breaking bugs. - That's a lot of man-hours that a QA would have to spent for.


Really this is like saying it is common sense to write viri; they abuse bugs and instead of reporting it to microsoft you'll just keylog a company for information. It's morally wrong - and people who are even sympathizing with this are for me disgusting, really I hope you'll change before I have to work together with you.

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First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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Apparently there is alot of panic selling going on at the moment in fear that Jagex actually manages to remove the wealth added into the game via this glitch. Atleast rares seem to crash hard now. Which is good of course, considering how badly their prices got manipulated.


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I'm almost certain that those accounts that were banned were mostly through word of mouth or usual suspects, failgex simply haven't got systems in place to monitor these things

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I've not heard of any proof of this whatsoever. All I heard is that a high-ranking gambling host recently sold a lot of his wealth off, (300B or so) which caused a rise in rares.


You'd think JaGex would have noticed if any account(s) started gaining billions of GP..


How about now..?


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I've not heard of any proof of this whatsoever. All I heard is that a high-ranking gambling host recently sold a lot of his wealth off, (300B or so) which caused a rise in rares.


You'd think JaGex would have noticed if any account(s) started gaining billions of GP..


How about now..?


The thing about coming back in and trying to triumphantly smear someone not believing a story is that it makes you look horribly, terribly foolish.


He said what many were thinking, and if you never thought it for even a second, you're lying.

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To be perfectly honest I don't think the abusers should have been banned. Rolled back for sure, (not that they'd have cared I guess) but it's Jagex's fault that the bug exists. You can't blame other people for the fact that you did a bad job and allowed a vast, game breaking, economy ruining bug into the game.


You know from a game design perspective cash is a very minor detail. Really such bugs can happen & no one will ever test all problems with cash like this. Non unit bug testing apart from standard use is very rare & only done to critical places. You're basically looking at paying 10 QA people to catch a bug once a year. I'm sorry but I as a player do not wish that most of my money flows to people doing such tests. I much rather have them spent money on developing new content.

It is also the magic of numbers: you're looking here at millions of people playing the game for several years between game breaking bugs. - That's a lot of man-hours that a QA would have to spent for.


Really this is like saying it is common sense to write viri; they abuse bugs and instead of reporting it to microsoft you'll just keylog a company for information. It's morally wrong - and people who are even sympathizing with this are for me disgusting, really I hope you'll change before I have to work together with you.


You're aware that most of these bugs are found by the same handful of people, right?

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